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Content available remote Proces wywiadowczy. Cz. 2, Przetwarzanie informacji i przekazanie odbiorcy
While collection is fundamental to intelligence process and intelligence work as such, opinions differ regarding the importance of the various methods. Obviously, each collection discipline can be operating simultaneously. While collectors collect “raw” information, certain disciplines involve a sort of preliminary analysis in order to make information readable to all-source analyst. Once collection activity has been completed its results is dispatched by appropriate means to the analysis divisions. The main effort of collating, integrating and creating goes on in pursuit of the ultimate goal: a complete, accurate, insightful, useful and timely product for the consumer (requester). Thus, the process of analyzing the available information to make judgment about capabilities, intentions and actions of another party is a vital part of the intelligence process. Physical production of intelligence is also a key component in the intelligence process and cycle. This aspect is becoming increasingly complex. With the overall technology explosion in modern society, intelligence products can be presented in a vast array of formats. The final step in the intelligence cycle is dissemination. If the product is really to be useful for policy makers and commanders, it involves feedback.
Content available remote Proces wywiadowczy. Cz. 1
Within intelligence profession, intelligence means different things to many people, depending upon their functions, roles and perspectives. The term is applied to the product resulting from the processing of information concerning foreign nations, other hostile target and areas of military operations as well as institutions and certain kind of activities. Here it is called the process referred to the intelligence cycle. The cycle describes the basic process which gives the form and context to intelligence activity. In its simplest form the intelligence cycle is described as a four-stage process beginning with the articulation of requirements by a consumer – policy maker, governmental administration or military commander and his staff. Next comes the collection of information related to the requirements, then analysis of the raw information that produces the final intelligence. The last stage is the dissemination of the product to the original requester or other interested and authorized consumers. The articulation of the requirements is the most important part of the process and it is seldom as simple as it might seem. That requirement must be translated into a form that is susceptible to collection by a given collection field (intelligence source) - HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, MASINT, OSINT. The collection refers to the gathering of raw data, through espionage, technical means, and exploitation of open sources.
Celem badań była ocena zależności pomiędzy składem petrograficznym węgli a parametrami jakościowymi otrzymanych w skali laboratoryjnej koksów, wyznaczonymi według procedur zaproponowanych przez Nippon Steel Corporation; reakcyjności wobec CO2 (CRI) i następczo oznaczanej wytrzymałości (CSR), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem różnic w prekursorach roślinnych węgli powstałych w różnych okresach geologicznych - permie i karbonie. W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy dyskryminacyjnej jako metodę pozwalającą na obiektywną ocenę możliwości klasyfikacji węgli wyjściowych na grupy o zbliżonych właściwościach fizyko-chemicznych, dających w efekcie koksy o porównywalnych wartościach parametrów jakościowych. Potwierdzono konieczność wykorzystywania wyników analizy mikroskopowej węgli w procesie ustalania przydatności węgli do produkcji koksu o możliwie najlepszych parametrach CRI i CSR, szczególnie w odniesieniu do węgli permskich, których ocena dotychczasowymi metodami polskiej klasyfikacji według typów może prowadzić do błędnej oceny ich zdolności koksotwórczych.
The aim of this study was to identify general relationships between petrographical composition of initial coals and parameters of reactivity (CRI) and strength (CSR) of resultant cokes determined by the Nippon Steel Corporation methods in a laboratory scale with a special attention paid to the differences in coal-forming plants in various geological periods: Permian and Carboniferous. The discriminate analysis was used in this work to determine the groups of initial coals of similar physical and chemical properties giving resultant cokes of similar quality parameters. The advantages of petrographical analysis of coals used for the prediction of the quality of resultant cokes (CRI, CSR) were confirmed especially for Permian coals, the assessment of which by up-to-date Polish Classification Methods according to coal types may lead to incorrect evaluation of their coking capability.
Przeprowadzono pełną analizę węgli z 5 kopalń Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej w dwóch seriach, starając się ustalić związki przyczynowo-skutkowe w relacji: czynniki vs ciśnienie rozprężania w usytuowaniu hierarchicznym czynników. Prócz analiz wstępnych, mających na uwadze ocenę wpływu ciśnienia rozprężania na wydajność procesu wytlewania i koksowanie, przeprowadzono analizę wielowymiarową 22 zmiennych metodą dendrogramów i macierzowej analizy korelacyjnej. Ustalone zależności są zgodne z koncepcjami przedstawionymi w literaturze, przy czym wykazano, że wraz z ciśnieniem rozprężania wzrasta wydajność fazy stałej w procesie wytlewania i koksowania.
Two series of complete analyses of coals from 5 mines of Jastrzebie Coal Company were carried out in order to find relations: the factors of coal quality vs. coking pressure. Multivariable analysis of 22 properties by cluster analysis and correlation matrices was carried out beside preliminary analyses of expansion pressure influence on the yield of low-temperature carbonization. Established relations are in accordance with conclusions presented in literature, but it was proved yield of solid products in low-temperature carbonization and coking increases with increasing of coking pressure.
The aim of the study was to estimate the content of trace elements: zinc, cadmium, lead, molybdenum and nickel in products and wastes of coal treatment from Upper-Silesian Basin. Two analytical methods were applied: atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS, ETAAS) and anodic (ASV) and adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV). ASV is used to determine zinc, cadmium and lead; AdSV molybdenum and nickel, and FAAS and ETAAS to determine all elements. In the case of Zn, Ni, Mo, Pb and Cd determined by FAAS (ETAAS) the concentrations were practically the same as those obtained by ASV or AdSV.
Celem pracy było określenie zawartości wybranych pierwiastków śladowych w produktach i odpadach z przerobu węgli pochodzących z Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Zastosowano metody spektrometrii atomowej (FAAS, ETAAS) i adsorpcyjnej woltamperometrii inwersyjnej (AdSV) oraz z zatężaniem anodowym (ASV). W przypadku Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni i Mo zastosowanie dwóch metod opartych na różnych zasadach pozwoliło na sprawdzenie skuteczności roztwarzania badanych materiałów i ich homogeniczności oraz przeprowadzenie oceny błędów przypadkowych lub systematycznych. Wyniki oznaczeń analizowanych pierwiastków wykazują dobrą zgodność potwierdzając rzetelność analizy.
Content available remote Jakość wyników analitycznych w śladowej analizie nieorganicznej
On the base of literature the problems concerning the interlaboratory and interlaboratory systems of quality control and assurance for analytical laboratories were discussed. The special attention was given on the role of certified reference materials (CRMs) in validation methods. A Certified Reference Material (CRM) is a RM accompanied by a certificate, one or more of whose properties are certified by a procedure that establishes its traceability to an accurate realization of the unit in which the property values are expressed (according to ISO Guide 30). Certified reference materials fulfill various purposes in laboratories: calibration of equipment, verification of accuracy of results, aids in methods or performance improvement where necessary, daily quality control and achievement of traceability to the basic units. CRMs serve in inorganic trace element as means of transferring measurement quality. When talking about subjects such as certified reference materials and their role in trace analysis, very importance is quality assurance. Quality Assurance (QA) in analytical chemistry is the name denoting the sum of procedures used to ascertain that results of analytical measurements are good enough for their intended purpose. It needs to be understood that QA is composed of two essential components: Quality Control and Quality Assessment. The importance of traceability in this system was also discussed.
Content available remote NATO na przełomie wieków : sojusz przeobrażony
In the course of its over fifty-year activity, NATO managed to adapt to changes in the security environment. During the Cold War it effectively deterred its opponents from the Warsaw Pact. In the nineties it developed the Partnership for Peace Programme and started the process of enlargement. It also undertook some important security missions in the Balkans and adapted and changed its organisation. September 11 opened a new chart in NATO history. Almost immediately after this tragic event NATO appealed to Article 5 of the Washington Treaty for the first time in its history. During the summit in Prague in autumn 2002, the leaders of countries and governments made decisions of a strategic character that change the current face of NATO to enlarge NATO more, to reform the command structures and to call NATO response Force (NRF) The allies committed to improve their military capabilities signing Prague Capabilities Commitment. Eight key areas necessary for the Alliance to function in new conditions were defined. The reform of command structures, creating NATO Response Force and initiative to improve its defence capabilities was accompanied by a supreme idea to start transforming NATO so that it could undertake new challenges in order to fight against new threats, terrorism in particular. However, the summit in Prague did not solve completely certain essential NATO members’ problems, especially important after September 11. This refers to the NATO global range of activity, relations between defence and stabilisation functions, possibility of creating ad hoc coalitions and conducting prevention actions.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych nad możliwością wykorzystania polimerów do modyfikacji właściwości fizykochemicznych surowych paków węglowych. Wykazano, że oddziaływanie poli(tereftalanu etylenowego) (PET) oraz poli(metakrylanu metylu) (PMM) na pak surowy powoduje istotne zmiany we właściwościach fizykochemicznych paku. Wprowadzenie do paku surowego poli(tereftalanu etylenowego) powoduje ciekawe zmiany w składzie grupowym paku. Efektem jest niska zawartość składników grupowych aż oraz wysoka wartość stosunku składników grupowych al/a2, co jest wysoce pożądane szczególnie przy pakach-syciwach stosowanych do nasycania elektrod i wyrobów grafitowych.
Results of laboratory investigation concerning the utilisation of polymers in order to modify physicochemical properties of raw coal-tar pitches have been presented. Polyethylene terephtalate (PET) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMM) influence on a raw pitch and change its physicochemical properties. An addition of raw polyethylene terephtalate causes interesting changes in the group composition of pitch. As the result the low content of x2 components and the high value of x1/x2 components ratio have been observed which are much desired especially in pitches impregnants applied to saturate electrodes and graphite products.
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