Reliable port services are key to the performance of port organizational ecosystems. These ecosystems are an integral part of the transportation system and are vulnerable to disasters of anthropogenic or natural causes, including natural disasters, malicious cyber-attacks, technological factors, organizational factors, economic factors, and human mistakes, and other uncertainties. To address the challenges triggered by these uncertainties, this research is dedicated to the detailed analysis of organizational resilience, the port organizational ecosystem’s resilience, and possible uncertainties which are the basic factors for modelling the resilience of the whole port organizational ecosystem. The research aim is to analyse the uncertainties influencing the port organizational ecosystem’s functioning in the context of the port organizational ecosystem’s resilience. Research methodology is based on theoretical modelling including analysis of port organizational parameters representing resilience level. The research results found that the port organizational ecosystem’s resilience could be defined by the main organizational resilience drivers such as leadership and adaptive capacity, which are interrelated and have the functions of main business excellence drivers. Also, it was found that the external and internal port resilience factors could be classified by their nature, field, and type of organizational resilience components. All uncertainties could be categorized in a three-dimensional uncertainties model which could be used for elaborating effective managerial interventions in future investigations.
Digitization of the maritime transport formed a paradoxical situation of an increased interest in informatics and data sciences among youth, whilst the level of interest of these programmes in the maritime education and training (MET) field remained relatively low. Based on theoretical modelling the solution to the problem is divided in two parts, one of which is related to adding data sciences to MET and the other refers to increasing intensity of digital advertising to solve the problem of low knowability index (KI) of MET. The research showed that KI is the output of effective digital marketing strategy. Thus, all parameters characterizing effectiveness could be divided into categories and by applying AHP methods the weight of each criteria could be assessed. Based on the weights and on the analytical measurements collected from monitoring tools the KI was calculated. Analysis of KI component and whole KI found out main ways of increasing MET popularity, which could be implemented through on increasing advertising intensity in the social networks the whole year and also by adding new content which are related within the digitization into MET study programmes’ modules.
Rapid changes in technologies and digitalization challenges caused by Industry 4.0 with the integration of the AI, machine learning algorithms, internet of things’ technologies, introduction of maritime autonomous surface ships and the development of digital shipping and logistics processes require proper education and training of specialists working in maritime industry to ensure safety and security of people, oceans, goods and environment. The shipping and logistic processes and operations, including the decision-making processes, on the global scale and on the scale of whole-organisation ecosystems become more dependent on the manipulation of data from different unstructured open sources and private data sets, increased amount of data stream from sensorial systems. The specialists working with automated systems need competences to use and interpret special data, engineering and analysis algorithms, and skills in using modelling tools of optimised solutions in shipping and logistics. Educational institutions have to be ready to present effective solutions to educate quickly adaptable specialists able to meet volatile labour market needs able to meet digitalization challenges. The case study of the Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) presented in the paper is based on the use of an integrative approach and work integrated learning with the aim of enabling the educational environment to develop proper competencies of the specialists of shipping and logistics information systems.
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