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-MFC system is more effective in the treatment of Cr(VI)-containing wastewater and generating electricity. A COD concentration of 300 mg/dm3 corresponded to the greatest COD and Cr(VI) removal rates with a maximum power density of 505.62 mW/m3, whereas a Cr(VI) concentration of 80 mg/dm3 yielded the greatest COD removal rate, with a maximum power density of 484.43 mW/m3. A hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 days yielded the largest pollutant removal rates with a maximum power density of 479.21 mW/m3. Considering that the comprehensive operating conditions of CW-MFC are based on planting plants, the COD concentration is 300 mg/dm3, the Cr(VI) concentration is 80 mg/dm3, and the HRT is 3 days. The abundance of electrogenic bacteria Geobacter and metal dissimilatory reducing bacteria Acinetobacter in CW-MFC is higher than that in the control group. The results of this study provide theoretical guidance for determining the optimal operating conditions and energy recovery of the CW-MFC system for treating chromium wastewater.
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