Parametry geometryczne przestrzeni porowej skał pozwalają oszacować ich zdolności filtracyjne. Wysokorozdzielcza rentgenowska tomografia komputerowa dostarcza wiele różnorodnych parametrów ilościowych przestrzeni porowej. Niektóre z tych parametrów mogą być skonfrontowane z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych spektrometrii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego (NMR) i porozymetrii rtęciowej (MICP), np. średnia średnica porów. Piknometria helowa, rentgenowska tomografia komputerowa, spektroskopia magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego i porozymetria rtęciowa dostarczają kluczowej informacji na temat wielkości porowatości. Przepuszczalność absolutna (wyznaczona metodą zaniku ciśnienia, ang. pressure-decay permeability, i impulsu, ang. pulse-decay permeability) pozwala ocenić zdolności filtracyjne skały. Na podstawie obrazów tomograficznych obliczono takie parametry przestrzeni porowej jak: liczba wokseli w obiekcie, pole powierzchni obiektu, średnica kuli o objętości równej objętości obiektu, maksymalna wartość grubości znaleziona w obiekcie, minimalna wartość grubości znaleziona w obiekcie, średnia grubość obiektu, odchylenie standardowe grubości, parametr określający odstępstwo kształtu obiektu od sfery, wydłużenie obiektu, płaskość obiektu, parametr określający podobieństwo kształtu obiektu do kształtu sferycznego za pomocą odpowiedniego stosunku objętości obiektu do powierzchni obiektu, charakterystyka Eulera, najkrótsza długość obiektu mierzona w danym kierunku (Fereta), najdłuższa długość obiektu mierzona w danym kierunku (Fereta), maksymalna średnica Fereta wyznaczona w kierunku prostopadłym do prostej określonej przez najdłuższą średnicę Fereta w obiekcie, stosunek maksymalnej długości średnicy Fereta wyznaczonej w kierunku prostopadłym do prostej określonej przez najkrótszą średnicę Fereta do długości najkrótszej średnicy Fereta, współczynnik kształtu (ShapeVa3D), moment bezwładności wokół najkrótszej osi głównej, moment bezwładności wokół średniej osi głównej, moment bezwładności wokół najdłuższej osi głównej. Dokonano interpretacji liczby porów i mikroszczelin w każdej analizowanej próbce poprzez analizę liczby obiektów w danej klasie objętości. Obrazy tomograficzne były interpretowane jakościowo i ilościowo przy wykorzystaniu programu poROSE (poROus materials examination SoftwarE), który jest wynikiem prac badawczych prowadzonych wspólnie przez ośrodki naukowe i przemysłowe na materiałach porowatych. Analizie poddano wartości porowatości (całkowitej i efektywnej), średnic porów (średnice Fereta, parametr grubości obiektu), parametrów określających kształt porów (np. wydłużenie, sferyczność, spłaszczenie) oraz stosowanych we wzorze Kozeny’ego–Carmana (np. wewnętrzna powierzchnia właściwa porów na jednostkę objętości porów). Przedstawiono wyniki analiz dla próbek zwięzłych piaskowców kambryjskich, będących potencjalnie skałami zbiornikowymi gazu zamkniętego (ang. tight gas). Próbki z rdzeni wiertniczych pochodzą z jednego otworu wiertniczego, z tej samej głębokości poboru rdzenia.
Geometric parameters of the rock pore space allow estimating their filtration abilities. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) provides a great amount of geometric parameters of the pore space. Some of these parameters may be confronted with laboratory measurements of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mercury porosimetry (MICP), e.g. average pore diameter. Helium pycnometry, CT, NMR and MICP provide key information on the porosity. Absolute permeability allows to assess the filtration abilities of the rock. The following pore space parameters for the object were calculated on the basis of tomo- graphic images: number of voxels, surface area, diameter of the sphere equal to the volume of the object, maximum thickness, minimum thickness, average thickness, standard deviation of thickness, parameter defining the deviation of the shape of the object from the sphere, elongation, flatness, parameter determines the similarity of the shape of the object to the spherical shape using the appropriate ratio of the object’s volume to the object’s surface, Euler number, the shortest and the longest length measured in a given direction (Feret), maximum Feret diameter determined in the direction perpendicular to the line defined by the longest Feret diameter in the object, ratio of the maximum length of the Feret diameter, attached in a direction perpendicular to the line defined by the shortest Feret diameter up to the shortest Feret diameter, shape coefficient (ShapeVa3D), moment of inertia around the shortest, mean and the longest major axis. The number of pores and microfractures in each of the analyzed samples were interpreted by analyzing the number of objects in a given volume class. The tomographic images were interpreted using the poROSE software (poROus materials examination SoftwarE), which is the result of research carried out jointly by scientific and industrial centers on porous materials. The analysis covered the values of porosity, pore diameters (Feret, thickness), parameters determining pore shape (e.g. elongation, sphericity, flatness) and used in the Kozeny–Carmana formula (e.g. internal pore surface per pore volume). The results of analyzes for tight Cambrian sandstones samples, potentially the tight gas reservoir rocks, are presented. Samples from cores come from one well, with the same probing depth.
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The main goal was the analysis of parameters describing the structure of the pore space of carbonate rocks, based on tomographic images. The results of CT images interpretation, made for 17 samples of Paleozoic carbonate rocks were shown. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of a pore system was performed. Objects were clustered according to the pore size. Within the clusters, the geometry parameters were analysed. The following dependences were obtained for carbonate rocks, also for individual clusters (due to the volume): (1) a linear relationship (on a bilogarithmic scale) between the specific surface and the Feret diameter and (2) a strong linear relationship between specific surface area and Feret diameter and average diameter of the objects calculated for the sphere. The results were then combined with available results from standard laboratory tests, including NMR and MICP.
Wyniki badań laboratoryjnych formacji sylurskich pozwalają na uzyskanie szczegółowych informacji na temat złożoności przestrzeni porowej, występowania mikroszczelin, a także obecności pirytu w skale. Trzy próbki mułowców sylurskich pochodzące z różnych głębokości, z jednego otworu zlokalizowanego w synklinorium lubelskim, zostały przebadane pod kątem wyznaczenia właściwości sprężystych, czyli prędkości fal podłużnych P i poprzecznych S, dynamicznych modułów: sprężystości podłużnej (Younga), odkształcenia postaci, odkształcenia objętości, współczynnika Poissona oraz zbiornikowych, z wykorzystaniem spektrometrii magnetycznego rezonansu jądrowego (porowatość całkowita i efektywna, zawartość wody wolnej, kapilarnej i nieredukowalnej). W ramach dodatkowych analiz przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne przepuszczalności absolutnej w skali nano-Darcy, a także granulometrii. Rentgenowska tomografia komputerowa dała możliwość interpretacji jakościowej wykształcenia przestrzeni porowej oraz mikroszczelin, a także formy występowania pirytu w skale. Interpretacja ilościowa obrazów tomograficznych dostarczyła parametrów geometrycznych porów, pirytów i mikroszczelin, tj. wielkości porów i kryształów pirytów, mikroszczelin itp. Komplementarna analiza petrofizyczna skał łupkowych, wykonana przy wykorzystaniu różnorodnych metod badawczych, stała się kluczem do zrozumienia budowy wewnętrznej tego typu skał, które wykazują silną heterogeniczność parametrów fizycznych i chemicznych szkieletu ziarnowego i przestrzeni porowej.
The results of laboratory measurements of the Silurian formations allow detailed information on the complexity of pore space, the occurrence of microcracks, as well as the presence of pyrite in the rock to be obtained. Three samples of Silurian mudstones from different depths, from one well located in the Lublin synclinorium, were tested for elastic properties, i.e. the longitudinal waves P and transverse S, the dynamic moduli: Young, shear, bulk, Poisson ratio and reservoir using nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (total and effective porosity, free water, capillary and irreducible water). Additional laboratory analyses of the absolute permeability on a nano-Darcy scale as well as granulometry were performed. X-ray computed tomography provided an opportunity to interpret the qualitative development of porous space as well as the microscopic and forms of pyrite in the rock. The quantitative interpretation of tomographic images provided the geometric parameters of pores, pyrites and microcracks, i.e. the size of pores, pyrite crystals and microcracks. The complementary petrophysical analysis of shale gas deposits, made using a variety of research methods, became the key to understanding the internal structure of this type of rock, which exhibits strong heterogeneity in physical and chemical parameters of the particle's skeleton and pore space.
The article presents the concept of a computer system for interpreting unconventional oil and gas deposits with the use of X-ray computed tomography results. The functional principles of the solution proposed are presented in the article. The main goal is to design a product which is a complex and useful tool in a form of a specialist computer software for qualitative and quantitative interpretation of images obtained from X-ray computed tomography. It is devoted to the issues of prospecting and identification of unconventional hydrocarbon deposits. The article focuses on the idea of X-ray computed tomography use as a basis for the analysis of tight rocks, considering especially functional principles of the system, which will be developed by the authors. The functional principles include the issues of graphical visualization of rock structure, qualitative and quantitative interpretation of model for visualizing rock samples, interpretation and a description of the parameters within realizing the module of quantitative interpretation.
Niekonwencjonalne złoża ropy i gazu stanowią wyzwanie interpretacyjne dla petrofizyków. Dobór właściwych metod badawczych jest kluczem do szczegółowej i poprawnej interpretacji przestrzeni porowej skał niskoporowatych i niskoprzepuszczalnych. W pracy zaprezentowano wstępne wyniki rentgenowskiej nanotomografii komputerowej. Realizowany projekt ma także na celu stworzenie specjalistycznego programu do interpretacji petrofizycznej i geologicznej obrazów tomograficznych skał ze złóż niekonwencjonalnych. Opracowana metodyka znajduje także zastosowanie w analizie skał konwencjonalnych.
Unconventional oil and gas reservoirs are challenge for petrophysicists regarding qualitative and quantitative interpretation. Selection of appropriate research methods is the key in detailed and correct analysis of the pore space in this type of rocks. Preliminary results of rese arch are presented in the paper which comprises of the X-ray computer nanotomography results. Research also aims to create special software to interpret petrophysical and geological parameters from tomographic rock images of unconventional reservoirs. The developed methodology is also used in the analysis of conventional reservoirs.
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Earth Science provide large amounts of data. The available information can be stored and then analysed in different systems. For disciplines such as: geology, geophysics and environmental protection are created database. One of the first databases that contain information about the environment was a database for the Polish Carpathian mountains called GeoKarpaty (Kotlarczyk et al. 1997). This database has been developed over the years (Piórkowski 2009). The environment is understood as the sum of natural elements. Elements of the environment are, among others: the surface of the Earth, minerals, water (Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 2001 r. ...). The need to protect these elements due to the need to conserve nature in the same state. For this purpose, are constructed themed data-base. They inform about the state of the environment, the risks affecting the surface of the earth. At the request of the Ministry of the Environment was established portal containing a record of such databases (Ekoportal 2015). There are a number of databases that can be classified into several groups. An important group of geological database. These include: data bank of groundwater classified mineral “MINERAL” (MINERALNE, 2015), the database MIDAS (MIDAS 2015), the central database of the geological data (CBDG 2015). Another group of databases is about the natural environment. One of them is a central register of forms of nature protection t hat contains records of the forms of nature protection (CRFOP 2015). Equally important are the records on the processing and storage of waste. The group includes eg.: a record of applications and decisions in the field of international shipments of waste (RZiDZMPO 2015), database about asbestosis (Baza Azbestowa 2015). This work focuses on the analysis of environmental databases. The study analysed opportunities offer such systems. The result of the study is to find the ability to access these databases such as for example: WMS, WFS. The next result is to compare the ability to access stored data. The final stage was the verification of environmental databases for environmental analysis. The issue of access to information from such systems plays a crucial role for further analysis, and it is not a trivial task.
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Obtaining, storing and sharing geological digital data in a form of images have been influenced by the dynamic development of information technology. Due to the fact that the multimedia data is not connected with a give PC or storage medium any more, but it is widely available as databases stored on network servers and accessed simultaneously by a number of users this suggests that data should be analyzed also in a new, for example parallel form. It necessitates defining the way in which the data in question is organized and interpreted efficiently. The aim of this discussion is to present the possibility to define image mining method for understanding and analyzing large image sets based on the methods of image analysis. The Authors present the concept of IT system developed to search for the images of particular rock structures in multimedia databases. Up till now, the use of databases in the image analysis process has been reduced to storing large amounts of data in form of images. However, all transformations and the analysis of such sets are performed on the user’s PC. On the one hand, this requires a large data set (images) to be sent by network each time, but on the other hand this may also pose problems resulting from managing such large amounts of analyzed images on a PC. A solution for image exploration, which is based on any attributes extracted with computer image analysis with the use of extensions for server-side operations is proposed. The proposed approach eliminates these problems completely by moving all transformations of image analysis onto a database server platform. For this purpose, a set of routines realizing transformations of image analysis and mathematical morphology were developed. The proposed approach allows the unification of the image processing and analysis area as well as advanced statistical analysis of obtained parameters describing geometrical sized of the objects and images. The methodology is based exclusively on an image request, to which the system’s response is a set of images presenting visually similar rocks (Ładniak & Młynarczuk 2015). The search is based only on the query in the form of the image, while the system in response returns a collection of photographs representing the same structure of the rock. The proposed method is based on the methods of image analysis and the artificial intelligence, in particular, on the methods of data clustering and data classification. Decisions concerning the classification were based on six different methods of clustering and classification of data. As a result of the study showed that methods such as MEC, and based on the naive Bayes classifier and the method of the k-nearest neighbors have a very good classification results reaching for some of the studied rocks up to 100% correct decisions. To detect the similarity it is required to apply Determination of the characteristics identifying photographs (using image analysis algorithms), then verification of feature representativeness – to reduce considerable correlation between the measure of particular features in the representations of particular features, and apply decision making methods (in form of methods of cluster analysis). As a results, the proposed methodology was illustrated by practical realization of measurement types for a simple structure of copper concentrate, from the point of view of image analysis, structures such as dolomites from, for example, Rędziny and Laskowa Góra and sandstones from Tumlin and Wiśniówka and also from the point of view of method where the purpose is to enable effective search of images of a given rock in multimedia databases. The research material was microscope images of thin sections of 19 rock types. The analyzed rocks came from the southern regions of the Polish (Carpathian and Sudeten) Mountains. From these rocks thin sections were made. The photos were taken with a polarized light optical microscope, at the optimum illumination and magnification which was the same for all the photos registered for a given type of rock. For each rock type, 250 photos were taken. The collection of images that were used in the process of performing measurements encompassed 5,250 digital images presenting 21 rock types. The discussed system concept, based on a feature space defined by the authors, successfully matches up images with the reference standard. The effectiveness rate of that process is very high (very often, it is 100%). Failed classifications concern only the images which differ visually in a considerable way from the rest of the images within a given group. As a conclusion authors would like to show that the main purpose of proposed solution is to facilitate the decision-making process involved in determining the measurements of the stereological parameters of rocks and the similarity of investigated objects. The proposed method of image mining is based on the application of database technologies, image processing, and image analysis and artificial intelligence concepts. The authors demonstrate that these may turn out to be effective mathematical methods, successfully applied to the problem of image understanding, performed with imagings presenting rock textures. In the opinion of the authors, it meets the requirements and, as such it can be applied to the problem of searching for images in databases, searching discs in order to find images of a given rocks and automatic information gain based on video sequences, e.g. in order to find frames presenting particular rock structures.
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