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W publikacji przedstawiono koncepcję oraz konstrukcję systemu zagłuszania sygnałów radiowych przeznaczonego dla służb bezpieczeństwa publicznego i ratownictwa. Zagłuszarkę oparto na układzie cyfrowej, bezpośredniej syntezy sygnału. Urządzenie będzie dostępne w dwóch wersjach obudów — walizkowej i stacjonarnej.
In the paper we present a concept and design of the system for the radio jamming that is addressed for organizations of public protection and disaster relief. The jammer is based on a Digital Direct Synthesis circuit. The device will be available in two chassis — portable suitcaselike and rack-mounted.
W artykule zaprezentowano analizę rynku usług komunikacji między urządzeniami (M2M), który rozwija się dynamicznie w ramach rozwiązań internetu rzeczy. Skupiono się na problematyce adresowania urządzeń końcowych związanej z planem numeracji krajowej i jego pojemnością, a także na ewolucji kart SIM.
Paper presents the analysis of M2M market that becomes more and more popular due to applications of Internet of Thing. The main focus is on numbering capacity and evolution of a SIM card.
Projekt MITSU (next generation MultImedia efficienT, Scalable and robUst Delivery) ma na celu stworzenie nowych rozwiązań w zakresie systemów strumieniowania wideo w sieciach bezprzewodowych. Ich implementacja poprawi obecny poziom interoperacyjności, zminimalizuje złożoność obliczeniową i wymagania energetyczne. Rozwiązania są poddawane ewaluacji w dwóch scenariuszach: dostarczania treści multimedialnych do użytkownika końcowego oraz monitoringu wizyjnego w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa.
The aim of the MITSU project (next generation MultImedia efficienT, Scalable and robUst Delivery) is a research toward a novel solution for streaming of video in mobile networks. Its implementation will increase interoperability, decrease computational complexity and power consumption. The results are evaluated in two usage scenarios, one is generic multimedia content delivery, the other one is security content delivery.
In this paper we present current key challenges with respect to Critical Infrastructure Protection and to their resiliency. As our world becomes more and more interconnected via open networks with the cyberspace, many new challenges arise. Therefore, we frame the problem within three distinctive domains: real world natural events, human (organisational and legal), and cyber one. Within our analysis we present how current technologies, tools and methodologies can be used to address certain problems within those domains. Moreover, we stress the fact that there is a limited number of initiatives that aim at proposing the holistic (all hazard) approach addressing all the domains at once.
Streaming video in uplink is an interesting opportunity for network operators for capitalizing unused part of bandwidth (due to Internet asymmetry). The uplink seems not optimized nowadays due to lack of business cases. The main challenge however is bursty and unpredictable nature of wireless channel observed especially as mobility comes into play in current broadband networks. That is why in this paper, we have approached the diagnosis of commercial mobile WiMAX network towards the capabilities of assuring real-time video in uplink direction. We present results of drive tests showing that delay in WiMAX networks for LOS-NLOS (Line of sight - No n line of sight) mobile conditions is largely contributed by uplink direction (60-90% of RTT (Round trip time)) whereas downlink directions hardly ever exceeds 40ms. We show that enabling MIMO-A(Multiple Input Multiple Output) can decrease delays by 100ms in NLOS conditions and decrease delay variation by up to 90%. For each of tests we have presented exact probabilities of particular modulations involved based on channel realizations.
The role of geographical context and its machine readable representation in mobile surveillance systems has been presented in the paper. It has been shown how the appropriate semantic description of a surrounding geographical context can improve the configuration and operation of a mobile video surveillance system.
W artykule zaprezentowano rolę geograficznej informacji kontekstowej w systemach monitoringu. Przedstawiono, jak odpowiednio zamodelowany opis semantyczny informacji o otoczeniu geograficznym może wpłynąć na poprawę działania systemów monitoringu. Dokładniejsza informacja o otoczeniu pozwala na bardziej odpowiednie skonfigurowanie systemu i tym samem jego efektywniejsze działanie.
This paper presents results of assessing quality of VoIP conversations in WiMAX networks using the nbLDPC (non-binary Low- Density Parity-Check) FEC in mobility scenarios that are based on the real world terrain charactristics around simulated BS. System under test (SUT) is instrumented with three Call Admission Control (CAC) mechanisms (namely EMAC, ARAC and nsc-ARAC). These algorithms are evaluated against controlling the VBR traffic that comes with burst arrivals. The first algorithm relies on calculating simple exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) of the overall resource consumption whereas the other two ARAC algorithms perform calculations discerning between the new, the ongoing and the finishing connections thus providing more accurate resource estimations (but the ARAC tracks the history of requests as well). In order to evaluate their performance authors rely on a cell-level based simulation environment that relies on the cooperative use of well known simulators - ns2 and Matlab. Previous work in the field is enhanced by improving the fidelity of proposed IEEE 802.16 simulator. Authors demonstrate the influence of increasing number of arrivals per one batch as well as testing the "zero hour" scenario (system saturation). In order to include nbLDPC codes in SUT’s mobile channels, a method called Link-To-System interface (L2S) has been implemented.
In the present article selected telecommunication aspects in the area of crisis management are exposed. In particular, the focus is put on the response phase, since there are new challenges at the junction of organisational and technical layers, incl. interoperability, new functionalities and models. Those aspects have not been exhaustively tested in real situations; thus such issues still require multiple testing, verification and validation. In this article the communication problems are collated with new solutions, such as the use of cloud computing, social media and additional functionalities to increase the security level. The main aim of this article is to introduce challenges, as well as new opportunities provided by the implementation of new Information and Communication Technologies in the area of crisis management.
W artykule opisano wybrane problemy telekomunikacyjne, które identyfikuje się w obszarze zarządzania kryzysowego. Szczególny nacisk położono na fazę reagowania. Na styku warstwy organizacyjnej i technicznej pojawiają się nowe problemy, np. z interoperacyjnością, nowymi funkcjonalnościami technicznymi, które nie zostały jeszcze dostatecznie sprawdzone w praktyce, a to wymaga wielowątkowych badań. Autorzy diagnozują problemy z obszaru łączności, uwzględniając takie zagadnienia, jak: zastosowanie chmury obliczeniowej, wykorzystanie sieci społecznościowych czy implementacji nowych funkcjonalności na podstawie istniejącej infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej. Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zarówno wyzwań, jak i szans dla zarządzania kryzysowego, płynących z nowych rozwiązań teleinformatycznych.
Dbałość o jakość zdrowotną produktów wprowadzanych na rynek przez firmy przemysłu spożywczego nie jest nowością. Za monitorowanie pochodzenia żywności odpowiedzialni są wszyscy uczestnicy łańcucha dostaw, a więc nie tylko producenci i dystrybutorzy, ale również sieci detaliczne i sklepy, które są ostatnim ogniwem tego łańcucha. Istotą traceability jest możliwość monitorowania ruchu i pochodzenia danego produktu (partii produkcyjnej) na każdym etapie łańcuch dostaw, czyli możliwość uzyskania danych z poprzedniego etapu łańcucha (od kogo i co otrzymano?) i jednocześnie dostarczenia informacji do następnego etapu (do kogo i co wysłano?). W artykule przedstawiono pewne rozwiązanie, które nie jest produktem informatycznym dostępnym z półki, lecz wynikiem projektu badawczego Instytutu Logistyki i Magazynowania pt. "Modelowe rozwiązanie procesu śledzenia pochodzenia towarów żywnościowych w łańcuchach dostaw". Opracowany w ramach projektu model traceability zapewnia poprawę efektywności działania przedsiębiorstwa w obszarze procesu traceability.
The care of food quality of products introduced into the market by food companies is not a novelty. All participants of the supply chain are responsible for monitoring the origin of food, not only manufacturers and distributors, but also retailers and point of sales which are the last point of this chain. The essence of traceability is the possibility to monitor each product (and lot number) on every stage of a supply chain. In other words this is the possibility of gathering data from previous stage of chain (from whom and what was received?) and delivering the gathered information to the next stage in a simultaneous way (to whom and what was sent?). The article presents a solution that is not a product available off the shelf, but this is the result of a research project of the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing entitled "Model solution process of food products traceability in the supply chains". Developed under the project traceability model makes improvement of company in the area of traceability process.
In this paper, a framework for recognizing network traffic in order to detect anomalies is proposed. We propose to combine and correlate parameters from different layers in order to detect 0-day attacks and reduce false positives. Moreover, we propose to combine statistical and signal-based features. The major contribution of this paper are: novel framework for network security based on the correlation approach as well as new signal based algorithm for intrusion detection using matching pursuit.
The WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) system based on the IEEE 802.16 family of standards is a promising technology for last-mile access. Both IEEE 802.16 and 3GPP-LTE systems candidate for becoming the 4G network of choice. The need to evaluate multiple performance enhancing techniques like MIMO, OFDM(A), novel channel coding schemes like non-binary LDPC codes, together with development of standards like IEEE 802.21, that aims at enabling handover and interoperability between heterogeneous network types, make rapid prototyping-based simulations an important issue. This paper presents a novel approach to 4G-oriented simulation environment that integrates popular network simulator (ns-2) and a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) to enable comprehensive link layer and cell level simulations. Proposed simulation environment is intended as an evaluation platform for assessing QoS/QoE and Connection Admission Control (CAC) algorithms designed for WiMAX systems. Moreover we study ways to improve simulation time (with focus on AWGN channel simulation) by using CUDA parallel processing technology for NVIDIA graphic cards.
A new family of non-binary LDPC is presented that are based on a finite field GF(64). They may be successfully implemented in single-carrier and OFDM transmission system. Results prove that DAVINCI codes allow for improving the system performance and may be considered to be applied in the future mobile system.
Content available remote Comprehensive approach to anomaly detection system evaluation
Anomaly detection approach is a new, emerging trend for network security especially for high-security networks (such as military or critical infrastructure monitoring networks). In our previous work we proposed a new methodology for such intrusion detection systems. We proposed new signal based algorithm for intrusion detection on the basis of the Matching Pursuit algorithm. Hereby, we report further, more extensive, evaluation of the proposed methodology. We show results for 15 metrics characterizing network traffic (previously we tested our system using packets-per-second only). Moreover, we used various types of traffic traces to evaluate our methodology: authentic traffic with authentic attacks from campus and WAN networks, authentic traffic with artificial (injected) attacks from campus and corporate networks and ar-tificial traffic with artificial attacks. Finally, we provided the comparison of our method with state-of-the-art DWT-based anomaly detection system and proved that our solution gives better results in terms of detection rate and false positives.
Przedstawiono przegląd modeli predykcji strat propagacyjnych stosowanych przy planowaniu sieci radiokomunikacji ruchomej lądowej. Analiza ta posłużyła wyborowi modelu najbardziej adekwatnego do opracowywania projektów propagacyjnych dla sieci standardu TETRA, budowanej przez krajowy sektor energetyczny. Opierając się na tym modelu dokonano porównania predykcji z pomiarami natężenia pola w instalacji testowej. Ponadto przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia projektowe związane z przestrzennym odbiorem zbiorczym oraz optymalizacją projektu propagacyjnego.
In paper we present a survey of propagation prediction models used in planning of land mobile radio networks. An analysis is to choose a model that is the most suitable in designing of nominal projects for TETRA networks built by the national energy sector. Using that model we show a comparison of modelling prediction and radio measurements done on a pilot system. Moreover selected issues concerning the space diversity and optimization of a propagation project are given.
Content available remote On tuning redundant dictionary parameters in signal-based anomaly detection system
In our previous work innovative recognition algorithm applied to Anomaly Detection System has been presented. We proposed to use Matching Pursuit Mean Projection (MP-MP) of the reconstructed network signal to recognize anomalies in network traffic. In this paper we focus on evaluation of parameters of the redundant dictionary used in our methodology. In the experimental section we present the results of tuning the parameters of the redundant dictionary used in our system.
The mobile network technologies are continuously evolving towards high bandwidth, QoS enabled, mobility rich 4G solutions that will revolutionize capabilities of novel services in wireless networks. In parallel the end-terminals portfolio has exploded with devices providing greater functionality and usability with more processing power on board. Panoramic displays touch screens and TV-out ports are steps towards providing improved user satisfaction. It is estimated that half of all handsets sold will be "smart" in four years and by 2015 almost all will be. The above trends combined with the shift towards cloud computing, software as a service and mobile commerce puts higher pressure on the HTTP based services. However the real user experience is not only driven by combined performance of underlying access network and terminal characteristics. The complexity of internal processing of a web browser used to render data to a user may influence the quality of experience (QoE). Thus to assess the real user experience of the HTTP services it is not enough to analyze packet level metrics on the mobile terminal (or inside network) as implementation of various browsers may affect efficiency of data rendering differently. Authors propose the novel idea of applying concept of image processing to the analysis of visual information as originally seen by the end user on the mobile terminal's screen. The paper presents the concept, system design, verification and validation and preliminary results of the proposed techniques. Results presented show that the use of image processing techniques has numerous advantages against complementary user assisted measurement techniques for objective QoE measurement.
Content available remote DAVINCI Codes as Example of High Performance Non-Binary LDPC
The article presents a new family of non-binary LDPC which has been elaborated within a framework of DAVINCI project. They are based on a finite field GF(64). We compare their error rate to other channel coding techniques. Results prove that DAVINCI codes allow improving the coding performance.
In this paper a novel approach to describe heterogeneous networks vulnerabilities is presented. We propose an ontology-based approach which can be utilized to describe vulnerabilities in critical architectures, single and multiple domain as well as in heterogeneous networks. In the paper our ontology based on asset-vulnerabilities is presented. The created ontology will be used in security-resiliency framework developed in INTERSECTION Project as well as in the Critical Infrastructures and SCADA ontology in the INSPIRE Project.
Przedstawiono interfejsy radiowe dla systemów trzeciej generacji cyfrowej telefonii komórkowej. Wybranie odpowiedniego interfejsu radiowego, który sprosta różnym wymaganiom na różnego rodzaju usługi (np.: rozmowy telefoniczne, transmisja danych, wideo, etc.) jest zagadnieniem trudnym. Przy zdefiniowaniu kryteriów wyboru właściwego interfejsu zaangażowane jest grono specjalistów z różnych światowych ośrodków naukowo-badawczych i międzynarodowych organizacji standaryzacyjnych. W kolejnych częściach artykułu pisano podstawowe cechy, zalety i wady różnych potencjalnych kandydatów (W-TDMA, W-CDMA, PRMA++, OFDM) na interfejs radiowy dla systemu UMTS/IMT-2000.
In the article there are presented the future radio interfaces for the 3-rd generation of the mobile digital communication systems. It is difficult to choose the proper radio interface that will match different needs for a different services (eg. telephone conversation, data transmission, video, etc.). By defining defferent criteria for choosing the proper radio interface there are commited experts from different international scientific and research centers and standarization bodies. In the following parts of the article there were described the basic fealures, advantages and disadvanteges of the potential candidates (W-TDMA, W-CDMA, PRMA++, OFDM) for the radio interface for the UMTS/IMT-2000 system.
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