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The article presents criteria for evaluation, methodology and analysis of the results of electrocardiographic signals in the preventive control of clinically healthy people after emotional and extreme driving. These criteria combine new approaches to building an electronic system in the processing of individual medical information and specific methods and visualize the results in the real life of healthy people. Often a sudden heart attack occurs in the workplace, in the vehicle while driving or during physical or emotional activities. An important task is to preserve the health of the working people. Criteria are developed for evaluation of electrocardiographic signals in the analysis of the results of clinically healthy people. This allows the development of a methodology for experimental field and laboratory investigations for the analysis of ECG signals and also increases the reliability of the diagnostics of cardiac diseases in the construction of a preventive control system. The developed AMEG_SIM program for modeling and simulating ECG signals and the software program AMEG_AN developed enables analysis and evaluation of ECG signals for clinically health people and compares to cardiac diseases for prevention purposes.
W artykule przedstawiono kryteria oceny, metodologii i analizy wyników sygnałów elektrokardiograficznych w profilaktyce klinicznej osób zdrowych po emocjonalnej i ekstremalnej jeździe. Kryteria te łączą nowe podejścia do budowy systemu elektronicznego w przetwarzaniu indywidualnych informacji medycznych i konkretnych metod oraz wizualizują wyniki w prawdziwym życiu zdrowych ludzi. Często nagły atak serca występuje w miejscu pracy, w pojeździe podczas prowadzenia pojazdu lub podczas aktywności fizycznej lub emocjonalnej. Ważnym zadaniem jest zachowanie zdrowia ludzi pracy. Opracowano kryteria oceny sygnałów elektrokardiograficznych w analizie wyników klinicznie zdrowych osób. Pozwala to na opracowanie metodologii eksperymentalnych badań terenowych i laboratoryjnych do analizy sygnałów EKG, a także zwiększa niezawodność diagnostyki chorób serca w konstrukcji systemu kontroli prewencyjnej. Opracowany program AMEG_SIM do modelowania i symulacji sygnałów EKG oraz opracowany program AMEG_AN umożliwia analizę i ocenę sygnałów EKG dla osób z problemami zdrowotnymi i porównanie z chorobami serca w celach profilaktycznych.
This paper models a proposed system that has the potential to transport baggage. It makes use of a modal choice model to examine how effective the system would be if implemented. The introduction of a baggage collection system would increase the number of passengers using public transport which would be good for the environment. The specific location of the study was Tyne and Wear and a journey from North Shields to Newcastle International Airport was chosen for the analysis. With the introduction of a new utility equation that could analyse mixed-mode travel, a baggage collection hub based in Newcastle upon Tyne city centre offered a significant number of users provided that the cost of the system was either covered in the travel ticket or provided by the airport or airline free of charge. This dedicated baggage collection system would be very expensive to introduce due to the massive amounts of work that would be required to set up the system, however, its ridership would be large therefore it could potentially recoup the development costs.
W artykule przedstawiony został proponowany model transportu bagażowego. Wprowadzenie systemu zbierania bagażu zwiększy liczbę pasażerów korzystających z transportu publicznego, co w efekcie przyniesie dobre skutki dla środowiska. Do analizy wybrana została lokalizacja pomiędzy Tyne i Wear oraz podróż z North Shields do Newcastle International Airport. Analizowany system zbierania bagażu byłby bardzo kosztowny do wprowadzenia ze względu na ogromne ilości pracy, która jest niezbędna do prawidłowej konfiguracji systemu. Jeśli jednak liczba przejazdów byłaby duża, możliwe jest potencjalne odzyskanie kosztów rozwoju systemu.
This paper reviews current systems that either transport baggage or have the potential to transport baggage, as well as proposed systems, before modelling some of them in a modal choice model to examine how effective they would be if implemented. It was hoped that the introduction of a baggage collection system would increase the number of passengers using public transport which would be good for the environment. The specific location of the study was Tyne and Wear and a journey from North Shields to Newcastle International Airport was chosen for the analysis. The system proposed is compared to an existing systems known as InPost and Virgin Bag Magic. It was found that for the average passenger in North Shields, a system based on the way InPost operates would offer the greatest utility. However, with the introduction of a new utility equation that could analyse mixed-mode travel, a baggage collection hub based in Newcastle upon Tyne city centre offered a more significant number of users provided that the cost of the system was either covered in the travel ticket or provided by the airport or airline free of charge. This dedicated baggage collection system would be much more expensive to introduce compared to the InPost system as the infrastructure to run the InPost system is already in place, however, the ridership of the newly proposed system would be much larger therefore it could potentially recoup the development costs.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu bieżących systemów stosowanych do transportu bagaży, lub mających taki potencjał, oraz proponowanych systemów. Spodziewano się, że wprowadzenie systemu zbierania bagażu zwiększy liczbę pasażerów korzystających z transportu publicznego. Takie rozwiązanie byłoby dobre dla środowiska. Miejscem wykorzystanym do analizy był obszar pomiędzy Tyne i Wear, podróż z międzynarodowego lotniska North Shields w Newcastle. Zaproponowany system został porównany do istniejących systemów znanych jako InPost oraz Virgin Bag Magic. Stwierdzono, że dla przeciętnego pasażera z North Shields, system oparty na działaniach InPost jest najbardziej użyteczny. Jednak wraz z wprowadzeniem nowego systemu, który może analizować podróże w trybie mieszanym, skoncentrowanie 142 D.C. Reece, M. Marinov zbierania bagażu z siedzibą w Newcastle dałoby dostęp znacznie większej liczbie uczestników, pod warunkiem że koszt systemu zostałby zawarty w bilecie podróży lub podróż z lotniska oferowana byłaby bezpłatnie. Wprowadzenie dedykowanego systemu kolekcjonowania bagażu byłoby znacznie droższe w porównaniu z systemem InPost, jednak biorąc pod uwagę to, że liczba przejazdów korzystających z zaproponowanego systemu byłaby znacznie większa, koszty poniesione na wprowadzenie systemu mogłyby zostać zwrócone w niedługim czasie.
In this paper, rail education and research – focused initiatives, approaches, policies and practices are presented. Needs for integrating rail education and research in EU and Asia are identified and discussed. The SWOT-analysis conducted suggested that it would be of interest to set up a Euro-Asia cluster, which shall be focused on rail education and research to promote rail transport between both continents through cooperations, training and knowledge exchange.
В статье представлены подходы, политические иннициативы и практика развития железнодорожного образования и науки. Проведен SWOT- анализ необходимости интеграции железнодорожных научных и образовательных потенциалов Европы и Азии. Предложена модель формирования Евро-Азиатского кластера железнодорожного образования и науки с целью развития высокоскоростного железнодорожного сообщения между двумя континентами.
This paper introduces a special issue of the Journal Transport Problems on group research projects developed within the RailNewcastle summer school organised and held in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. The participants (both educators and students) worked together in multinational and multidisciplinary groups to produce research projects. The topics of the group research projects were based around railway and logisticsrelated problems. As a result a collection of the best articles is produced for the purposes of this special issue.
Ten wstęp wprowadza do specjalnego wydania czasopisma Problemy Transportu poświęconego projektom badawczym przygotowanym w ramach letniej szkoły RailNewcastle, która była zorganizowana i odbyła się w Newcastle upon Tyne, w północnowschodniej Anglii. Uczestnicy (zarówno nauczyciele, jak i studenci) pracowali razem w grupach międzynarodowych i interdyscyplinarnych w celu opracowania projektów badawczych. Tematy projektów badawczych grup są poświęcone problemom kolejnictwa i logistyki. To specjalne wydanie jest przygotowane na podstawie zebrania najlepszych artykułów.
The main goal of this paper is to analyze customer satisfaction factors for Light Rail, identify a successful case and compare the level of service of this case with another system so that improvements in terms of price, time of journey and connectivity can be elaborated and suggested. The Docklands Light Railway (London, UK) has been identified as a successful case, which service levels have been compared to ‘Metro Sul do Tejo, MST’ (Almada, Portugal). As a result, a set of solutions to improve MST are proposed.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza czynników kształtujących satysfakcję pasażera kolei lekkiej, ukazanie takich rozwiązań, które przyniosły polepszenie satysfakcji i porównanie poziomów usług tych przypadków z innymi systemami, tak by opracować możliwe udoskonalenia w cenach, czasach przejazdów i połączeniach. Tym samym rozwiązania wprowadzone na The Docklands Light Railway (Londyn, Wielka Brytania) zostały porównane z systemem ‘Metro Sul do Tejo, MST’ (Almada, Portugalia), a wnioski z tego porównania posłużyły jako możliwe propozycje dla polepszenia usług MST.
In this paper, we look at the level of customer satisfaction as well as customer services in a passenger railway station. Specifically the objective of this paper is to develop and employ a simple method for analyzing the customer satisfaction in railway stations to help us identify ways for improving both the customer service and the station design. The method developed is applied for the purposes of Newcastle Central rail station. After having studied different approaches we used a survey to collect the necessary data for analysis. A comparison of the opinions of different categories of rail station users has been undertaken. As a result different areas for improvement have been identified. This paper can be seen as a starting point for further research on a detailed customer satisfaction analysis for Newcastle Central.
In dieser Arbeit werden wir mit Blick auf die wachsende Nachfrage im Personenzugverkehr einen Bahnhof auf Kundenservice und Kundenzufriedenheit untersuchen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit sind die Entwicklung einer vereinfachten Methode, um die Kundenzufriedenheit zu analysieren, und Optimierungspotentiale zu identifizieren. Die entwickelte Methode wird im weiteren auf die Fallstudie des Hauptbahnhofs in Newcastle upon Tyne angewandt. Nach der Verbindung und Vereinfachung verschiedener Ansätzen verwenden wir in Umfrage, um die notwendige Informationsbasis für einen Vergleich mit dem gewählten Ansatz zu gewinnen. Wir erwarten die gröβten Bereiche mit Optimierungsbedarf herauszustellen und konkrete Maβnahmen zur Verbesserung vorschlagen zu können. Diese Arbeit kann als Basis für weiterführende Forschung oder eine detailliertere Kundenumfrage am Hauptbahnhof in Newcastle upon Tyne dienen.
In this paper a standardised language code for rail freight operations is developed that aims to facilitate communication between dispatchers, train drivers and traffic managers when running freight trains abroad. In developing the language code the existing situation in the bi-lingual Belgian railways has been taken as a starting point. Communication codes from public services like police, fire brigade, ambulance and military services have been studied. It is believed that, if implemented, the code will improve significantly integrated rail freight services in Europe.
W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano rozwój standaryzowanego kodu językowego dla obsługi pociągów towarowych, którego celem jest ułatwienie komunikacji pomiędzy dyspozytorami, motorniczymi oraz zarządzającymi ruchem podczas wysyłania pociągów towarowych za granicę. W rozwoju kodu językowego, w obecnej sytuacji, na początek zwrócono uwagę na dwujęzyczne koleje belgijskie. Kody komunikacyjne dla służb publicznych takich jak policja, straż pożarna, karetki pogotowia oraz wojsko zostały przeanalizowane. Wierzy się, że wraz z wprowadzeniem kodów zintegrowany transport kolejami towarowymi w Europie zdecydowanie się polepszy.
This paper aimed to show that planner-led UCC solutions are untenable in the modern liberal economy. Our analysis suggests that the top down imposition of a Ur-ban Consolidation Centre (UCC) works only in clearly controlled domains. We have studied urban freight concepts and practice and it is our contention that most UCC initia-tives fail in a liberal economy where free choice and market economics apply. In under-pinning this contention we have compiled, analysed and categorised a set of the UCC schemes known to have operated, left evidence of their existence, and been captured by the research community. In this paper we present two case study examples that show that within the construction sector UCCs can be utilised successfully to create efficient and forward-thinking logistics operations. Whilst it might be true for the construction sector, we have not found evidence that it might be true for other sectors.
Today, many cities in the world struggle with an increasing demand arising from quick population changes. Most European big cities experience congestions, pollutions, saturations, uncollected waste, public dissatisfaction, and unpleasant environment to work and live in. In order to respond properly and effectively to these phenomena, city authorities are forced to take speedy and right decisions of ensuring good living conditions for all the residents. Reorganizing, rebuilding and enlarging cities is a difficult task which in many cases is on the boundary of impossible because of historical reasons, heritage and preservation of environment. Urban Consolidation, however, might be a good solution. In this paper we introduce urban and urban freight consolidation concepts, where our aim is to identify and reveal missing knowledge to the current state of the art.
Content available Key issues for Pan-European rail freight services
The objective of the RETRACK project, funded by the European Commission, is to conduct research to develop, demonstrate and implement a sustainable rail freight service along the East-West corridor (see fig. 1) from Constantza to Rotterdam crossing over the five national railway networks and four border crossing points. The authors have conducted state-of-the-art literature review and field surveys for this project. The current research reports the state-of-the-art of rail freight services along the RETRACK corridor in the areas of transhipment technology and systems, information and communication systems, safety and security of cargo, rolling stock and locomotives, human resources, legislative and regulatory status, and command and control systems. The research finds that all of national networks vary in terms of capabilities, competence and capacities in these areas and that the demonstration of a commercial rail freight service on the corridor will be feasible, competitive, and environmental friendly and will help achieving the long-aspired European Commission's (EC) transport policy of modal shift.
This paper consists of a survey on rail freight in the EU, where the prime objective is to reveal the current situation of the rail freight in the EU and raises looming questions for discussion. The paper is organized in three chapters, as follows: 1.Overview reveals the current situation with the European railways and raises questions about the future of these systems; 2.Levels of Operation discusses how the European railways are viewed at both International and National level and suggests some steps for action; and 3.Synthesis. It should be noted that this paper is the Part I of III Problem-Oriented Surveys dedicated to rail freight issues of today.
This paper includes the Part II-2 of the series of problem-oriented surveys on rail and multimodal freight transportation services, which aim is to reveal the current situation in this sector and raises looming questions for discussion. The particular objective of Part II-2 is to discuss recently published works and documents dedicated to Multi-actor chain management and control, Mode choice and pricing strategies, Intermodal transportation policy and planning as well as Miscellaneous. It should be noted that this paper is a problem oriented survey and does not explicitly focus on the available scientific instrumental that has been applied in dealing with rail and multimodal freight. However, throughout the description methods and concepts are addressed, where it is of interest.
This paper includes a problem-oriented survey addressed at rail and multimodal freight, where the main objective is to discuss recently published works and documents dealing with drayage, rail haul, transhipment and standardisation. The general concepts are outlined and questions for further discussions are identified. Since, this work is a problem oriented survey; it does not explicitly focus on the available scientific instrumental that has been applied in dealing with rail and multimodal freight. However, throughout the description methods and approaches are addressed, where it is of interest. Please, note that this paper is the Part II-1 Problem-Oriented Surveys dedicated to rail freight issues of today.
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