One of the key drivers of the biocides market is legislation. Biocides are regulated under the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012). This regulation aims to improve the functioning of the biocidal products market in the EU, while ensuring a high level of protection for humans and the environment. The text is applicable since 1 September 2013, with a transitional period for certain provisions and repeals the Biocidal Products Directive (Directive 98/8/EC). Many significant changes to European legislation will become effective in 2015, which will affect the Biocidal Products Regulation (528/ 2012 / EC) specifically concerning Article 58, with regards to the labelling required for Treated Articles and a list of ECHA approved suppliers, the Classification Labelling and Packaging Regulation (1272 / 2008/ EC) with regards to the 2nd Advance to Technical Progress and the new requirements for labelling of all chemical substances classified as sensitizing, REACH (1907 / 2006 / EC) with regards to the 6th Advance to Technical Progress, specifically concerning the re-classification of formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers. Finally the inclusion of certain commonly used algicides on the Priority list of the Water Framework Directive (2000 / 60 / EC). This paper will explain in detail how these changes will affect the European Industry specifically concerning the use and labelling of biocides. It will also detail the development of new products specifically designed to minimize the effects of the above changes.
The biocidal legislation of the European Union (Biocidal Products Directive - 98/8/EC - soon to replaced by the Biocidal Products Regulation in late 2013) will in the very near future severely limit the choice of algicides and fungicides which can continue to be used to provide a sustainable and effective solution in preventing the growth of surface moulds, algae and lichens which lead to the disfigurement and eventual failure of coatings. The paper will detail how this very legislation led to the development of Polymer Shielded Technology, a novel concept for the delivery of active ingredients to improve the long-term fungicidal and algicidal performance of coatings.
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