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Optically homogeneous double-coated of GeO2 -SiO2 films, sodoped by ions of silver and cerium were fabricated with use sol-gel of a method, using tetraethylorthogermanate (TEOG) and tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) as precursors for germania and silica, respectively. According to data
IR-spectroscopy of a coat are glassy. Refractive indices for the materials were obtained the following: GeO2, n = 1.687 at thickness d = 530.5 nm and SiO2, n = 1.512 at d = 998.2 nm. They demonstrate good adhesion to the glass, germanium, silica and metal substrates. Introduction of Re-earth ions m allows to control refractive index within the limits of from 1,2 up to 1,6, that is important for deriving the multilayer antirefractive coats for the infra-red optics. Introduction silver nanoparticles allow using the yielded coats for magnification of efficiency of solar cells.
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