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This article presents a solution for the system of green infrastructure of the Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF) proposed by the authors commissioned in 2014 by the Institute of Regional Development in Wrocław. The analysis was conducted within the framework of the project “The study of the functional consistency in Wrocław’s Functional Area” which was partly financed by the European Union from the operational program: Technical Aid 2007–2013. The outline of the project was presented against the background of selected examples from foreign countries. The article also indicates certain issues connected with rural and suburban area management with the focus on the importance of greenery and social participation as well as the necessity of a new approach to design in this area.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania systemu zielonej infrastruktury dla Wrocławskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego (WrOF) opracowaną w 2014 r. na zlecenie Instytutu Rozwoju Terytorialnego we Wrocławiu. Opracowanie wykonane zostało w projekcie pn. „Studium spójności funkcjonalnej we Wrocławskim Obszarze Funkcjonalnym” częściowo finansowanym przez Unię Europejską w ramach programu Operacyjnego Pomoc Techniczna 2007–2013. Zarys projektu pokazano na tle wybranych przykładów zagranicznych. Wskazano także na problematykę kształtowania obszarów wiejskich i suburbiów z uwzględnieniem znaczenia zieleni i partycypacji społecznej oraz na konieczność nowego podejścia do projektowania na tych obszarach.
Kompleksowe badania palinologiczne przeprowadzono na 37 próbkach z otworu wiertniczego Trojanowice 2, z interwału 502,0–558,8 m. Na podstawie rozpoznanych gatunków miospor wyróżniono dwa standardowe poziomy miosporowe: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii z emsu oraz Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota z pogranicza emsu i eiflu. Przeprowadzone anlizy palinofacjlne pozwoliły określić środowisko sedymentacji spągowych partii profilu na morskie, bliskiego brzegu, z intensywną dostawą materiału organicznego z lądu.W części stropowej stwierdzono natomiast nieco głębsze warunki depozycji, w większym oddaleniu od obszarów źródłowych. Analiza kolorystyczna wykazała dojrzały stopień przeobrażenia termicznego materii organicznej. Formalnie opisano po raz pierwszy dwa nowe gatunki miospor: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. i Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
The palynological investigation were carried out on 37 samples from the Trojanowice 2 borehole from a depth interval of 502.0–558.8 m. Based on the presence of index and important microflora species two standard miospore zones were recognized: Emphanisporites annulatus-Camarozonotriletes sextantii, from the Emsian and Grandispora douglastownense-Ancyrospora eurypterota from the Emsian/ Eifelian transition interval. Palynofacies from the lower part of the section indicate marginal marine palaeoenvironmental conditions. Palynofacies from the upper part prove deeper marine conditions further from the shoreline. Additionally, spore colour analyses revealed a high degree of thermal transformation. Two new miospore taxa have been formally erected: Camptozonotriletes reticulum sp.n. and Perotrilites asymmetricus sp.n.
Content available Wireless system for radiometric measurements
Wireless system for radiometric measurements contains probes, for gamma radiation measurements and other probes for radon concentration measurements in air and water. The probes have the form of droplet-tight cylinders powered from a local battery. Measuring data collecting unit, based on a portable computer, communicates directly with the probes in a wireless manner using the WiFi communication network, or through the internet using mobile phone GSM network. Serial port wire connection is also possible. The local battery ensures at least 14 days of continuous operation of the probes. For long term measurements, the probes can also be powered from solar panels. Construction and operation of the probes are described. Results of scintillation probes investigation are given. Detection efficiency of the developed probes is comparable with the laboratory probes offered in our country.
LG Gamma Counter is designed for low activity measurement of the radioactive isotope iodine 125I in liquid or solid samples during radioimmunoassay (RIA) and immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) in small or medium size clinic laboratories. Apart from RIA and IRMA programmed procedures, a measurement of small activity gamma samples is possible. The well scintillator NaI(Tl) is used as radiation detector for the isotope 125 I in the measuring channel, the well dimensions fi being 17 x 38 mm. Gamma Counter was adapted for measuring radioactivity of single samples. The counter is equipped with an automatic system allowing transportation of examined samples to a scintillator well. The gauge is based on an integrated computer which is working under the control of Windows CE and is equipped with special software allowing for setting measurement parameters and communication with an external computer. The measured sample is placed inside the scintillator well either by an automatic sample feeder or manually. The pulses from a photomultiplier tube after amplification and shaping in pulse amplifiers are counted in the window of a single channel analyser by a programmable pulse counter under the control of microprocessor system. The measured count rate is the measure of activity of the assayed sample. Expected count rate error due to unstable operation of amplification is lower than 1%.
To properly compose a space at the community level its area should be analyzed taking into account the cultural and natural values and landscape values specified in sight from roads and valorisation of views. Such studies are aimed at the gradation of study area for spatial effects in the case of heavily accented investments there in the landscape. This article describes a method proposal of analysis for the municipality area taking into account the landscape values, this method was a one of the elements of study of the cultural landscape of the community Paczków done by a team of authors. In the first part of the paper the authors present the systematics of the well-known landscape valorization methods, noting, inter alia, methods of the natural valorisation, valorization methods of the cultural elements, planning and managerial valorization methods. During the work on the study there was developed an authorial method of valorisation of panoramas and views presented in the further part of the study. After the preliminary analysis of the terrain and routes of the community Paczków the exhibi-tion space was selected within an average of 500 m from the locality, situated on the road leading to it. Of the selected points there were made photos of the village panoramas and open landscape with a viewing angle of about 90-1200. On their basis there were made drawings by processing the image of photo on linear composition taking into account the facture differences of individual planes. The number of plans and landform were analyzed (wing view, the emergence of a distant placed surfaces, hilliness of the area plane), then the degree of diversification of land cover (crop diversity, variety of colors, variety of surface structures). We analyzed the complexity of the habitat elements (the relationships between the saturation of buildings and surrounding greenery it, the types of systems of the mid-field green), and the degree of space orientation (emphasis of the road direction by vertical elements - rows and avenues of trees, its free and smooth direction, emphasizing the landscape elements receding in perspective). For each of these issues there were made 4 models of panoramic view with a four-level scale of complexity, with the assumption that with it grows the view attractiveness. In total, each panoramic image of the community area could get points in a scale from 4 to 16. It was assumed to consider as a medium attractive view in the range of 7 to 10 points, 11 points and above as a very attractive view and worthy of protection. The views of scoring 6 and below have no landscape value. The diverse composition of the view emphasized by the ordering element is, according to authors, of the greatest value. As it turns out, it has a strong relationship with the commonly understood cultural values. These are the view approaches to the traditionally shaped forms, and so, inter alia, the localities with the building development surrounded by high green, enriched with the dominant of church tower, the diversity of crop fields, alleys and roadside rows, free but dependent on landform the road line make the landscape so pleasant to receive. The conclusion here is that the developed method, based on the valorisation of purely spatial elements gives a good tool for assessing the value of the landscape, and in particular the degree of its consistency with the cultural values.
W artykule omówiono możliwości zastosowania badań geofizycznych – elektrooporowych – w zagadnieniach hydrogeologicznych dotyczących rozpoznania struktur hydrogeologicznych dolin kopalnych. Przedstawiono sposób organizacji badań terenowych oraz interpretację sondowań elektrooporowych, na przykładach struktur dolin kopalnych z rejonu Wielkopolski. Zaprezentowano wyniki modelowania geoelektrycznego i ich wizualizację, za pomocą dostępnych metod interpretacji, przy wyznaczaniu zasięgów i granic poziomów wodonośnych dla lokalizacji otworów pod ujęcia wody podziemnej. Wyniki interpretacji sondowań geoelektrycznych wykazują przestrzenną zmienność oporności utworów w obrębie czwartorzędu na terenie Wielkopolski, co należy uwzględniać przy wykonywaniu tych badań. W obszarze południowej Wielkopolski (rejon Bartoszewic i rejon m. Sowiny) oporności zawodnionych utworów piaszczysto-żwirowych struktur starszego plejstocenu (46–80 Wm) wykazują niewielkie różnice od utworów gliniasto-mułkowych (18–47 Wm). Natomiast w Wielkopolsce północnej (rejon Adolfowo–Konstantynowo–Zacharzyn) obserwuje się większe zróżnicowanie – zawodnione utwory piaszczysto-żwirowe wykazują opory rzędu 79–1838 Wm, a gliniasto-mułkowe – 40–205 Wm.
The article discusses the possibility of the use of geophysical – resistivity research in hydrogeology concerning the recognition of the hydrogeological structures of buried valleys. Further, the organization of fieldworks and the interpretation of electroresistance penetrations were presented on the examples of hydrogeological structures of buried valleys in the Wielkopolska region. The article presents the results of geoelectrical modeling and their visualization obtained by means of the available methods of interpretation in determining the ranges and boundaries of aquifers for the location of boreholes for groundwater capture. The results of the interpretation of geoelectrical soundings show dimensional variation of resistance deposit within the Quaternary in the Wielkopolska region. In southern Wielkopolska (region of Bartoszewice and region of Sowiny) the resistance of watered sandy – gravel deposits of the older Pleistocene (46–80 Wm) show little difference from till-mud deposits (18–47 Wm). However, in northern Wielkopolska (region of Adolfowo–Konstantynowo–Zacharzyn) these deposits are more diverse, with the resistance for watered sandy-gravel deposits from 79 to 1838 Wm and till-mud deposits from 40 to 205 Wm.
The dispersed miospore assemblage of the Retispora lepidophyta-Verrucosisporites nitidus (LN) Zone from the Holy Cross Mountains(Poland) is marked by enrichment (above 4%) in abnormal spore morphotypes during a terrestrial flora turnover close to the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, recorded just above the Hangenberg Black Shale level. Incomplete and complete tetrads represent mostly Vallatisporites spp., supplemented by Grandispora, Retusotriletes and Apiculiretusispora. Additional peculiar morphotypes, marked byanomalous overall shape and ornamentation, are interpreted as mutated varieties of Vallatisporites based on intermediate morphologicalstages, connecting them with this well known genus. This relatively high aberrant palynomorph frequency is accompanied by volcanicash intercalations, as well as by charcoal debris and polycyclic aromatic biomarkers indicative of forest wildfire. Thus, the anomalousspore morphology could reflect the mutagenic effect of regional acidification due to explosive volcanism. However, palynological literature data from NW France and Canada highlight the possibility of a supra-regional mutated miospore signal near the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, and there is need for high-resolution studies of the LN Zone to examine this. The end-Permian scenario of abnormalfloral growth in immensely stressed habitats may therefore apply to other potentially volcanically-induced biotic turnovers.
Geometrical accuracy of workpieces manufactured in CNC technology is dependent on many different factors, such as the parameters of a cutting process. The most significant are: cutting velocity vc and feed rate vf but also proper cooling and appropriate rigidity of a machine tool. Values of these parameters are dependant on the kind of a workpiece and on the applied tools. Considering shape complexity of a workpiece, dimensional and shape errors can appear, for example deviations of flatness, rectilinearity and radius roundness, etc. To avoid errors connected with geometrical profile, the parameters of machining should be selected in such way to obtain maximal value of quality rating of a product considering its shape and dimension. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the correction of feed rate (vf ) influence on radius errors of a workpiece's corners and to define the relation between technological conditions of cutting process and the actual shape of radius after machining. In theoretical part, the influence of different factors on the accuracy of cutting on CNC machine was included; the main focus was on the accuracy of cuttings the corners with different radii. The practical part consists of corner's radius errors measurements with the usage of coordinate measuring machine and complex analysis of research findings. The findings were presented in the form of diagrams and charts. Because of the fact that the feed rate influences the global time of workpieces' machining, the findings presented in this paper enable the production engineers to choose the optimal value of feed rate during the cutting of corners on CNC machines. It is very important during machining of matrices which construction consists of many corners with given radii that are placed between perpendicular and slant walls.
W artykule przedstawiono wstępną koncepcję wirnika nośnego o liczbie łopat większej od pięciu. Rozwiązanie takie pozwoli na obniżenie poziomu emitowanego hałasu przez wirnik nośny. Dodatkowo zwiększona liczba łopat wirnika spowoduje mniejszy poziom drgań powstających na wirniku i przenoszonych na kadłub śmigłowca.
In the article is submitted the initial idea of lifting rotor with the blades number greater than five. Such solution will permit on the lowering noise level caused by the lifting rotor. Additionally, the increased number of the rotor blades will cause lowering of the rotor vibrations level, later transferred on the helicopter fuselage.
The homolytic/heterolytic nature of photolytic C-S bond cleavage was studied in 1,3,5-trithianes. The mechanism of photolysis was refined from previous studies. First, evidence was presented for the existence of a precursor of the biradical-like transient (I) which it self was identified in previous studies. Second, the nature of I was further clarified through methanol-scavenging experiments where the results could be interpreted as lending credibility to the notion that I has significant bipolar character. Kinetic and spectral analyses of transient absorptions, following laser excitation of the trithianes, showed that I was reacting with methanol. Complementary steady-state photolytic quantum yields supported this finding, and additional, but unidentified, stable products from irradiations in methanol were seen in the HPLC. The formation of these products was interpreted as likely arising from a nucleophilic attack of methanol at the carbocationic end of the bipolar structure of I.
New macroflora remains were found from the Famennian strata (unit J) from the Kowala Quarry (the Holy Cross Mts., central Poland). Palynological research indicates presence of the VF (Diducites versabilis-Grandispora famenensis) miospore Zone. Macroflora is very well preserved as many carbonized parts or imprints. Preliminary observations indicate that those remains can belong to genus Archaeopteris. This cosmopolitan genus has been earlier reported from Poland in the Sudetes Mts. from similar stratigraphic position.
Carboniferous coal pebbles, were sampled for palynomorphs in the Dębowiec Formation (Miocene), from the Kozy MT3 borehole near (Bielsko-Biała). Five samples contained organic material useful for biostratigraphy. Based on miospore species, three Western Europe an miospore zones were recognized: ?KV (Crassispora kosankei-Grumosisporites varioreticulatus), FR (Raistrickia fulva-Reticulatisporites reticulatus) from the Namurian?B and C, respectively, and SS (Triquitrites sinani-Cirratriradites saturni) from the Westphalian A.
Na podstawie analizy zdjęć radarowych wydzielono w obrębie jednostki łysogórskiej cztery kompleksy litostratygraficzne. Stwierdzono, że jednostka ta jest ograniczona dyslokacją (dyslokacją świętokrzyską) nie tylko od południa, ale i prawdopodobnie inną dyslokacją od północy. Obydwie te dyslokacje mają prawoskrętną składowa przesuwczą. W wyniku jej działania jednostka łysogórska została podzielona na szereg łusek o monoklinalnej strukturze wewnętrznej.
The paper presents the results of the investigation of the organic matter from clastic and coal-bearing Carboniferous sediments from four boreholes - Jachówka 2K, Sułkowice 1, Wysoka 3 and Zawoja 1 localized in the south-eastern part of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) in Poland. Palynological examination of samples from boreholes allowed to recognize standard miospore zonationfrom VF of the Visean zone up to SL of the Westphalian. Macerals and microlithotypes of hard coal has been analyzed and the reflectance ofvitrinite has been measured. The latter indicates that the stage of thermal maturity of the organic matter in Jachówka 2K and Zawoja 1 is low (between 0.77 and 0.78%);colour ofmiospores, another indicator of organic matter maturity, in the material studied is from 3 to 5 (according to scale of Batten, 1984, Gaupp & Batten, 1985). These results agree with the results ofvitrinite reflectance studies and show that the Carboniferous sediments were never exposed to temperatures above 130°C. Lithostratigraphic position of boreholes studied has been achieved with help of standard geophysical logging. The deposits studied represent Carboniferous lithostratigraphical units: Malinowice = Zalas Beds, Paralic Series, Upper Silesian Sandstone Series (?), Mudstone Series (?), Cracow Sandstone Series. This is indicated by lithological, geophysical and paleontological results of the present study, and also by correlation of those data with neighbouring boreholes and by interpretation of thickness and distribution trends observed in this part of the USCB.
Content available remote Dolnopermski zespół miospor w profilu otworu Tarnawa 1
Bogate spektrum jednoworkowych ziarn pyłku, przeważających nad formami dwuworkowymi, otrzymano z próbki pochodzącej z głębokości 4327,0–4335,0 m. Wiek próbki na podstawie mikroflory określono na dolny perm. Przynależnośc botaniczna całego zespołu wskazuje na dominację roślin szpilkowych.
Palinological research has been carried out on the sample from the depth of 4327.0-4335.0 m. After chemical maceration using first 36% solution of hydrochloric acid and then 45% solution of hydrofluoric acid, the macerat became decanted and sieved using nylon riddle of the diameter of 10μ. Such a condensed macerat was used to prepare standard microscope preparations which were then preserved using Petropoxy glue. This way, microflora associations were protected from drying. The preperations were subjected to microscopic planimetric analysis in a transmitted light. To obtain larger amount of palinological material, chemical maceration was carried out twice. Planimetric palinological analysis revealed the presence of a rich spectrum of the following monosaccatae pollen grains: Florinites luberae, F. grandis, F. minutus, F. pwnicosus, F. mediapudens, Potonieisporites novicus, P. rimosus, P. negleclus, P. grandis, P. permollis, P. lemniscatus, P. concinus, Wilsonites cf. vesicatus, Cordailina uralensis, Plicatipollenitesgondwanensis and Crucisaccites lalistilcatus. Among the bisaccatae pollen grains, the following spe-cics were determined: Gardenasporites pinnatus. Crustaesporites globosus, Vesicaspora potoniei, Pseudopodocarpus expresus and Jugasporites delasaucei. All these examples of microflora clearly indicate Lower Permian age. It significantly differs from the Carboniferous association determined below. The botanical attachment of the microflora studied confirms the domination of the conifers which replaced Carboniferous hygrophilous flora into xerophilous one at the turn of Carboniferous and Permian. The appearance of first bisaccatae pollen grains which predominate in Upper Permian (eg. Jugasporites delasaucei) indicates a permanent trend of dry climate changes into almost semidesertic climate of Upper Permian. The determined association of microflora may be compared with an association known from Lower Permian - Autunian of the Sudetic Mountains and Pre-Sudetic monocline (Dybova-Jachowicz, 1995) and also from Asselian of Donicck Basin, Ukraine (Inosova et al-, 1976). Photographic documentation was made by M. Jachowicz using Olympus BX50 microscope with 750x magnitude.
Analiza palinologiczna trzynastu próbek z otworu wiertniczego Jabłonna IG1 wykazała, że tylko dwie z nich, pochodzące z warstw zarębiańskich, są pozytywne. Wiek tych próbek określono na późny turnej (żony mikroflorystyczne PC i CM). Pozostałe składniki kerogenu to liczne prazynofity (Leiosphaeridium i Tasmanites), pojedyncze akritarchy, tkanki roślin wyższych oraz substancja amorficzna.
Thirteen samples from the Jabłonna IG1 borehole were palynologicaly examined, only two of them (from Zareby Beds) contained palynomorphs. The age of those samples is determined as late Tournaisian (PC and CM Miospore Zones). Remaining components of kerogen are: numerous Prasinophyta (Leiosphaeridium and Tasmanites), solitary Acritarcha, fragments of plants conductive tissue and amorphous matter.
Badania mikroflorystyczne próbek pochodzących z Gór Świętokrzyskich, z granic franu z famenem (f-f), dewonu z karbonem (d-k) i późnego wizenu wskazują na brak istotnych zmian ilościowych i jakościowych mikroplanktonu na granicy f-f i d-k oraz w górnym wizenie. Prawdopodobne wymieranie mikroplanktonu miało miejsce we wczesnym wizenie.
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