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Erthwork during rebuilding of the S3 route in Gorzów Wielkopolski exposed sediments of a palaeolake. The thickness of the sediment complex reaches 11 m. Two gyttja layers are separated by peats and fluvial sands and muds. The sequence reflects a multiphase development of the lake. Lacustrine sediments overlie Odranian (Saalian) (MOIS 6) glaciofluvial deposits and are covered by Vistulian glacial sediments (MOIS 2). At present, the stratigraphic position of the palaeolake is dated to the Eemian (MOIS 5e), with a probable continuation of the deposition into the early Vistulian (MOIS 5d-4). Rhinoceros bones (more than 100 pieces), including a skull with 24 well-preserved teeth, were discovered in the lower part of the palaeolake sediments. The preliminary expertise report, based mainly on the teeth analysis, allows assigning the rhinoceros remains into the genus Stephanorhinus. The finding of so many pieces of the skeleton of Stephanorhinus sp. in situ is unique on the scale of European scale. Apart from the rhinoceros remains, a single metacarpal bone of fallow deer (Dama dama) was found in the site. This is the first record of extant fallow deer in the Pleistocene of Poland. The palaeolake sediments were sampled and multidisciplinary research is planned to reconstruct the history of the development of this basin. The relationship between the rhinoceros andfallow deer remains with the palaeoenvironment will make it possible to ascertain the conditions in which those animals lived at higher latitudes during the Eemian Interglacial.
The paper deals with the issue of determining intermediate soil strength parameters. Particular attention has been drawn to a selected number of issues related to the examination of this type of soils, inter alia limited possibilities of collecting a high quality sample for laboratory tests along with selecting test procedures. Particular attention has been given to discrepancies between obtained results depending on the applied test procedure. The analysis covered test results of undrained shear strength (su) of normally consolidated soils of low plasticity, according to PN-ENISO 14688 soil types: saSi and clSi,from 3 testing grounds in the Poznań region. Laboratory tests were performed on samples of intact structure (NNS) in the triaxial apparatus (TXT) and direct shear apparatus (AB-2a). In the latter case, reconstituted samples were also analysed (PR). Field research was conducted using probes: static CPTUprobe and rotating PSO probe. The results, which require further confirmation, indicate that the adopted formula of working interpretations of CPTU probing results is of significant importance in assessing shear strength; Nkt coefficient in particular. The paper proposes modification of its most often used value into a value in which there was convergence of the results obtained with the use of both types of probes: CPTU and PSO. It was noted that velocity of applying shear stress has a significant impact on the final shear strength result. A possibility of using the PSO probe as a calibration test with reference to CPTU was suggested ifperforming the more advanced TXT test was not possible. It was also indicated that the test procedure in theAB-2a apparatus needed to be verify in order to obtain a tendency of shear strength changes comparable to the field studies. The results obtained confirm the need to prepare a repetitive canon of tests (test instructions) of intermediate soils that would enable adequate interpretation of their properties.
Economic development stimulated by the increased demand for production of consumer goods and the growing human population result in increasing the amounts of various wastes, including tailings. Mining industry in Poland, comprising also mining of non-ferrous metal ores, is a strategic branch of the national economy and, at the same time, a leading waste producer. Tailings management is a significant problem both in Poland and worldwide. Frequently, considerable amounts of wastes are accumulated in mine spoil tips, in areas not always suitable for their deposition, thus leading to the degradation of the surrounding environment. At the huge volume of produced wastes their rational and economically viable management is becoming crucial. On the other hand, depletion of natural aggregate deposits is an important incentive to search for substitutes, which would be suitable for the development of road infrastructure or which could be used in earth structure engineering to construct hydroengineering objects. Since no profitable recovery technologies are available at present, tailings generated by copper mining are deposited in tailings storage facilities. The largest and at the same time the only currently operating facility in Poland is the Żelazny Most Mining Tailings Storage Facility, belonging to KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. The paper presents criteria for material quality and density imposed on the material embedded in the static core of the tailings pond dam. For this purpose studies were conducted to confirm applicability of sorted tailings as a material for the construction of earth structures.
The Stajnia Cave is one of the most important archaeological sites due to the finds of the first remains of Neanderthals in Poland, and several tens of thousands of flint artefacts from the Middle Palaeolithic. Based on geological, geochemical, palaeobotanical, palaeozoological, archaeological and isotope analyses, coupled with absolute age determinations (OSL, U-Th and C14), 15 lithostratigraphic layers were distinguished and palaeoenvironmental conditions during the sedimentation of these beds were determined. The cave loams accumulated through weathering, aeolian and fluvial processes. Their age may be correlated with an interval from the Early Glacial to the Late Pleniglacial of the Visulian (Weichselian) Glaciation. Archaeological relics related to the Neanderthals have been discovered in layer D with an absolute age of about 52,000–45,000 years BP and correlated with MIS 3 – the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian). Climate oscillations in the Vistulian are reflected by the type of the sediments and their physical-chemical features, allowing determining warmer interstadial and colder stadial periods. Generally, the climate was cold, characteristic of tundra areas with a typical vegetation and fauna, and with the mean temperature of the warmest month not exceeding 12°C. Based on multi-proxy studies it can be concluded that from layer E1 upwards, the climate conditions became progressively drier. At that time, the climate was cold with continental features enhancing tundra domination. This conclusion is confirmed by palaeontological investigations and the record of stable oxygen isotopes in the teeth of reindeer. The studies have also indicated seasonal migration of reindeer on the tundra that surrounded the cave. Probably, short-term slight climate warmings occurred during the Middle Plenivistulian (Interplenivistulian).
Climate changes that occurred during the Late Pleistocene had profound effects on the distribution of many plant and animal species and influenced the formation of contemporary faunas and floras of Europe. The course and mechanisms of responses of species to past climate changes are now being intensely studied by the use of direct radiocarbon dating and genetic analyses of fossil remains. Here, we review the advances in understanding these processes by the example of four mammal species: woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius), cave bear (Ursus spelaeus s.l.), saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) and collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx ssp.). The cases discussed here as well as others show that migrations, range shifts and local extinctions were the main responses to climate changes and that the dynamics of these climate-driven processes were much more profound than was previously thought. Each species reacted in its individual manner, which depended on its biology and adaptation abilities to changing environmental and climatic conditions. The most severe changes in European ecosystems that affected the largest number of species took place around 33–31 ka BP, during the Last Glacial Maximum 22–19 ka BP and the Late Glacial warming 15–13 ka BP.
The paper reviews the recent state ofstudies for karst phenomena on northern slopes of the Śnieżnik Massif, Krowiarki range and Zlote Mts in East Sudetes with particular reference to Biała Lądecka basin. Conflned spatial character of the d/ainagf basinand cave sites within allow a better understanding of landscape response to climate and tectonic proxies controlling landscape evolution at least since the end ofMiocene (Messinian). New karst passages discoveries from Niedźwiedzia Cave resulted in the recognition of several sites of allochthonous sediments deposited at different cave morphological levels up to 50 metres above Kleśnica river floor. Furthermore, a new model ofpolygenetic origin for some karst chambers in Niedźwiedzia Cave originating from karstification processes and mass-movements superimposed has been suggested. Presumably, it may be linked with neotectonic processes and/or climatic changes affecting East Sudetes during the Late Cenozoic.
Content available Assessment of shear strength in silty soils
The article presents a comparison of shear strength values in silty soils from the area of Poznań, determined based on selected Nkt values recommended in literature, with values of shear strength established on the basis of Nkt values recommended by the author. Analysed silty soils are characterized by the carbonate cementation zone, which made it possible to compare selected empirical coefficients both in normally consolidated and overconsolidated soils.
The article presents an analysis of geotechnical parameters of the alluvial deposit (the areas of the Vistula and Warta river valleys) with a view to using the soil as an earth construction material and as a foundation for buildings constructed on the grounds tested. Strength and deformation parameters of the subsoil tested were identified by the CPTU (cone penetration test) and DMT (flat dilatometer test) methods, as well as by the vane test (VT). The article includes the analysis of overconsolidation process of the soil tested and a formula for the identification of the overconsolidation ratio OCR. Equation 4 reflects the relation between the undrained shear strength and plasticity of the silts analyzed and the OCR value. The analysis resulted in the determination of the Nkt coefficient, which might be used to identify the undrained shear strength of both sediments tested. On the basis of a detailed analysis of changes in terms of the constrained oedometric modulus M0, the relations between the said modulus, the liquidity index and the OCR value were identified. Mayne’s formula (1995) was used to determine the M0 modulus from the CPTU test. The usefulness of the alluvial deposit as an earth construction material was analysed after their structure had been destroyed and compacted with a Proctor apparatus. In cases of samples characterized by different water content and soil particle density, the analysis of changes in terms of cohesion and the internal friction angle proved that these parameters are influenced by the soil phase composition. On the basis of the tests, it was concluded that the most desirable shear strength parameters are achieved when the silt is compacted below the optimum water content.
Content available remote Ocena stanu pylastych odpadów poflotacyjnych na podstawie wskaźnika konsystencji
Wyniki analizy statystycznej jako sprawdzenie istotności związków korelacyjnych pomiędzy parametrami uziarnienia i parametrami konsystencji odpadów poflotacyjnych, kwalifikujących się pod względem uziarnienia do grupy spoistych. Specyficzne właściwości i uziarnienie odpadów wykorzystane do oceny stanu konsystencji odpadów poflotacyjnych. Propozycja procedury oceny stopnia pla-styczności odpadów na bazie wskaźnika konsystencji.
The results of statistical analysis as a test of the significance of correlation relationships between grain size distribution parameters and consistency parameters of tailings, eligible in terms of grain size distribution to cohesive group. The specific properties and grain size distribution of tailings used for the evaluation of tailings consistency state. The proposal of the procedure for assessing tailings liquidity index on the basis of consistency index.
Wstępne wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na próbkach torfu pobranych z jednego ekosystemu – torfowiska Chlebowo koło Obornik. Wytypowanie obszarów występowania różnych gatunków torfu i pobranie prób do badań odkształceniowych i wytrzymałościowych. Badania trzech gatunków torfu. Analiza ści-śliwości i wytrzymałości na ścinanie tych gruntów w edometrze oraz aparacie trójosiowego ściskania.
Preliminary results of tests carried out on samples taken from a peat bog Chlebowo near Oborniki. The prediction of the occurrence of different species of peat and the taking samples for study of deformation and strength. The study of three species of peat. The investigation of the compressibility and shear strength of the peat in the oedometer and triaxial apparatus.
Jedną z możliwości poprawy współczynnika stateczności nasypu budowlanego jest obniżenie położenia krzywej filtracji. W wyniku tego zabiegu uzyskuje się mniejsze siły masowe uruchamiające potencjalny zsuw oraz korzystniejsze parametry wytrzymałościowe gruntów, które przeciwdziałają ruchom osuwiskowym. W przypadku składowisk odpadów obniżenie krzywej filtracji wód uzyskuje się poprzez budowę studni odciążających i piętrowych systemów drenażowych, spełniających wytyczne bezpiecznej eksploatacji obiektu. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wskazanie metody umożliwiającej monitoring rzeczywistego położenia krzywej filtracji w masywie składowanych osadów oraz ocena sprawności działania drenażu pierścieniowego składowiska. W pracy podjęto próbę wykorzystania do tego celu metody statycznego sondowania CPTU. Badanie CPTU umożliwia pomiar dyssypacji ciśnienia wody w porach gruntu, identyfikując warunki drenażu, które porównuje się z wynikami obserwacji piezometrycznych. Wyniki tego rodzaju badań umożliwiły kontrolę zmian położenia krzywej depresji wód nadosadowych w zaporach oraz określenie sprawności funkcjonowania systemu drenażu pierścieniowego.
One of the potential alternatives to improve the stability coefficient for an embankment structure is to flatten the filtration curve. As a result, we obtain lower body forces triggering the potential landslide and more advantageous soil strength parameters, which counteract landslide movements. In the case of waste dumps lowering the phreatic surface of waters is achieved thanks to the construction of auxiliary drainage systems, meeting the guidelines for their safe operation. The aim of this paper is to indicate a method facilitating the determination of the actual position of the phreatic surface within the deposited sediments and the assessment of efficiency of the circumferential drainage system in the waste dump. It was decided in this study to apply cone penetration test CPTU. The CPTU made it possible to measure dissipation of excess water pressure in pores identifying drainage conditions, which were compared with the results of piezometric measurements. The results of these tests made it possible to monitor changes in the position of the depression curve of supernatant waters in dams and to determine the efficiency of the circumferential drainage system.
Content available remote Oedometric tests of cohesive soils - testing methods and their results
The paper presents results of analyses of compressibility for four cohesive soils from the Wielkopolska region, Poland, differing in terms of their lithogenesis and geotechnical parameters. Laboratory tests were conducted using a conventional IL oedometer and a CRS oedometer. Analyses focused on characteristics of oedometric constrained modulus during primary consolidation [M0] within the range of loads of 0-200 kPa. Presented results, which should to be treated as those of pilot studies, indicate that a significant role in the characterization of soils compressibility is played by the adopted laboratory testing scheme. No potential correlation was found for [M0] values from IL and CRS tests. Thus in the opinion of the authors extensive discussion is required concerning optimization of selection of testing methods for soil compressibility, because the situation when an arbitrary selection of a research method may affect the result of an experiment, is unacceptable. This is particularly crucial here, as parameters of soil compressibility are significant for the design process of building structures. At the same time it was stressed in this paper that irrespective of the applied research method, results of [M0] are inconsistent both with the results of in-situ tests (CPTU) and standard values contained in the PN-81/B-03020 standard [10], according to which until recently the so-called B (correlation) method has been commonly used and which continues to be applied occasionally.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz ściśliwości czterech zróżnicowanych litogenetycznie i geotechnicznie gruntów spoistych z obszaru Wielkopolski uzyskane z badań laboratoryjnych w klasycznym edometrze IL oraz w edometrze CRS. Skupiono się na charakterystyce edometrycznych modułów ściśliwości pierwotnej [M0], w zakresie obciążeń 0-200 kPa. Prezentowane rezultaty, które należy traktować jako efekt pilotażowych badań wskazują, że istotne znaczenie przy charakteryzowaniu ściśliwości gruntów ma przyjmowany schemat ich badań w laboratorium. Nie stwierdzono przy tym możliwości korelacji wartości [M0] z badań IL i CRS. Tym samym konieczna jest zdaniem autorów dyskusja na temat optymalizacji wyboru metodyki badań ściśliwości gruntów, ponieważ niedopuszczalna wydaje się sytuacja, w której swobodny dobór metody badawczej wpływa na wynik badania. Szczególnie, że parametry ściśliwości gruntów, mają niebagatelne znaczenie w procesie projektowania obiektów budowlanych. Podkreślono jednocześnie, że niezależnie od zastosowanej metody badań, wyniki [M0] odbiegają zarówno od oznaczeń in-situ (CPTU), jak również od wartości normowych zawartych w normie PN-81/B-03020 [10], która jeszcze do niedawna była powszechnie (a czasami w dalszym ciągu jest nadal), stosowana do wyznaczania parametrów gruntowych tzw. metodą „B” (korelacyjną).
The paper deals with remains of the elks Cervalces latifrons, Cervalces sp. and Alces alces from Middle and Late Pleistocene sites in Poland. A form of the genus Cervalces occurred in Poland from the early (Kozi Grzbiet, MIS 19–17) to the late Middle Pleistocene (Biśnik Cave, MIS 6 or MIS 5e). The genus Alces appeared in Poland in the Eemian Interglacial (Dziadowa Skała Cave). Compared to the other cervids, elk remains from Poland are very few, but they mark important faunal changes. Kozi Grzbiet and Sitkówka are virtually the only Polish localities from the lower part of the Middle Pleistocene with the remains of large mammals, and the only records of Cervalces latifrons. The specimens from Biśnik Cave are among the last records of the occurrence of Cervalces in Europe. During the Last Glacial Maximum, elks were absent. Though the elks were the least abundant cervids, they were present at sites from milder climatic regimes (interglacials and interstadials) till the Holocene. Elk remains of that period are single teeth and postcranial skeletal bones from the beginning of glaciation in the deposits of Łokietka Cave (MIS 5a–d), Interplenivistulian (MIS 3): caves Biśnik and Obłazowa) and Borsuka Cave (MIS 3–2). In the Late Vistulian (MIS 1, Allerød and Younger Dryas), the elk recolonized the area occupied by Poland.
The paper presents a description of deformation parameters of subsoil composed of peat, mud and sand, which intended to be the foundation for the reservoir with a diameter of 30 meters. Performed CPTU, DMT and SDMT tests, allowed to determine the value of Go modulus and constrained modulus M. The paper also discusses interrelationships between mechanical parameters presented above. Using statistical methods the influence of factors on these relationships was examined. The IDW method was used for determination of global rigidity subsoil model, used in the final conception in reservoir foundations.
W artykule przedstawiono opis cech wytrzymałościowych i deformacyjnych gruntów organicznych, pyłów i piasków, które stanowić mają podłoże zbiornika o 30 metrowej średnicy. Wykonane badania CPTU, DMT i SDMT, pozwoliły na określenie wartości początkowego modułu odkształcenia postaciowego Go oraz modułu ściśliwości M badanych gruntów. W pracy przedstawiono zależności pomiędzy wspomnianymi parametrami oraz przedyskutowano wpływ różnych czynników na te zależności. Zaprezentowano również model sztywności podłoża, opracowany w oparciu o metodę IDW i wykonany na potrzeby analizy posadowienia zbiornika.
The paper deals with the morphometric analysis of remains of the reindeer Rangifer tarandus Linnaeus, 1758 from 20 Late Pleistocene cave localities in Poland. In most of the localities, the species was the most abundant component of the large mammal fauna; the remains came from individuals, killed by predators, including man. The measurements of the remains were compared with those of reindeer from localities in Germany, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia. The measurements of the reindeer from Poland were intermediate between the smaller and more slender reindeer from north-western Europe and the larger reindeer from southern and eastern Europe; the antlers from the localities studied mainly represented the tundra form of Rangifer tarandus. The forest form of the species was represented by a few antlers. With respect to the ages of individuals, the reindeer from the Polish sites belonged to the age classes of under 2 years, 5–6 years and 6–7 years.
The studied bones and teeth of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) come from the Biśnik Cave, located in the Częstochowa Upland (Southern Poland). The specimens originate from different geological layers formed since the Odra Glaciation (250–270 thousand years BP). The fossilized bones and teeth were studied using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, and INAA. They are built of recrystallized carbonate-rich apatite-(CaOH) and/or apatite-(CaOH). The teeth additionally contain some apatite-(CaF). The lack of collagen and minor REE contents suggest rapid burial and collagen decay in the early stage of diagenesis. The bones and teeth have only limited mineral infillings. In some teeth, Mn-Fe (hydroxy)oxides were found in the dentine canaliculi and in bones, some osteocyte lacunae contain Fe (hydroxy)oxides with admixture of Mn. In one bone specimen, calcite infillings are present in Haversian canals. The infillings formed during later stages of diagenesis and were succeeded by non-filled cracks.
The paper discusses selected aspects of logistics with regard to a construction company as an organisation and as a participant in a construction project. On the basis of a recent research in Poland, patterns of development of logistic systems and relations between the participants of construction projects have been presented. The project delivery systems and their connection with possible supply models have been analysed focusing on supply logistics. Experience of construction companies and comparison of supply systems cost simulations point out, that outsourcing of supply logistics processes may significantly reduce total logistic costs.
Artykuł zawiera omówienie wybranych aspektów logistyki i jej specyfiki w odniesieniu do przedsiębiorstwa i z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorstwa budowlanego jako uczestnika przedsięwzięcia, a także zachodzące zmiany w logistyce na podstawie badań. Zwrócono uwagę na zależność modelu obsługi logistycznej od systemu realizacji przedsięwzięcia. Dokonano analizy systemów zarządzania przedsięwzięciem w aspekcie wyboru modelu obsługi logistycznej. Załączony przykład obliczeniowy przedstawia wpływ modelu obsługi logistycznej na koszty logistyczne przedsięwzięcia.
Opisano system NFM-SE wykorzystywany do zarządzania centralami 5ESS w Regionalnym Centrum Zarządzania w Gdańsku. Proces wdrażania systemu został ujęty zarówno w aspekcie technicznym (konfiguracja sprzętowa, funkcje systemu), jak i zastosowanych procedur. W artykule zostały zawarte spostrzeżenia będące wynikiem wiedzy zdobytej podczas eksploatacji systemu.
The article describes Network Fault Management System as a part of Regional Management Centre in Gdańsk. An implementation process is presented in both: technical (equipment, system functions) and procedural aspects. This article contains conclusions, as the result of gaining knowledge during system maintenance.
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