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Two dinosaur footprints: Eubrontes cf. giganteus and Grallator tenuis, both attributed to theropods, have been found in the Lower Jurassic Thaiat Member of the Lathi Formation at the Thaiat ridge, near Jaisalmer in western Rajasthan, India. The footprints were left in sediments of a tidal origin, located in profile a few meters above a marked transgressive/flooding surface. They show different states of preservation – the smaller Grallator tenuis represents a well-preserved concave epirelief footprint on the upper surface of a sandstone containing nerineid gastropod shells, while the bigger Eubrontes cf. giganteus footprint shows a rare state of preservation as a positive epirelief on the top of a calcareous sandstone bed, where recent erosion exposed the footprint cast by removing the mud above and around the footprint. The Thaiat ridge section has been amended in its lower part, to indicate the marked transgressive surface. Geochemical analyses and calculated weathering indices (such as CIA) show that the hinterland climate was seasonal to semi-arid during deposition of that part of the succession.
Palaeomagnetic studies on the Middle and Upper Jurassic carbonates were recently carried out along the Pieniny Klippen Belt from Ukraine (Veliky Kamenets, Lewandowski et al. 2005), through Poland to Western Slovakia (Fig. 1A). More than 200 oriented cores and hand samples were collected from lithologies considered representative for the Czorsztyn Succession (Birkenmajer 1976, 1986), cropping out from the East to the West of PKB in Slovakia. Laboratory work aiming at recognizing the natural remanent magnetization structure, involving thermal and alternating field demagnetizations, magnetic measurements using 2G SQUID magnetometer and employing principal component analysis revealed a multicomponent nature of NRM (Fig. 1B-C). Rock magnetic studies have shown that Ti-poor magnetite is the main magnetic carrier of NRM. In turn, EMS and SEM analysis confirmed the presence of magnetite grains of both detrital and autigenic origin (Fig. 1E-F). Low coercivity/unblocking temperature components are considered post-tectonic and genetically interpreted as an orogeny-related overprint. An overall direction is proximal to the Tertiary directions from cratonic Europe, pointing to only minor individual block rotations after the Pieniny Klippen Belt was formed (Fig. 1). Characteristic, high blocking temperature components (ChRM) show dual-polarity distribution (reversal test statistically positive at B and C levels) and are considered primary. Palaeomagnetic declinations differ among the localities, testifying tectonic rotations of individual blocks after acquisition of ChRMs, supposedly exerted due to transform faults systems, active during Late Jurassic-Cretaceous time. Palaeomagnetic inclinations for the Oxfordian point to palaeolatitude positions ranging from (assuming North) 28° in Veliky Kamenets (Ukraine, see Lewandowski et al. 2005), 17° at Kyjov Pusté Pole, 12° at Milpoš, and 9° in Babina (all in Slovakia), an average error of the oval of 95% confidence being 8° (Fig. 1D). Interestingly, the Milpoš section yielded ca. 10° inclination shift between Bajocian and Oxfordian rocks, indicating southward migration of the host basin in the time concerned. This conclusion is in line with the data obtained for the Kamenets section (Lewandowski et al. 2005). On the other hand, Callovian radiolarites of Butkov, the Inner Carpatians unit situated today in the vicinity of Babina, yielded palaeolatitudes of ca. 22°. It is worth also to note that palaeomagnetic studies of the uppermost Jurassic carbonates from the Brodno Klippe of the Kysuca (equivalent of Branisko) Succession (Houša et al. 1999) also point to low latitudes of deposition. These new data evidence wide palaeogeographic separation of currently neighbouring sedimentary rocks and their host basins in Late Jurassic time, the southernmost of them being in the proximity of Northern Africa. This outcome suggests that Pieniny Klippen Belt is composed of Tethyan microblocks (terrains), witnessing an evolution of Jurassic basins at relatively distant areas of the Tethys domain. Alternatively, the latitudinal dimension of the Czorsztyn Ridge, the host structural unit for the Czorsztyn Succession, would have been 2000±900 km during mid-Oxfordian time.
Red-coloured laminated wackestones to packstones of the filament (Bositra-like) microfacies occurring within crinoidal limestones of the Smolegowa Limestone Formation in the Babiarzowa Klippe (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians) represent infilling of subhorizontal neptunian dyke of Callovian age. The locality is well-known in geological literature as it yielded the rich fossil assemblage of Callovian age (ammonites, gastropods, pelecypods, brachiopods and others) described by Uhlig (1878, 1881).
Skałka Babiarzowa koło Nowego Targu w zachodniej części pienińskiego pasa skałkowego Polski jest stanowiskiem szeroko znanym w literaturze geologicznej (fig. 1), które dostarczyło bogatego zespołu skamieniałości, w tym zwłaszcza amonitów, ślimaków, małży i ramienionogów wieku kelowejskiego (Uhlig 1878, 1881, 1890). Znaczenie tego stanowiska wiąże się przede wszystkim z faktem, że skamieniałości wieku kelowejskiego są w pienińskim pasie skałkowym słabo poznane, i tym samym, że stanowiło ono główny punkt odniesienia dla znajomości fauny tego wieku w omawianym rejonie (Birkenmajer 1963). Niestety zarówno dokładna lokalizacja wspomnianego stanowiska, jak i sytuacja geologiczna występujących tu utworów pozostawały nieznane. Dlatego też obecne odkrycie wspomnianego stanowiska na Babiarzowej Skałce posiada doniosłe znaczenie zarówno dla poznania zespołów faunistycznych jak i zawierających je utworów. Utwory keloweju są tu wykształcone jako drobnolaminowane czerwone wapienie typu wackestone i packstone o mikrofacji filamentowej, lecz wzbogacone w warstewki materiału krynoidowego (fig. 2, 3). Utwory te stanowią wypełnienie poziomej żyły neptunicznej rozwiniętej w obrębie wapieni krynoidowych bajosu należących do formacji wapienia ze Smolegowej. Szczegółowe studia paleontologiczne zebranych skamieniałości są w toku.
The Parkinsoni Zone of the Late Bajocian and the Zigzag, Aurigerus and Retrocostatum Zones of the Bathonian have been identified on the basis of relatively highly diversified ammonite assemblages within seven ammonitico rosso sections belonging to the Czorstyn Unit, Pieniny Klippen Belt. The ammonite fauna has features in common with both the Mediterranean Province and the Sub-Mediterranean Province, containing abundant Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina on the one hand, but numerous Parkinsonia on the other. Ammonites of Arabian affinities belonging to the genus Micromphalites occur rarely in the Early Bathonian Zigzag Zone assemblage. Lytoceras joniaki, Lissoceras compressus and Cadomites (Polyplectites) minutus are proposed as new taxa.
The Czertezik Succession has been closely re-examined in its most classical sections of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Western Carpathians) in Poland and eastern Slovakia. The study revealed the presence of the "lower nodular limestones" (Niedzica Limestone Formation), and resulted in discovery of Early Bajocian ammonite fauna in grey crinoidal limestones of the Smolegowa Limestone Formation/Flaki Limestone Formation, and the latest Bajocian to Early Bathonian ammonite fauna in the Niedzica Limestone Formation. These new data proved closer similarity between the Czertezik Succession and the Niedzica Succession than between the Czertezik Succession and the Czorsztyn Succession as it was suggested up to now. On the other hand, the Czertezik Succession represents deeper palaeogeographical position within the Pieniny Klippen Basin than the Niedzica Succession and it has been deposited near the Branisko/Kysuca Succession.
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