The electromagnetic nondestructive testing (NDT) method referred to as Eddy Current Testing (ECT, ET) has been used for the inspection of critical power plant equipment such as turbine blades, electric generator rotors and retaining rings and tubular heat exchangers. Single and multi-frequency ET techniques have been combined with automated computer-based NDT systems to provide the field inspector with rapid onsite data with which to make critical decisions regarding continued operation, repair and/or replacement of a component.
Wiroprądowa metoda elektromagnetycznych badań nieniszczących (ECT, ET) została zastosowana do inspekcji krytycznego wyposażenia elektrowni, takiego jak: łopatki turbin, wirniki prądnicy, pierścienie ustalające oraz rurowe wymienniki ciepła. Jedno- i wieloczęstotliwościowe techniki ET zostały połączone ze zautomatyzowanym, komputerowym systemem NDT w celu szybkiego dostarczenia inspektorom terenowym danych pozwalających na podjęcie natychmiastowej decyzji o naprawie lub/i wymianie części.
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Because of the present trends of political and economical unification in Europe formerIy classified gravimetric data in CentraI Europe are becoming avaiIabIe. The differences, however, between gravity systems in this area are so Iarge that they strongly affect the geoid, vertical datum definitions and height systems. It is therefore mandatory to study system differences and to unify them. The project UNIGRACE aims at solving this problem by carrying out absoIute gravity measurements with the most advanced technoIogy at 17 selected sites in the countries concerned. In a joint effort five European groups from Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy and Poland using their absoIute gravimeters and partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and SIovenia cooperate in seIecting and70r estabIishing the sites and performing the measurements as weII as in connecting the absolute sites to the nationaI gravimetric networks. As a result, a unique gravity system in CentraI Europe wiII be available. The project started on Jan. 1, 1998. The first Working Conference took place in Frankfurt a.M. on Feb. 2-3, 1998. The European Commission is granting the project for 3 years.
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The Central European Regional Geodynamic Project (CERGOP) was established to integrate geodynamic research in the Central European Region including 11 countries and using space geodetic techniques - mainly GPS. The geodetic network established-CEGRN (Central European GPS Geodynamic Reference Network) provides a stable and reliable reference frame. CEGRN actually represents a powerful tool in order to perform regional and subregional geotectonic investigations, too. In the CERGOP frame 4 main and 4 additional GPS stations were established in Romania. The GPS sites are selected to represent specific tectonic units. GPS observations were carried out at all 8 stations during the 1995, 1996 and 1997 CEGRN campaigns. This paper intends to present the first results from the BKG processing center with regard to plate kinematics in Romania based on the GPS observations 1995, 1996 and 1998. Plans for long-term observations and network densification are discussed.
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