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Celem tej publikacji jest przedstawienie procesu projektowania nowoczesnego systemu grzewczego dla wolnostojącego budynku pasywnego. Przyjętymi założeniami projektowymi są jak najmniejsze zużycie energii pierwotnej oraz wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii opartych głównie na odnawialnych źródłach energii, takich jak energia słoneczna oraz energia cieplna zmagazynowana w gruncie. Autor skupił się na rozwiązaniach, które zapewnią maksymalną wygodę ich użytkowania dla mieszkańców budynku. W końcowej części artykułu przedstawiona została analiza ekonomiczna oparta na metodzie LCC, czyli kosztu ponoszonego w cyklu życia technicznego w tym przypadku zaprojektowanego systemu, celem zweryfikowania opłacalności takiej inwestycji w warunkach Polski.
The designing process of a modern heating system for detached passive building is presented. The main criteria are minimum primary energy consumption and application of modern technologies based on renewable energy sources such as solar energy and heat accumulated in the ground. The most comfortable solutions are mainly taken into account. The economical assessment of the proposed system for Polish conditions is performed according to the LCC method.
Content available remote Micro-ontology building – the main variants of the oto method
This article describes the main properties of an iterative method of simple knowledge structure creation. The method is based on an inductive learning scheme. The knowledge structure is built automatically and takes the form of a simplified ontology. Knowledge transformation plays a key role in the process of creating the knowledge structure. In order to regular describe many kinds of these transformations the article provides the relevant theoretical background. The task of finding the proper ontology (knowledge structure) is extremely complex. This paper highlights the necessity to investigate efficient search methods; additionally, the work draws attention to the advantages that arise from building the knowledge structure at the minimal possible size. The paper points to possible areas of the method application, especially in connection with problems of the automatic understanding of images and websites.
Artykuł przedstawia podstawowe własności iteracyjnego procesu (nazywanego w pracy OTO) tworzenia struktury wiedzy. Budowana automatycznie struktura przyjmuje formę ontologii. Artykuł prezentuje podstawy teoretyczne opisywanego procesu. Kluczową rolę odgrywa w nim zestaw specyficznych algorytmów transformacji wiedzy. Opisywany proces jest ekstremalnie złożony obliczeniowo. Artykuł podkreśla konieczność opracowania bardziej efektywnych algorytmów numerycznych, uwypuklając jednocześnie korzyści z budowy ontologii w minimalnej, możliwej formie (mikro-ontologia). Proces budowy wiedzy przybliżono z pomocą odpowiednio dobranego przykładu. W pracy wskazano na możliwe obszary zastosowań metody, w szczególności dotyczące automatycznego rozumienia obrazów oraz rozumienia stron WWW.
On the 28th of June 2017, the Polish Ministry of the Environment announced the boundaries of the tender areas selected for the third licensing round for concessions for prospection, exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. This round is going to be proceeded in the 4th Quarter of 2018 and 1st Quarter of 2019. The geologists of the Polish Geological Survey selected 15 tender areas (promising for discoveries of conventional and unconventional oil and gas fields) based on the geological data resources stored in the National Geological Archive, other published data, as well as the knowledge and experience of employees of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute and the Polish Ministry of the Environment. All selected areas are located onshore. In this article we describe 10 tender areas located in the Gdańsk, Pomerania and Wielkopolska petroleum provinces. Other tender areas situated in the Carpathians (Błażowa, Proszowice W, Rudnik-Lipiny, Wetlina) and in the Lublin Petroleum Province (Ryki) will be discussed in the next publication. Three areas: Wejherowo, Bytów and Braniewo-Miłakowo are located in the northern Poland (Gdańsk Petroleum Province). The exploration targets of these areas are generally related to structural-lithological traps in the Middle Cambrian beds of the Baltic Basin, as well as to unconventional shale oil and gas in the Lower Paleozoic. Seven tender areas are situated in the northwestern Poland (Pomerania and Wielkopolska Petroleum Provinces). Three of them - Chodzież, Piła and Leszno are dedicated to conventional gas deposits in the Rotliegend sandstones and, in some cases, also oil deposits in the Zechstein/Main Dolomite. Excluding the Leszno tender area, chances for tight gas discoveries exist within the Rotliegend sandstones. The exploration target of the Konin tender area is related to possible conventional fields in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous beds. In the Pomerania region the exploration target is generally related to conventional hydrocarbon deposits in the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian (Rotliegend and Zechstein/Main Dolomite). Three tender areas are situated within the region of: Sierpowo, Orle and Chełmno. As a rule, a concession is granted for a period of 10 to 30 years and is divided into 2 phases: 1) prospecting and exploration phase (which lasts from 4 to 5 years and can be extended to another 2-year period), 2) production phase. Every entity interested in obtaining a concession needs to undergo the qualification procedure. We believe that this publication will contribute to better understanding of the offered tender areas and encourage activity in the Polish oil and gas sector.
In traditional climate diagrams a fixed coefficient (α) between temperature and precipitation has been adopted. It has been shown, however, that such an approach does not correctly describe the conditions of the climatic balance in Poland for the entire growing season. In this paper, a different solution to this problem is proposed - the introduction of a variable coefficient for individual months. The analysis of patterns of climatic variables over the year supports the hypothesis that in order to estimate ETo only by means of mean air temperature (ETo = α·T), the coefficient α should be variable for the individual months of the vegetative period. The values of the coefficient were empirically determined for use in calculating daily and monthly ETo. The newly proposed coefficients α were different from those determined with the standard climate diagram (published by Walter, Lieth 1967). The introduction of the variable value α into the computational model markedly improved the quality of the estimation of ETo. The mean bias errors determined for the estimation of ETo on the basis of temperature and the changing value of α were considerably lower than for the estimation of ETo with a fixed value of α. This provides the possibility of a more accurate presentation of periods of both excess and shortage of precipitation.
Polska jest największym producentem jabłek w Europie. Opady atmosferyczne są podstawowym źródłem wody dla roślin. Klimat Polski charakteryzuje przestrzenna i czasowa zmienność, co utrudnia szacowanie potrzeb nawodnieniowych roślin oraz prognozowanie bilansu wodnego. Celem podjętych badań była ocena potrzeb wodnych jabłoni oraz wysokości opadów efektywnych co pozwoli na określenie potrzeb nawadniania. Dane pomiarowe obejmowały okresy wegetacyjne od V do IX za lata 2011-2016. Analizując dane średnie dla lat i lokalizacji badań stwierdzono, że w naszych warunkach klimatyczny bilans wodny (KBW) tylko w czerwcu dokładnie odzwierciedla bilans potrzeb wodnych jabłoni. W maju wartości KBW są wyraźnie zawyżone w odniesieniu do bilansu potrzeb wodnych jabłoni (BPW-jabłoni), a w VII, VIII i IX zaniżone.
Poland is the biggest producer of apple in Europe. Rainfalls are basic source of water for plants. The climate of Poland is characterized by high temporal and spatial variation that makes estimation of plant water requirements and forecasting of water balance difficult. The aim of the study was assessment of water needs of apple trees as well as amount of effective precipitation, enabling estimation of irrigation requirements. Data was collected during vegetative periods (May - Sep.) of 2011-2016. Analysis of data from different years and locations revealed that in Polish conditions climatic water balance accurately reflects balance of water requirements of apple trees only in June. In May values of climatic water balance were significantly higher, whereas in July, August and September lower compared to balance of apple water requirements.
Content available Monografia wydawnictwa Przedświt
The article outlines the history of the publishing house Przedświt, operating illegally outside the scope of censorship (in the so-called second circulation) in the years 1982–1989. The publishing house oriented at the publishing of valuable books – not only those that could not appear legally – was a peculiar phenomenon on the map of underground printing and publishing. A special distinction of Przedświt were also artistic covers, designed by well-known graphic artists. The article covers both issues related to activities of underground publishing houses or repression by the authorities of Popular Republic of Poland, as well as short biographical entries of employees and associates, and a list of books published by the publishing house with a short summary of each. The content of the article for the most part is based on spoken sources – memories of people involved in publishing.
W artykule przedstawiono historyczne, powstałe na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, rozwiązania techniczne różnych środków transportu miejskiego połączonych z naziemnymi systemami transportu linowego – tzw. połączeń hybrydowych. Opisano pierwsze połączenie systemów tramwajów linowych z wagonami kolejowymi, które funkcjonowało w Nowym Jorku jako środek transportu zapewniający przeprawę przez Most Brookliński.Przedstawiona została rozbudowa tego systemu, która zapewniła przepustowość przewozową na poziomie 30 milionów osób rocznie. Artykuł przedstawia również rozwiązania hybrydowe kolei linowo-terenowych służących do transportu tramwajów konnych i elektrycznych w Cincinnati oraz w Hoboken, USA. Były one szeroko stosowane w miejscach o dużych nachyleniach, których tramwaje nie były w stanie pokonać. Ponadto szczegółowo opisano istniejące rozwiązanie tramwaju elektrycznego we włoskim Trieście, którego trasa jest częściowo obsługiwana przez kolej linowo- terenową. Artykuł zawiera opis poszczególnych elementów tego systemu i udoskonalenia wprowadzane podczas całego okresu eksploatacji. Kolej linowo-terenowa, obsługująca najbardziej stromy odcinek trasy, została również opisana z uwzględnieniem zmieniających się rozwiązań technicznych pojazdów na przestrzeni prawie osiemdziesięcioletniej eksploatacji.
The article presents technical solutions of historical means of public transport connected with rope transport ground systems operated at the turn of the 19 century – so called „the hybrids”. Especially it shows a connection between elements of a cable car system with train carriages, which was installed and operated at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York up to the year 1908. Extension of this transportation system has enabled carrying up to 30 million passengers annually. Additionally, the purpose-built funiculars with platforms are presented in the article. They were adapted to carry horse and electric trams to ensure consistency of transport at local hills in Cincinnati and in Hoboken, USA. Moreover, the article presents characteristics of electric tram operating in Trieste, in Italy which has a track partly supported by a funicular system. The main elements of this transportation system and their development during the operation period are described. The funicular system, installed at the steepest part of the track, was described in terms of technical solutions for carriers during eighty years of the operation.
The quaternary derivative of branched polyethylenimine (bPEI-met) was synthesized and its antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacterium (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli) was studied. The values of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of bPEI-met against mentioned bacteria were determined. These indicated that bPEI-met could be considered as an effective alternative to antibiotics for the treatment of selected bacterial strains. The results obtained can be useful in search for drugs allowing treatment of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains.
Zsyntetyzowano czwartorzędową amoniową pochodną rozgałęzionej polietylenoiminy (bPEI-met) i badano jej działanie antybakteryjne przeciwko bakteriom Gram-dodatnim na przykładzie gronkowca złocistego (Staphylococcus aureus) i Gram-ujemnym na przykładzie pałeczki okrężnicy (Escherichia coli). Wyznaczono wartości minimalnego stężenia hamującego (MIC) i minimalnego stężenia bakteriobójczego (MBC) bPEI-met w stosunku do obu wymienionych szczepów bakterii. Wyniki tych badań sugerują, że bPEI-met może być rozważana jako alternatywa dla antybiotyków w zwalczaniu wybranych szczepów bakterii, szczególnie tych, które charakteryzują się antybiotykoopornością.
This paper presents data on daily precipitation totals from six meteorological stations and the climatic water balance for the stations located throughout Poland in 2011-2015. The following sequences of days without precipitation were distinguished: from 11 to 15 days, from 16 to 20 days, and of more than 20 days. The number of precipitation-free sequences during the growing season in 2011-2015 was highly variable. Over the studied period, there were from 1.0 rainless sequence in Wtelno to 2.4 such sequences in Gołębiów per one growing season. The most frequently occurring were sequences of 11-15 days, while those of 16-20 days were less frequent. In the years under analysis, all of the different sequences occurred most frequently in July, and the least frequently in April. The highest numbers of sequences without precipitation were recorded in the south-east of Poland (Zakalniki, Gołębiów).
This paper presents data on daily precipitation totals from six meteorological stations and the climatic water balance for the stations located throughout Poland in 2011-2015. The following sequences of days without precipitation were distinguished: from 11 to 15 days, from 16 to 20 days, and of more than 20 days. The number of precipitation-free sequences during the growing season in 2011-2015 was highly variable. Over the studied period, there were from 1.0 rainless sequence in Wtelno to 2.4 such sequences in Gołębiów per one growing season. The most frequently occurring were sequences of 11-15 days, while those of 16-20 days were less frequent. In the years under analysis, all of the different sequences occurred most frequently in July, and the least frequently in April. The highest numbers of sequences without precipitation were recorded in the south-east of Poland (Zakalniki, Gołębiów).
The Rock-Eval source rock characteristics, mineral composition and type-porosity of reservoir horizons, and origin of natural gas in the Devonian of the Lublin and Lviv basins are described. In the Lower Devonian, the TOC content ranges from 0.01 to 1.82 wt.% in the Lublin Basin, and from 0.01 to 0.45 wt.% in the Lviv Basin. Transformation of organic matter varies from immature in the Lochkovian (Lviv Basin) to mature and overmature in the Emsian (Lublin Basin). The organic matter contains mainly Type-II kerogen, and underwent primary and/or secondary oxidation processes. In the Middle Devonian, the TOC content varies from 0.00 to 1.63 wt.% in the Lublin Basin, and from 0.02 to 0.64 to 2.35 wt.% in the Lviv Basin. The organic matter contains mainly Type-II kerogen and is immature in the Givetian of the Lviv Basin and mature in the Eifelian of the Lviv Basin and in the Eifelian and Givetian in the Lublin Basin. In the Upper Devonian, the TOC content is from 0.02 to 2.62 wt.% in the Lublin Basin, and from 0.04 to 1.43 wt.% in the Lviv Basin. Type-II kerogen dominates in both basins. Organic matter is mature in the Upper Devonian in the Lublin Basin and in the Famennian of the Lviv Basin and overmature in the Frasnian of the Lviv Basin. The reservoir horizons in the Devonian of the Lublin and Lviv basins are developed in clastic, carbonate and sulphate rocks. Terrigenous rocks form several separate horizons in the Lower and Middle Devonian of the Lviv Basin, and in the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of the Lublin Basin. Their filtration properties relate to intergranular porosity, while the fracture space has subordinate significance. Carbonate rocks form thick saturated horizons in the Givetian in the Lviv Basin, and in the Eifelian, Givetian and Frasnian in the Lublin Basin. Their filtration properties are produced by fracture porosity. Sulphates and carbonate-sulphate rocks with fracture and cavern porosity play a role as reservoir horizons in the Middle Devonian of the Lublin Basin. The natural gas collected from the Upper Devonian of the Lublin Basin was generated mainly during low-temperature thermogenic processes, from Ordovician–Silurian Type-II kerogen. The gas from the Middle Devonian reservoirs of the Lviv Basin was produced from Ordovician–Silurian Type-II kerogen and partly from the Middle and Upper Devonian mixed Type-III/II kerogen with maturity from about 0.9 to 1.4%. Carbon dioxide was formed by both thermogenic and microbial processes. Molecular nitrogen was generated mainly through thermal transformation of organic matter and also from destruction of NH4-rich illite of the clayey facies of the Ordovician–Silurian strata.
Magnetostratigraphy of the Keuper succession in the southern Mesozoic margin of the Holy Cross Mountains is presented based on investigations of two sections of Brzeziny and Wolica. They cut an ~60 m thick succession of variegated siltstones and claystones, which overlies the Reed Sandstone (Stuttgart Formation). The succession has been correlated with the Patoka Member of the Grabowa Formation, defined in the Upper Silesia region as an equivalent of the Steinmergelkeuper (Arnstadt Formation). The primary Late Triassic magnetization was obtained from component B carried by fine-grained haematite. Twelve magnetic polarity zones, six of normal and six of reversed polarity, have been defined. The obtained polarity pattern corresponds to the Norian (E13–E16 Newark zones) according to the Long-Rhaetian option of the Late Triassic Magnetic Polarity Time Scale. The mean normal polarity characteristic direction (N = 24, D/I = 31/62, k = 28.24, α95 = 6.04) differs significantly from the reversed one (N = 18, D/I = 223/-25, k = 16.38, α95 = 8.65): the primary magnetic signal is partly overlapped by component A carried by magnetite of recent viscuous remanent magnetization. Some samples do contain also coarse-grained haematite that, however, does not form any clustered magnetization. The palaeopole position calculated from the transposed reversed and normal polarity directions of component B corresponds to the Late Triassic (Norian) segment of the reference Baltica/Europe Apparent Polar Wander Path.
The paper presents an analysis and assessment of recorded accelerations acting on Hybrid III dummy during emergency braking of a passenger lift. The dummy was equipped with a system of three-axis accelerometers. The type of progressive safety gear that has the shortest time of reaction and the shortest effective braking distance in its group, was chosen for tests. The tests were carried out on an emplacement, which simulated the movement of passenger lift. Tests of emergency braking were performed at variable load of a cabin corresponding to the mass of different passengers number. The cabin was dispelled by the gravity force using its free-fall. During the braking, the values of accelerations effected on individual parts of dummy, were measured. Based on them and using HIC and Nij indexes, the impact of temporary accelerations on passenger’s health was determined.
The paper presents a methodology for modeling the processes of absorptive separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the power plant flue gases. The absorption systemsof two supercritical power plants with the capacity of 460 MW and 600 MW were selected for the study. The process of CO2 separation from flue gases by means of chemical absorption with the use of monoethanolamine and NH3 aqueous solutions was analysed. The power plant demands for power needed for the separation, compression and transport of CO2 to the disposal site was determined. The effects of absorptive separation of CO2 for the power plant were determined, and an economic analysis of such an undertaking was conducted.
Exploratory waste, which is created in the course of mining activities, constitutes more than half of all wastes produced in Poland. In majority, they are considered inert, i.e. harmless for the environment, which enables them to be employed in reclamation of degraded areas. However, the lack of basic nutrients and inappropriate granulometric composition necessitates the introduction of components which remove these limitations. The aim of the conducted research was assessing the possibility of producing mechanically and chemically stable soil-like material out of compost from municipal waste and exploratory waste: coal gangue and drill cuttings from shale gas exploration. Physicochemical properties of the created mixtures were investigated, and their impact on the growth of test plant – common wheat – was evaluated. It was observed that the mineral component, which comprised coal gangue and drill cuttings mixed in the weight ratio of 10:1, was a significant source of potassium, whereas the compost yielded nitrogen and improved the physical properties determining the adequate water-air relations. The best conditions for the growth of the best plants were achieved with the mixture consisting in 50% of compost and 50% of mineral component.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd literatury dotyczącej zastosowania elektropolimeryzacji do wytwarzania polimerowych i barwnikowych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Omówiono możliwości sterowania morfologią powierzchni syntetyzowanych polimerów oraz wpływ rodzaju warstw składowych na wydajność konstruowanych ogniw fotowoltaicznych. Podano osiągane wartości sprawności (PCE), współczynnika wypełnienia (FF), napięcia otwartego obwodu (Uoc) i gęstości prądu zwarcia (Jsc) ogniw otrzymywanych z zastosowaniem różnych technik elektropolimeryzacji.
The article is areview of the literature on the topic of applies electropolymerization in polymer and dye-sensitized solar cells. The ability to control the surface, composition of polymers and practical application in construction of photovoltaic cells were presented. The efficiency (PCE), fill factor (FF), open circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current density (Jsc) achieved were given.
W warunkach klimatycznych Polski opady atmosferyczne są podstawowym źródłem wody dla roślin. Klimat Polski określany jest jako przejściowy, zmienny i kontrastowy. Zmienny jest także rozkład opadów w czasie sezonu wegetacyjnego, w tej samej porze roku mogą występować wielodniowe okresy bezopadowe lub długotrwałe nadmierne opady. Opady charakteryzują się różną wielkością i intensywnością. Celem podjętych badań była analiza przestrzennej zmienności opadów atmosferycznych w centralnej Polsce. Dane pomiarowe obejmowały okresy wegetacyjne od IV do X w latach 2013-2015. Analiza wyników potwierdza opinię o bardzo dużej zmienności sum opadów, ich maksymalnych wysokości i intensywności oraz długości ciągów dni z opadem i bez opadów. Różnice wykazano na stacjach położonych nawet bardzo blisko siebie. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy można stwierdzić, że opady powinny być mierzone bezpośrednio w miejscu, dla którego szacowany jest bilans wodny.
In Polish climatic conditions rainfall constitutes the main source of water for vegetation. The climate of Poland is characterized by high temporal and spatial variation. The total amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation show significant variability. The aim of the study was to analyze spatial changeability of rainfall in Central Poland. Data concerning rainfall were collected during the vegetative seasons of April - October in years 2013 - 2015. Analysis of the results confirms the observation which states that there is a great spatial variability of sum of precipitation, its maximum amount and intensity as well as the length of dry and rainy periods. Significant differences were observed between the stations located very close to each other. On the basis of obtained results it is stated that the rainfall must be measured directly on the area for which the water balance is to be estimated.
Istotą wykonywania pomiarów hydrometrycznych w korytach rzecznych jest wyznaczenie wartości prędkości oraz strumienia objętości przepływu wody dla danego napełnienia. Współcześnie coraz szersze zastosowanie znajdują urządzenia akustyczne wykorzystujące efekt Dopplera. W korytach rzecznych i jeziorach już od lat 90. największe zainteresowanie skupiają akustyczne przepływomierze profilujące ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers). W niniejszej pracy zostały przedstawione podstawy teoretyczne pomiarów hydrometrycznych oraz przykładowe wyniki badań IMGW-PIB Oddział we Wrocławiu, który w ramach państwowej służby hydrologiczno-meteorologicznej zobowiązany jest do prowadzenia przedmiotowych pomiarów. Z uwagi na różnorodny sprzęt pomiarowy jakim dysponuje IMGW-PIB zaprezentowano zestawienie klasycznego pomiaru młynkiem hydrometrycznym z współcześnie stosowanymi urządzeniami akustycznymi, dla różnego rodzaju cieków.
The primary goal of hydrometrie measurements in river channels is to record the water velocity and water level (depth) at a specific flow rate. Nowadays, more frequent use of acoustic devices exploiting the Doppler effect is made both for land surface and oceanographic waters. From the 90s a significant progress has been made on acoustic flow profiling, termed ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), currently widely used in hydrometry. IMGW-PIB (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute) is also implementing these instruments into the regular hydrometrie service. In the paper both the theoretical background of the ADCP and sample records are presented and discussed. Also a reference is made to the results obtained by classic propeller instruments for a variety of field conditions. Concluding, despite of some limitations in use and in tracking water velocity, the ADCP’s offer new possibilities and deliver new (quantity and quality) value to the hydrometry and hydrology.
W pracy omówiono wpływ domieszkowania poli(3-heksylotiofenu) (P3HT) czterema związkami organicznymi o różnej kwasowości na spowolnienie degradacji P3HT. Wyznaczono dla P3HT i mieszanin potencjał jonizacji i powinowactwo elektronowe stosując woltamperometrię cykliczną i na ich podstawie określono poziomy energetyczne HOMO-LUMO oraz przerwę energetyczną (spektroskopia UV-vis) oraz parametry fotowoltaiczne dla skonstruowanych objętościowych, polimerowych ogniw słonecznych. Jako akceptor zastosowano ester metylowy kwasu [6,6]-fenylo-C61-masłowego (PCBM). Przeprowadzone badania wykazały zależność stopnia degradacji P3HT od pKa. Ponadto domieszkowanie P3HT nie wpłynęło na zmianę właściwości elektrochromowych polimeru, aczkolwiek większe stężenia mogą wpłynąć na zmianę barwy. Przeprowadzone badania fotowoltaiczne wykazały, iż możliwe jest zastosowanie domieszkowanego P3HT jako donora w warstwie aktywnej. Najwyższą wartość sprawności fotowoltaicznej określono na poziomie 0,34% dla P3HT domieszkowanego kwasem p-aminobenzoesowym.
In this paper were presented influence of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) doping by four organic compounds with of varying acidity on the degradation of P3HT. Energy HOMO-LUMO levels, band gaps using electrochemical method and spectroscopy UV-vis and photovoltaic parameters of bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells were determined for P3HT and doped P3HT. The polymer solar cells were fabricated by spin coating the blend solution of the P3HT or doped P3HT as donor and [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) as acceptor. Our studies indicate pKa organic compounds dependence of the degree degradation P3HT. In addition, doping of P3HT did not change electrochromic properties of P3HT, although higher concentration of organic compound may affect color change. Photovoltaics studies have shown possibility to use doped P3HT as donor on active layer. The highest value of PCE equal 0.34 % were determined for the P3HT doped with p-aminobenzoic acid.
The paper provides a description of primary geological logs, characteristics and formal lithostratigraphy of the uppermost Emsian and lower Eifelian of the Kielce Region of the Holy Cross Mts., central Poland. Nine sections of this interval, representing the whole area of the Kielce Region, and ranging between the Lower Devonian clastics of the Winna Formation and the Middle Devonian carbonates of the Kowala Formation were studied. The succession is divided into the Barania Góra Dolomite and Limestone Formation and the Wojciechowice Dolomite Formation. Six members are distinguished within the former. In the western part of the region these are (in stratigraphical order): Porzecze Claystone Member, Dębska Wola Dolomite Member, Dąbrowa Limestone Member, and Brzeziny Dolomite Member. In the eastern part, the formation is divided into the Janczyce Dolomite Member and the Jurkowice Dolomite Member. Additionally, the Wszachów Dolomite Member and Nowy Staw Dolomite Member are distinguished within the overlying Wojciechowice Formation. The thickness of the uppermost Emsian–Eifelian succession ranges from ca. 200 m in the eastern part to ca. 130 m in the western part of the Kielce Region.
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