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Salt deposits in the Wieliczka area (Wieliczka Salt Deposit – WSD) in southern Poland comprise salt-rich strata belonging to an evaporite succession that originated in the Carpathian Foredeep basin in the Middle Miocene Badenian (Serravallian) times, ca 13.81–13.45 Ma. Although they have been mined since the 13th century and decades of investigations provided abundant data on their origin and structure, some aspects of their geological evolution are still not fully understood. This study presents current concepts on the lithostratigraphy and tectonics of the WSD. The salt-bearing facies developed near to the southern basin margin, delineated by the Carpathian orogenic front. Such a location triggered the redeposition of sediments and gravity-driven deformation followed by tectonic deformation related to the forelandward advancement of the Carpathian thrusts. As a result, the WSD consists of folds and slices composed of two main salt members: (1) the stratified salt member, with intercalating salt, sulphates and siliciclastics, and (2) the boulder salt member, built of clays with large, isolated blocks of salt. The stratified member contains abundant meso-scale tectonic structures recording the soft-sediment deformation and deformation related to the northward tectonic push exerted by the advancing Carpathian thrust wedge. The boulder member originated due to the syntectonic erosion of evaporites along the basin margins and their redeposition during progressive northward migration of the Carpathian front. Recent interpretations of seismic data imply that the WSD constitutes the core of a triangle zone developed at the contact of the Carpathian orogenic wedge with the backthrust-displaced foredeep sedimentary fill. Meso-scale examples of sedimentary and tectonic structures in the salt-bearing succession exposed in the underground Wieliczka Salt Mine are described and their formation modes discussed.
Content available On the nature of the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone
The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ) is the longest European tectonic and geophysical lineament extending from the Baltic Sea in the NW to the Black Sea in the SE. This tectonic feature defines a transition zone between the thick crust of the East European Craton (EEC) and the thinner crust of the Palaeozoic Platform to the SW. The TTZ is evident from the seismic data as a perturbation of the Moho depth as well as from magnetic and gravity anomaly maps and heat flow distribution. For over a century, the TTZ has been considered a fossil plate boundary of the EEC corresponding to the limit of early Palaeozoic palaeocontinent Baltica. The results of quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, integrated with data from the new reflection seismic profiles crossing the TTZ, indicate the continuation of the Precambrian basement of the EEC and its lower Palaeozoic cover toward the SW underneath the Palaeozoic Platform. Potential field modelling also suggests the occurrence of a crustal keel underneath the TTZ. These results imply the location of a Caledonian tectonic suture, marking the site of the collision between Avalonia and Baltica, not along the TTZ, but farther SW, in NE Germany and SW Poland.
The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ), a transcontinental feature evident from magnetic and gravity maps, runs obliquely across the territory of Poland from the NW to SE and for a century it has been considered a deep tectonic boundary between the Pre- cambrian East European Platform (EEP) in the NE and the so-called young Palaeozoic Platform in the SW. The results of quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data, integrated with data from new reflection seismic profiles crossing the TTZ, indicate the continuation of the Precambrian basement of the EEP and its lower Palaeozoic cover toward the SW underneath the Palaeozoic Platform of southwestern Poland. They also suggest the occurrence of a crustal keel beneath the TTZ. In the broader context ofEuropean geology, these results imply the location of a hypothetical Caledonian tectonic suture, marking the site of the collision between Avalonia and Baltica, not along the TTZ, but farther SW, in northern Germany and southwest Poland. Another implication is that the extensive Permian-Mesozoic sedimentary basins of western Poland are established above the attenuated margin of the Baltica palaeocontinent.
Seismic data and core from the shallow cartographic Pilzno P-7 borehole were used to construct a new model of the Carpathian orogenic front between Tarnów and Pilzno, in the Pogórska Wola area (southern Poland). The most external, frontal thrust of the orogenic wedge (the Jaśniny structure) was identified as a syn-depositional fault-propagation fold de- tached above the Upper Badenian evaporites. Its formation was controlled by the presence of mechanically weak foredeep evaporites and by the morphology of the sub-Miocene Meso-Paleozoic foreland plate (Jaśniny and Pogórska Wola palaeovalleys). The frontal zone of the Carpathian orogenic wedge (the Skole thrust sheet and the deformed foredeep deposits of the Zgłobice thrust sheet) is characterized by significant backthrusting of the foredeep succession towards the south, and by the presence of a triangle zone, with strongly deformed Upper Badenian evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation in its core. The triangle zone was formed during the latest thrusting movements of the Carpathians. An indication of the existence of the triangle zone in the vicinity of Dębica has also been provided by reinterpretation of the archive regional geological cross-section. The youngest foredeep deposits, brought to the surface above the backthrust, have been dated as Sarmatian (NN7 nannoplankton zone), which indicates that the latest thrust movements within the frontal Carpathian orogenic in the vicinity of Tarnów-Dębica took place approx. 11-10 million years ago. Thermochronological studies (AFT and AHe) indicated that the foredeep succession drilled by the Pilzno P-7 borehole has not been buried deeper than 1.5-2 km, which is compatible with reconstruction based on the seismic data.
In June of 1843 Roderick Murchison visited Poland to overview local geology in order to fill the gap between the results of his Russian campaign (1840-1841) and the familiar geology of Western Europe. Recent examination of Murchison's hand-written "Journal" and field notebooks in the archive of the Geological Society of London allows a detailed reconstruction of his visit in the Polish territories. During the five-days "charge" across the Holy Cross Mountains the famous British geologist, accompanied by the outstanding Polish colleague Ludwik Zejszner, had collected plenty of observations that were later partly quoted in Murchison's monumental treatise about the geology of Russia (1845). Among the most important new findings is the identification of the Devonian sediments earlier included by Jerzy Bogumił Pusch (1833–1836) in the Formation of Übergangs Kalkstein und Breccie (Transitional Limestone and Breccia). Murchison’s visit and its results are echoed in later papers by domestic scientists, particularly those by Zejszner. The latter was the first Polish student of the Holy Cross Mountains geology who extensively introduced chronostratigraphic units established by Murchison, including the Silurian and Devonian in particular.
Analysis of previously available stratigraphic data coupled with the re-interpretation of seismic profiles calibrated by boreholes has allowed the construction of a new tectonic model of evolution of the Gdów “embayment” – a tectonic re-entrant located along the Carpathian front east of Kraków (southern Poland). This model shows that the main phase of localized fault-controlled subsidence took place in the Early Badenian and was associated with deposition of the locally overthickened Skawina Formation. Also, deposition of evaporites of the Wieliczka Formation seems to have been tectonically controlled by local basement faulting. Supra-evaporitic siliciclastic deposits have developed as a result of overall north-directed sediment progradation from the eroded Carpathian belt towards the Carpathian Foredeep. During the final stages of development of the Carpathian fold-and-thrust wedge the previously subsiding Gdów “embayment” area was uplifted and basement faults were reactivated either as reverse faults or as low angle thrust faults. Along the leading edge of this inverted structure a triangle zone developed, with backthrusting along the evaporitic level. As a result, overthickened evaporites, formed in local tectonically-controlled depressions within the area of the Gdów “embayment” area have been strongly folded and internally deformed.
Lateral changes in the thickness of strata and petrophysical parameters within the Zechstein succession (salt pillows and domes) can cause many problems in seismic exploration of the aeolian Rotliegend formations, which are prospective for hydrocarbons. An assessment of the influence of halokinesis on the seismic imaging of the sub-Zechstein strata in NW Poland (Obrzycko–Szamotuły area, to the SW of the Mid-Polish Swell) utilised time-to-depth conversion with different, seismic-geological models. Various, seismic velocities were used in models for the Zechstein and the Mesozoic successions, namely velocities, dependent on the thickness of particular rock successions, on their depths, and velocities, determined from seismic inversion. The results show opposite reflection patterns for the seismic section imaged in the time and depth domains. The synclinal arrangement of the strata boundaries in the depth model is represented by convex-upwards reflection events on the seismic section. The pull-up of reflection events, associated with the sub-Zechstein strata, observed on the seismic sections, is mainly a result of both the greater thickness of the Zechstein salt within the salt structures (pillows, diapirs) and the increase in velocity contrast between the salt body and the Mesozoic strata.
Two-dimensional modelling of hydrocarbon generation, expulsion, migration and accumulation pro- cesses in SE Poland between Tarnów and Rzeszów was carried out for five source rock horizons, i.e. the Ordo- vician, Silurian, Middle Devonian–Lower Carboniferous carbonates, Lower Carboniferous clastics, and Middle Jurassic. Five cross-sections in the study area allowed the reconstruction of timing and range of petroleum processes. The best source rocks related to the Ordovician and Silurian shales and mudstones reached “oil window” maturity within the entire study area and locally also reached the “gas window”. Generation of hydro- carbons was observed from all five source rocks, but the Ordovician and Silurian source rocks generated two and three times more hydrocarbons than the Lower Carboniferous and Jurassic source rocks, respectively. Expulsion took place only in case of the Lower Palaeozoic source rocks, but the volume of expelled hydrocarbons differed across the area. Hydrocarbons migrated from the Ordovician and Silurian source rocks to the Upper Jurassic (carbonates) and Upper Cretaceous (sandstones) reservoirs or to the Upper Palaeozoic carbonates in connection with the emplacement of the Carpathian thrust belt during the Miocene. Faults formed main migration pathways and hydrocarbons accumulated in structural and stratigraphic traps, located in the vicinity of faults. In places, traps are associated with a deep Miocene erosion surface. The onset of hydrocarbon generation took place during the Neogene, mainly the Miocene, but in the north, generation and expulsion started earlier – at the end of the Mesozoic.
We present new results of investigation of Middle Miocene Badenian tuffite levels exposed in Southern Poland within the Gdów "embayment" area (tuffites from Wiatowice, upper part of the Skawina Beds, foraminiferal biozone IIg) and compare them with the well known and extensively described Bochnia Tuffite level at Chodenice near Bochnia (upper part of the Chodenice Beds, foraminiferal biozone IIIA). The 4039
Permo-Mesozoic Mid-Polish Trough formed eastern segment of the Southern Permian Basin, within which thick series of the Upper Permian (Zechstein) evaporites, including rock salt, have been deposited. During subsidence phase the presence of thick salt series led to regional decoupling between sub-salt basement and supra salt Mesozoic sedimentary cover, and to development of various salt structures. Evolution of salt pillows and diapirs was genetically related to activity of the basement fault zones. The Goleniów, Dzwonowo-Człopa, Damasławek, Mogilno, Kłodawa and Lubień salt diapirs have been analyzed using conventional seismic reflection data acquired during petroleum exploration, and - in case of Damasławek and Lubień diapirs - shallow high-resolution seismic data. Interpretation of available seismic data gave new insight into geometry of these salt structures, finally shaped during Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough and partly modified during younger (Neogene- Quaternary) phases of their tectonic activity.
The Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Polish Platform reflects repeated changes in loading condi tions at the Al pine–Carpathian and Arctic–North Atlantic margins of the European continent. After the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene main phase of the Mid-Polish Basin inversion, a second phase of limited uplift of the Mid-Polish Swell occurred during the Middle–Late Eocene. End Eocene and Early Oligocene subsidence of narrow grabens on the Fore-Sudetic Monocline was coeval with normal fault ing in the East Alpine foredeep basin and the development of the Central European rift system. At the sametime the Outer Carpathian flysch basins were rearranged, presumably in response to the build-up of compressional stresses at crustal levels, whilst subsidence and erosion patterns changed in the Carpathian Foreland from being dominated by the NW–SE trending Mid-Pol ish Swell to being controlled by the development of the W–E trending Meta-Carpathian Swell. At the end of the Oligocene the Fore-Sudetic graben system propagated into the area of the Trans-European Suture Zone and the Sudetes and remained active during the Early and Middle Miocene. This was paralleled by intensified subduction activity and thrusting of the Carpathians and the development of their flexural foredeep basin. A short early Sarmatian episode of basement in volving transpression along the SW margin of the Mid-Pol ish Swell correlates with the termination of north-directed nappe transport in the Outer Carpathians. This was followed by eastward migration of the subsidence centre of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin and the gradual termination of tectonic activity in the grabens of the Polish Lowlands. After a period ofpost-orogenic relaxation the present-day compressional stress regime built up during the Pliocene and Quaternary. Intensified ridge push forces exerted on the Arctic–North Atlantic passive margins contribute to this compressional stress field that is dominated by collision-related stresses reflecting continued indentation of the Adriatic Block. This sequence of events is interpreted in terms of changing tectonic loads in the Carpathians, Alps and at the NW passive margin of Europe. The complex and diachronous interaction of mechanically coupled and uncoupled plates along collision zones probably underlies the temporally varying response of the Carpathian Foreland that in addition was complicated by the heterogeneous structure of its lithosphere. Progressively increasing ridge push on the passive margin played a secondary role in the stress differentiation of the study area.
Interpreted seismic data located within the Grójec fault zone confumed that this zone could be regarded as a strike-slip fault zone, perpendicular to the main axis of the Mid-Polish Trough. Role of this fault zone during Permian-Early Cretaceous subsidence of the Mid-Polish Trough was minimal, and could have been related to tensional/transtensional reactivation of deep structures related to the NW edge of the Małopolska gravity high. In latest Cretaceous - early Paleogene, due to on-going inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough (in transpressional regime) and successive uplift of the Mid-Polish Swell, Grójec fault zone was reactivated. This process could be however most probably regarded as secondary to inversion tectonics and associated strike-slip movements along the NE edge of the Trough/Swell. Inversion of the 4 segment of the Mid-Polish Trough took place in Turonian? -Coniacian-Maastrichtian- early Paleogene.
The Miocene Carpathian foredeep basin in Poland (CFB) developed in front of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt, at the junction of the East European craton and the Palaeozoic platform. 3D seismic data, cores and well logs from Sokołów area (vicinity of Rzeszów) were used in order to construct new depositional model of the Miocene succession of the Carpathian foredeep. The gas-bearing Miocene infill of the CFB is characterized by a shallowing-upward trend of sedimentation and consists of hemipelagic, turbiditic and deltaic and nearshore-to-estuarine facies associations. Lowermost part of the Miocene infill seems to has been deposited from the North. Such direction of sediment supply was related to influence of existing relief of the pre-Miocene basement, where very deep (up to 1,5 km) erosional valleys cut into the pre-Miocene (Precambrian) basement due to inversion and uplift of the SE segment of theMid-Polish Trough are located. Upper part of theMiocene infill reflects sediment progradation from the South, from the Carpathian area into the foredeep basin. In the Rzeszów area existence of the so-called anhydrite-less island, i.e. relatively large area devoid of the Badenian evaporitic cover caused by the post-Badenian uplift and widespread erosion of evaporites,has been postulated for many years. Interpretation of 3D seismic data showed that such model should be abandoned. In the studied part of the CFB, Late Badenian evaporitic sedimentation was restricted to the axial parts of deep paleovalleys. Evaporites deposited in these valleys have been rarely encountered by exploration wells as such wells were almost exclusively located above basement highs separating erosional paleovalleys, hence giving incorrect assumption regarding regional lack of evaporitic cover. It is possible that in axial parts of these valleys important gas accumulations might exist, charged from the South and sealed by the Badenian evaporites.
Petrological studies of core samples, integrated with mesostructural analysis of cores, and coupled with results of seismic data interpretation allowed to interpret evolving reservoir properties of dolostones of the Frasnian Werbkowice Mb. These crystalline and partly vuggy rocks form main reservoir horizons of the Ciecierzyn and Mełgiew A gas fields in the central Lublin Graben. The optimum reservoir properties were attained following the main phase of regional dolomitization and accompanying CaCO3 dissolution. These processes occurred after renewed subsidence in Viséan and before main phase of the Variscan inversion in late Westphalian. In Late Silesian, after the onset of hydrocarbon generation, porosity was partly filled by a dolomite cement. The most important agent of porosity destruction, however, was a precipitation of anhydrite cement preceding main phase of compressional deformations. The latter led to a localized development of open fracture systems which, however, were soon filled with various cements related to dissolution-reprecipitation processes. After compressional event, the stress regime evolved towards strike-slip and extensional, which created fractures allowing migration of hydrocarbons to newly formed structural traps. Several observed structures indicate negligible post- inversion deformations, thus facilitating preservation of earlier formed hydrocarbon accumulations. However, successive stages of secondary migration could have occurred during indefinite time under strike-slip and extensional regime recorded as a distinct set of mesostructures.
Nowe dane geologiczne i geofizyczne o dewońsko-karbońskim basenie lubelskim pozwalają na modyfikację jego ram tektonicznych, a także próbę rekonstrukcji rozwoju i inwersji w kontekście szerszych tektonicznych uwarunkowań przedpola waryscyjskiego w Europie środkowej i wschodniej. Rozwój basenu lubelskiego był uwarunkowany od dewonu środkowego, a zwłaszcza od środkowego franu, systemem dyslokacji podłużnych o kierunku w przybliżeniu NW-SE. Główną rolę odgrywał wśród nich uskok Nowe Miasto-Radom, odpowiadający granicy basenu z blokiem łysogórsko-radomskim. Był on uwarunkowany istnieniem walnej nieciągłości skorupowej - strefy Teisseyre'a-Tornquista (TTZ). Do wczesnego namuru A przeważał reżim ekstensyjny ściśle związany z ewolucją platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej, a w szczególności systemu ryftowego Prypeć-Dniepr-Doniec. Po namurze A rów lubelski ulegał subsydencji związanej prawdopodobnie z ruchami przesuwczymi wzdłuż TTZ, a jego ewolucja tektoniczna była zsynchronizowana z rozwojem pozostałej części przedpola waryscyjskiego w południowej i centralnej Polsce. U schyłku westfalu rów lubelski uległ wraz z cały przedpolem waryscyjskim inwersji tektonicznej w reżimie uskoków nasuwczych. Oś kompresji rotowała prawoskrętnie od kierunku NNE-SSW do ENE-WSW.
New geological and geophysical data on the Devonian-Carboniferous Lublin Basin allow reinterpretation of its regional structural framework. They also provide a basis for the reconstruction of the basin development and inversion against broader tectonic context of the Variscan foreland in the Western and Central Europe. Beginning from the Middle Devonian, and particularly since the mid-Frasnian, the Lublin Basin development had been controlled by a system of longitudinal dislocations striking approximately NW-SE. The most important was the Nowe Miasto-Radom Fault Zone corresponding to the SW basin boundary with the Łysogóry-Radom Block. It was controlled by the local segment of the major crustal discontinuity - the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone (TTZ). In the Lublin Basin the extensional regime prevailed until the early Namurian. It was closely related to the evolution of the East European Platform, in particular to the development of the Pripyat-Dniepr-Donets rift system. After Namurian A the basin subsidence was probably controlled by strike-slip movements along the TTZ, whereas stages of its evolution were synchronous with a development of remaining part of the Polish Variscan foreland. By the end Westphalian the Lublin Basin underwent structural inversion in the thrust-fault stress regime. Axis of compression underwent clockwise rotation from the initial NNE-SSW towards the final ENE-WSW causing sinistral transpression along longitudinal faults.
Lubelszczyzna (rozumiana jako obszar między Warszawą i granicą ukraińską) jest obszarem intensywnych badań geologicznych i geofizycznych od wielu dziesiątków lat, co ma związek z występowaniem w tym rejonie różnego rodzaju złóż. Wykorzystując profile sejsmiczne z różnych części Lubelszczyzny określono różnego rodzaju procesy tektoniczne, które ukształtowały dzisiejszą budowę geologiczną piętra paleozoicznego i mezozoicznego. Strefa uskokowa Kocka została zinterpretowana jako obszar późnokarbońskich deformacji kompresyjnych, powstała ponad strefą uskoków odwróconych zakorzenionych w podłożu prekambryjskim, przy istotnym udziale deformacji plastycznych związanych z miąższym kompleksem utworów ilastych syluru. W rejonie Siedlec zidentyfikowano strefę uskokową o kierunku SW-NE, najprawdopodobniej o genezie przesuwczej. Strefa ta była aktywna w późnym dewonie, w późnym karbonie oraz późnej kredzie. W okolicy Mełgwi tzw. wyniesienie centralne zinterpretowano jako naskórkową strukturę kompresyjną, powstałą w późnym karbonie i zakorzenioną ponad utworami dewonu dolnego. W rejonie Ciecierzyna wyniesienie to związane jest z uskokiem odwróconym zakorzenionym w podłożu prekambryjskim. Współczesna południowo-zachodnia krawędź basenu lubelskiego (wyznaczona przez zasięg utworów karbońskich), tj. strefa Ursynów-Kazimierz, związana została ze strefą uskoków odwróconych, wzdłuż których utwory budujące podniesienia Radom-Kraśnik zostały en block uniesione w stosunku do basenu lubelskiego. Południowo-wschodni segment basenu lubelskiego charakteryzuje się asymetryczną strukturą, zdeterminowaną przez głęboko zakorzeniony uskok odwrócony. Na NE od niego zidentyfikowano skomplikowany system uskoków odwróconych i nasunięć, a także towarzyszących im ramp oraz fałdów przy- i naduskokowych, powstałych w trakcie późnokarbońskiej inwersji basenu lubelskiego. Strefa uskokowa Nowe Miasto-Zawichost aktywna była w późnym permie-jurze jako strefa uskoków normalnych, a w trakcie inwersji południowo-wschodniego segmentu bruzdy śródpolskiej została reaktywowana jako strefa uskoków odwróconych. Wzdłuż tej strefy stwierdzono szereg pozytywnych struktur kwiatowych, wskazujących na udział ruchów przesuwczych w trakcie inwersji.
Lublin region (defined as area between Warsaw and the Ukrainian border) has been focus of intense geological and geophysical studies for many years, due to the presence of various deposits. Different tectonic processes that have shaped present-day geological structure of the Paleozoic and Permo-Mesozoic structural levels have been described using seismic profiles acquired in different parts of this region. Kock fault zone was interpreted as an area of the Late Carboniferous compressional deformations formed above zone of reverse fault rooted in the Precambrian basement, with important influence of ductile deformations caused by thick Silurian shale complex. In the Siedlce area SW-NE strike-slip fault zone was identified, active in Late Devonian, Late Carboniferous and Late Cretaceous. The so-called central high in the Mełgiew area was interpreted as thin-skinned Late Carboniferous compressional structure detached above Lower Devonian complex, while in the Ciecierzyn area this high developed due to thick-skinned reverse faulting reaching the Precambrian basement. Present-day SW border of the Lublin Basin (defined by the SW extent of the Carboniferous cover), i.e. Ursynów-Kazimierz zone, is associated with zone of reverse faults along which Radom-Kraśnik High was en block uplifted in respect to the Lublin Basin. SE segment of the Lublin Basin is characterized by asymmetrical structure, determined by deeply-rooted reverse fault. NE from this fault complex system of reverse faults and thrusts together with associated ramps and fault-related folds formed during the Late Carboniferous inversion of the Lublin Basin was identified. Nowe Miasto-Zawichost fault zone was active as normal fault zone in Permian-Jurassic, and was reactivated as reverse fault zone during inversion of the SE segment of the Mid-Polish Trough. Along this fault zone numerous positive flower structures were identified, suggesting important strike-slip movements associated with inversion.
The Mid-Polish Trough (MPT) formed the axis of the Polish Basin that forms part of the Permian-Mesozoic system of West- and Central-European epicontinental basins. Prior to its Late Cretaceous-Paleocene inversion, the MPT was filled with several kilometres of Permian and Mesozoic sediments, including thick Zechstein salts that gave rise to the development of a complex system of salt structures in the central and northwest segments of the MPT. Thick Zechstein salts acted on a basin-wide scale as a mechanical decoupling layer during the Mesozoic evolution of the MPT. Due to this regional decoupling effect, Jurassic extensional faulting was mostly restricted to the sub-Zechstein salt basement whilst normal faulting played a subordinate role in the Jurassic syn-extensional sedimentary series that are characterized by gradual lateral thickness changes (Fig. 1A). Basement fault zones were reactivated as reverse fault zones during inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough that led to formation of the Mid-Polish Swell (Fig. 1A). Taking into account: the location of Mesozoic thickness gradients, the structural configuration of the sub-Zechstein basement, and the location of salt structures - a new tectonic map was constructed showing the inferred sub-salt fault zones that were active during the subsidence and inversion of the Pomeranian part of the MPT (Fig. 1B; cf. Krzywiec 2006). The NE boundary of the MPT was generally controlled by the SW margin of the East-European Craton, whilst its SW boundary coincides with a complex system of fault zones most probably inherited from earlier tectonic phases. Comparison of isopach maps of the Jurassic series (Dadlez 2003; Fig. 1C-E) with inferred sub-Zechstein fault zones shows the prominent role of these fault zones in development of the Jurassic sedimentary infill of the Pomeranian segment of the Mid-Polish Trough. The isopach map of Lower Jurassic series (Fig. 1C) shows a distinct thickness increase towards the axial parts of the MPT where they were partly eroded in response to inversion movements. Similarly, Middle Jurassic series have been deeply truncated and partly or even totally eroded due to the inversion-related uplift of the Mid-Polish Swell. Consequently, for these areas, the isopach map given in Fig. 1D shows tentative values only, with observed thickness values being restricted to the marginal and SE axial parts of the basin. Nevertheless, the gross thickness distribution is compatible with the concept of activity along inferred sub-salt basement fault zones controlling basin subsidence. The Upper Jurassic thickness map (Fig. 1E) is the least reliable map due to relatively widespread erosion of this complex caused by inversion and uplift of the axial part of the Mid-Polish Trough. Overall thickness changes within this complex are moderate, and they generally coincide with inferred basement fault zones. Regional thickness increase towards the SE suggests increased influence of the Tethyan domain on evolution of the Mid-Polish Trough.
Well, outcrop, seismic and gravity data were used to construct a series of palaeogeographic maps revealing architecture and evolution of the carbonate platform developed within the northern shelf of Tethys in SE Poland and W Ukraine during Oxfordian through Barremian times. The platform developed in a transition zone between the epicontinental Mid-Polish Trough and the Outer-Carpathian basins. A variety of depositional systems included open shelf spongemicrobial bioherms, coral reefs and oolitic-bioclastic grainstones (see Gutowski et al. 2005, Gliniak et al. 2005) which form hydrocarbon reservoirs in connection with overlying Cenomanian sandstones. Palaeogeographic distribution of the depositional systems evolved in time and was controlled by syn-depositional basement normal/transtensional and strike-slip faulting. A series of analogue models (Gutowski & Koyi 2006a, b) helped to understand a role of strike-slip movements along deep fault zones directed obliquely to the axis of the Mid Polish Through and related to modifications of the extension direction (Gutowski & Wybraniec 2006). These movements controlled fault geometry and the shift of depocenters. Pelagic, black and grey, often bituminous shales (Karolina Formation in Western Ukraine and Cieszyn Shales in Poland), deposited in front of the bioherm-reef belt on the shelf margin, form excellent source rocks. They were deposited since the Late Kimmeridgian due to breaking-up of the peri-Tethyan carbonate platform (Âtramberk type carobonates) and opening of the Silesian Basin (Fig. 1). Consequently, promising traps should mainly be located close to the Late Kimmeridgian - Early Cretaceous shelf margin (Fig. 1), the location of which was inferred using gravity data (Gutowski & Wybraniec 2006). Additional source rocks are of Palaeozoic or Middle Jurassic age. Quality of the reservoirs was often enhanced by diagenesis (e.g. dolomitization), fracturing and pre-Cenomanian karstification. The reservoirs are sealed by Miocene evaporates and/or clays and Upper Cretaceous marls. The Mid-Polish Trough was inverted during the Late Cretaceous and Palaeogene. As a result of Carpathian thrusting, the basin in its southernmost part was covered by the Miocene sediments of the Carpathian foredeep and/or by the Outer Carpathian nappes. Although these tectonic processes modified the evolution of the hydrocarbon system, the Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous facies development and evolution of the carbonate platform were decisive for the primary distribution of the source rocks and potential reservoirs. Therefore, they should play a key role in hydrocarbon exploration strategy.
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