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W pracy sformułowano nowe równanie konstytutywne dla gąbczastej tkanki kostnej człowieka. Zapostulowano funkcję energii odkształcenia, która opisuje sprężystą odpowiedź tkanki na obciążenie. W modelu konstytutywnym uwzględniono także nieliniową lepkosprężystość. Stałe materiałowe w równaniu konstytutywnym zidentyfikowano na podstawie wyników testów relaksacji naprężeń i monotonicznego ściskania metodą dopasowania krzywych. Wykorzystano tutaj algorytm Levenberga-Marquardta metody najmniejszych kwadratów. Na podstawie testów relaksacji zidentyfikowano wartości czasów relaksacji, natomiast na podstawie testów monotonicznego ściskania określono stałe sprężyste i lepkosprężyste. Testy były wykonane w temperaturze pokojowej na prostopadłościennych próbkach kości gąbczastej uzyskanych z główek kości udowej podczas operacji wszczepienia endoprotezy stawu biodrowego.
In the paper a new constitutive equation for human cancellous bone tissue was formulated. A strain energy function was postulate, which describes the elastic response of the tissue to the load. The nonlinear viscoelasticity was also taken into account in the constitutive model. The material constants in the constitutive equation were identified on the basis of the results of stress relaxation tests and monotonic compression tests using the curve fitting method. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm of the least square method was used here. On the basis of the relaxation tests, the values of relaxation times were identified, while the elastic and viscoelastic constants were determined on the basis of monotonic compression tests. The tests were performed at room temperature. On the cuboidal samples of cancellous bone obtained from femoral heads during the surgeries of hip joint prosthesis implantation.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zmian zachodzących w porowatej strukturze ludzkiej kości gąbczastej poddanej obciążeniom ściskającym. Do oceny zmian wykorzystano maszynę wytrzymałościową MTS Bionix oraz mikrotomograf SkyScan. Dzięki wykonywaniu projekcji mikrotomograficznych przed próbą ściskania kości i po niej zarejestrowano nie tylko charakterystyki naprężeniowo-odkształceniowe i zmianę sztywności kości, ale również ewolucję mikrostruktury (zmianę geometrii porów, przesunięcia, rotację, odkształcenia i pękanie beleczek kostnych), co w dalszych badaniach pozwoli dokładniej opisać mechanizmy odkształceń biologicznych materiałów porowatych.
The paper presents the results of studies on the changes of the porous structure of human cancellous bone obtained in the arthroplasty surgery of the pathologically altered hip joints. The MTS Bionix testing machine and SkyScan Micro tomograph were used in the assessment. By performing a microtomographic projection before attempting to compress the bone and afterwards not only were the stress-strain characteristics and change in stiffness of the bone recorded, but also the evolution of the microstructure (change in pore geometry, displacement, rotation, deformation and fracture of bone beams). This in further research will allow to more accurately describe mechanisms of biological deformation of porous materials.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to show the new possibility of evaluation of bone tissues properties in experiment and next the numerical simulation and verification of selected problems. Design/methodology/approach: The lifestyle that has been favored lately has led to unfavorable changes in the human body. This is manifested mainly by joint anomalies and changes in the structure of bone tissue. The scientists try to aid the healing and rehabilitation systems. It is possible to prepare a numerical model of complex biomechanical structures using advanced FE systems. The process of modeling is one of the most important steps of this research and assignment of material data influences on the precision of obtained results. The classic measurement methods with particular emphasis on their application in the study of bone, taking into account the advanced methods for measuring displacement are applied (DIC, nanoindentation). Also QCT combined with evolutionary methods gives interesting results in identification of material parameters Numerical simulations are verified in experiment. Findings: Obtained results allow to compare the displacement and strain from experiment and numerical simulation. From numerical simulation, after FEM analysis we obtained full set of mechanical parameters useful in planning of surgical intervention (THA, pelvis reconstruction), aided the diagnostic in risky state and design of prosthesis. Research limitation/implications: The precision of identification of material parameters depend on many parameters and influences on the precision of the results from numerical simulation. Research is conducted mainly on preparations and not on living tissue. The target should be in-vivo noninvasive measurement. Originality/Value: Combination of numerical simulation and experimental research is needed to obtain correct results and broaden the spectrum of relevant parameters necessary to support surgical and rehabilitation. Both approaches require modern equipment and advanced testing methods.
Purpose: Purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities of the application of the two methods: Digital Image Correlation and nanoindentation in porous bone tissues testing. Firstly, as a tool in the evaluation process of material parameters for porous microstructures, such as bone tissues or other foams and, secondly, as validation and verification tools for finite element analysis of bone or foams structures. Those methods are helpful when the high accuracy of the mechanical parameters of porous microstructures is required. Design/methodology/approach: Two methods: Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and nanoindentation are used as an efficient approach in the evaluation process of material parameters or constitutive relationship of porous structures like bone tissues. Digital image correlation enlarges the accuracy of classical mechanical tests and the nanoindentation allows to look inside the microstructure. Findings: The proposed methods were found to be effective in experimental testing and material parameters evaluation process of some special materials. Among them are porous structures, such as bone tissue. Additionally, the DIC is an excellent tool for finite element model validation and results verification. Practical implications: The presented method based on the combination of the Digital Image Correlation and nanoindentation presents new possibilities in material testing fields, material behavior and parameters evaluation. They have great advantages, among others, in the field of testing of porous bone structure or determining the mechanical parameters of bone tissue. Originality/value: The paper presents methods for testing the complicated porous bone structures: evaluating mechanical behavior of the whole structure and evaluating mechanical properties of the single element of the structure. The mechanical parameters of human cancellous bone structures are presented as the preliminary research results.
The article presents the algorithm for geometric modelling of bone structures. The images obtained during a microtomography test (fiCT) and the specialist engineering software allow to make 3D models of these structures and their application in further studies using the finite element method. Conducting the appropriate treatment of the derived models it is possible to improve the quality of the finite element mesh and to reduce the number of elements of which it is composed. This simplifies and accelerates the further numerical analysis conducted on bone models.
Artykuł przedstawia algorytm postępowania przy modelowaniu geometrycznym struktur kostnych. Obrazy uzyskane podczas badania mikrotomografem oraz specjalistyczne oprogramowanie inżynierskie umożliwiają wykonywanie modeli 3D tychże struktur oraz wykorzystanie ich w dalszych badaniach z użyciem metody elementów skończonych. Przeprowadzając odpowiednią obróbkę uzyskanych modeli możliwa jest poprawa jakości siatki elementów skończonych oraz zmniejszenie liczby elementów, z których się składa. Ułatwia to i przyśpiesza dalszą analizę numeryczną prowadzoną na modelach kości.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych, których celem było ustalenie wpływu kąta ułożenia warstw na wytrzymałość elementów. Przeprowadzono próbę trójpunktowego zginania na seriach próbek różniących się kątem ułożenia warstw składowych elementu.
The paper describes the results of a strength tests. The main goal of the reserches was to determine the impact of the fiber layers angle on the tested element strenght. The three-point bending test was performed for the sample series with the different fiber layer angle.
Content available remote Technologia spawania laserowego rur ożebrowanych
Wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną w Europie wymaga ciągłego poszukiwania nowych źródeł energii, rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i technologicznych. Utrzymanie dotychczasowego poziomu produkcji energii elektrycznej wymaga nie tylko napraw i modernizacji eksploatowanych jednostek, ale także budowy nowych bloków na parametry nadkrytyczne i ultranadkrytyczne. Podwyższenie sprawności termicznej przy jednoczesnej redukcji kosztów energii możliwe jest dzięki zastosowaniu rur żebrowanych na wymienniki ciepła. W pracy przedstawiono technologie wytwarzania rur ożebrowanych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem innowacyjnej technologii spawania laserowego opracowanej w Energoinstalu. Wykorzystanie laserów dyskowych dużej mocy umożliwia spawanie rur ożebrowanych z kilkakrotnie większą wydajnością w stosunku do technologii spawania łukowego, przy zachowaniu restrykcyjnych wymagań jakościowych i technicznych.
The increase in demand for electricity in Europe requires a continuous search for new sources of energy, engineering and technology solutions. Maintaining the current level of electricity production requires not only repair and modernization of the operating units, as well as construction of new blocks of supercritical and ultrasupercritical. Increasing thermal efficiency while reducing energy costs is possible through the use of finned tubes for heat exchangers. This paper presents the technologies of finned tubes, with particular emphasis on innovative laser welding technology developed in the Energoinstal company. The use of high power disk laser allows the welding of finned tubes several times more efficient compared to arc welding technology, while maintaining stringent quality and technical requirements.
Particle-reinforced composite materials very often provide unique and versatile properties. Modelling and prediction of effective heterogeneous material behaviour is a complex problem. However it is possible to estimate an influence of microstructure properties on effective macro material properties. Mentioned multi-scale approach can lead to better understanding of particle-reinforced composite behaviour. The paper is focused on prediction of an influence of particle shape on effective elastic properties, yield stress and stress distribution in particle-reinforced metal matrix composites. Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on usage of homogenization procedure connected with volume averaging of stress and strain values in RVE (Representative Volume Element). To create the RVE geometry Digimat-FE software is applied. Finite element method is applied to solve boundary value problem, in particular a commercial MSC.Marc software is used. Findings: Cylindrical particles provide the highest stiffness and yield stress while the lowest values of stiffness and yield stress are connected with spherical particles. On the other hand stress distribution in spherical particles is more uniform than in cylindrical and prismatic ones, which are more prone to an occurrence of stress concentration. Research limitations/implications: During this study simple, idealised geometries of the inclusions are considered, in particular sphere, prism and cylinder ones. Moreover, uniform size and uniform spatial distribution of the inclusions are taken into account. However in further work presented methodology can be applied to analysis of RVE that maps the real microstructure. Practical implications: Presented methodology can deal with an analysis of composite material with any inclusion shape. Predicting an effective composite material properties by analysis of material properties at microstructure level leads to better understanding and control of particle-reinforced composite materials behaviour. Originality/value: The paper in details presents in details an investigation of influence of inclusion shape on effective elastic-plastic material properties. In addition it describes the differences between stress distributions in composites with various inclusion shapes.
Termiczne bariery cieplne (TBC) stanowią jedne z najbardziej zaawansowanych technologicznie i materiałowo koncepcji stosowanych w turbinach gazowych silników, zwłaszcza na pokrycie takich elementów jak komory spalania i łopatki kierujące. Charakteryzują się one wysokimi właściwościami izolującymi, co pozwala na znaczne obniżenie temperatury elementów naraźonych na pełzanie pracujących w gorącej sekcji silnika, do zakresu temperatury umożliwiającego ich długotrwałą i bezpieczna pracę [1]. Istnieje szereg wad wpływających na obniżenie trwałości TBC. Główne z nich to pęknięcia związane pośrednio z rozkładem temperatur oraz stanem wytężenia wynikającym z dużych różnic w wartościach parametrów materiałowych oraz stopień porowatości [2]. Stosowane metody nanoszenia warstw oraz zachodzące w trakcie procesy sprzyjają powstawaniu warstw o różnej porowatości co również ma wpływ na trwałość i czas eksploatacji [2].
Content available remote Mean field homogenization in multi-scale modelling of composite materials
Purpose: The paper is focused on testing of the capabilities of the mean field homogenization scheme in numerical analysis of composite materials. Another goal of this research is an attempt of coupling of mean field homogenization procedure with finite element computations to carry out a multi-scale analysis Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on the application of the DIGIMAT software which is material modelling platform. The Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme implemented in DIGIMAT code was applied to obtain the average composite’s mechanical properties. Additional aspect is coupling of DIGIMAT material modeller with finite element solver. Findings: Application of mean field homogenization allows to obtain the effective properties of heterogeneous material very efficiently. Process of assigning material parameters to each composite’s phase on the micro level is operative and fast. Coupling homogenization procedure with finite element solver leads to full multi-scale analysis where material nonlinearities can be taken into account Research limitations/implications: Mean field homogenization gives approximate results, therefore detailed stress and strain fields in microstructure can not be analysed. Practical implications: Methodology presented in present article shows efficient approach to finding effective composite properties and in addition allow to carry out nonlinear multi-scale analysis. Originality/value: The paper presents new methodology which is intensively developed in the field of numerical simulation of structures and materials. The material parameters are not treated as the constant input data, but are obtained as results of the material parameters modelling process on the micro-scale level.
W pracy przedstawiono wstępne wyniki analizy wariantowej kształtu endoprotezy. Ustalenie optymalnego kształtu ma zasadniczy wpływ na rozkład odkształceń i naprężeń, jak również na sztywność całego układu endoproteza-kość udowa. Modele kości udowych i endoprotez zostały stworzone z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania do obrazowania medycznego oraz oprogramowania do modelowania CAD. Endoproteza została zaprojektowana jako anatomiczna bezcementowa ze względu na silną krzywiznę osobniczą badanej kości udowej oraz jako model parametryczny ze względu na zapewnienie łatwego sterowania kształtem endoprotezy. Układy endoproteza-kość udowa, jak również kość udowa przed zabiegiem alloplastyki, zostały obciążone siłą mięśniową pochodzącą od mięśnia gluteusmedius [7]oraz siłą odpowiadającej masie górnej części ciała, tj.600N. Zadania były rozwiązywane w zakresie liniowo-sprężystym metodą elementów skończonych. Ze względu na określenie wpływu sposobu modelowania materiału struktur anatomicznych na otrzymane wyniki odkształceń i naprężeń przyjęto rozkład materiałowy jednorodny i niejednorodny.
In this paper the preliminary analysis of shape of endoprosthesis on effort state of femur after alloplasty has been shown. Creating the prosthesis the control of bone's remodelling is possible by appropriate distribution of forces, especially in contact area. The important problem is to determine to what extent the shape of endoprosthesis influences bones' state. The parametric model of endoprosthesis was implanted into femur. In the next step FEM models were created and the analyses were conducted. The prosthesis was loaded by force corresponding to upper body's weight. The isotropic homogenous and heterogeneous material was used in model in order to specify the influence of the material properties on distributions of forces in contact area. The different values of materials data for the heterogeneous material (Young's modulus E) were establish by conversion of gray values of tomographic images.
W pracy podjęto próbę określenia parametrów materiałowych kości beleczkowej dla skali makroskopowej na podstawie symulacji w skali mikro. Pozyskaną próbkę tkanki gąbczastej zeskanowano z wykorzystaniem mikrotomografu komputerowego i poddano próbie ściskania, a następnie zasymulowano numerycznie. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników przeprowadzono identyfikację modułu Younga materiału beleczek kostnych oraz obliczono makroskopowe parametry materiałowe kości beleczkowej.
In this paper an attempt to determine material parameters of a trabecular bone for the macroscopic scalę based on simulations in micro scale is prestented. The cylindrical sample of spongy bone extracted from a femoral head was scanned with theuse of computed micro-tomography and subjected to the compression test with the useof material testing machine. Then, numerical simulation of compression test was performed. On the basis of the obtained results, the identification of the material parameters of bone trabeculaes was made and the macroscopic material parameters of trabecular bone were calculated.
Content available remote Advanced numerical simulations of selected metallurgical units
Purpose: of this paper is to present numerical simulations of large structures in metallurgical industry. Some examples of finite element analysis are presented. The calculations were performed for the determining the stress effort of the metallurgical units mainly blast furnace, throath’s gas pipelines, hot blast stoves, etc. during the working conditions and for the repairing purpose. Design/methodology/approach: The way of conducting simulations and analysis were the finite element method connected with the optimization process. Findings: Performing the numerical analysis the changes in the structures design were applied what extremely influenced on the state effort and the durability of considered structures. Research limitations/implications: Development of the presented approach solving the coupled field and CFD problems, the application of the parallel computing and domain decomposition methods in the large structure simulations. Practical implications: Presented results shows the possibility of application the advanced computational methods in the computer aided engineering processes of designing and analysing the large structure as the metallurgical units are. It can dramatically influence on the recognizing of the effort stets and helps in the monitoring, overhauls and redesigning process. Those methods gives the global very precise information which cannot be obtain in other ways (analytical solutions, experimental methods). Originality/value: The paper present the original research results comes from the complex numerical simulations of the main metallurgical units in the blast furnace train. The original value of the paper is the introduction of the advanced finite element simulation in the field of iron steel industry structures design and developing.
W pracy opisano sposób modelowania ludzkiego stawu biodrowego na podstawie zdjęć z tomografii komputerowej preparatów anatomicznych. Przedstawiono również zadawanie parametrów materiałowych zarówno dla kości udowej, jak i miedniczej człowieka oraz elementów sztucznego stawu biodrowego (po zabiegu kapoplastyki). Opracowano dwa modele: jeden dla zdrowego stawu biodrowego, drugi po zabiegu kapoplastyki. W końcowym etapie wykonano analizę wytrzymałościową obu modeli oraz porównano wyniki.
In this work the way of creation FEM model of human hip-joint based on CT scans is shown. The modeling of material parameters for femur and pelvis bone is also shown. Two models were prepared: first for good- health hipjoint, and second for hip-joint after operation of resurfacing. Finally the analysis of static loading was done for both models and the results were compared.
Content available remote The evolutionary optimization of selected welded structures
Purpose: of this paper is to present the recent possibility of evolutionary optimization method application to predicting the proper welding parameters in the weld process. The objective of the welding simulation is to study the temperature generated during the welding process and to investigate residual stresses in the component after the welding. Such results give the possibility to determine stress and strain state of welded parts and properties of materials in welding zones. From other side it gives the possibility to perform optimization process looking for welding parameters (welding speed, welding power source etc.) or initial shape of welded sheets according to displacement state (welding of thin metal sheets with stiffeners - T joints). Those results are the base for fatigue analysis too. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper the foundations of FEM simulation of welding process are presented. Also a grid based evolutionary optimization of welding parameters influences on strength parameters in the heat affected zone (HAZ) is shown. Numerical simulation of a welding process using the finite element method is applied. Findings: Results for coupled thermo-mechanical problem are prescribed. Two examples, the grid based evolutionary optimization of HAZ parameters and grid based evolutionary optimization of T-joint component deformation, illustrate the possibility of computational simulation and optimization of welding are presented. Practical implications: Computational simulation and evolutionary optimization give a lot of information very important for engineers. An undesirable side-effect of welding is the generation of residual stresses and deformations in the component and the quality of the weld has a substantial impact on the fatigue life of the structure. These resultant deformations may render the component unsuitable for further use. Originality/value: The presented the grid based evolutionary optimization procedure is a new tool for better understanding and predicting the welding behaviour from the thermo-mechanical process point of view. It gives the possibilities to optimize main welding parameters in order to achieve better structures, taking into account nearly full set of welding parameters, temperature dependent material parameters and simulating the coupled thermo-mechanical problem.
Content available remote Numerical and experimental analysis of spine’s transpedicular stabilizer
Purpose: The aim of the work was a numerical and experimental analysis of spine’s transpedicular stabilizer on lumbar part of spine. The result of the analysis was determination of displacements of the stabilizers’ elements. Design/methodology/approach: To define numerical characteristic of the lumbar spine – transpedicular spine stabilizer system, the finite element method was applied. Geometrical models of lumbar part of spine and transpedicular stabilizer were discretized by SOLID95 element. The boundary conditions imitating phenomena in real system with appropriate accuracy were established. The experimental analysis was carried out for spine’s transpedicular stabilizers which were implanted on lumbar part of pig spine. The analysis was realized by means of testing machine MTS Insight with the use of videoextensometer. Numerical and experimental analysis were carried out for stabilizer made of stainless steel Cr-Ni-Mo. System was loaded by uniaxial compression with forces from 50 N to 1600 N. Findings: The result of analysis was calculation of relative displacements of the transpedicular stabilizer in a function of the applied loading; F = 700 - 1600 N for numerical model and F = 50 - 1600 N for experimental model. Research limitations/implications: The results of numerical analysis for transpedicular stabilizer obtained by finite element method were used to determine a construction features of the stabilizer, and to select mechanical properties of metallic biomaterial. The calculation of displacements for stabilizer show that the proposed type of stabilizer enables correct stabilization of spine. Practical implications: Both results of numerical and experimental analysis showed correct selection of mechanical properties of metallic biomaterial which were used to made the proposed type of transpedicular stabilizer. Originality/value: Advantageous results of analysis showed that the type of stabilizer may be used in clinical practice.
W pracy przedstawiono sposób zamodelowania stawu biodrowego człowieka odpowiadający stanowi przed operacją kapoplastyki (fizjologicznie prawidłowemu) oraz stanowi po operacji. W obu modelach założono takie same warunki brzegowe. Następnie przeprowadzono analizę numeryczną oraz porównano wyniki w celu określenia, które miejsca modeli są najbardziej narażone na przeciążenia podczas fizjologicznego obciążenia stawu biodrowego.
In this work two states of human hip joint were modelled refers to: state physiologically correct and after resurfacing operation. These same boundary conditions were assigned to both models and the FEM analysis was conducted. The obtained results were compared and finally the most dangerous and overloading areas were defined for physiological loading of hip joint.
W artykule przedstawiono zawansowaną symulację procesu spawania z pełnym uwzględnieniem zjawisk termomechanicznych, wykonaną w systemie MSC.Marc. W jej wyniku otrzymano rozkłady naprężeń i odkształceń wybranych elementów spawanych, rozkłady temperatur oraz przebieg współczynnika t8/5. Uzyskane wyniki symulacji mogą stanowić podstawę procesu optymalizacji parametrów spawania cienkich blach (karoserie samochodów, pokrycia kadłubów samolotów, statków, konstrukcje ramowe).
Advanced simulations of welding process consider thermomechanical phenomena using MSC.Marc program was presented in the paper. As result, it was obtained stress and strain distribution of selected welded elements, temperature distribution and also factor t815 runs. Results of simulation could be the base of optimization process of welding parameters of sheets (body of a car, panels of aircraft fuselage, hull of a ship, frame structures).
W pracy przedstawiono modelowanie i analizę numeryczną układu koło-klocek hamulcowy na przykładzie koła lokomotywy. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano system MSC.Patran/Marc. Rozwiązano zagadnienie termomechaniczne uwzgledniając kontakt koło-klocek hamulcowy oraz obrót koła w trakcie ruchu z niestacjonarnym przepływem ciepła (na powierzchni koło-klocek oraz chłodzenie powietrzem na powierzehniach zewnętrznych). Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla wkładek żeliwnych i kompozytowych.
Brake shoes applied at the present time are made from cast iron with the different content of phosphorus and are characterized by some disadvantages. At present the brake shoes made from composites are tested. Here, the advanced finite element method system should be applied and couple problem (thermal and mechanical) is solved. In the paper the test of the application MSC.Marc system to numerical calculation of the stress and strain distribution of the wheel-brake shoe system is presented.
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