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The article contains descriptive statistics on rainfall in an area of the southern part of the last ice age in Europe, and which now comprises the north-eastern part of the Poland. The study covers the period of 1981-2010. The sums of the annual and monthly precipitation were calculated, while years and months were evaluated in relation to the multi-annual and monthly averages. The frequency of daily precipitations was also determined. Values of SPI (Standarized Precipitation Index) were calculated together with the values of the Selianinov Index, which measures the environmental aspect of precipitation. The average annual rainfall showed a spatial heterogeneity in the region from 700.1 mm (Elblag in the north-west) to 555.3 mm (Mława) in the east and south-east. The greatest precipitation occurred in the last decade of the analysed period of thirty years. However, statistical analysis shows no significant trend change in precipitation during this period. The number of years with sums of precipitation below 75% of the normal turned out to be very small. In the annual cycle, summer precipitation prevailed. On a monthly basis, the averages sometimes exceeded the multiyear averages by as much as 200%, while extreme lows in monthly precipitation reached levels below 25% of the long-term averages. The calculated value of the SPI indicated that the most common drought conditions occurred in May and June; such droughts did not occur in April and July. The Selianinov Index indicates that the least favorable hydrothermal conditions occur in April and May, while the most favorable conditions occur in August and September.
Dynamic development of aquaculture has led to an increasing impact on the status of surface waters. Fish production generates wastes that, at high concentrations, may present a serious risk to the aquatic environment. Studies on the assessment of the impact of water management technologies in trout production on the quality of surface waters were conducted in 2011. Six farms were selected for the studies and were divided into two groups based on water management solutions (n = 3): farms with a flow through system (FTS) and farms with a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). On all farms, water measurement points were set and they depicted the quality of in-flow water, the quality of water in ponds and the quality of outflow water. The studies did not demonstrate any impact of applied technology on electrolyte conductivity or calcium and magnesium concentrations in outflow water from a trout operation. In addition, it was found that the use of water for production purposes resulted in a slight increase in phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations in waste waters.
Contemporary and archive cartographic materials illustrating horizontal profile of the middle channel of the Narew River (between Ostrołęka and Łomża) were compared in the GeoMedia application. The results of the analysis revealed that natural and anthropogenic factors had not significantly contributed to changes in the channel profile over a period of two centuries. Narew is a meandering river, and its activity is associated with intensified erosion of right-bank bends and lateral movement along its flat-bed channel. The most noticeable changes include reduced area of oxbow lakes, mainly due to succession, and suburban settlement in floodplains that had been regarded as unfit for development in the 20th century.
Badaniami objęto wody gruntowe, odpływające siecią drenarską oraz zretencjonowane w oczku wodnym zlokalizowanym na obszarze użytkowanym rolniczo, w części działu drenarskiego obiektu Lidzbark Warmiński na Równinie Sępopolskiej. Badania wykonywano w latach 1998–2000 po zdrenowaniu użytków zielonych oraz w latach 2008–2010, po transformacji gruntu obsianego pszenicą ozimą. Celem badań było określenie zmian jakości wód po zmianie sposobu użytkowania terenu. Badania wykazały, że na skutek zmiany sposobu użytkowania ziemi i zaniechaniu nawożenia mineralnego w oczkach wodnych stwierdzono zmniejszenie stężeń większości składników mineralnych, oraz zwiększenie wartości pH, stężeń potasu, magnezu siarczanów i wodorowęglanów. W wodach gruntowych zanotowano wzrost stężeń mineralnych form azotu, fosforu fosforanowego, potasu, magnezu oraz żelaza ogólnego i wodorowęglanów, zaś zmniejszenie stężeń wapnia, sodu, siarczanów i chlorków. W wodzie drenażowej nastąpił wzrost stężeń większości oznaczanych składników, oprócz azotu amonowego i chlorków
The study included groundwater outflow drainage systems and collected in the pond located at the agricultural use area in the portion of the drainage facility Lidzbark Warminski located on the Sępopolska Plain. The study was performed in two periods: the first one was in 1998–2000 (just after was made drainage), in which the discussed area was used as pasture, and the second in 2008–2010, in which after plowed of the soil was cultivated winter wheat. The aim of the study was to determine changes in water quality after the change of the way of land use. Examinations showed that as a result of the change of the way of using the area and ceasing of mineral fertilizing in waters of the pond was a reduction in the concentrations of the most mineral components, but an increase of pH reaction and concentrations of potassium, magnesium of sulfates and bicarbonates. In groundwaters observed increased the content of concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen, phosphatic phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, general iron and bicarbonates, and a reduction in the concentrations of calcium, sodium, sulfates and chlorides. However in the water which outflow from drainage pipelines system from the research area was an increase of concentrations most of the determined substances, apart from ammonia nitrogen and chlorides.
The investigations were conducted in northeastern Poland near Lidzbark Warmiński (54°08" N, 20° 36" E). Five mid-field ponds situated on grasslands were chosen: four of them were dredged and deepened, and one of them remained as a natural reservoir. The aim of this paper was to assess the influence of weather conditions on the quantity and quality of water in mid-field ponds situated in agricultural areas. It was found that the quantity of water in mid-field ponds was related much more to the air temperature, which was responsible for either water evaporation or snow melting, rather than to the amount of precipitation. The reduction in the volume of water stored in the ponds during very dry years had a negative influence on its quality. During the observation period, the dredged ponds were characterized by permanent water tables, whereas the natural reservoir dried out in very dry years. Atmospheric conditions influenced the concentrations of ammonium nitrogen and calcium and chlorine ions in the studied water bodies. The volume of water retained in mid-field ponds influenced the concentrations of phosphorus and sulphates. Increased precipitation sums caused lower water pH; however in warmer periods, at increased pH and CODCr, a decrease in dissolved oxygen was noted. It was revealed that increases in precipitation sums during the year caused increases in the load of mineral nitrogen and calcium and magnesium ions in pond water.
Adequate water quality is a priority goal to be met within the framework of the EU National Drinking Water Monitoring Program. As set forth in this program, the quality of water intended for human consumption is to be controlled by sanitary inspection units. Another important goal is to supply consumers with safe potable water and to take relevant actions to mini-mize the health hazard associated with water quality deterioration. According to WHO and the Regulation of the Ministry of Health, the recommended daily intake of manganese (0.5 mg ź dm-3) conforms to the public health protection strategy. In the present study, samples of raw and treated underground water from twelve intakes located in four mesoregions of northern Poland were analyzed during the years 1994-2004. Manganese concentrations were determined under the water quality moni-toring program, taking into account selected environmental and technological factors related to the condition of water supply networks. Manganese concentrations in raw water drawn from Tertiary, Quaternary and Cretaceous deposits ranged from 0.001 to 1.2 mg ź dm-3. Water quality was determined by the hydrogeological properties of deposits, and the highest manganese concen-trations were observed in raw water samples from the QT horizon in the region of Zulawy Water Mains. The average indicator of water treatment effectiveness reached 22 %. Despite the use of effective treatment methods, total manganese removal from water is impossible for technological reasons. The key factor affecting the manganese content of mains water is the concentration of this element in raw water. The study indicated that water is subject to secondary contamination during distri-bution, resulting from the condition and not type of the applied piping material. Therefore, it seems advisable to assess potential health risks to consumers posed by exceeding the maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) of manganese.
Jakość wody do spożycia jest priorytetem w Narodowym Monitoringu Wody, który stworzony został w strukturach Unii Europejskiej, a realizowany przez inspekcje sanitarne. Ważnym celem użytecznym jest zapewnienie konsumentom wody o odpowiedniej jakości zdrowotnej oraz działanie w kierunku minimalizacji ryzyka zdrowotnego związanego z pogarszaniem jakości wody. Według WHO i Rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia zalecana wartość manganu 0,5 mg ź dm-3 jest odpowiednia dla ochrony zdrowia publicznego. W latach 1994-2004 wykonywano badania wód podziemnych surowych i uzdatnionych z dwunastu ujęć położonych w czterech mezoregionach północnej Polski. Analizie poddano mangan w ramach monitoringu kontrolnego, biorąc pod uwagę czynniki środowiskowe oraz związane z funkcjonowaniem sieci wodo. ciągowych. Wody surowe, ujmowane z utworów kredy, trzeciorzędu i czwartorzędu, reprezentowały stężenia w zakresie od 0,001 do 1,2 mg ź dm-3. Ich jakość uwarunkowana była cechami hydrogeologicznymi złoża, przy czym największe stężenia odnotowano w wodach ujmowanych ze wspólnego piętra QT w rejonie Centralnego Wodociągu Żuławskiego. Przeciętny wskaźnik efektywności uzdatniania wody wyniósł 22 %. Pomimo skutecznych metod uzdatniania, zupełna eliminacja tego składnika jest niemożliwa z powodów technologicznych systemu dystrybucji wody do konsumenta. Głównym czynnikiem kształtującym zawartość manganu w wodzie wodociągowej jest stężenie tego składnika w wodzie surowej. Badania wykazały wtórne zanieczyszczenie wód w sieci dystrybucyjnej, wynikające nie z zastosowanego rodzaju, lecz kondycji materiału budującego sieć. Dlatego celowa jest ocena ryzyka zdrowotnego konsumentów w razie przekroczeń wartości dopuszczalnych (NDS).
Badania obejmowały obiekty drenarskie z wkomponowanymi małymi zbiornikami wodnymi, często nazywanymi oczkami wodnymi. Na nowo wykonanym obiekcie prowadzono badania stężenia substancji w wodach drenarskich i w oczkach w pierwszych trzech latach funkcjonowania systemu. Stwierdzono, że po drenowaniu w wodzie występuje większa ilość substancji i z czasem maleje. Większe stężenia zanieczyszczeń i biogenów stwierdzono w wodzie odpływającej z użytku zielonego niż z gruntu ornego. Akumulacja biogenów w wodzie małych zbiorników jest niewielka w stosunku do ich odpływu z użytków rolnych. Istotne znaczenie może mieć wiązanie ich w procesach biologicznych i osadach. W wyniku wkomponowania małych zbiorników wodnych nie stwierdzono wyraźnej poprawy jakości wody odpływającej z systemu melioracyjnego.
Studies entailed drainage systems with composed in small water reservoirs often called puddles. Concentrations of substances were measured in drainage waters and in reservoirs of a newly created system during the first three years of its functioning. Concentrations were found to be high after draining to decrease later with time. Concentrations of pollutants and nutrients were higher in water flowing out of grassland than in that flowing from arable land. Nutrient accumulation in puddles was small as compared to the outflow from croplands. Nutrient fixation in biotic processes and in sediments might be of importance in that case. Incorporation of the puddles did not significantly improved quality of the water flowing out of the drainage system.
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