While looking for investment opportunities, investors analyse whether a potential investment will bring satisfactory returns, the level of which depends on many risk factors. That is why it is necessary to analyse the potential risks in the process of investment management. Investors need to possess knowledge of such risks, their influence on the investment, and the methods of avoiding risk. Given the scale of investments into residential property, the focus has been on the risk factors determining the return on investment, which is crucial for a large number of small investors. Identification of different kinds of risks associated with residential premises is crucial for the management of such investments and translates directly into the level of return on the investment. The increase of the investments into residential property is caused by some small investors who are looking for an alternative method of investing. Their funds do not bring a satisfactory level of returns while in bank deposits. Those investors recognise the opportunity which arises from renting flats. The temptation of high returns compensates for the level of risk.
The article aimed to analyze the effectiveness of investment funds and to create a ranking of investment funds with the highest economic efficiency. The scope of selection of the test sample is presented. The effectiveness of investment funds was assessed using various measures of their assessment. Comparing the obtained rates of return and risk, measured with a standard deviation, with the rate of return from the stock exchange, the most profitable funds were selected. As a result, it has been shown that the desire to invest in mutual funds does not have to end with investing in those that seem viable, but independent analysis can be done.
Celem artykułu było przeanalizowanie efektywności funduszy inwestycyjnych i stworzenie rankingu funduszy inwestycyjnych o najwyższej efektywności ekonomicznej. Przedstawiono zakres wyboru próbki testowej. Skuteczność funduszy inwestycyjnych oceniono za pomocą różnych miar ich oceny. Porównując uzyskane stopy zwrotu i ryzyko, mierzone odchyleniem standardowym, ze stopą zwrotu z giełdy, wybrano najbardziej rentowne fundusze. W rezultacie wykazano, że chęć inwestowania w fundusze inwestycyjne nie musi kończyć się inwestowaniem w te, które wydają się opłacalne, ale można przeprowadzić niezależną analizę.
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