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This paper contains the results of radionuclides transportation modeling under National Radioactive Waste Disposal (NRWD) grounds in Różan (northeast Poland). The disposal is of the low- and intermediate-level waste (LILW) type. We simulated the radionuclides transportation process through sandy soils. The simulation was performed in a self-written simulator in Scilab using the finite difference method. The model included diffusion, advection and radioactive decay. The model was tested according to convergence and stability. Assuming the hydrological gradient being 0.008, the contamination transportation time was 30–46 years depending on the modeled problem. The modeled distance of 600 m was from underneath the disposal to the exudation in the Narew ravine. Radioactive decay for both cesium (Cs 137) and strontium (Sr 90) had a significant impact on the results. The model proved to be a useful tool for performing simple scientific simulations. This survey was part of a PhD thesis.
Artykuł zawiera wyniki modelowania transportu potencjalnego skażenia Cs 137 i Sr 90, przeprowadzonego dla wód podziemnych pod Krajowym Składowiskiem Odpadów Promieniotwórczych w Różanie (północno-wschodnia Polska). KSOP jest składowiskiem odpadów nisko- i średnioaktywnych. Modelowanie zostało przeprowadzone w samodzielnie napisanym symulatorze, w programie SciLab, z wykorzystaniem metody różnic skończonych. Symulowano proces transportu radionuklidów przez piaszczyste gleby. Model zawierał dyfuzję, adwekcję i rozpad promieniotwórczy. Model został przetestowany pod względem zbieżności i stabilności. Modelowany czas transportu skażeń spod dna składowiska do koryta rzeki Narew, przy założeniu gradientu hydrologicznego 0.008, wynosił od 30 do 46 lat w zależności od przyjętego scenariusza. Modelowany dystans wynosił 600 m. Rozpad promieniotwórczy miał znaczący wpływ na uzyskane rezultaty. Modelowanie potwierdziło, że symulator jest użytecznym narzędziem do przeprowadzania prostych, naukowych symulacji. Przeprowadzone badania były częścią pracy doktorskiej.
The first Polish whole-body spectrometer (WBS) with scintillation detectors was constructed in Łódź in the early sixties of the last century and was operating there for more than 30 years. In 2008, the 19th century steel shield of this instrument was transported from Łódź to Kraków, where it was re-equipped with a modern gamma spectrometric system. Design and construction of this modernized spectrometer is presented along with the results for in-body contamination measurements of four Polish inhabitants who returned to Poland from Japan after the Fukushima accident compared with the results for typical Polish inhabitants, the volunteers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ, Kraków) workers. Although, a clear signal from the Fukushima fallout was noticed for three of four persons who returned from Japan, the calculated doses were negligible. No traces of Fukushima-originating radionuclides were noticed for the examined people who have not traveled to Japan.
Cosmogenic radionuclides were measured in two specimens of the Sołtmany chondrite (L6) that fell on April 30, 2011. The first fragment (154.9 g) was measured 12 days after the fall and the second piece (120 g), 53 days after the fall. Both fragments were measured by means of non-destructive gamma ray spectroscopy. The first specimen was examined with an ultra-low background high purity germanium (HPGe) detector in a deep underground laboratory. A standard low-background HPGe detector was used to examine the second fragment in a ground level laboratory. Twelve cosmogenic nuclides were detected in the activity range of 0.030 m・Bq g–1 until 1.5 m・Bq g–1 Their activities place constraints on the exposure history of the meteorite and reflect the effect of solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays during the solar maximum. On the activities of expected radionuclides 60 Co (< 0.0075 m・Bq g–1) and 44 Ti (< 0.023 m・Bq g–1) only upper limits could be given. Sołtmany is part of a group of only 14 meteorites where 52 Mn (5.591 d half life) could be determined.
Activity concentrations of plutonium isotopes (238Pu, 239+240Pu) were determined in atmospheric precipitation samples collected in Kraków from August 2005 to December 2007. The volume of 29 samples varied in the range 14–269 dm3. The method of samples collection, preparation and radiochemical analysis proper for the separation of plutonium are indicated in brief. Monthly plutonium deposition a showed seasonal variation for 239+240Pu the first maximum was observed in August 2005 and amounted to about 2.65±0.31 mBq/m2, the second one in July 2006 – 0.371±0.063 mBq/m2 and the third one in April 2007 – 0.859±0.075 mBq/m2 and for 238Pu in September 2005 – 0.090±0.038 mBq/m2, July 2006 – 0.177±0.074 mBq/m2 and the third maximum in May 2007 – 0.333±0.028 mBq/m2. Similar behaviour of activity concentration of plutonium was also observed in other parts of the earth. Anomalously high deposition of 239+240Pu (2.65±0.31 mBq/m2) was found in August 2005. The 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratios higher than the global fallout value ~ 0.55 (in Poland) suggested participation from different sources of plutonium.
This paper presents results of application of a sequential radiochemical procedure for multi-elemental analyses for samples collected in the Arctic environment. The levels of activity of 238Pu, 239+240Pu, 241Am, 90Sr and the content of natural radioisotopes (238U, 234U and 232Th, 230Th) were investigated in soils and peats in the proglacial zone of the Werenskiold glacier and on the strandflat in the vicinity of the glacier. Results on activity concentration shows general low level of radioactive contamination. Procedure was checked using reference materials. Reasonable recoveries were obtained for almost all analyzed radionuclides except for uranium. Further work is needed to improve this stage.
The present article contains information about the activities and origin of 137Cs, 238Pu and 239+240Pu in the North-eastern Poland. Analyzed samples were collected in 59 locations where forest litter A0 and humus A1 were collected in 1991. An approximate map of the Chernobyl fallout component 239+240Pu was prepared on the basis of received results. The largest Chernobyl 239+240Pu contamination occurred in north-eastern and eastern part of the investigated area, reaching 22.1š1.6 Bqźm–2.
Content available remote Zagrożenie substancjami radioaktywnymi w kontekście cywilizacyjnym
Poczucie zagrożenia substancjami radioaktywnymi jest jednym z zasadniczych lęków współczesnej cywilizacji. Niezwykła moc wybuchu jądrowego i niewykrywalność naszymi zmysłami promieniowania przenikliwego powodują, że promieniowanie to odgrywa wysoce ambiwalentną rolę - jawi się nam jako podstępny morderca. Wiadomo jednak, że substancje radioaktywne znajdują się w śladowych ilościach wszędzie dookoła nas oraz w nas samych i towarzyszyły życiu na Ziemi od jego zarania. Fakt ten nie jest przez ludzi uświadamiany. Ta niewiedza i powszechna mitologizacja promieniotwórczości prowadzi do tego, że człowiek gotowy jest zrezygnować z wielkiego osiągnięcia cywilizacyjnego jakim jest możliwość korzystania z energetyki jądrowej.
The paper presents results of the measurements of Pu and gamma emitters of some forest litter/soil profiles collected in 1999 in the northeastern part of Bory Tucholskie forest (northern Poland). Besides the activity concentration of 137Cs, 134Cs, 40K, 228Ac, 238Pu, 239+240Pu, the cumulated deposition of 137Cs, 238Pu and 239+240Pu were calculated. The origin of these radionuclides is discussed on the basis of the observed activity ratios. The observed average level of radioactive contamination confirms expectations for this region, however samples show a relatively large variation of cumulated deposition for both plutonium and radiocesium originated from global and Chernobyl fallout.
The paper presents the results of alpha spectrometric measurements of 228Th/232Th and 230Th/232Th activity ratios for many samples of some living species analyzed within last years in our laboratory within different projects. The results were compared with typical values for soil or other non-biological samples. All results were obtained by means of alpha spectrometry.
Przedstawione w artykule badania dotyczą okresu maj-lipiec 1999 r. Próby wody były pobierane z Wisły powyżej i poniżej kaskady składającej się z trzech stopni wodnych. Uzyskane wyniki pomiarów nie dają jednoznacznej podstawy do stwierdzenia wpływu kaskady na stężenie 226Ra w wodzie i zawiesinie.
The presented in the paper inbestigation concern the period May-July 1999. The samples of water were taken from the Vistula at the points situated upstream and downstream of the cascade consisting of three stages of fall. The results od measurements do not give basis for conclusion that the cascade has any distinct impact on the concentration of the 226Ra in water and sediments.
Content available remote Transuranic elements and strontium-90 in samples from forests in Poland
Enhanced levels of non-volatile nuclides: (sup 141,144)Ce,(sup 95)Zr, (sup 95)Nb, (sup 103,106)Ru, (sup 238,239,241)Pu, (sup 241)Am, (sup 242,243,244)Cm and (sup 154,155)Eu were observed in the samples from north-eastern Poland. This was considered to be a result of finding in sample a single „hot particle”. Investigations conducted in the Institute of Nuclear Physics allowed us to conclude that on this area a non typical isotopic composition of Chernobyl fallout was very common. The enhanced activities (up to 100% above the global fallout value) of (sup 90)Sr, (sup 238,239,240)Pu and (sup 241)Am were observed. The presence of (sup 243,244)Cm and (sup 154,155)Eu was confirmed. It seems that the quasi-continuous fallout of huge numbers of small "hot particles" occurred there from the high altitude radioactive cloud, which moved toward the Scandinavia on 26th of April, 1986.
Po katastrofie czarnobylskiej odnotowano w próbkach z terenów Polski północno-wschodniej względnie duże aktywności izotopów pierwiastków nielotnych: (sup 141,144)Ce, (sup 95)Zr, (sup 95)Nb, (sup 103,106)Ru, (sup 238,239,240,241)Pu, (sup 241)Am, (sup 242,243,244)Cm oraz (sup 154,155)Eu. Zjawisko interpretowano jako skutek pojawienia się w badanej próbce pojedynczej tzw. "gorącej cząstki". Badania próbek z ekosystemów leśnych prowadzone w IFJ pozwalają stwierdzić istnienie anomalii składu izotopowego opadu czarnobylskiego na terenach północno-wschodniej Polski. Obserwuje się tam powszechną obecność w środowisku podniesionych poziomów (do 100% ponad tło opadu globalnego) koncentracji (sup 90)Sr, (sup 238,239,240)Pu, (sup 241)Am. Potwierdzono obecność (sup 243,244)Cm i (sup 154,155)Eu. Wydaje się, że na terenach tych wystąpił kwazi-ciągły opad dużej liczby małych "gorących cząstek". Opad ten mógł wystąpić już 26.04.1986 z chmury radioaktywnej przemieszczającej się na dużym pułapie w kierunku Skandynawii.
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