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This paper highlights the application of shallow non-invasive geophysics (electrical resistivity tomography) supported by sedimentological analysis applied to the investigation, description and interpretation of Upper Jurassic limestones exposed in the abandoned quarry near the village of Tomaszowice (Kraków Upland, southern Poland). Within this site, on the northern margin of the Krzeszowice Graben, a facies diversity of Upper Jurassic limestones can be observed. Field exposures were analysed to broadly characterize these Upper Jurassic limestones in terms of facies and microfacies development. Three facies types, including pelitic limestones, bedded limestones and carbonate gravity-flow deposits, composed of numerous microfacies, have been distinguished. ERT study using a dipole-dipole array has been carried out, along 5 parallel 110 m long profiles and along a perpendicular 110 m long profile, north of the Tomaszowice Quarry wall. The use of ERT in combination with the geological data allowed characterization and description of the geology at the research site as well as the determination of the lithological composition and internal architecture of the subsurface. Furthermore, the ERT interpretation results indicated the presence of a series of a secondary faults closely linked with the Krzeszowice Graben. The distribution of the gravity-flow deposits reflects the fault zone pattern of the graben and Late Jurassic fault activity.
DC resistivity methods, soundings and Electrical Resistivity Tomography, were applied to study shallow geology in the place of planned construction of an experimental flood bank. The geoelectrical surveys provided quantitative information about the spatial presence of the various geoelectrical/geological layers: alluvial soils, sands, gravels and clays. ERT allowed maps to be constructed showing subsurface structure. A combination of geoelectrical and geological information resulted in a much better identification of the geological structure.
Interdisciplinary geophysical, geochemical and botanical studies were performed to recognize the problem of salinity of Quaternary sediments in the place, where woolly rhinoceroses were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Geoelectric methods (high resolution geoelectric research with electromagnetic conductivity meter) enabled construction of maps of the distribution of conductivity of near-surface sediments. Variation of conductivity with depth was recognized with penetrometer-based geoelectric measurements. Measured conductivity mainly depends on the level of mineralization (salinity) of underground water filling the pores and voids of poorly consolidated Quaternary sediments and partly underlying Miocene strata. Several samples were taken from geological boreholes. The analysis of these cores enabled estimation of salt (chloride ion) content in the solid phase of sediments. This content varies from place to place and with depth in an unpredictable way. The highest values reached 8.5 wt%. Generally, on the basis of a qualitative comparison, the salinity data gained from sampled cores correlate with distribution of apparent conductivity obtained with geoelectric methods. Nevertheless, in some places there is a discrepancy between geophysical and geochemical data, especially for penetrometer versus borehole data. It may be partly explained by an unavoidable difference in location of the geological borehole and penetrometer site (technically this cannot be the same place). During botanical field studies a group of vascular plants growing on saline soils (halophytes) was found. Halophytes indicate a higher salt concentration in the soil. Their aggregations are extremely rare in the Carpathian region. The pattern of halophytes distribution reflected the presence of saline water sources, and their flows and soils affected by them. Generally, the distribution of halophytes showed a good correlation with the distribution of high-conductivity anomalies determined with the surface geoelectric survey.
Geoelectric research aiming to assess heterogeneity of geological environment was carried out in the Starunia area, where the unique specimens of woolly rhinoceros were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. The DC azimuthal pole-dipole resistivity soundings and penetrometer-based resistivity profiling with simultaneous penetration-velocity measurements were used to study variability of environment in the vicinity of geological boreholes. No evident correlation was found between lithology of drilled sediments and geophysical data. Nevertheless, remarkable horizontal and vertical variability of geophysical parameters were observed. The largest horizontal changes may reflect an existence of some sharp boundaries in study area. The measured physical properties of geological strata: electric resistivity and compactness (estimated from penetration velocity) change also with the depth but correlation with geological structure can be found in limited cases only. Registered variability may have originated from several reasons: complex geological arrangement of shallow layers, salty underground water and bitumen presence in voids and pores, influence of neotectonic activity, and/or from transformations of near surface environment caused by past mining activity.
Combined geoelectric research was performed in the Starunia area, where the specimens of woolly rhinoceros were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. The work included: DC resistivity soundings, electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements, resistivity imaging and penetrometer-based resistivity profiling. The main purpose of the survey was to give geoelectric characterization of near-to-surface sediments and estimate their variability (extent, thickness and electric resistivity). Generally, resistivity of geological strata is low and decreases with depth but its spatial distribution is locally complex. This complexity reflects joint effects caused by the presence of salty underground water outflows from the salt-bearing Miocene Vorotyshcha beds into the Quaternary sediments, distinct transformations of the geological medium by former ozokerite and oil exploitation and current activity of the natural geological processes in the area.
Historia zabytkowego zespołu architektoniczno-krajobrazowego w Grodzisku sięga średniowiecza. Szczególnego charakteru nabrał on w XVII wieku, gdy powstało symboliczne założenie architektoniczne, upamiętniające błogosławioną Salomeę. Zespół ten był obiektem badań historycznych i archeologicznych między innymi w latach 60. i 90. XX wieku oraz w roku 2003. Znaczną rolę w planowaniu i analizie wykonanej prospekcji archeologicznej odegrały badania geoelektryczne. Metodą penetracyjnego profilowania oporności stwierdzono występowanie rozróżnialnych nawarstwień kulturowych na terenie obwałowań majdanu grodziska. Metodą tomografii elektrooporowej wykryto w otoczeniu kościoła strefy anomalne, które mogły być identyfikowane z podziemnymi pozostałościami architektonicznymi. Wyniki pomiarów geoelektrycznych zostały potwierdzone pracami wykopaliskowymi. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że odnalezione mury, zapewne dwutraktowej, budowli mieszkalno--obronnej są jednym z najstarszych tego typu przykładów "architectura militaris" na ziemiach polskich.
Monumental archaeological and landscape complex in Grodzisko is located within Ojcowski National Park (Małopolska province, south Poland). The complex was investigated historically and archaeologically in 60-ties and 90-ties of the XX century and lately in 2003. Results of geophysical research played an important role in planning archaeological excavations and analysis of historical events. The methods used were penetrometer-based resistivity profiling and DC resistivity imaging. The first method was used for recognition of different cultural accumulation layers within embankments of the courtyard. Resistivity imaging made along five lines located near historical church discovered distinct high-resistivity zones. These zones reflected the presence of underground fragments of historical walls confirmed later by the archaeological excavation works. Complex analysis of historical and archeological data leads to the opinion that discovered walls are remnants of the building of defense-residential character, probably one of the oldest examples of the "architectura militaris" on the area of Poland.
Na terenie Kopalni Diabazu "Niedźwiedzia Góra" koło Krzeszowic od wielu lat notowane były zjawiska o charakterze osuwiskowym. Przejawiały się one w utworach czwartorzędowego nadkładu w sąsiedztwie południowej skarpy wyrobiska. Późną wiosną 2005 roku wystąpiły znaczne opady atmosferyczne, w wyniku których we wspomnianym terenie gwałtownie rozwinęła się duża forma osuwiskowa zagrażająca normalnej działalności wydobywczej w kopalni. Szybkie przystąpienie do prac zabezpieczających wymagało określenia genezy osuwiska i jego uwarunkowań geologicznych. W tym celu w okresie letnim 2005 oprócz terenowych badań geologicznych wykonano pomiary geofizyczne. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych na południowym przedpolu kopalni badań geoelektrycznych (profilowania indukcyjne, sondowania elektrooporowe i tomografia elektrooporowa) określono płytką budowę geologiczną oraz wskazano na potencjalne kierunki zasilania wycieków wody obserwowanych w obrębie osuwiska.
In the "Niedźwiedzia Góra" Diabase Quarry located near Krzeszowice (south of Poland), a big landslide occurred in the late spring 2005. Direct reasons of that event were massive rainfalls in the region. The landslide was a threat to the regular exploitation of the quarry. To protect the pit quickly and properly, there was an urgent need to explain the genesis of the landslide. A detailed geological survey was performed followed by geophysical measurements. The former included geolectric methods: DC resistivity soundings, EM profiling and earth resistivity tomography. Based on he geophysical survey, the shallow geology of the southern foreland of the quarry was established.. The possible paths of underground water flow and their relation to outflows of water observed in the landslide were indicated.
Pokazano na przykładzie kilku dokumentowanych ostatnio złóż kruszywowych w rejonie świętokrzyskim, jak efektywne jest stosowanie wybranych metod geofizycznych przy uściślaniu modelu budowy wewnętrznej serii złożowej i utworów nadkładowych. Skuteczność badań geoelektrycznych (sondowań elektrooporowych i profilowań indukcyjnych) jest uwarunkowana dobrą współpracą geofizyków i geologów dokumentujących. Badania geofizyczne umożliwiają szybkie określenie grubości nadkładu, ujawniają formy krasowe w przypowierzchniowych partiach złóż, wykrywają zaburzenia typu uskokowego oraz charakteryzują stopień spękania i "mocności" masywu skalnego.
Based on experience gained in the Świętokrzyskie Mts. for a few documented ore deposits, the efficiency of geophysical methods in determining a model of the structure of deposit and overburden was shown. The success of the geoelectrical survey (including DC resistivity soundings and EM34-3 electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements) depends on how good the cooperation between geophysicists and geologists is. Geophysical investigations allow the overburden thickness to be quickly evaluated, karst forms to be identified in the sub-soil, fault-type disturbances to be detected, and the degree of fracturing and 'solidity' of the rock-mass to be assessed.
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