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W artykule przeanalizowano specyfikę projektu budowlanego zarządzanego zgodnie z procedurami FIDIC i określono słabe i mocne strony tych warunków kontraktowych. Badaniom ankietowym poddano pracowników zajmujących w Polsce kierownicze stanowiska w jednej z czołowych firm budowlanych obecnej na krajowym rynku. Firma ta ze względu na specyfikę prac przy realizacji projektów korzysta z tzw. czerwonej książki FIDIC. W ankiecie przeanalizowano wpływ procedur FIDIC na czas trwania projektu, jakość prac budowlanych, sprawność zarządzania projektami oraz efektywność rozstrzygania roszczeń. Zebrane informacjie wskazują, że w przypadku realizacji typowych obiektów inżynierskich zalety przewyższają wady, a warunki kontraktowe FIDIC sprzyjają efektywnemu prowadzeniu inwestycji i co najważniejsze pozwalają uzyskać bardzo dobrą jakość prowadzonych prac.
In the paper, the analysis of the specifics of the construction project managed by FIDIC procedures were conducted. On basis of surveys, the awareness of strengths and weaknesses of contract conditions was assessed. The respondents of surveys were a group of employees in management positions in Poland from one of the leading construction company on both Polish and other European markets. The company in view of the specific nature of standardisation work on a implementation project used the „Red Book”. In questionnaire, the impact of FIDIC procedures on project duration, the quality of construction works, the efficiency of project management and the effectiveness of the settlement of disputes, have been analyzed. The information collected indicates that in case of implementation of standards construction works – the advantages outweigh the drawbacks of this system. Moreover, the FIDIC contract conditions encourage efficient of facilitate investment and give a more efficient quality of construction works.
Content available Chitosan based drug delivery systems
One of the research area in which polymeric materials are intensively explored, deals with the controlled drug delivery systems (DDSs), allowing for drugs distribution directly to the desired site of biological activity. The morphology of polymeric colloidal drug carriers can be described as a construction of a core-shell type. Depending on the chemical or physical bonds providing stability of those systems and the type of interactions between the drug and the polymer, among polymeric DDSs the following morphological structures can be distinguished: micelles, dendrimers, liposomes, niosomes, polymerosomes and micro- and nanocapsules [1]. The main advantages of those systems are the preparation of particles with desired size (diameter from nano to micrometers) during their synthesis / formation and high specific surface area, which can be modified by the appropriate chemical composition of the surface improving the efficiency of a drug delivery. Chitosan is biopolymer derived from chitin, that is characterised by biodegradability, biocompatibility, mucoadhesion and antimicrobial activity [2,3]. Taking into account the overall advantages of this polymer and the possibility of modification due to the accessible functional groups i.e. hydroxyl and amine, chemically modified chitosan is one of the most promising biomaterials for DDS. In order to obtain micelle structures by selfassemby in aqueous environment several hydrophobically modified chitosan derivatives, such as – stearic acid-modified chitosan [4], palmitic anhydridemodified chitosan [5], linolenic acid-modified chitosan [6], have been synthesized. The micelles prepared by these derivatives in the aqueous medium contain internal hydrophobic moieties as drug reservoir and external hydrophilic chitosan chains as surrounding shell. The above mentioned micellar systems allow encapsulation of hydrophobic antitumor drugs e.g. doxorubicin or paclitaxel due to the compatibility between the hydrophobic core and hydrophobic drug affecting the drug loading and regulate drug release. Another important group of chitosan based micro- and nanoparticles are those dedicated for gastric infection treatment. The use of chitosan in this specific application is mainly related with the mucoadhesive properties of chitosan resulted from the electrostatic interactions between its positively charged free amine groups and the negatively charged gastric mucins at the acidic stomach pH. Several problems such as high solubility of chitosan under stomach acidic conditions, low retention time and difficulty in crossing the mucus barrier have been observed in those systems [7]. Therefore various crosslinking methods e.g. with glutaraldehyde [8], genipin [9] or sodium triphosphate pentabasic (TPP) solution [10] were investigated in order to minimize these problems. The nanotechnological production of the polymeric drug carriers, as well as the disadvantages of already developed chitosan based drug delivery systems induce the NANOENCAP project concept on the development and characterization of new dendrimeric micelles polymeric systems, with rigidly defined chemical structure, allowing the encapsulation of several drugs and their controlled release, and thus forming the so-called multidrug therapy systems. To provide the biocompatibility of new polymeric materials the monomer / reactant with proven biocompatibility or naturally occurring in the human body are chosen. According to the assumptions of the project the amphiphilic character of the proposed multi-functional polymeric drug delivery systems is going to enable the encapsulation of at least two drugs, matching latest trends in the research on DDS models in multi-therapy. As an exemplary multi-drug therapy in this project, the combine therapy of peptic ulcer disease was chosen. In this work we would like to present the short review of chitosan based drug delivery systems and the concept of the project as well as preliminary studies on new chitosan derivatives and the possibility of synthesis new micellar structures.
This paper is an attempt to bring together and summarize the research, based on the use of the new opportunities provided by the development of optoelectronic for engineering geodesy works. Optical fiber solutions, which are described in this article, have many advantages. One of the most important is the lack of electrical power and indifferent behavior towards strong electromagnetic fields. In addition, this type of solutions are characterized by transmission the measuring signal over long distances, which allows to eliminate the observer from a dangerous work environment. Of course, these methods have some disadvantages. The waveguides are characterized by high fragility and sensitivity of alkaline. Moreover, the prices for fiber-based systems are very high, the reason for this is the high fiber production costs. It should be noted, however, there have been recently observed a significant decline in prices. Taking into account the long-term viability and stability of the sensor there is noticed the upward trend for their use. This article presents a preliminary division of use of waveguides in the geodetic works. Author describes passive and active ways of using fiber as a part of the measurement system. A significant part of the study is devoted to the description of the active optical fiber sensors. This content refers to the theoretical basis of their operation and the number of measurement points which can be simulated by appropriate selection of the solution. There were specified in comparison types of the measured parameters and precision of their determination for each of the presented sensors. The practical part presented the sensor system in the form of a “delta” rosette and selected effects of the acquisition, processing and visualization of data using dedicated software. At the conclusion, there were classified certain real objects applications and elaborated on the theoretical possibility of using these systems.
Praca ta jest próbą zestawienia i podsumowania badań naukowych, opartych na wykorzystaniu nowych możliwości zapewnionych przez rozwój optoelektroniki dla prac geodezji inżynieryjnej. Rozwiązania światłowodowe, które są opisywane w tym artykule, mają bardzo wiele zalet. Głównymi z nich są brak zasilania elektrycznego oraz obojętne zachowanie wobec silnego pola elektromagnetycznego. Dodatkowo rozwiązania tego typu cechują się przesyłaniem sygnału pomiarowego na duże odległości, co umożliwia eliminację obserwatora z niebezpiecznego dla niego środowiska pracy. Oczywiście metody te nie są pozbawione wad. Falowody cechują duża kruchość oraz newralgiczność na odczyn zasadowy. Ponadto ceny systemów opartych na światłowodach są bardzo wysokie. Przyczyną tego jest duży koszt wytworzenia samego przewodu. Należy jednak nadmienić, że w ostatnim czasie obserwuje się dość znaczny spadek cen. Uwzględniając przy tym długotrwałą żywotność i stabilność czujników, zauważalny jest wzrostowy trend ich wykorzystania. W artykule tym dokonano wstępnego podziału wykorzystania falowodów w pracach geodezyjnych. Autor opisuje bierny i czynny sposoby użytkowania światłowodów jako element systemu pomiarowego. Znaczna część opracowania przeznaczona została na opis aktywnych czujników światłowodowych. Treść ta dotyczy podstaw teoretycznych ich działania oraz liczby punktów pomiarowych, które mogą być symulowane przy odpowiednim doborze rozwiązania. Wyszczególniono w zestawieniu rodzaje mierzonych parametrów oraz precyzję ich wyznaczania dla każdego z prezentowanych sensorów. W części praktycznej przedstawiono układ czujników w kształcie rozety typu „delta” oraz wybrane efekty pozyskiwania, przetwarzania i wizualizacji danych przy wykorzystaniu oprogramowania dedykowanego. Na zakończenie wypunktowano niektóre zastosowania na obiektach rzeczywistych oraz podjęto rozważania o teoretycznych możliwościach wykorzystania tych systemów.
Przedmiotem niniejszego projektu była rewitalizacja i waloryzacja obszaru Valle delie Accademie (Valle Giulia) przy Villa Borghese oraz na północny zachód od stacji Termini. Ze względu na znajdujące się na tym terenie budynki Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Wydziału Architektury uniwersytetu La Sapienza oraz akademie ( Accademia Britannica, Accademia di Romania, Instituto Storico Olandese, Accademia Belgia), założono, że docelowo ma to być dzielnica kulturalno-muzealna Rzymu. Całe założenie projektowe opracowano z myślą o nowej funkcji. Rozważono również połączenie opracowywanego terenu z dzielnicą sportowo-kulturalną z Auditorium Parco delia Música Roma oraz Palazzetto delio Sport, znajdującą się na północ od rewitalizowa-nego terenu.
The workshop project contains revitalization and valorization of the area near Valle delie Accademie (Valle Güila), situated next to Villa Borghese, in the north-east of Termini station. On account of a museum, academies, galleries and The Faculty of Architecture there, the authorities of Rome decided to convert this not so popular district to the new cultural quaiier, which will be connected with sports and musical area, situated in the northeast. The analisys of the particular layers of the urban structure, such as greenery, communication and building structure, show the main problems of the area, which concern traffic, car parks, disorganised space and historical axis and also lack of attractive points. The area is composed of two historical axis parallel to each other and one perpendicular, leading to Villa Guilia, where big traffic clashes with pedestrians. The area is devided into public and semi-public space with academies. This composition is unfortunately unclear and the idea of the project is to restore order in space thanks to putting new elements. To solve the problem with communication, the project introduces underground way between Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia and park of Villa Borghese with space for car parks along it. This solution allows to make pedestrianized street and tram line on the ground and create quiet and attrictive space for users. Futhermore, new underground station in the north-west of the area and restoration of the old tram in return for removing bus stop from the oval square have been took into the consideration. The new changes introduce integration in historical space. The whole area is divided into three parts: cultural part with all museums, educational containing academis and The Faculty of Architecture and recreational part with water elements, gastronomy points and spaces for students. New functions of areas are available and flexible for people in every age. The one of the most noticeable drawbacks for students is lack of space for relax, du-ing breakes and for designing together. This problem was solved by a study pavilion, situated opposite building of The Faculty of Architecture. The shape of this is really simple without any decotration so as not to interfere with contemplation about the architecture around. It has flexible space designed for working together and also it can be adapted to lectures. The building is connected with recreation part with the taraces, which levels go down to the pedestrianized street below. Between two of them in the slope, there is a café. The terraces can be closed with mobile glass walls in winter. Moreover, the project contains mobile green roofs, which can be adjusted to the exposition of the sun during seasons of the year. The recreational space contains rectangular water elements and small architecture, situated parallelly to main direction in order to emphasise the axis. There is also equestrian monument, which is equipped with illumination. In the middle of the district there is an oval square, where the recreational area is connected to the educational space in the south. In this space the gastronomy was designed. The idea of it was to create the oval building in the part of the greenery next to the square, in order to not distort the historical circular square. The building is simple and connected with the tram stop by the oval roof, which refers to the shape of the square. The fundamental problem of this area is lack of the clearness of the composition. The south end of the axis, between British Academy and the other academies, do not attract pedestrians' attention, because the buildings behind it dominate the view and the axis is unclear then. There is the same situation with the equestrian monument. In project, the square near the Academia di Romania is the exhibition space with the exhibition walls in burgundy colour and different levels of the floor. The panels for exhibitions are the background of the monument and the end of the axis, which makes the compositon clear. The small architecture was created to unite the whole space, emphisised the axis by the-same colour and modular elements and also introduced recreational components for users. These elements are simple, so as to integrate with historical structure. The rectangular simple light-colour banches have a cutted space for burgundy flowerpot, which slightly isolates people. Mobile decorative elements for play are created by two modules: one as pot for grennery and the other as a rotational box, putted on one-meter-high-steel rod. The boxes with plants are in light colours and the others are in burgundy. The elements of the small architecture unite composition of the axis making it more attractive.
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