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Based on the study of literature relating to the classification of forests using high resolution space images established that the main problem of classification is the separateness classes and close to the spectral brightness classes can not be identified with high accuracy. Classification using maximum likelihood algorithm, which generally gives better results compared with algorithms of spectral distance or Mahalanobis distance, does not lead to the definition of areas with a high probability. Therefore, the article examines approach of classification of forests using post-processing. Experimental studies were carried using an satellite image of the forested area of Precarpathian region obtained from QuickBird-2 (June 2010). Data collected during field research were used as Verification data to determine areas of different objects. The controlled classification has been performed using the method of the maximum likelihood, size of signatures for 8 classes were selected from 100 to 400 points. For these classes was calculated matrix of separation of classes, and was found a significant correlation between next classes: young conifer plantings and pine and mixed forest, and deciduous young plantings and deciduous forest. Post-processing significantly improves the reliability of determination of area, which consists in the assign to all pixel of the selected neighbourhood brightness of most points, although there is a dependency of reliability of determination of area from the size of the area. Accuracy of determination of areas are from 92 to 99%.
The paper analyses the causes of riverbeds shifts and meandering of Dniester. Among such reasons are mostly climatic, geographical and anthropogenic factors, such as frequent floods semi-stable rocks and soils, deforestation and removal of gravel and sand material from the river bed. The research is carried out on the lowland of the Dniester along the 100 km section over the 100 years period. Topographic maps (1910, 1923, 1976 years), and satellite images from Landsat 5 (1986) Landsat 7 (2000) Sentinel (2017) and special soil maps was taken as initial information. The Dniester meandering research shows significant correlation in horizontal riverbed movements for the periods from 1910 till 1986 and from 1984 till 2017. Correlation rate variate within the limits 0.97 – 0.99 respectively that corresponds to the almost full dependence in the riverbed displacement configuration. Beside that the maximum horizontal deviations can reached up to 800 meters. In addition, it was revealed that sediment processes caused significant increase in the area of the river islands from 1910 to 1976 by 2.4 times, and from 1976 to 2017 the island areas somewhat reduced. Nearly the largest island River channel is divided into two branches. Sinuosity coefficient is 2.3 over the test site. The analysis of soil maps shows prevailing bleached soils and loamy on alluvial deposits soils in areas with highest sinuosity coefficient.
Za główne przyczyny przemieszczenia się i meandrowania koryta rzek uznaje się zjawiska klimatyczne, a także czynniki geograficzne i antropogeniczne. Częste powodzie, określone rodzaje skał i gruntów, wylesienia i wymywanie żwiru i piasku z łożyska powodują przemieszczenie rzeki. Prezentowane badania przemieszczeń dotyczą równinnej części rzeki Dniestr. Analiza została przeprowadzona na odcinku rzeki długości około 100 km i dotyczy okresu minionych 100 lat. Do badań wykorzystano mapy topograficzne z lat 1910, 1923, 1976 i zdjęcia satelitarne z satelity Landsat 5 (1986), Landsat 7 (2000) i Sentinel (2017), a także mapy gruntów. Z badań meandrowania rzeki Dniestr w okresach 1910-1986 i 1984-2017 określono związki korelacyjne między przemieszczeniami sytuacyjnymi, które wyrażone w formie współczynnika korelacji wynoszą odpowiednio 0.99 i 0.97, co świadczy o prawie całkowitym związku kształtów łożysk. Jednocześnie wyjaśniono że maksymalne przemieszczenia łożyska rzeki na odcinkach 1 i 2 wynoszą blisko 800 m, a na odcinku 5 do 100 m. Wyjaśniono, że zwiększenie niesionych osadów spowodowało w latach od 1910 do 1976 znaczny wzrost powierzchni wysp (około 2,4 razy), a w latach od 1976 do 2017 powierzchnia wysp zmniejszyła się, jednak w miejscu największej wyspy koryto podzieliło się na dwa rękawy. Ogółem krętość koryta na badanym fragmencie wynosi 2.3, co świadczy o tym że koryto jest meandrujące. Analiza mapy gruntów w miejscach maksymalnego meandrowania wskazuje, że głównymi typami gruntów są gleby łąkowe bielicowe i oglejone na złożach naniesionych.
The paper presents a hybrid classification method based on the determination of the optimal number of classes according to uncontrolled classification followed by image processing techniques of controlled classification. A criterion for determining the optimal number of classes is proposed based on the definition of averaged values differences of average spectral brightness among the classes. Space images from satellites Ikonos (2002, 2007) and QuickBird (2010) were used to study different time cuttings in the forests of the Carpathian region. A significant amount of ground observation was held for getting test information. A Hybrid Classification Method is used for different time cuttings by QuickBird satellite images and implemented in a software environment of ERDAS Imagine. In order to obtain acreage of cuttings made for the period of 2002-2007 and 2007-2010, a comparative analysis of cuttings is introduced in these time intervals and their area is determined on the basis of the digital images of polygons in the ArcGIS software environment.
In this paper calculation of some physical parameters of the receiver of laser scanning system is presented. Basic physical principles of laser scanning of water objects are considered. Ranging standard deviation for typical parameters of laser scanning system are calculated. Formula for calculation of reflected optical power for specular reflective objects is proposed.
Space information, or information obtained by means of space remote sensing, is widely and effectively used by many countries to solve a lot of scientific, technical and applied problems. Most manufacturers of space remote sensing systems declared the high resolution values of their systems. However, these values are computed theoretically, without considering the various factors affected them. To determine the real resolution of the system, we have considered mathematical modeling which describes the influence of different factors on the satellite images resolution. Some of these factors are: atmosphere turbulence, image shift, residual defocusing, and diffraction. One of the most important characteristic of the images resolution is the modulation transfer function (MTF) which allows the estimation of different factors affected on the image resolution. The modulation transfer function (MTF) is a fundamental tool for assessing the performance of imaging systems. Various authors [Zhang et al. 2012, Hwang et al. 2008, Ryan et al. 2003] investigate diferent MTF assessment methods of high resolution satellite images: a slant-edge method, a knife-edge method, a sine wave method and a grill pattern. We propose a generalized approach for MTF assessment based on theoretical assumptions which allows to determine the inluence of diferent factors. A comparative analysis of the modulation transfer function(s) for different space imaging systems shows that the image resolution depends mainly on the atmosphere turbulence and size of a sensor element. Additionally, we established that atmospheric turbulence significantly reduces the transmitting possibility of images. The parameters which describe the influence of turbu¬lence required additional studies. The main goal of our researches is to show that real spatial image(s) resolution is much "inferior" than the value provided by the manufacturers of space remote sensing systems.
Content available Digital elevation modelling on cartometric data
Mając dane kartometryczne z wykorzystaniem pakietów oprogramowania 3D Studio Max i Surfer 8 przedstawiono eksperymentalnie otrzymany cyfrowy model rzeźby. W 3D Studio Max model reliefu zbudowano metodą triangulacji (TIN) ze zgładzaniem niejednorodnymi funkcjami B-zespolonymi. W pakiecie oprogramowania Surfer 8 wysokoprecyzyjne odtworzenie modelu można osiągnąć z wykorzystaniem metody Kriginga pod warunkiem prawidłowo ządanych parametrów modelowania.
Presented research results show us efficiency of proposed method usage for DEM construction with 3DStudio max software. Using ofTIN model as method o f DEM construction in in obtained of input information by level model demands a couple of input data, but allows to reconstruct small elevation details with high accuracy. In Surfer 8 software it is appropriate to use Kriging method for digital modelling, still it is neccssery to assign input modelling parameters correspondingly to the elevation type.
For building DEM the input data is obtained based the cartometric method with the record over layers as contours, character points, control points. The regular DEM is built using the one-dimensional linear and cubic splines over profile lines which is drawn along axes x. у and diagonal. Optimization of input data set is made using the norm of the second derivative to linear spline and the norm of the fourth derivative to cubic spline. In this paper we present the estimation of the accuracy using the control points and comparison made between initial isoline map and created map with use of the linear and cubic splines. The cubic splines yields the high accuracy of interpolation but they are most sensitive to the extreme points.
Wyjściową informacją dla stworzenia NMT otrzymano metodą kartometryczną ze skanowania mapy z zapisem następujących informacji: izolinie, charakterystyczne punkty, punkty dla kontroli. Regularny model stworzono z wykorzystaniem funkcji sklejanych pierwszego i trzeciego stopnia, realizowanych po profilach wzdłuż osi х, у i po przekątnych. Optymalizacją wyjściowej informacji zrealizowano dla liniowych funkcji sklejanych pochodną 2-go stopnia, dla funkcji 3-stopnia - pochodną 4-go stopnia. W artykule podano oceną dokładności na punktach kontrolnych i porównywanie izolinii na mapach wyjściowych i stworzonych z zastosowaniem funkcji sklejanych 1-ej i 3- ej potęgi. Ostatni daje wysoką dokładność interpolacji, jednak jest bardzo czuły do wpływy ekstremalnych punktów.
Buxiδнy шформацiю для побудови ЦМР отримапо na ocнвi картометричного методу з пошаровим записом: горизонтам, характерш точки, контрольш точки. Регулярна ЦМР побудована з еикористанням одномгрних сплайшв першого та третьего степеня за профпьними лiнями, проведеншш вздовж осей х, у i по дiагоналях. Оптимізащя набору вuxiδнoї інформацii здшснена для лiнiuного сплайна за нормою noxiδno'i другого порядку, для кубичного сплайна - за нормою похiдною четвертого порядку. В cmammi наведено оцiнку moчннocmi за контрольними точками i порiвпяння карт iзoлiлiu, побудованих з еикористанням сплайшв 1-го та 3-го степешв. Останнiu дас високу точнiсть iнтерполяцii, однак чутливcть до впливу екстремальних точок.
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