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Celem artykułu jest analiz zmian pokrycia terenu wokół wybranych miast pofortecznych Śląska, na podstawie historycznych oraz współczesnych materiałów kartograficznych z użyciem oprogramowania GIS. Obszar badań obejmuje Nysę i Świdnicę, miasta na terenie których znajdują się nowożytne fortyfikacje oraz Oleśnicę, miasto nieposiadające w którym nigdy takich obwarowań nie było. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły określić wpływ fortyfikacji nowożytnych na rodzaj pokrycia otaczającego je terenu w okresie ponad 250 lat. Badania wykazały, że największe zmiany w formach pokrycia terenu wokół miasta związane były z likwidacją twierdzy i polegały głównie na wzroście powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej, rozwoju przemysłu i infrastruktury komunikacyjnej. Wyraźnie zmalała wówczas powierzchnia zieleni wysokiej i użytków zielonych. Wokół Oleśnicy nie zaobserwowano gwałtownych zmian w żadnym z badanych przedziałów czasowych, poza znacznym wzrostem powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej w pierwszej połowie XX w. We wszystkich badanych miastach na przełomie XX i XXI w. nastąpił duży wzrost powierzchni zabudowy miejskiej, infrastruktury i przemysłu, głównie kosztem powierzchni zieleni wysokiej oraz użytków zielonych.
The aim of this study is the presentation of land cover changes around selected post-fortress cities located in Lower Silesia. The study is based on the historical and contemporary areas with the use of GIS. The area of the study includes the cities of Nysa and Świdnica, which have modern fortifications, and Oleśnica, a city which HAS never had this type of fortification.The study allowed the impact of modern fortifications on the type of land cover of surrounding areas and their changes, during over 250 years, to be determined. The study shows that the biggest changes in land use in all of the cities selected were connected with the liquidation of fortresses, and these were concerned mainly with the increase of urban areas, industrial areas, and transport areas. We can observe a decrease in forestry and grasslands. Around Oleśnica, we did not notice many changes, besides the increase of urban areas in the first half of the twentieth century. All cities at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries saw a large increase in urban development, infrastructure, and industry, mainly at the expense of forestry and grasslands.
The aim of the study was to make a concept of exposition of medieval fortified elements in Dzierżoniów. The scope of the study includes the area of city defensive walls with the surrounding greenery area. All used methods were focused on the concept of restoration with the concept of land management around the city’s walls.
Celem pracy, była koncepcja ekspozycji zachowanych elementów średniowiecznej architektury obronnej Dzierżoniowa. Obszar badań obejmuje teren miejskich murów obronnych wraz z przyległym do niego terenem zieleni. Wszystkie metody skupiały się wokół koncepcji ekspozycji miejskich murów wraz z projektem zagospodarowania terenu wokół miejskich murów obronnych.
Zagadnienie ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu wymaga z jednej strony wnikliwej analizy stanu istniejącego, traktowanego jako wypadkową dotychczasowych działań lub zaniechań, a z drugiej strony oceny możliwości wpływu na jego utrzymanie, poprawę i zmianę. W tym złożonym procesie szczególną rolę odgrywają obiekty historyczne, których istnienie stanowiło asumpt do powstania osad i miast, a tym samym wiązało się z wymiernym, stopniowym kształtowaniem bliższego i dalszego otoczenia. W artykule podjęto próbę określenia możliwości ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu w oparciu o średniowieczne fortyfikacje miast Dolnego Śląska. W tym celu opracowano schemat metodologiczny badań, który bazuje na interdyscyplinarnej analizie stanu zachowania obiektów obronnych i oceny ich wpływu na krajobraz. Opracowana Karta Obiektu odnosi się do szczegółowej inwentaryzacji średniowiecznych fortyfikacji miejskich, w tym przestrzeni wydzielonej przez te założenia.
The issue of protection and landscaping on the one hand reąuires a complex analysis of the existing state, seen as the result of previous actions, or inactions, and on the other hand, it assesses the potential impact on its maintenance, improvement and change. In this complex process, the main role plays the historical buildings, which existence was a reason to the formation of the settlements and cities, and thus associated with the rational, gradual shaping of closer and distal environment. In this article has been madę and attempt to the identification the possibilities of protection and shaping the landscape based on the medieval fortifications in the cities in Lower Silesia. The aim of this work was a scheme of methodological research, which bases on an interdisciplinary analysis of the state of preservation of fortified objects and the assessment of its influence on the landscape. The Object Card refers to a detailed inventory of medieval city fortifications, including a divided by these objects area.
This article presents a solution for the system of green infrastructure of the Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF) proposed by the authors commissioned in 2014 by the Institute of Regional Development in Wrocław. The analysis was conducted within the framework of the project “The study of the functional consistency in Wrocław’s Functional Area” which was partly financed by the European Union from the operational program: Technical Aid 2007–2013. The outline of the project was presented against the background of selected examples from foreign countries. The article also indicates certain issues connected with rural and suburban area management with the focus on the importance of greenery and social participation as well as the necessity of a new approach to design in this area.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania systemu zielonej infrastruktury dla Wrocławskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego (WrOF) opracowaną w 2014 r. na zlecenie Instytutu Rozwoju Terytorialnego we Wrocławiu. Opracowanie wykonane zostało w projekcie pn. „Studium spójności funkcjonalnej we Wrocławskim Obszarze Funkcjonalnym” częściowo finansowanym przez Unię Europejską w ramach programu Operacyjnego Pomoc Techniczna 2007–2013. Zarys projektu pokazano na tle wybranych przykładów zagranicznych. Wskazano także na problematykę kształtowania obszarów wiejskich i suburbiów z uwzględnieniem znaczenia zieleni i partycypacji społecznej oraz na konieczność nowego podejścia do projektowania na tych obszarach.
Medieval fortifications, which were built long time ago, served townsmen as defence against the attacks of enemy armies or band of raiders and for protection against free influx into the city of all kinds of groups of vagabonds. Nowadays, they are a symbol of power, and part of cultural heritage. They also form a disappearing, rare element of urban landscape, which calls for the need of their protection and appropriate exposure. In the region of Lower Silesia of over 60 cities with a fortified origin there have been preserved until now a little over 30 of them. The aim of study was to select from the investigated Lower Silesian cities the ones with the currently greatest and most attractive range of resources as regards medieval fortified architecture. The Authors made an attempt to assess the role that these fortifications play now in the context of the attractiveness of the city landscape, its attractiveness for tourists and visual identity. The Green areas adjacent to the fortifications were also analysed recognizing the fact that they too provide recreational potential. Green areas enrich the space around the preserved fortifications, and their size and character does matter as well. The analysis encompasses 15 cities where fortifications have been preserved at over 30%. The purpose of this study was to select from among the investigated cities these of the biggest range of preserved elements of medieval fortified architecture along with their surrounding green areas which have a recreational potential. In order to show changes that took place over the years, time periods were selected: 20s–30s of the XX century, 60s–80s of the XX century and present time. The analyzed elements are fortified gates, towers, the length of the city wall in cities with single or dual defensive perimeter, and also the greenery areas around them. Out of the 15 of analysed towns 8 have been found to have a big potential. The preserved medieval fortifications could be a distinguishing factor of these sites through their right exposition in the city landscape and conservational restoration works and completions in their representative parts.
Średniowieczne fortyfikacje służyły mieszkańcom miast do obrony przed atakami wrogich wojsk lub band łupieżców oraz swobodnym przepływem do miasta różnego rodzaju grup włóczęgów. Dziś są symbolem potęgi oraz fragmentem dziedzictwa kulturowego. Są również znikającym, rzadkim elementem krajobrazu miejskiego, świadczącym o potrzebie ich ochrony i właściwej ekspozycji. Na obszarze Dolnego Śląska z ponad 60 miast o warownym rodowodzie zachowało się niewiele ponad 30. Niestety, w przypadku wielu z nich podziwiać możemy jedynie kilkumetrowe fragmenty murów. Poddany badaniom zasób to 15 miast, które posiadają fortyfikacje zachowane w wymiarze ponad 30%. Celem opracowania było wyłonienie spośród badanych tych o największym zasobie elementów średniowiecznej architektury obronnej wraz z przylegającymi do nich terenami zieleni, stanowiącymi potencjał rekreacyjny. Aby pokazać zmiany, jakie zachodziły na przestrzeni lat, ustanowiono przedział czasowy na lata 20.-30. oraz 60.-80. XX wieku, a także okres współczesny. Analizowane elementy to: bramy, baszty, długość muru miejskiego w miastach z pojedynczym albo podwójnym obwodem obronnym oraz powierzchnia terenów zieleni wokół nich. Na 15 badanych miast 8 posiada duży potencjał. Zachowane średniowieczne fortyfikacje mogą stać się wyróżnikiem tych miejscowości, poprzez właściwą ekspozycję w krajobrazie miasta oraz konserwatorskie prace restauracyjne i uzupełnienia w reprezentatywnych fragmentach.
The use of land for civilian purposes was restricted in the areas around the Wrocław (Breslau) Fortress, which was built in 1890. Land was set aside for official use, either for the protection of the fortress or for shelters for the infantry. The areas that were restricted from land development formed a ring around the fortifications and in a way set the possible battle field. This land was of vital importance to the city’s defences and at the same time influenced the spatial development of the city. The present traces of these regions are the historical heritage of the former fortress, important because it reveals the military purpose behind the historical city landscape. This article presents preliminary research on the changes to the land cover and landform in selected areas of fortifications along the Widawa River.
Wokół części fortyfikacji Twierdzy Wrocław, wznoszonych od 1890 roku, funkcjonowały ograniczenia w korzystaniu z gruntów do celów cywilnych. W ten sposób rezerwowano grunty o charakterze służebnym zróżnicowane pod względem reżimu ochronnego niezbędne dla części fortów i schronów piechoty. Rejony ograniczeń zabudowy organizowały przestrzeń wokół pierścienia fortyfikacji oraz, w pewnym sensie, przyszłe pole walki. Miały istotne znaczenie w obronności miasta i w równym stopniu wpływały na rozwój przestrzenny metropolii. Obecnie ślady rejonów stanowią historyczną spuściznę po dawnej twierdzy, istotną z punktu widzenia świadomie kształtowanego na cele wojskowe historycznego krajobrazu miasta. W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań nad zmianami pokrycia i ukształtowania terenu w obszarze rejonów wybranych fortyfikacji wzdłuż rzeki Widawy.
Materiał skalny budujący mury twierdzy srebrnogórskiej jest bardzo różnorodny, a jego zasadniczą masę stanowią pozyskiwane na miejscu drobnolaminowane gnejsy i łupki łyszczykowe. Wejścia do kazamat oraz obramienia strzelnic i wszelkie narożniki, krawędzie i rynny wykonano z beżowego lub szaro-beżowego piaskowca z Radkowa względnie czerwono zabarwionego piaskowca z Czerwieńczyc. Szczegółowa analiza materiału kamiennego występującego na terenie całego fortu wykazały, że jakkolwiek kolorystycznie jest on do pewnego stopnia zróżnicowany, to jednak pod względem petrograficznym reprezentuje trzy rodzaje skał: granity, gnejsy i piaskowce. Podstawowym budulcem murów są drobnoziarniste granity biotytowe pochodzące z okolic Maciejowic, Malerzowic i Starowic oraz leukogranity i aplogranity z okolic Jarnołtowa, Nadziejowa i Kamiennej Góry. Razem z tymi skałami pozyskiwane i stosowane były też drobnolaminowane gnejsy stanowiące fragmenty ich osłony względnie ksenolity. Do obramień otworów okiennych i wentylacyjnych użyto jasnożółtych piaskowców pochodzących najprawdopodobniej z okolic Żelazna w Kotlinie Kłodzkiej.
A variety of rock material was used to build the walls of the Fortress in Srebrna Góra (Silver Mountain). Most of it was fine-grain laminated gneisses and mica slates quarried on site. The entrance to casemates and the frames of merlons and all corners, edges, and rain-pipes were made from beige or grey and beige sandstone from Radków or red-coloured sandstone from Czerwieńczyce. A detailed analysis of the stone material found within the entire fort showed, that though it varies somewhat in terms of colour, the petrographic features are represented by three types of rock: granites, gneisses, and sandstones. The basic material used for the construction of walls included fine-grained biotite granites from the Maciejowice, Malerzowice, and Starowice regions and also leucogranites and aplites from the Jarnołtów, Nadziejów, and Kamienna Góra regions. In addition to these rocks, fine-grained gneisses were also quarried and used that were part of the cover of xenoliths. Lightyellow sandstones from the Żelazno area in the Kłodzko Valley were most probably used for building window frames and vents.
To properly compose a space at the community level its area should be analyzed taking into account the cultural and natural values and landscape values specified in sight from roads and valorisation of views. Such studies are aimed at the gradation of study area for spatial effects in the case of heavily accented investments there in the landscape. This article describes a method proposal of analysis for the municipality area taking into account the landscape values, this method was a one of the elements of study of the cultural landscape of the community Paczków done by a team of authors. In the first part of the paper the authors present the systematics of the well-known landscape valorization methods, noting, inter alia, methods of the natural valorisation, valorization methods of the cultural elements, planning and managerial valorization methods. During the work on the study there was developed an authorial method of valorisation of panoramas and views presented in the further part of the study. After the preliminary analysis of the terrain and routes of the community Paczków the exhibi-tion space was selected within an average of 500 m from the locality, situated on the road leading to it. Of the selected points there were made photos of the village panoramas and open landscape with a viewing angle of about 90-1200. On their basis there were made drawings by processing the image of photo on linear composition taking into account the facture differences of individual planes. The number of plans and landform were analyzed (wing view, the emergence of a distant placed surfaces, hilliness of the area plane), then the degree of diversification of land cover (crop diversity, variety of colors, variety of surface structures). We analyzed the complexity of the habitat elements (the relationships between the saturation of buildings and surrounding greenery it, the types of systems of the mid-field green), and the degree of space orientation (emphasis of the road direction by vertical elements - rows and avenues of trees, its free and smooth direction, emphasizing the landscape elements receding in perspective). For each of these issues there were made 4 models of panoramic view with a four-level scale of complexity, with the assumption that with it grows the view attractiveness. In total, each panoramic image of the community area could get points in a scale from 4 to 16. It was assumed to consider as a medium attractive view in the range of 7 to 10 points, 11 points and above as a very attractive view and worthy of protection. The views of scoring 6 and below have no landscape value. The diverse composition of the view emphasized by the ordering element is, according to authors, of the greatest value. As it turns out, it has a strong relationship with the commonly understood cultural values. These are the view approaches to the traditionally shaped forms, and so, inter alia, the localities with the building development surrounded by high green, enriched with the dominant of church tower, the diversity of crop fields, alleys and roadside rows, free but dependent on landform the road line make the landscape so pleasant to receive. The conclusion here is that the developed method, based on the valorisation of purely spatial elements gives a good tool for assessing the value of the landscape, and in particular the degree of its consistency with the cultural values.
The architecture of the modern defense systems, emerging during the Renaissance, like other branches of art has sought to combine in one spatial form functionality and beauty, looking for help in geometry. And in the field architecture militaris it was believed that the proportions, regular and perfect shape will give the best defensive results. Later, things were different, and adaptation to terrain conditions, hiding the defensive work and proper technical reinforcement of it gave the expected results. However today, when the historic buildings have no longer military utility, and can take through appropriate actions recreational function of the enormous cultural and educational values, the sphere of aesthetic experiences received in their area becomes again important. For the selected, historic for-tress will be presented an analysis of transformations in terms of function and form of brick and earthen objects, communication and spatial relationships with the city, preserved layouts of historic fortress green with its natural succession as well as changes in the landscape, panoramas and viewing axes.
The fort "Prusy "is an impressive for its size citadel of the Nysa fortress of the 18th century. Rarely met in other parts of our country the tenaille trace works of the major fortifications of the defensive work and a good status of preservation, even the eighteenth century fort elements qualify it to take under the special protection. The centre of the defence setting-up of the Fort Prusy is a five-pointed star surrounded by a dry main moat. Behind it is a ring of ravelins and counterguards. From the outside, the second dry moat with the shaft on counterscarp runs and only on fragments preserved by a hidden road. In the north, before the ravelin Pomorze are the remains of flashes Diericke. In the southern part run two connecting shafts to the Bombardier Fort and External Jerusalem Ramparts. The construction of the fort which was started in 1 743 was completed in 1745, then it was expanded and modernized several times, until the eighties of the nineteenth century. Built to defend and deter, raw in its military function was patinated over time. Although the sun, water, and further green significantly deformed its historical form it arouses admiration and interest for its creators. On one hand, today we would like to see ravelins, salients and counterguards in their original form, and even live staging of the historic battle on their reconstructed slopes. On the other hand, the invasive green-clad fortress attracts us with its mystery, it becomes a place of rest, not only to commune with history, but also with nature. The area of the fort is also an excellent training ground for teaching of students the development of conservation plans and implementation of project work, where the space formed with a human hand is filled with green areas with large natural and landscape values, but also with green threatening the structure of walls and slopes. The author has made an important substantive contribution to the preparation of materials which enable to enter the facility in the register of monuments.
The section of Architectura Militaris" has existed within the limits of the Students's Scientific Group at Landscape Architecture since it's creation in 2001. This organization acts at the landscape Architecture department of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science and it's scientific custodian is dr eng. Arch. Jerzy Potyrała. Scientific activities of this section includes problems connected with revalorization of historical fortifications landscape. And the main area of their activity are Prussia and Silesian fortresses from the 18th and 19th century. The research works, mainly, are architectonical stock taking of fortification objects, deontological tock taking of greenery in the area of a fortress geodesy measurements of earth batters. That is the reason this section closely cooperates with Students's Scientific Group of Building department and Students's Scientific Group of Geodesy department which act at our university. Field researches are carried out within the limits of the students' scientific camps and are the base to performing documentation and architectonical design concepts of revalorization of fortification buldings.
Prussia Fort, which was built in order to perform a defensive and frightening function, severe in its military form, has become patinated and even romantic in character. Despite the fact that the sun, water and plants deformed its historical shape to a considerable extent, it still inspires admiration and interest for its creators. On the one hand, we would like to see nowadays fortification works, counterguards and the moat in their original forms or to experience the staging of a historical battle which would take place on the reconstructed ramparts of the Fortress. On the other hand, the fortress which is covered with invasive plants attracts us with its mystery and has become not only a place of relaxation but also a place where we can have contact with history and nature. In the works concerning the revitalization of the complexes, a key meaning, particularly in the first stage, is constituted by a proper land development of green areas. Trees and bushes most often grow spontaneously in the majority of the fortress area. Their roots not only destroy walls but they also stabilize constructions. The most significant tasks to be performed by architects of landscaping design are as follows: emphasis on historical elements, liquidation of invasive plants which destroy the form of fortification works, the choice of valuable units with regard to landscape and quality, the assessment of the functioning ecosystem, the project of designing green areas in an attractive way with regard to the space.
Srebrna Góra fortress, bearing the name of a historic monument, has been effectively guarded within the confines of resiliently active Cultural Park. It constitutes an exceptional relic of fortification art on the European scale, and can play a leading role in re-composition of the landscape of Bardzkie and Sowie Mountains gorge. In order to make it a proper spatial dominant, it must be exposed from among the overgrowing it greenery. The Fortress Cultural Park is an implement which makes such an activity possible. However, a question arises: in what way should the trees be cut down in order to obtain the best composition, reconciling simultaneously the historical- architectonic values of the whole complex with ecology and protection of the natural environment existing there? The spatial image of the fortress underwent considerable changes during its 230 year existence. They were closely connected with the history of the stronghold, i.e. the evolution of the first-class military object in the 18th century into a prison, an engineer polygon, a tourist object and finally a forgotten ruin in the second part of the 20th century. A model of the contemporary panorama of the fortress and town seen from the side of Brudzew was taken as a basis for the analysis. While comparing the archival photographic materials, subsequent models of similar panoramic views from different historical periods were made. Srebrna Góra fortress has a chance to be the most attractive tourist fortress in Pradziad Euroregion, without being competitive for the fortresses in Klodzko and Nysa. On the contrary, the rank of the Euroregion and its meaning in European tourism will be strengthened. The form of exposing of Srebrna Góra fortress in the landscape becomes, in this context, of great importance.
Illumination of architectonical objects is a fascinating assignment for a designer but also a very difficult and responsible one. Artificial light can create space with completely new and surprising spatial values, and emotions accompanying its reception are much stronger than during daytime. The colour of spot lights can saturate the colour of an elevation or it can change it a great deal. How does one accent a fragment of a building so its roof or breaks of wings do not disappear? When to use a spot light and when a flood of light, what intensity to use? The students in the fourth year of architecture and landscape at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science tried to solve those and similar problems while elaborating illumination conceptions for a few buildings of public utility in Głogów, the assignment of city authorities. Six objects belong to that group: the Town Hall, the Collegiate Church, St. Nicolas Church, the Church of Corpus Christi, the castle of Princes of Głogów and the court building which are representative buildings of the city and which are those which survived battles during World War II The projects were carried out under the direction of Dr eng arch Jerzy Potyrała during exercises from "Maintenance and Revalorization" in the 2007 summer semester. The students gained new experiences and they learned not only to use theoretical projects, but also to talk with a real investor in contact with a real object in the terrain. Their work has been appreciated and projects are already in realization.
Content available remote Krajobraz zapomnianej Twierdzy Wrocław z lat 1890-1914
Historia rozwoju nowożytnych fortyfikacji to ciągły wyścig między techniką artyleryjską i oblężniczą a wciąż doskonalonymi sposobami odpierania ataków i odpowiednim kształtowaniem architektury obronnej. Rewolucja techniczna w drugiej połowie XIX w. sprawiła, że minął czas wielkiej architektury fortecznej, łączącej cechy estetyczne stylu epoki ze specyficzną i technicznie skomplikowaną funkcją militarną. Skończyła się era wybitnych architektów-inżynierów wojskowych, takich jak Vo-uban, Pinto, Regeler, Walrave, Montalembert czy Brese. Ich wspaniałe i monumentalne dzieła, tak wyraziste w krajobrazie, a dla nas dziś wręcz romantyczne w swej formie, stały się łatwym celem dla strzelających z odległości kilku kilometrów szybkostrzelnych, bo już odtylcowych dział o gwintowanych lufach, miotających pociski kruszące o dużej mocy. Odpowiedzią sztuki fortyfikacyjnej było rozproszenie obiektów obronnych na dużym obszarze, ukrycie ich pod ziemią, zamaskowanie w krajobrazie. Betonowe, wielowarstwowe pancerze ochronne stały się budowlami czysto inżynierskimi. Zadaniem architekta stało się takie kształtowanie obiektów obronnych, by wtopiły się w otaczający krajobraz. Polegało to na doborze odpowiedniego koloru i pokrycia powierzchni elementów obronnych, zastosowaniu najwłaściwszych gatunków roślin do maskowania oraz korzystnym ukształtowaniu nasypów ziemnych. Można powiedzieć, że wyścig ten budowlana architektura przegrała. Ciężar rywalizacji przejęła na siebie architektura krajobrazu, rozumiana tu jako sztuka kamuflażu. Autor niniejszego opracowania, we współpracy z dr. inż. arch. Maciejem Małachowiczem, wraz ze studentami IV roku architektury krajobrazu Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu wykonał w roku akademickim 2005/2006 inwentaryzację architektoniczną i dendrologiczną ponad 30 obiektów Twierdzy Wrocław z przełomu XIX i XX w. Były wśród nich bierne schrony piechoty, forty piechoty, schrony mobilizacyjne i blokhauz kolejowy. W artykule przedstawiono formę architektoniczną wybranych obiektów obronnych z tego okresu oraz podano rodzaj otaczającej je zieleni. Związek budowli z zielenią na opisanym terenie ma bardzo swoisty charakter. Mieszają się tam celowe nasadzenia maskujące z sukcesją naturalną zieleni. Ręka człowieka wespół z przyrodą stworzyła niezwykły krajobraz, wart poznania.
The history of development of temporary fortifications is a continuous race between siege artillery technique and persistently improved ways of repelling attacks and suitable shaping of defensive architecture. The technical revolution in the second half of the 19th century caused the passing of the time of great fortification architecture, which connected aesthetic feature of style of the epoch with a specific and technically complicated military function. The answer of the art of fortification, at the turn of the 19th century, was to disperse objects of defense across a wide area, to hide them underground or mask them in the landscape. The responsibility of rivalry was undertaken by landscape architecture, understood as a part of camouflage. At that time the form and structure of defensive buildings became purely a problem of engineering and technique, in principle reduced to achieving utmost resistance of building partitions to bombardment. The problem for the architect was to embed the defensive object in the surrounding landscape in such a way as to make its recognition by enemy reconnaissance more difficult in peacetime, and to hinder bearing indications of artillery centres in wartime. The terrain, which was radically reconstructed and shaped according to precisely determined military functions, was to look natural. In effect the recognition of fortifications, which in substance performed an equivalent role to the defense buildings, is very difficult for the contemporary investigator. The basic source of information in this matter is to determine the age of trees and dominating kinds of plants both in the area of fortifications as well as in the surrounding area. The Wrocław Stronghold, from the years of 1890-1914, is not very well known and as a matter of fact it does not function in currant awareness of the city's inhabitants. It was designed as a ring of permanent and field fortifications. It consists of almost forty objects located within a radius of several kilometers from the centre. At the beginning of the 20Ih century these were terrains of a suburban character, of buildings, barren land or land under cultivation. At present, most often, the area of historical points of defense has been surrounded, to a maximum, by housing estates or by various services. Fortification elements left on purpose bear witness to not only the form of the object itself but also to the landscape of neighbouring terrains at the turn of the 19,h and 20,h centuries. The fortified landscape of the Wroclaw Stronghold of 1890-1914 in which tactical verdure of a hindering and concealing function plays a leading role, is still legible despite the passing of almost a century since it was built and the devastation of the city at the end of the Second World War. The historical complexes of the fortification verdure have grown into the urban tissue of Wrocław, and they also create the suburban landscape. Unquestionably they merit an effective conservation protection, within the frames of which cultivation works relating to the verdure will be carried out on the same level as the building conservation activities. The purposeful elements of the fortification should be made readable, likewise young units should be selected to assure the continuation of the historical system. After all this is a fragment of the great history of our city.
Gmina Środa Śląska, która znajduje się w centralnej części województwa dolnośląskiego, zajmuje powierzchnię 21,5 tys. ha. Sieć osadniczą tworzy 27 miejscowości rozmieszczonych równomiernie wokół miasta. Wieś Szczepanów, wraz z Ciechowem i Rakoszycami, to największe ośrodki wiejskie tej gminy.
In works concerning revitalization of fortification objects appropriate management of "greens" is of great importance especially in the first phase of activities. Self-sown trees and bushes of various age, spontaneously sprout in the area of the fort. They visually distort the form of embankments, and their roots contribute to the destruction of walls. However such a green area which is dozens of years old becomes a habitat for many species of mammals and birds. In that case it is forbidden to destroy it rashly. Stipulation of conscious fortification's historical planting, defining the place of cutting down trees and bushes and places where the existing ecosystem is to be preserved, marking up sightseeing routes and determining functions for particular fortification objects are assignments to be done at the very beginning in the area of Prusy fort.
In recent years the intensity of life has considerably rose. A lot of inhabitants move out from the anonymous and overcrowded cities to the nearby villages, in search of the silence and the calm. This phenomenon is so mass, that in the countryside the zones of detached houses are arising, which nothing differ from the ones located in the townscape. The short tours in the vicinity of the cities offer the more differentiated opportunities of recreation. The surroundings of Wrocław abound in a lot of places attracting their specificity, as Srebrna Góra which is 70 km away from Wrocław. The 18th century fortress of Srebrna Góra belongs to the biggest ones in Europe, situated on the top of the mountains. Once a strategic military object, became very popular on the turn of the 19th century as a tourist attraction. The massive walls of the fort were far visible from the neighboring roads, as predominant above the woody hill-sides. After the second world war the fortress as well as the whole town Srebrna Góra have increasingly deteriorated. The forest completely screened outside the defensive walls, which lost a lot in their scenic and self-promoting values. The paper outlines the necessity of partial, controlled logging in the planned restoration of the tourist attractiveness of the fortress.
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