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An increasing urbanization of habitats in which birds live influences their populations by modifying behaviour, dietary composition, causes of mortality and variables related to breeding. This study aimed to compare breeding periods and productivity among tawny owls, Strix aluco, inhabiting either an urban or an extra-urban area. Studies were conducted in parallel in two locations: central zone of Warsaw – the Polish capital – and the Rogów Forest – ca 70 km west of Warsaw. Number of fledglings and the beginning of the breeding period was assessed by direct observations and listening to calls of juveniles within tawny owl territories. Birds in the urban area were found to start breeding significantly earlier (from 5th February) than those in the extra-urban area (from 17th March). However, the two populations proved to be similarly productive, with 3.2 or 3.4 young per nest on average. The phenomenon of early breeding in city dwelling birds was confirmed in other tawny owl populations as well as other bird species. It can be potentially driven by factors such as higher temperature, artificial light and rich and stable food base.
The aim of this study was to assess the density and diet composition of free-ranging dogs in Poland. The study was conducted in a field and forest mosaic in the central part of the country in the years 2005–2011. The density of the free-ranging dogs was assessed during night counts along repeated transect routes. The number of dogs seen and the feasible observation area were recorded to calculate density index for each control. The day and night counts captured data on group composition and penetration range. Diets were studied through scat analyses. The dog density ranged from 2.2–3.1 ind. km-2 depending on the area. Most dogs were observed alone, and 40% formed groups of 2 to 5 dogs. Most groups were recorded close to buildings, but the group organisation changed (especially during the daytime) with increasing distance from the buildings: 35% of dogs in the village were in groups, but 55% of dogs formed groups at a distance of more than 100 m from the buildings. The night proportion of dogs in groups was approximately 50%, regardless of the distance. Their scats contained mostly cereal given by farmers. The prey remains were game species: roe deer (1.3% of occurrences in summer and 12% in winter), brown hare (3–4%), small mammals (5–9.5%) and birds (approx. 1.5%). The study demonstrated that the abundance of dogs in the rural areas of central Poland may play an important role in the ecosystem.
Content available remote Modern security paradigm
Knowledge about the surrounding world, social reality, its functioning consists of many different theories, laws, notions and concepts of the surrounding world. In this respect, the security paradigm as a toll of knowledge has many explanatory functions. The point is that only some of them are true and only in particular, often accidental circumstances. Hence differentiating whether they are true or not carries a risk and possibility of an error. The consequences manifest themselves in any aspect of human activity and it concerns also the security paradigm of a subject and their activities. The article rise up those issues and try to bring answers. Trying to describe reality, in order to systematize it and give it an understandable form, is as much tempting, due to the bulk of the challenge, as it is discouraging, because of the idea of activities which should or may be connected with this task. The purpose of this type of activities may be easily questioned by indicating the number of determinants which should be taken into consideration and inability to include them all in the undertaken discussion. Hence what makes one face this challenge? Paradoxically, the image of reality is like an image in a toy telescope, in which, when one looks against the light, images overlap and change while keeping some of their own features. So does the reality which, while undergoing changes, possesses its own, unique and at the same time repetitive features. Although during observation they may be distorted, the impression of some repeatability remains, which is underlying for understanding of what surrounds us. It is the basis for understanding which leads to cognition and explanation of events, phenomena, processes as well as megatrends which create human social reality. This link between cognition and understanding, or rather the willingness to notice it in the area of broadly understood subject’s security has become the basis for this discussion.
Znajomość współczesnej rzeczywistości, a w niej zagadnień bezpieczeństwa, jest istotna zarówno ze względów poznawczych, jak i utylitarnych. W tym zakresie paradygmat bezpieczeństwa stanowi swoiste narzędzie poznania i eksplanacji. Rzecz w tym, że tylko niektóre obszary poznania i formy eksplanacji są prawdziwe i tylko w określonych okolicznościach. Zawsze występuje ryzyko błędu, a konsekwencje tego występują w różnych odniesieniach do podejmowanych przez człowieka działań. Artykuł ukazuje powyższe zagadnienia i stara się – przynajmniej w przypadku niektórych – udzielić odpowiedzi.
Content available remote Państwo jako imperatyw polityki i strategii
The article contains the analysis and evaluation of the role of policy and strategy in the shaping of the state. The author focuses on four main problems concerning the state and its policy and strategy, as well as the role of strategic review in pursuing this policy and strategy, role and importance of policy and strategy, conditions of policy and strategy, conclusions for Poland resulting from these analyses.
Relational database systems became the predominant technology for storing, handling, and quering data only after great improvement in the efficiency of query evaluation in such systems. The key factor in this improvement was the introduction and development of a number of query optimization techniques. Query optimizers draw upon many sources of information about the database to optimize queries. Among these sources, they employ integrity constraints in the query rewrite process. These rewrites have been seen to offer tremendous cost improvements for certain types of queries in standard, common workloads and databases. A disadvantage of these techniques though is that the semantic characterizations they require are not always available as integrity constraints associated with the database. Our key objective in this work is to discover regularities in stored data using data mining techniques, and then to extract and use them for the purpose of query optimization. We call such regularities soft constraints. Soft constraints are not meant to protect the integrity of the database as do integrity constraints; but like integrity constraints, they do semantically characterize the database. As certain types of integrity constraints are now used in query optimization, soft constraints can be used in the optimizer in the same way. If there are any usefull characterizations of the database valid with respect to the current state of the database and useful for the optimizer with respect to the workload, but which are not truly integrity constraints (that is, the database designer has no reason to specify these as rules), then these could be expressed as soft constraints.
Relacyjne bazy danych stały się dominująca technologią służącą przechowywaniu i przetwarzaniu danych dopiero wówczas, gdy znacząco usprawniono wykonywanie zapytań w takich systemach. Głównym czynnikiem postępu w tej dziedzinie było wprowadzenie i usprawnienie dużej liczby technik służących optymalizacji zapytań. Jedną z takich technik jest semantyczna optymalizacja zapytań. Polega ona na wykorzystaniu informacji semantycznej dostępnej w postaci ograniczeń integralnościowych. Główną przeszkodą, w drodze do pełnego wykorzystania możliwości zawartych w ograniczeniach w procesie optymalizacji jest problem braku ich specyfikacji w rzeczywistych bazach danych. W niniejszej pracy proponujemy zastosowanie w procesie optymalizacji nowego typu ograniczeń integralnościowych, tak zwanych miękkich ograniczeń integralnościowych. Ograniczeniami miękkimi nazywamy ograniczenia wykryte w rzeczywistych bazach danych przy użyciu technik eksploracji danych. Miękkie ograniczenia integralnościowe podobne są w swej formie do tradycyjnych ograniczeń integralnościowych, ale pełnią inną rolę. Nie specyfikują one formalnie legalnych stanów bazy danych i mogą zostać unieważnione przez kolejne operacje aktualizacji bazy danych. Główną ideą tej pracy jest teza, że tak zdefiniowane miękkie ograniczenia integralnościowe mogą być z powodzeniem wykorzystywane w procesie optymalizacji pytań.
Content available remote Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe w stosunkach transatlantyckich
The development of transatlantic relations in the sphere of international security in the period 1960-2006 is presented. At the same time an analysis of current US - European cooperation and possible development is presented. Bearing in mind the endeavors of NATO and the EU to create new capabilities in crisis management activities in regions located at a distance from Europe, not only the question of cooperation is of importance but also other issues. It is possible to enumerate questions on how to shape international security, but also what means and players are necessary? Those trivial but fundamental questions are directly connected with weaker positions as the result of the changing attitude by the United States and creation of the “coalitions of the willing”. The same applies to the European Union, weakened as the result of the fiasco connected with the adoption of the constitutional treaty. Moreover it hasn't been decided as to what extent international operations should be conducted - should they be full scale or only stabilization operations.
Content available remote Sprawozdanie z 23. warsztatów nt. bezpieczeństwa światowego
Content available remote Paradygmat bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego pierwszej dekady XXI wieku
The article attempts to answer the question if the paradigm of international security appears in contemporary international relations and if it is identical to objects of international relations functioning in the first decade of the 21st century and thus to verify which pattern of the security object is the basis to form it. The thesis of the article is that the paradigm of international security exists. It evolves in time together with the objects of international relations and changing conditions of international security. Basing on the conducted considerations a conclusion has been drawn that contemporary international security paradigm is not homogeneous for all objects of international relations and its specific universality results from a certain set of characteristics that appear in the international security environment (global, regional, sub-regional and local) and are identical for most objects emerging in international relations. This means that the existing security paradigm holds partial characteristics of international security environment which are identical to most objects appearing in it. It not only takes different forms in case of particular security dimensions (global, regional, sub-regional and local) but also for particular objects.
Gaining the sovereignty by Poland in 1989 caused that the issues of the policy implementation, planning and updating due to national needs, interests and aims have gained a vital importance. The experiences of the previous times could not be applied there as the Soviet Union’s superiority in Poland’s national and foreign policy caused that no traditions were formed to serve as the basis to create Polish strategies, the security strategy including. Due to the fact that this state of affairs had some influence on the activities conducted in the country, this article deals with the problems of the role and importance of the “Security Strategy of the Polish Republic" in shaping the security of the state. It also asks questions concerning the essential issues: What role does the current national security strategy play in shaping the security of the state? ; How important is the current national security strategy for the security of the state? ; How does the current national security strategy function in legal regulations and organisational structures in Poland? ; How can (should) the security strategy function in Poland? Answering the mentioned above questions, the article verifies an opinion how the Polish state carries out the national security strategy in order to ensure the existence and development at the threshold of the 21st century and how it is going to conduct it in the decades to come. The approach undertaken in this publication verifies also the thesis that Poland is in the course of forming normative and organisational basis to create such instruments of its policy as strategies, the national security strategy including.
Content available remote Ogólne tendencje procesu instytucjonalizacji stosunków transatlantyckich
The processes appearing at the threshold of the 21st century of internationalisation, institutionalisation, international counteracting and dependencies have an influence on bi- and multilateral institutionalising of co-operation and also on events, phenomena and processes in which the transatlantic countries participate. This creates conditions to carry out politics in an international environment and defines general tendencies that appear in transatlantic relations. These tendencies are regarded through political realism paradigm in the context of conducting transatlantic relations in political, security, economy, social and cultural areas. Their sum contributes to the countries’ participation in contemporary international relations and the influence they exert through mutual support, co-operation and collaboration. This results from the fact that mutual support, co-operation and collaboration among the transatlantic community countries that define and determine the shape and character of transatlantic relations’ institutionalisation have an essential importance for their activities on the international arena. The events, phenomena and processes generated by these countries create conditions that they follow accordingly. The decisive of these political, security, economy, social and cultural conditions are those that permanently react on the countries’ actions and create mutual dependencies among them. In case of the transatlantic community countries, the sum of interactions and mutual dependencies creates tendencies to maintain, modify or transform the existing state of relations. In this way it defines the way of their behaviour and attitude they take towards each other in the transatlantic framework and towards other countries that appear in international relations.
Content available remote Geneza instytucjonalizacji stosunków transatlantyckich
Institutionalising of transatlantic relations is currently a dynamic process. However, in the past its prospects were not certain and solid as it was connected with the development of international co-operation, both within and outside the transatlantic community framework in conditions which significantly influenced the evolution of events and phenomena. These conditions contributed to the institutionalising process, its development and transformations both in time and space. Therefore the beginnings of institutionalising of transatlantic relations could be seen in the politics globalisation of the superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, that came up as a result of WW2, as a result of contradiction of interests between these two superpowers, two-block division of Europe and bipolar division of the world. Developing dynamics in the (inner and outer) institutionalising process was a derivative of the mentioned above phenomena. Thus a thesis can be made that institutionalising of transatlantic relations is a direct effect of shaping European and Atlantic international environment after WW2 and is a derivative of the co-operation process initiated during the Second World War. Therefore it is closely connected with the world order after WW2 generated by North American states – mostly the USA – and Western European states as a result of fears of the Soviet Union’s position and role in the international environment after 1945. Therefore dealing with matters of institutionalising of transatlantic relations, one has to take into consideration the fact that it resulted from a certain juncture of events taking place during and after WW2.
Content available remote Instytucjonalizacja stosunków transatlantyckich. Cz. 2
Institutionalising of transatlantic relations, which resulted from shaping the international deal after World War II, is an important subject of research connected with contemporary American - European and European - American relations. It concerns all international activities' areas of the transatlantic alliance member states where a high level of interaction between foreign and national policy occurs, Due to this state of affairs, the institutionalising process is shaped by international and national factors. In conseguence, the subject, object and process dimensions of institutionalising of transatlantic relations concern all aspects of the states' activities, both inner and outer including. This results from rising international dependencies and internationalisation of various social life areas. This article, which is the continuation of the previous Part 1 article published in Zeszyty Naukowe, shows subject, object and process dimensions of transatlantic relations' institutionalising and the systemic character of transatlantic relations character resulted from the structure of these (inner and outer) relations. It allows to learn in a complex way the idea, range and character of American - European and European - American relations.
Content available remote Instytucjonalizacja stosunków transatlantyckich
Institutionalising in transatlantic relations expressed in bi- and multilateral co-operation of countries raises many questions connected with the idea and bases of these relations. It concerns particular countries, organised and co-operating within a certain group joined with specific political, cultural and economic ties and which have a common identity that allow them to co-ordinate their activities on an international arena and appearing there as one compact unity. This article presents considerations connected with theoretical aspects of institutionalising including the definition of the notion, its character in transatlantic relations and also its participants. As a result, the article shows notions concerning institutionalising of transatlantic relations, creating a platform for further considerations of both American-European and European-American relations and the character of ties that link transatlantic commonwealth of states. Taking into consideration such an aspect, the article, being a part of research on transatlantic relations' problems, is an introduction to the second part of the dissertation in the following issue of “Zeszyty Naukowe”.
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