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The article presents an original two-stage simulation method for the optimization of seaport parameters. Presentation of the method is based on example of parameter optimization of the outer container port in Świnoujście. Presented method uses two limitations of the objective function related to safety of manoeuvring and mooring of ships. It consist of two stages, first one is carried out for the parameters defined in the preliminary stage of design. On the basis of results from this stage, layout and other parameters of port waterways can be adjusted to satisfy assumed safety criteria. The second stage uses the parameters established in the first stage. It allows for small adjustments which will not change the safety of manoeuvring. The result of second stage is optimal parameters of the examined port waterways.
The following paper presents a novel method for approximating the fall trajectories of small, lightweight oil binders, used during oil spill clean-up operation at sea. Due to the weight, size and shape of the binders, the fall trajectory is highly dependent on the direction and strength of the wind, as well as the rotations and positions of individual binders when dropped. Since a large quantity of tightly packed binders are dropped at once, it is highly inconvenient to calculate the precise trajectory of each binder when its exact initial rotation and position inside the container are not known. The aim of this study is to predict the exact moment and position of the drop, as well as the oil binders’ spread, considering wind conditions, airplane velocity and height.
The paper describes a universal simulation method used by the authors to determine the conditions of safe operation of sea ferries, in terms of marine traffic engineering. The assumptions, simulation experiment and results are described on the example of the m/f Mazovia manoeuvring in the Port of Ystad. Carried out and described in the article simulation study using the present method was aimed to determine the possibility of adapting the propulsion and steering systems of the ferry including: 1) determination of the wind limits in the Port of Ystad in terms of Mazovia ferry operation; 2) assessment of the maneuvering safety in a port area and determination of conditions of safe operation with present propulsion and steering systems; 3) determination of the possibility of adapting the propulsion and steering systems to meet the requirements of the shipowner for the economically efficient and safe operation of the ferry.
W artykule opisano uniwersalną metodę symulacji używaną przez autorów dla określania bezpiecznych warunków operowania przez promy morskie w kontekście zasad inżynierii morskiej. Założenia, eksperyment symulacji i wyniki są opisane na przykładzie m/f Mazowsza manewrującego w Porcie Ystad. Badania symulacyjne oparte o powyższą metodę i opisane w artykule zakładały określenie możliwości dostosowania systemów napędowych i sterowania promów włącznie z: 1) określeniem ograniczeń wiatru w porcie Ystad w kontekście możliwości manewrowych promu Mazovia; 2) oszacowanie bezpieczeństwa manewrów w porcie oraz określenia warunków bezpieczeństwa operacji przy obecnych systemach napędowych i sterowych; 3) określenie możliwości dostosowania układów napędowych i sterowych dla spełnienia oczekiwań armatora odnośnie ekonomiki i bezpieczeństwa operacji promowych.
Content available Concept of an augmented virtuality marine simulator
This paper presents the assumptions for the concept of a full mission ship’s bridge simulator prototype using innovative augmented virtuality technology. A description of a possible development process is provided as well as two potential applications in the field of marine simulation: operator motion tracking techniques, MoCap, which entails interacting with the environment and generating of synthetic images via HUD; and implementation of the latest technology, data gathering and analysis methods, which would replace current visualization methods and equipment used in maritime simulators.
This paper presents initial results from a series of eye-tracking experiments on a Full Mission Bridge simulator. The aim of this research was to develop a stochastic model of a navigator’s attention distribution during their navigational watch. Such model could be used as a tool for workload and usability studies for navigators and navigational equipment interfaces. A structure of the model is discussed together with the evaluation of Markov chains as a main modelling tool. Initial results are presented and discussed. It is suggested that 1st order Markov chains are not fully applicable for this problem. A combination of the 1st and higher-order Markov chains will be applied in the next stage of research.
The paper presents the framework of usability testing of ECDIS equipment based on the IMO’s Guidelines on Software Quality Assurance and Human-centred Design for e-Navigation. By incorporating the eye tracking techniques into the procedure it was possible to measure the visual attention distribution and the cognitive work-load. The presented method could be used to evaluate usability of every e-navigation system, which is necessary to ensure that the seafarers are able to successfully perform primary operations of systems upgraded with e-navigation functions, regardless of the type and specifications of the system and users’ knowledge and experience with the system. The initial results are presented and discussed as the study is still ongoing.
MOOC-i, czyli masowe otwarte kursy online to nowoczesna, efektywna i bardzo wygodna forma kształcenia docierająca do szerokiego grona odbiorców. MOOC-i umożliwiają prowadzenie zajęć o szerokiej tematyce począwszy od kursów poradniczych, przez popularnonaukowe po wyjaśniające złożone zagadnienia techniczne. Artykuł prezentowany przez Fundację Młodej Nauki poświęcony jest inicjatywie mającej wspierać powstawanie i promowanie polskich MOOC-ów, omawia podjęte już działania i zdobyte doświadczenia oraz ukazuje drogę, jaka stoi przed twórcami polskich kursów.
MOOC, massive open online courses is a modern, efficient and very convenient form of education that reaches a wide audience. MOOCs are dedicated for a broad-themed courses from the courses guidance, by popular after explaining complex technical issues. Article presented by the Foundation of Young Science is an initiative dedicated to support the creation and promotion of Polish MOOC Facilities, discusses the work already undertaken and lessons learned, and shows the way, which is facing the creators of Polish courses.
Content available Usability rating methods of e-navigation systems
The framework of usability testing of e-navigation equipment based on ECDIS example has been presented in the paper. By incorporating the eye tracking techniques into the procedure it was possible to measure visual attention distribution and cognitive workload. Such usability rating methods must be developed to ensure that the seafarers are able to successfully perform primary operations of systems upgraded with e-navigation functions, regardless of the type and specifications of the system and users’ knowledge and experience with the system.
W artykule przedstawiono metodologię testów użyteczności sprzętu e-nawigacyjnego na przykładzie systemu ECDIS. Uwzględnienie technik okulograficznych w ramach zalecanych testów umożliwiło pomiar podziału uwagi i obciążenia poznawczego użytkowników ocenianego sprzętu. Tego rodzaju techniki muszą być rozwijane, aby zapewnić wykonywanie przez nawigatorów podstawowych operacji z udziałem systemów e-nawigacji niezależnie od ich doświadczenia z danym typem sprzętu.
The following paper describes construction and functionality of the newly developed shiphandling simulator for the inland navigation (called InSim), that was constructed as a part of research project at Maritime University of Szczecin. Problems of construction process and simulator ergonomics were presented. Fidelity of the simulation with respect to real environment, as well as details of all subsystems were discussed.
Metody okulograficzne są powszechnie używane do badań w symulatorach lotniczych i samochodowych. Jednocześnie, ze względu na problemy metodologiczne przy zastosowaniu okulografów przenośnych, techniki te są bardzo rzadko wykorzystywane do badań na wielozadaniowych symulatorach mostka nawigacyjnego. Autorzy postulują, że dane okulograficzne mogą zostać wykorzystane do poprawy ergonomii nie tylko samego mostka ale także interfejsów urządzeń nawigacyjnych. Dodatkowo, dając wgląd w szczegóły procesów decyzyjnych i sposobu analizy dostępnych danych, mogą zostać wykorzystane do usprawnienia procesu szkolenia oraz badań nad wpływem stresu i zmęczenia na proces prowadzenia nawigacji. Artykuł przedstawia badania przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem przenośnego okulografu na wielozadaniowym symulatorze mostka nawigacyjnego. Symulowana sytuacja wymaga od oficera natychmiastowego i zdecydowanego działania przy wykorzystaniu posiadanej wiedzy na temat statku i poprawnej interpretacji dostępnych danych nawigacyjnych. Celem badania było opracowanie podstaw metodologicznych oraz wskazanie istotnych różnic w charakterystykach okulograficznych między nawigatorami o różnym poziomie doświadczenia. Zastosowanie techniki Semantic Gaze Mapping pozwoliło na pełną analizę danych bez konieczności wykonywania żmudnej analizy poklatkowej.
The eye-tracking technology is widely used in aircraft and car simulators. At the same time, due to methodological problems with mobile eye-trackers, this technology is rarely used on full-mission ship's bridge simulators. Authors suggest that the eye-tracking data can be used to improve ergonomics of bridge design and interfaces. Additionally, by providing insight into decision making and data analysis processes, eye-tracking characteristics can be used to improve training on simulator and conduct studies on influence of fatigue and stress on officer performance during navigational watch. The following paper describes a study conducted with a mobile eye-tracker on a full-mission ship’s bridge simulator. In the experiment, officers were faced with an unexpected and sudden situation leading to a collision. The simulated situation required the officer to act immediately and resolutely, taking into account all his knowledge about the ship, and interpreting the available data correctly. The aim of this study was to devise basic methods and indicate differences in gaze data between groups of different experience. Sementic Gaze Mapping Method was used to conduct complete data analysis without laborious frame-by-frame analysis.
The paper presents basics of the eye tracking methodology and results of preliminary test on multi-purpose marine ship’s navigation bridge simulator. The use of the eye-tracker on the navigation bridge makes it possible to objectively measure the ergonomics of the individual interfaces, as well as to evaluate the decision-making process itself, including the mental workload and stress. In the experiment, officers were faced with an unexpected and sudden situation leading to a collision. The simulated situation required the officer to act immediately and resolutely, taking into account all his/her knowledge about the ship, and interpreting the available data correctly. Outcome of this test was compared with gaze data and it was proved that experienced group with best results suffered lowest level of mental workload and was most efficient In decision making process. Based on those results a possibility of improving simulator training with the use of eye tracking data is discussed.
The following paper describes functionality of navigation systems interfaces in the newly developed shiphandling simulator for the inland navigation (called InSim) at Maritime University of Szczecin. It is based on analysis of radar interface and conning touch screen that has been designed for the simulator.
The following paper provides information about eye-tracking techniques and methodology. It is focused on introducing eye movement metrics in human factor research in maritime domain, explaining basic methodology and describing the types of data analysis, thus providing the background and guidelines for simple eyetracking studies.
Preliminary outcome of the tests of laser distance measurement modules being a part of the PNDS system (Pilot Navigation & Docking System) developed within the OPIE project (Operational Programme Innovative Economy) in Maritime University in Szczecin are presented in the article. The tests were carried out in laboratory conditions and the actual conditions which may occur during the system’s operation. The modules of the digital laser distance meters available on civilian market were compared. Statistical analysis comparing the accuracy of the laser distance meters was presented and based on it, their general effectiveness was evaluated making part of the preliminary prototype of the PNDS system.
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