Among thermal stimulation treatments that have a beneficial effect on the human body general application of cold and various forms of massage are mentioned which can be assessed by means of thermovision analysis. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in the distribution of surface body temperature under the influence of whole-body cryostimulation, classical massage and hot stone massage. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 40 men aged 20–24 years. They were subjected to a cryostimulation treatment at –120 °C and –140 °C, and to heat-stimulating treatments in the form of massages. Before the treatment, blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Temperature distribution in the 12 areas of the body surface was recorded using a Thermo Vision A20M Thermo Vision Camera with Therma CAM Researcher 2.8 software. Results: Statistically significant differences between cryostimulation treatments in the left upper limb and the back of the trunk were found. After heat-stimulating treatments, a statistically significant increase in temperature after classic massage was observed in the lower limbs, and a similar increase in temperature was noted in the rear of the pectoral girdle and of the trunk after hot stone massage. Conclusions: The thermovision analysis showed a great variation of body surface temperature depending on the body area. The higher changes in temperature, of up to 20%, were found within the upper and lower extremities in the group treated with cryostimulation. After heat-stimulating treatments, lower temperature differences, of 2–6%, were observed, the largest within the trunk and the lower limbs.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is observed as a group of post-traumatic mental and physical clinical symptoms. It affects soldiers returning from missions as well as victims of different types of disasters. The combat stress symptoms are follow-up of a triggering factor. The reaction of the limbic system associated with the emotional state circulation in the Papez area, causing the variety of vegetative effects, especially circulatory, plays a significant role. Consequences of the combat stress apply to mental and emotional changes, a dynamic stereotype and have indirect effects within individual’s family life and his/her immediate surroundings. Providing people suffering from combat stress syndromes with psychological and psychiatric care is crucial.
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Oznaczano poziom magnezu oraz wapnia w sklepieniach kostnych czaszek 8-miesięcznych szczurów, których matki przed zapłodnieniem otrzymały 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioksynę (TCDD) w jednorazowej dawce 5 μg/kg m.c., a następnie przez trzy tygodnie suplementowano je roztworem α-tokoferolu (witaminy E) w dawkach: 30 mg/kg m.c. lub 420 mg/kg m.c. Grupę kontrolną (K) stanowiły samice, które nie zostały poddane działaniu jakichkolwiek środków farmakologicznych. Pomiędzy badanymi grupami zawartość magnezu oraz wapnia różniła się istotnie statystycznie. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na możliwość ochronnego działania niskich dawek α-tokoferolu podawanych przed zapłodnieniem samicom szczurów na poziom magnezu i wapnia w tkance kostnej ich przyszłego potomstwa.
Level of Mg and Ca was detd. in bones of the cranial vault in 8-month-old rats whose mothers received 5 μg/kg b.w. of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) three weeks before insemination. A simultaneous treatment with α-tocopherol (vitamin E) in the 30 mg/kg b.w. (TCDD + E group vitamin) or 420 mg/kg b.w. (TCDD + E group vitamin) dose was carried out for 3 weeks. The control group consisted of subjects whose mothers did not receive any pharmacol. treatment. Statistically significant differences in av. Mg and Ca concns. were obsd. A protective effect of a low dose of α-tocopherol on Mg and Ca level in the bone tissue of rat offspring after intoxicating rat females with TCDD before insemination was evidenced.
Ricin extracted from the seeds of the castrol-oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) is one of the most toxic poisons. The highest concentration of this substance is present in seeds. The clinical symptoms of ricin poisoning depend on the route of passing this substance into the body. Its toxicodynamic properties mean that it can be used as a biological weapon applied to contaminate water or food.
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Pod koniec XX wieku w diagnostyce lekarsko- stomatologicznej zaobserwowano wzrost zainteresowania metodami termograficznymi. O ile piśmiennictwo obejmujące przydatność tej metody w diagnostyce guzów nowotworowych, stanów zapalnych zatok obocznych nosa czy gruczołów ślinowych jest dość obszerne, o tyle publikacje dotyczące zębopochodnych ognisk infekcji nie są zbyt liczne. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek pacjentki, u której za pomocą kamery termowizyjnej wykryto wzrost temperatury w okolicy trzonowcowej lewej. Wykonane badanie CBCT potwierdziło obecność zębopochodnego przewlekłego procesu zapalnego.
At the end of the XX century, in dental diagnosis, the increase of interest in thermographic methods was observed. While the literature includes the usefulness of this method in the tumors diagnosis, inflammations of the paranasal sinuses or salivary glands is quite extensive, publications concerning the odontogenic inflammations are not too numerous. This paper presents the case of a patient in whom the infrared camera detected temperature rise in the left molars area. CBCT study confirmed the presence of chronic odontogenic inflammatory process.
Dioxins are released into the environment as by-products of technological processes, i.a. in the chemical industry, pulp and paper industry, metallurgical industry, textile industry and dyeing industry. Dioxins are a group of compounds recognized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogens of Group A since 01/06/1997. The carcinogenic action has been demonstrated on animals. Despite stringent obligations arising from the provisions of The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants on reducing POPs emissions to the environment (including dioxins) emission of these substances is still significant. These compounds often enter the food chain in random or intentional way and accumulate in organisms in the top of the food chain. This leads to the poisoning of the organism and appearance of clinical symptoms. According to the real hazard of poisoning the people, especially employed in the chemical industry, who are exposed to dioxins, research to determine the impact of these xenobiotics on various tissues and organs as well as to develop of effective pharmacological prevention is constantly conducted. Despite of the wide spectrum of the assessment of dioxins biological effects among humans and animals, there are only a few publications evaluating the impact of dioxins on the bone tissue. The main components of the fully functional bone are calcium phosphates and magnesium phosphates. From the proper saturation of bone matrix with salts of these chemical elements (mineralization) depends the hardness and elasticity of the bone. The young bone mineralization is controlled by a group of proteins, from which the most important is osteonectin, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase. Many xenobiotics, including dioxins, have a negative influence on the biosynthesis of these proteins. The measurement of calcium and magnesium concentration in bone is one of the methods for assessing bone destruction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodobenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in rats on calcium and magnesium levels in bone tissue of their offspring. Moreover the aim of this study was to check whether the administration of the dioxin receptor antagonists – tocopherol and acetylsalicylic acid – can reduce negative effects of dioxin action. Study was performed on 2-day newborns of Buffalo strain rats. Lower levels of calcium and magnesium was found both in cranial vault bones and the knee from newborns of mothers exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. It was shown that administration of mothers exposed to 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin tocopherol or acetylsalicylic acid prevent decreases in calcium and magnesium concentrations in the bone tissue of the offspring.
Bojowe Środki Trujące BŚT mogą zagrażać grupom ludności w wyniku aktów terrorystycznych, w wyniku awarii przemysłowych, w których trakcie do środowiska mogą uwolnić się związki chemiczne o podobnym działaniu do BŚT. Klasyfikacja BŚT opiera się na trzech podstawowych kryteriach, jakimi są ich właściwości fizyczne, właściwości chemiczne oraz stopień toksyczności danego środka. Wszystkie te cechy stanowią jednakowo "portret" BŚT, decydują o jego przydatności bojowej oraz przeznaczeniu wojskowym. Analiza stopnia przygotowania służb ratowniczych takich, jak Straż Pożarna, Pogotowie Ratunkowe oraz pracownicy SOR-ów do udzielania pomocy poszkodowanym, porażonym bojowymi środkami trującymi, jest istotna do skutecznego zapobiegania skażeniom ludności i udzielania pierwszej podstawowej pomocy, w której skład wchodzą procedury przedlekarskie polegające na utrzymaniu podstawowych procesów życiowych pacjenta i jego szybkim transporcie do jednostki leczniczej.
Toxic warfare agents (TWAs) can threaten groups of population as a result of terrorist acts as well as industrial failures during which chemical compounds with similar effects to TWAs may be released into the environment. TWA classification is based on three basic criteria: physical and chemical properties and the toxicity degree of a particular agent. All of these properties equally make a picture of TWA and thus determine its combat usability and military purpose. An analysis of the degree of preparation of rescue services such as the Fire Brigade, the Emergency Ambulance Service and employees of Hospital Emergency Departments to provide ad to the injured and paralyzed by toxic warfare agents is significant to effectively prevent population contamination and provide first basic aid, which includes pre-medical procedures consisting in maintenance of a patient’s fundamental life processes and his/her rapid transport to a treatment facility.
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