This article analyses the effects of deformation on the structure of CMnSi steel at various deformation levels. After hot forging, the structure of CMnSi steel comprises coarse-sized alpha and pearlite particles. The average grain size of steel after forging was 100 μm. After hot rolling, the grain size gradually decreases, with the average size of the ferrite and pearlite grains measured as 60 μm. After that, CMnSi steel was subjected to cold deformation at levels of 40%, 60%, and 80%. The grain size of the CMnSi steel sample after 80% cold deformation reached level 7, corresponding to about 25 μm. For a deformation level of 40%, the grain size was level 5, corresponding to 40 μm, while a deformation level of 60% produced a grain size of 35 μm, corresponding to level 6. In addition, scanning electron microscopy showed that after 80% deformation, smaller particles with a size of about 5 μm appear inside the parent particles. Moreover, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis revealed the carbide appearance in the form M23C6, with M being a mixture of Fe and Mn. These carbides have a fine size of about 1–2 μm and contribute to the prevention of particle growth during subsequent heat treatments.
This analysis was performed for the Żywiec Basin area, located in southern Poland. The topography of the Żywiec Basin is an eminently favourable factor for the stagnation of cool air in the basins and the formation of the so-called “cold stagnation areas”, as well as the occurrence of inversion layers inhibiting air mixing. In addition, in the Żywiec Basin, the reservoir has a significant influence on the formation of weather conditions. It favours more frequent formation of local fogs and mists. The study focused on the heating season (6 months) from 2016 to 2021. The analysis covered winter seasons at the turn of the year starting from 1 October and ending on 31 March. During this period, for all heating seasons analysed, the average PM10 concentration was 58 µg/m3 . The 2016/2017 heating season proved to be the worst season in aerosanitary terms, with average concentrations equalling to 78.4 µg/m3 . Extreme levels of daily concentrations during those seasons were recorded in 2016/2017 (349.0 µg/m3 ) and 2017/2018 (476.2 µg/m3 ). This represented 700–900% of the limit value for PM10 concentrations. The frequency of exceedances of the daily limit value D24 for PM10 was high during the heating season, ranging from 83 to 91 days, which represented almost half (46.7%) of the entire season. The next stage of the analysis comprised the evaluation of the levels of daily concentrations (D24) against the background of the baric situation shaping the weather on a given day. The study juxtaposed the daily concentrations of PM10 in Żywiec with the daily baric situation in the upper Vistula river basin. The anticyclonic situation contributed to an increase in PM10 immission concentrations in all heating seasons from 2016 to 2021. In all analysed months of the heating seasons, differences in the average monthly PM10 concentration depending on the baric situation can be noticed, and the higher the concentration level, the greater this difference is. Similarly, the number of days with exceedances of D24 standard for PM10 was several times higher in the period when there was an anticyclone situation. The analysis of the type of air masses showed that the polar continental air masses were accompanied by the worst aerosanitary condition.
Analizę wykonano dla obszaru Kotliny Żywieckiej, położonej w południowej Polsce. Topografia Kotliny Żywieckiej jest czynnikiem wybitnie sprzyjającym stagnacji chłodnego powietrza w kotlinach i tworzeniu się tzw. „zastoisk chłodu”, a także występowaniu warstw inwersyjnych hamujących mieszanie powietrza. Ponadto, w Kotlinie Żywieckiej istotny wpływ na kształtowanie warunków pogodowych wywiera zbiornik retencyjny. Sprzyja on częstszemu tworzeniu się lokalnych mgieł i zamgleń. W pracy skoncentrowano się na okresie grzewczym (6 miesięcy) w latach 2016-2021. Analizą objęto sezony zimowe na przełomie roku począwszy od 1 października, kończąc na 31 marca. W tym okresie, dla wszystkich analizowanych sezonów grzewczych średnie stężenie PM10 wyniosło 58 µg/m3 . Sezon grzewczy 2016/2017 okazał się najgorszym sezonem pod względem aerosanitarnym, ze średnim stężeniem 78,4 µg/m3, Ekstremalne poziomy stężeń dobowych w sezonach odnotowano w sezonach 2016/2017 (349,0 µg/m3 ) oraz 2017/2018 (476,2 µg/m3 ). Stanowiło to 700–900% wartości dopuszczalnej dla stężenia PM10. Częstość przekroczeń dobowej wartości dopuszczalnej D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była w sezonie grzewczym wysoka i wahała się od 83-91 dni, co stanowiło prawie połowę (46,7 %) całego sezonu. Kolejnym etapem analizy była ocena poziomów stężeń dobowych (D24) na tle sytuacji barycznej kształtującej pogodę w danym dniu. W pracy zestawiono dobowe stężenia pyłu zawieszonego PM10 w Żywcu z dobową sytuacją baryczną z dorzecza górnej Wisły. Sytuacja antycyklonalna przyczyniała się do zwiększenia stężenia pyłu PM10 w immisji we wszystkich sezonach grzewczych 2016-2021. We wszystkich analizowanych miesiącach okresów grzewczych dostrzec można różnice w średnim miesięcznym stężeniu PM10 w zależności od sytuacji barycznej, a im wyższy poziom stężenia tym ta różnica jest większa. Podobnie ilość dni z przekroczeniem normy D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była wielokrotnie wyższa w okresie, kiedy występowała sytuacja antycyklonalna. Analiza typu mas powietrza wykazała że najgorszy stan aerosanitarny towarzyszył masom powietrza polarno-kontynentalnego.
In marine vessel operations, fuel costs are major operating costs which affect the overall profitability of the maritime transport industry. The effective enhancement of using ship fuel will increase ship operation efficiency. Since ship fuel consumption depends on different factors, such as weather, cruising condition, cargo load, and engine condition, it is difficult to assess the fuel consumption pattern for various types of ships. Most traditional statistical methods do not consider these factors when predicting marine vessel fuel consumption. With technological development, different statistical models have been developed for estimating fuel consumption patterns based on ship data. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are some of the most effective artificial methods for modelling and validating marine vessel fuel consumption. The application of ANN in maritime transport improves the accuracy of the regression models developed for analysing interactive relationships between various factors. The present review sheds light on consolidating the works carried out in predicting ship fuel consumption using ANN, with an emphasis on topics such as ANN structure, application and prediction algorithms. Future research directions are also proposed and the present review can be a benchmark for mathematical modelling of ship fuel consumption using ANN.
The global supply chain has been growing strongly in recent years. This development brings many benefits to the economy, society, and human resources in each country but also causes a large number of concerns related to the environment since traditional logistics activities in the supply chain have been releasing a significant amount of emissions. For that reason, many solutions have been proposed to deal with these environmental pollution problems. Among these, three promising solutions are expected to completely solve environmental problems in every supply chain: (I) Application of blockchain in the supply chain, (II) Use of renewable energy and alternative fuels, and (III) Design of a closed supply chain. However, it seems to lack a comprehensive study of these solutions aiming to overcome the drawbacks of traditional logistics. Indeed, this work focuses on analyzing and evaluating the three above-mentioned solutions and the impacts of each solution on solving problems related to traditional logistics. More importantly, this work also identifies critical factors and challenges such as policies, laws, awareness, and risks that are found to be remarkable difficulties in the shifting progress of traditional logistics to green logistics. Finally, directions for developing and deploying green solutions to the logistics, supply chain, and shipping sectors toward decarbonization strategies and net-zero goals are discussed in detail.
In the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of the boundary conditions, the data flow during processing and formulae for the optimisation processes are developed. As an example of the application of this novel approach, the results for the hull design of a sailing yacht are presented.
Frequent exceedances of permissible PM10 concentrations occur mainly during the so-called heating season and are readily noticed not only by environmental protection specialists but also by residents; they are also wildly discussed in the mass media. If the state of elevated concentrations persists for at least several hours, it is generally referred to as smog. The du-ration of smog can range from several hours to several days, causing an increase in morbidity and in the number of deaths. The paper presents the air-sanitary situation in Krościenko nad Dunajcem using the air quality indicator as the concentration of particulate matter PM10. Krościenko is a Carpathian town located in the valley of the Dunajec river. Such a topo-climatic location is conducive to the occurrence of frequent temperature inversions, stagnant cold air and poor ventilation, which results in the concentration of local emissions mainly from domestic boilers. The research period covered the years 2018-2022 of continuous daily D24 PM10 measure-ments. Preliminary comparisons of annual concentrations with selected cities located in moun-tainous and foothill areas of southern Poland indicated the aerosanitary problem of Krościenko. In all analyzed years, the daily norms were exceeded from 46 days in 2022 to 91 days in 2018. This situation occurs as a result of the low-stack emission during the heating period and the poor topoclimatic conditions in Krościenko. However, there is a visible downward trend in con-centrations over the analyzed period, which may have resulted from the gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuels.
A number of cities in Poland have been coping with the problem of air pollution levels exceeding the allowable limits, with PM10 airborne particulate considered one of the most hazardous factors for human health. Poland ranks high among European countries with some of the highest levels of airborne particulate pollution, and the Polish cities regularly place high in the EU ranking of those with the highest PM levels (and benzo(a)pyrene, a toxic airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs). Airborne PM10 concentration levels greatly depend on the prevailing atmospheric and topographic conditions. Temperature inversion represents one of the unfavorable weather conditions and this article attempts to study the effect of thermal conditions prevailing in the Żywiec Basin on airborne PM10 particulate concentrations in immissions. The 2016–2021 winter (heating) seasons were analyzed for pollution emissions, especially those related to heating by the municipal sector and classified as “low emissions”, i.e. emissions from sources not higher than 40 meters. An analysis of the 2016–2021 heating seasons showed the air temperature exerted a significant effect on combustion processes (low emissions) within the Żywiec Basin. The difference between airborne PM10 particulate levels in immissions at temperatures both above and below zero ranged from 86 μg/m3 in the 2016–2017 heating season to 25 μg/m3 in the same period in 2020–2021. Average airborne PM10 particulate concentrations throughout the entire period analyzed stood at 41.3 μg/m3 for the typical temperature distribution in the elevation profile, whereas inversion almost doubled it (72.2 μg/m3).
The welding process is the basic technique of joining in the shipbuilding industry. This method generates welding distortions that cause a lot of problems during the manufacturing process due to both the time and cost of straightening as well as their influence on later stages of production. Proper preparation of welding processes plays a growing role in the shipbuilding industry and the development of calculating tools is being observed. The paper presents a review and critical analysis of numerical methods for the assessment of welding distortion.
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W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczanie temperatury taśmy nadprzewodnikowej na podstawie zmierzonych przebiegów prądu i napięcia. Metoda ta została zaimplementowana w programie NI Diadem i służyła do wyznaczenia temperatury taśmy HTS 2G w stanie rezystywnym po przekroczeniu temperatury krytycznej. Przedstawiono zarejestrowane przebiegi prądu i napięcia zmierzone na powierzchni taśmy nadprzewodnikowej oraz obliczoną średnią wartość temperatury taśmy nadprzewodnikowej.
The article presents a method for determining the temperature of a superconducting tape based on measured current and voltage waveforms. This method was implemented in the NI Diadem software and was used to determine the temperature of the HTS 2G tape in the resistive state after exceeding the critical temperature. Recorded current and voltage waveforms measured on the surface of the superconducting tape and the calculated average temperature value of the superconducting tape are presented.
Steel sandwich structures are perceived as alternatives to single-skin welded structures in the shipbuilding industry due its advantages like significant reduction of mass in relation to typical single skin structure. However, beside problems with their strength properties itself, applications in real structures requires of solving the problem of joining, both for connection sandwich to sandwich as well as sandwiches to single-shell structures. Proper design of joints is connected with some factors like lack of attempt to interior of panel, introduction of additional parts and welds with completely different stiffness. In the paper the results of laboratory fatigue tests of selected joints as well as numerical calculation of stressed for different kind of joints of sandwich structures are presented. As result of calculations optimisation of geometry for selected joints is performed.
Nadprzewodnikowy ogranicznik prądu dla sieci średniego napięcia chłodzony z wykorzystaniem kriochłodziarki, sfinansowany przez NFOŚiGW oraz NCBiR, w ramach projektu: GEKON2/O2/267193/13/2015, testowany był Instytucie Elektrotechniki. Do budowy tego ogranicznika wykorzystana została wysokotemperaturowa taśma nadprzewodnikowa II generacji – SF12100. W tym ograniczniku istnieje możliwość zmiany roboczej temperatury pracy. Przeanalizowana została praca ogranicznika w trzech temperaturach: 72 K, 80 K i 86 K, w których dokonane zostały eksperymentalne próby zwarciowe oraz niższych temperaturach: 38 K, 51 K, 66 K i w temperaturze ciekłego azotu: 77,4 K. Można zwiększyć wielokrotnie prąd roboczy poprzez obniżenie temperatury pracy ogranicznika. Dla temperatur początkowych powyżej 51 K maksymalna temperatura taśmy nadprzewodnikowej w chwili wyłączenia prądu zwarciowego przez zewnętrzny wyłącznik (t = 0,08 s) nie przekracza 290 K. Dla temperatur powyżej 51 K w przypadku badanego ogranicznika można rozważać zwiększenie czasu ograniczania prądu. Wydłużenie czasu pracy ogranicznika zwiększy maksymalną temperaturę taśmy nadprzewodnikowej i wydłuży czas schładzania ogranicznika po ograniczeniu zwarcia.
The superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) for medium voltage networks cooled using a cryocooler was financed by NFOŚiGW and NCBiR, under the project: GEKON2 / O2 / 267193/13/2015, and was tested in the Electrotechnical Institute. The 2nd generation high temperature superconductor (HTS) tape – SF12100 was used to build this SFCL. In this limiter it is possible to change the operating temperature. The limiter operation was analyzed at three temperatures: 72 K, 80 K and 86 K, in which the experimental short-circuit tests were made and at lower temperatures: 38 K, 51 K, 66 K, and at liquid nitrogen temperature: 77,4 K. The operating current can be increased many times by lowering the limiter's operating temperature. For initial temperatures above 51 K, the maximum temperature of the superconducting tapes when the short-circuit current is switched off by an external switch (t = 0,08 s) does not exceed 290 K. For temperatures above 51 K, the current limitation time can be increased. Extending the limiter's operating time will increase the maximum HTS tape temperature and extend the limiter's cooling time after limiting the short-circuit.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę występowania miejskiej wyspy ciepła. Zjawisko to zaobserwowano dla obszaru Bielska-Białej na podstawie danych rozkładu przestrzennego temperatur powietrza uzyskanych w 2015 roku. Do realizacji zaplanowanych badań wykonano mapy rozkładu przestrzennego temperatur powietrza – uśrednionych dla roku, jak również dla okresu letniego i zimowego. Dodatkowo, dla wybranych dzielnic Bielska-Białej rozpoznano występowanie termicznych typów pogody, a także określono czas trwania termicznych pór roku. W wyniku przeprowadzonych prac stwierdzono zróżnicowanie temperatur powietrza (dochodzące do 3,4°C) na badanym obszarze w skali roku. Potwierdzono ponadto zróżnicowanie czasu trwania termicznych typów pogody i termicznych pór roku. Uzyskane dane umożliwiły określenie obszaru występowania miejskiej wyspy ciepła.
The article presents the problem of the occurrence of an urban heat island. This phenomenon was observed for the Bielsko-Biała area on the basis of data on spatial distribution of air temperatures obtained in 2015. To carry out the planned research, maps of spatial distribution of air temperatures – averaged over the year, as well as for the summer and winter period – were made. Additionally, for selected districts of Bielsko-Biała the occurrence of thermal weather types was recognized and the duration of thermal seasons was determined. As a result of the works carried out, air temperature differences (reaching 3.4°C) were found in the studied area on an annual scale. Moreover, the differentiation in duration of thermal weather types and thermal seasons was confirmed. The data obtained made itpossible to determine the area of the urban heat island.
The aim of this research was the analysis of the precipitation variability in the last decade in the region of Wielka Laka reservoir. The daily sums of the precipitation (from 2005 to 2018) were the research material. They were obtained from the Aqua S.A. in Bielsko-Biala. The measurements were carried out according to the standard method using the Hellman pluviometer. In research the precipitation indicators were used, which are commonly applied. They were used to description of the precipitation characteristics. The frequency of days with precipitation at the certain height was determined according to the Olechnowicz-Bobrowska classification. The classification of individual years and months in respect of the excess or lack precipitation was conducted based on the Kaczorowska method. In the analysed multi-year period (2005–2018) the dry years prevailed, however the significant regularity wasn’t noticed. In the analysed multi-year period the highest rainfall was recorded in 2010 year, when in May the total precipitation was summarised at the 171 mm level. The recorded precipitation accompanied the inflow of air masses in the directions from the east (E) to the northwest (NW).
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W artykule przedstawiono zasadę działania indukcyjnego trójuzwojeniowego nadprzewodnikowego ogranicznika prądu. Ogranicznik trójuzwojeniowy jest konstrukcją bezrdzeniową, składającą się z dwóch uzwojeń nadprzewodnikowych i jednego konwencjonalnego uzwojenia miedzianego. Wszystkie trzy uzwojenia ogranicznika są magnetycznie sprzężone ze sobą. W artykule przedstawiono również model fizyczny ogranicznika trójuzwojeniowego na napięcie znamionowe 15 kV oraz wyniki przeprowadzonego testu zwarciowego.
The article presents the principle of operation of an inductive three-winding superconductor current limiter. The three-winding limiter is a coreless construction, consisting of two superconducting windings and one conventional copper winding. All three limiter windings are magnetically coupled. The article also presents the physical model of a three-winding limiter for a rated voltage of 15 kV and the results of a short-circuit test.
The study aims at investigating the so-called precipitation gradient, i.e. changes in the amount of precipitation depending on the elevation above sea level in the mountainous areas of southern Poland. The gradient value is specified in mm of precipitation per 100 m elevation difference. Experimental studies were conducted in two small Beskids valleys, the Barbara stream valley and the Wilkówka stream valley. Five rain gauges were installed across land elevation profiles of said valleys. Decade precipitation amounts during the summer and autumn of 2015 were recorded. The precipitation data of the national environmental monitoring from the nearby mountain and foothill weather stations from 2014–2018 were also used for the analyses. The data analyses demonstrated a large spatial variation in the amount of precipitation. The occurrence of a varied gradient, and even inverse situations i.e. greater precipitation at the locations with lower elevation, were recorded. The precipitation gradient was differentiated, particularly by the terrain exposition relative to the dominant inflow direction of moist air masses, as well as the spatial arrangement of mountain ranges.
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