Deptford pink Dianthus armeria L. is a representative of Caryophyllaceae family. It is plant species that is strictly protected since 2014. In the local Red List for the Silesian Province it was considered an endangered species. During 2023-2024 fieldwork was done that aimed to update the list of the localities of this species in the Cieszyn Foothills region. The locality was marked on the map using methodological assumptions of Atlas of Distribution of Vascular Plants in Poland. The density of population was counted or estimated. As a result of the field studies in the study area 9 localities (a total of 17 local populations) of Dianthus armeria were found in grassland, meadow, fringe and ruderal communities. Totally 8 localities were new to this area. Only localities from Tuł Mt has been known earlier. There were also the highest abundance of population, estimated at 600-700 individuals but population contain several small populations that amounting from tens to several hundreds of plants. Two populations are in Cisownica village and they occupy slopes of two local mountains: Kopieniec Mt (475 m a.s.l.) and Malcowa Mt (510 m a.s.l.). In Cieszyn population grows close to the nature reserve “Kopce”, and ecological use are “Łąki na kopcach”. In Leszna Górna village populations occupy xerothermic grasslands. The other situation is Górki Wielkie where the species grows in ruderal habitats: levees along Brennica river and in the vicinity of market. The other human-made habitats which were grown by Dianthus armeria were found in Puńców. These ones were abandoned quarry of dolomites and the vicinity of sports field but close to the fring of oak-hornbeam forest. In general, the population in the Cieszyn Foothills, size ranged from a few individuals to approximately several hundred. The lack of accurate data from previous years does not allow to assess the dynamics of the distribution and abundance of this species. Based on the general trends of Dianthus armeria in Poland, the population status appears to be satis-factory.
The subject of the paper is the analysis of the relationship between spontaneous vegetation diversity and soil respiration in novel post-coal mine ecosystem. In the natural and semi-natural ecosystems, soil respiration process (Rs) is a crucial ecosystem function regulating terrestrial ecosystems’ carbon cycle. Soil respiration depends on the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter (SOM), the soil microbes’ activity, and root metabolism. The listed factors are directly related to the composition diversity of vegetation plant species (biochemistry). For many years, soil respiration parameters have been studied in natural and seminatural vegetation communities and ecosystems. However, there still need to be a greater understanding of the relationship between vegetation plant species diversity and soil respiration as a crucial ecosystem function. Plant species diversity has to be analysed through both the taxonomic diversity and the functional diversity. These approaches reflect the composition, structure, and function of plant species communities. We hypothesise that the diversity of the spontaneous vegetation species composition shapes the amount of soil respiration in a post-coal mine novel ecosystem. The soil respiration differs significantly along the vegetational types driven by habitat gradients and is significantly higher in highly functional richness and dispersion vegetation patches. Contrary to our expectation, soil respiration was the highest in the less diverse vegetation types - both taxonomical and functional evenness were non-significant factors. Only functional dispersion is weakly negative correlated with soil respiration level (SRL).
Wetlands represent a small proportion of all habitats. Still, they are very important features within the landscape, particularly in the ecosystem mosaic. They are composed of many specifically adapted organisms. Wetlands spontaneously establish and provide a significant source of heterogeneity and diversity in an urban-industrial landscape. Most of Earth’s wetlands are at risk or have disappeared due to human activity. Apart from natural wetlands, unique anthropogenic wetlands are observed in southern Poland. The aim of study was to assess and analyze the water quality and the spontaneous wetland vegetation which has developed on anthropogenic wetland habitats. The study was conducted on the spontaneous wetland vegetation developed in habitats that emerged due to mineral excavation activities of quarries in the Silesia Upland and Krakow-Częstochowa Upland. The research subjects were wetlands that provide special water chemistry conditions for developing the peat bog vegetation. Water sampling and analyses, vegetation recording, and vegetation numerical analyses were conducted on studied wetlands. The results of a study conducted on flooded post-excavation sites revealed that diverse wetland spontaneous vegetation colonized such habitats. This research showed that anthropogenic wetlands can provide habitats for the development of outstanding biodiversity and form a refuge for calcareous plant species and the subsequently assembled rare peat bog vegetation. The high moisture and the increased presence of magnesium and calcium ions are developing in some sites of the post-mineral excavations. Such habitat conditions in anthropogenic wetlands enhance the occurrence of rare calciphilous species. Maintaining the relevant water conditions is crucial for the protection of these sites. The study presented that, quite frequently, the human-induced transformation results in establishing habitats that provide conditions for refuge organisms, mostly plants crucial for conservation perspective, particularly in the urban-industrial landscape. The additional importance of this study is related to the fact that the area of wetlands decreased. Therefore such anthropogenic wetlands should be integrated into urban planning and industrial site management to enhance biodiversity conservation.
This research is focused on examining the link between the abiotic conditions of coal mine heaps (specifically, the type of spontaneous vegetation) and their respiration rates. The hypothesis is that there is a significant correlation between the carbon content of the soil substrate and the respiration rate of the coal mine heap among the abiotic factors studied. The investigation was carried out on the mineral material found in coal mining heaps, which consisted of Carboniferous mineral rock material. The fieldwork spanned the vegetation seasons from 2018 to 2022. Various physicochemical parameters of the substrate samples were analyzed, including soil organic carbon content, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, total nitrogen (TN), available forms of phosphorus (P2O5 ) content, available magnesium (MgO) concentration, exchangeable cations (K+, Na+), and moisture. Soil respiration measurements were taken using the TARGAZ-1 analyzer. The amount of carbon dioxide released at the sites studied ranged from 0.00158 to 1.21462 [g CO2/m2/h]. It was found that the carbon content and all the environmental factors tested had a significant impact on soil respiration (p=0.001), except total nitrogen (p=0.893). The factors most strongly correlated with soil respiration were potassium (K), alkaline phosphatase, and SRL (soil respiration). Of the taxa analyzed, only the below-ground conditions provided by the vegetation communities dominated by Centaurea stoebe showed a significant correlation with SRL. Three dominant plant species influenced the development of below-ground conditions, leading to negative effects. On the other hand, the below-ground conditions associated with vegetation patches dominated by Daucus carota showed the strongest negative correlation.
Biomass, primarily derived from photosynthesizing plants harnessing solar energy, is crucial for ecosystem functioning and diverse services. This study delved into the unique ecosystem of coal mine heaps, exploring unexpected relations between abiotic factors and biomass in spontaneous vegetation. Biomass quantity and quality are influenced by such factors as plant photosynthesis efficiency, necessitating an understanding of dynamics on post-mining sites. The conducted investigation focused on diverse spontaneous vegetation on coal mine heaps, analyzing abiotic conditions such as soil texture, water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, carbon, magnesium, sodium, and acidity. Contrary to the adopted hypothesis, nitrogen content negatively correlates with soil total nitrogen, carbon, and water holding capacity. However, the biomass of dominant plant species positively correlates with available phosphorus, pH, calcium, and sodium. These unexpected relationships highlight biomass dynamics complexity in novel ecosystems on coal mine heaps, stressing the need to consider spontaneous vegetation biomass as a valuable resource and ecosystem service in urban-industry landscapes. The obtained findings expand scientific inquiry and have practical implications for post-industrial area reclamation. Understanding biomass potential in identified vegetation types provides insights into biomass character on coal mine heaps, crucial for maximizing spontaneous vegetation potential and transforming post-industrial landscape reclamation approaches.
The studies on bird mortality along 12 transparent acoustic barriers near roads in Bielsko-Biala (Poland) were conducted from March to October in 2017. The aim was to characterize avifauna striking glass barriers and to relate frequency of collisions to time, developmental stage, sex, vicinity of noise barrier. During the breeding season of birds, 102 collisions of birds with screens, belonging to 25 species, were found. The most collisions were found in June, when 29 victims were observed. In this month, the largest number of juveniles (imm.) was also de-termined - 17 victims, the lowest number of collisions was at the end of the breeding season (September and October), where the number of collisions did not exceed 7 victims. The largest family of birds hitting the screens are Paridae, which account for as much as 31.4% of all vic-tims. The largest number of collisions occurred with the participation of adults (ad - 68.) while 34 were young victims. The most active young birds were in June, when 17 collision victims were found. From the side of the road, as many as 60 fatalities were observed, while from the other side of the habitats - 42. As for the sex of individuals, most probably there were males (42), and there were 28 females. We conclude that acoustic screens should have nontransparent: stickers, stripes, dots, foils or be replaced by greening walls or earth embankments.
The semiparasitic plant common fir mistletoe Viscum album L. subsp. abietis (WIESB.) JANCH is the rarest of three subspecies in Poland. In the country this mistletoe has northern border of distribution range. The previous literature data suggested that the subspecies has only few localities in the Silesian Foothils and in northern part of the Silesian Beskid Mts (southern Poland) and in addition, some of them were not confirmed. Mistletoe Viscum album subsp. abietis has been reported to increase its range and abundance in Europe recently therefore authors decided to update the distribution data of the subspecies the aforementioned area. The data about distribution of host tree silver fir Picea abies was taken from forest database and from personal communication with foresters. The area was search to find localities of the individuals on trees. In case of the single specimens on fir trees binoculars were used. In total 39 localities were given including more than 30 new localities when compared to literature data from 20th century. In Silesian Foothils there are 20 localities and 19 stands in the Silesian Beskid Mts. On the localities the abundance of individuals ranged from single plants on one tree to massive infestation of several dozen of fir trees. The common fir mistletoe distribution seems to be an underestimated in the southern part of the Silesian Voivodeship, it is highly probable that its next localities will be found in nearest future. Despite the category endangered “EN” in the Red Book of Plants of the Silesian Voivodship the species is not threatened anymore. On the contrary it becomes to pose a serious threat to silver fir because it can contribute to decline of trees. During the massive infestation of firs by mistletoe, fir trees often die gradually. The obtained new information will allow for a better recognition of the current species distribution and a possible revision of the threat category of common fir mistletoe in the territory of Silesian Voivodeship. For a more detailed analysis of the degree of expansion of this species, it would be advisable to examine the number of individuals and study the development of mistletoe over time on the host on randomly selected trees.
The paper presents preliminary results of the studies concerning influence of geotextiles stabilizing the soil on vegetation of post-excavation slopes and drainage ditches. Analyzed anthropogenic habitats are situated in Międzyrzecze and Nieboczowy (Silesian Province, Southhern Poland). They have been previously subjected to reclamation treatment, consisting in installation of wool and synthetic geotextiles in the ground. The studies on plant community were conducted according to commonly applied Braun-Blanquet approach. Recorded phytocenosis were classified into Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R. Tx.1937 and Stellarietea mediae R. Tx., Lohm. et Prsg.1950 class. For comparison of plant patches growing on two variants of geotextiles Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was used. Moreover, the number of species (S), Shannon-Wiener index (H), evenness index (J) and average heights of herbal layer were calculated. It has been shown, that the type of geotextiles has a slight influence on the variability of investigated plant patches. However, relatively high differences in total coverage and mean height of herbal layer between plots protected and unprotected were observed. It shows that the geotextiles support the process of natural ecological succession on habitats with high inclination, mainly through water retention and reduction of erosion.
W pracy przedstawiono relacje między ilością fauny glebowej w zróżnicowaniu roślinności na zwałach pogórniczych. Dotychczas, badacze wiele uwagi poświęcali rozwojowi i zróżnicowaniu zespołów roślinnych na terenach poprzemysłowych uwzględniając hałdy skały płonnej. Znacznie słabiej poznano ilościowy i jakościowy udział wybranych grup mezo-fauny (nicienie i wazonkowce), w podłożu glebowym terenów poeksploatacyjnych. Poznanie tych zależności może mieć duże znaczenie praktyczne w planowaniu i realizowaniu prac zmierzających do odtwarzania siedlisk na terenach powstałych w związku z eksploatacją surowców mineralnych. Jednym z czynników warunkujących wzrost roślin oraz ich odporność na stres, jest aktywność organizmów glebowych. Stwierdzono marginalnie istotną zależność między różnorodnością gatunkową płatów roślinności, mierzoną wartością wskaźnika Shannona-Wiener’a a liczebnością wazonkowców (rs=0.31, p=0.05). Procentowe pokrycie gatunku dominującego, jego obfitość, jak również, łączne procentowe pokrycie roślin i mszaków, wielkość suchej masy oraz pokrycie ogólne roślin zielnych istotnie wpływa na liczbę wazonkowców.
The work analyzes the relationship between the amount of soil fauna in the diversity of vegetation on post-mining dumps. Until now, researchers have devoted a lot of attention to the development and diversity of plant communities in post-industrial areas, including heaps of gangue. The quantitative and qualitative participation of selected meso-fauna groups (Nematoda, Enchytraeidae) in the soil base of post-mining areas was much less known. Understanding these relationships can be of great practical importance in planning and implementing surveying works to restore habitats in areas created in connection with the exploitation of mineral resources. Activity of soil organisms is one of the factors conditioning plant growth and their resistance to stress. A marginally significant relationship was found between the species diversity of the patches of vegetation, measured by the value of the Shannon-Wiener index, and the abundance of vase vessels (rs=0.31, p=0.05). The percentage coverage of the dominant species, its abundance, as well as the total percentage coverage of plants and bryophytes, dry matter volume and general coverage of herbaceous plants significantly affects the number of vassels.
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In 13 forest reserves situated in southern Poland, 68 study plots were established in two regions: the Jurrasic Upland and the Silesian Upland. In these plots, size 10 m x 10 m divided into 100 subplots 1m2 each and randomly placed in various forest communities, percentage cover of all species in ground layer was recorded. Relationships between highly invasive alien plant species, Asiatic small balsam Impatiens parviflora DC, and indigenous species, was estimated using various indexes of species richness and diversity. They were: Hill's numbers (N[0], N[1], N[2]), Shannon-Wiener's index at the level of a subplot, alpha diversity (species richness within sites), and beta diversity (species richness among sites) at level of a study plot. The subplots with a presence of I. parviflora were compared with those where only native resident species occurred. The study has shown that subplots with the occurrence of I. parviflora are characterized by higher species richness and diversity of native plants independently on vegetation type. The frequency of I, parviflora was negatively correlated with beta diversity of study plots but there was no association with values of alpha diversity. In oak forest, alder carrs and floodplain forests the negative correlation between percent cover of I. parviflora and species richness, as well as cover of the herb layer was observed. The percent cover of /. parviflora was positively correlated with number of native species in beech forest and with their total cover in mixed coniferous forests. However, in natural well-preserved forest phytocoenoses I. parviflora avoids patches characterized by high cover of ground layer species and colonizes empty sites as an additional element of a community.
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