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In energy-intensive systems, in which energy need to be transported through compact pipelines, steam is very often used as an energy carrier. The latent heat of steam condensation, surpassing its sensible heat, presents a distinctive advantage, resulting in steam pipelines requiring diameters significantly smaller compared to those needed for equivalent thermal power transmission. Nonetheless, the insulation of steam pipelines remains imperfect, resulting in inevitable heat dissipation. Consequently, this thermal loss leads to the condensation of water within the pipelines, necessitating the implementation of steam traps. The precise selection and implementation of suitable steam traps are essential for sustaining optimal pipeline functionality while minimizing energy losses. This research endeavors to comprehensively assess the criteria governing steam trap selection, focusing on their pivotal role in facilitating efficient pipeline operation. To achieve this objective, a mathematical analysis was conducted to quantify the volume of liquid generated within the pipeline due to condensation. Subsequently, an innovative self-regulating steam trap was introduced and evaluated to elucidate its efficiency in evacuating the accumulated liquid. Remarkably, the utilization of these advanced self-regulating steam traps yielded remarkably positive outcomes, profoundly enhancing pipeline performance and obviating steam losses. Through meticulous analysis of the mathematical model and empirical validation of the novel steam trap's functionality, this study not only contributes to enhancing the theoretical understanding of steam pipeline dynamics but also offers practical insights into optimizing their operational efficiency. This research showcases the potential of self-regulating steam traps to revolutionize steam pipeline dewatering practices, ensuring sustained energy transmission with minimal wastage and reaffirming their pivotal role in modern energy systems.
Cold storage poses many more problems than heat storage. This is due to the fact that the temperature range is smaller than in the case of heat storage facilities. The simplest example is that cold water chillers operate in the temperature range of 12/7 C and the heating system operates in the temperature range of 90/70 C. This means that at the start the volume in sensible heat is almost three times greater. For this reason, cold is rarely stored in the form of sensible heat. Phase change solutions (PCM) or physical reactions (adsorption) or chemical reactions (absorption) are much more frequently used. A completely different idea for improving the operation of cold stores is the use of magnetocaloric materials. These are materials that change temperature under the influence of a magnetic field. The article presents the concept of a cold store that cooperates with a heat exchanger made of magnetocaloric materials (pure Gadolinium). As a result of the preliminary analysis, it was determined that this combination of vapour compressor system and magnetocaloric heat exchanger allows for a reduction in energy consumption for storage purposes at the level of 58,6% in comparison to regular vapour compressor system.
Materiały z pianki szklanej są równie dobrym izolatorem jak powszechnie wykorzystywane materiały ze spienionych tworzyw sztucznych czy też wełna mineralna. A w wielu zastosowaniach są materiałem zdecydowanie lepszym. Chodzi chociażby o zastosowania kriogeniczne oraz zastosowania wysokotemperaturowe. Rynek pianek szklanych systematycznie się rozwija i coraz śmielej konkuruje z materiałami, które do tej pory były bezkonkurencyjne, zwłaszcza w branży budowlanej. Artykuł ma na celu przybliżyć właściwości materiału jak i sam rynek materiałów związanych ze spienionymi materiałami szklanymi.
Glass foam materials are as good an insulator as commonly used materials made of foamed plastics or mineral wool. And for many applications, they are a much better material. It is about cryogenic and high temperature applications. The market of glass foams is systematically developing and it competes more and more boldly with materials that have been unrivaled so far, especially in the construction industry. The aim of the article is to present the properties of the material as well as the market of materials related to foamed glass materials.
Zgodnie z warunkami technicznymi, którym powinny odpowiadać budynki w Polsce, systemy wentylacji mechanicznej wymagane są w coraz większej liczbie nowo powstających budynków. Z tego powodu coraz więcej rozwiązań na rynku stara się odzyskiwać energię w ramach systemu wentylacji mechanicznej. Kiedy w latach ubiegłych porównano zużycie energii elektrycznej przez systemy rekuperacji do zużycia energii przez systemy wentylacji grawitacyjnej, nie dawało się ekonomicznie uzasadnić wyboru tych pierwszych. Dziś, gdy systemy wentylacji mechanicznej są wymagane, rekuperacja jest zawsze korzystna dla inwestora. Jedną z technicznych rekuperacji jest urządzenie wykorzystujące regenerator. W niniejszym artykule postanowiono skupić się na badaniach eksperymentalnych rekuperatora wykorzystującego regenerator w formie złoża ceramicznego. Sam proces rekuperacji, jak i uzyskiwane wydatki powietrza, zdecydowanie przewyższają pod względem efektywności inne rozwiązania z tego segmentu. W ramach badań wyznaczono osiągane strumienia powietrza oraz wpływ działania rekuperacji na poziom stężenia CO2 w pomieszczeniu.
According to the technical conditions to be met by buildings in Poland, mechanical ventilation systems are required in an increasing number of newly constructed buildings. For this reason, more and more solutions on the market are trying to recover energy as part of a mechanical ventilation system. In previous years, when the electricity consumption of recuperation systems was compared to the energy consumption of gravity ventilation systems, it was not possible to economically justify the choice of the former. Today, when mechanical ventilation systems are required, recuperation is always beneficial for the investor. One of the technical recuperation is a device using a regenerator. In this article, it was decided to focus on experimental studies of a recuperator using a regenerator in the form of a ceramic bed. The recuperation process itself, as well as the obtained air expenses, definitely exceed other solutions in this segment in terms of effectiveness. As part of the research, the achieved air flow and the effect of recuperation on the level of CO2 concentration in the room were determined.
This study aimed to approximate the operating characteristics of steam traps through experimental research and mathematical analysis. The research presented the phenomena leading to the development of steam traps, their relevance to power engineering and production plants, and the energy properties of water vapor for heat transport and exchange. The study also discusses problems that can occur in steam systems and how steam traps can prevent adverse phenomena. The experimental studies allowed the researchers to determine the operating characteristics of steam traps, and mathematical analysis extended the results to other cases.
Content available Systems of heat pumps in water
The number of words in abstract should be placed in a range between 100 and 300 words. It should be justified, Times New Roman font 12 pt., spacing before 10 pt., spacing between lines 1pt. The text should be clear and complex and involve the base problems of a paper, information about methodology and results, a conclusion is crucial.
The use of waste heat in many branches of industry is limited due to temperature in the range of 30 to 100°C. One of the methods of using waste heat are devices that implement the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). In currently used ORC systems, the heat source temperature is at least 80oC, while the low temperature heat source (usually atmospheric air) has a temperature of 30oC. The work analyzes the influence of the organic fluids properties on the performance of the proposed installation driven by the waste heat and working based on the ORC. The basic operation parameters in nominal conditions were determined for three selected natural refrigerants R290, R600a, R717 and one synthetic R245fa. The condensing temperature 30oC were defined as a nominal value. The research results compare how the generated electric power will change depending on the temperature difference between the temperature of the heat source and the temperature of evaporation. It turns out that for a device with finite dimensions, the maximum power is obtained for a specific evaporation temperature. And this is not the highest temperature that can be achieved. The highest evaporation temperature allows for the highest efficiency of the system, but not the maximum of capacity.
Content available remote Obowiązki wynikające z użytkowania pomp ciepła
Content available remote Weryfikacja doboru średnicy rury skraplacza dla bloku 200 MW
W skraplaczach energetycznych bloków parowych dochodzi do odprowadzenia ciepła kondesacji pary do otoczenia. Geometria (powierzchnia wymiany ciepła, średnica rury) i warunki pracy skraplaczy energetycznych wpływają na osiągi bloku (moc i sprawność). Wraz ze zmianą średnicy rury skraplacza następuje zmiana warunków wymiany ciepła i oporów przepływu wody chłodzącej, co przekłada się na ciśnienie kondensującej pary, moc generowaną przez turbinę, moc potrzebną do napędu pompy wody chłodzącej i sprawność bloku. Ze względu na wydłużenie czasu pracy bloków energetycznych klasy 200 MW i ich większą elastyczność pracy w systemie elektroenergetycznym w artykule dokonano weryfikacji doboru średnicy rury skraplacza w celu zbadania możliwości poprawy osiągów. Model bloku 200 MW został stworzony w programie Ebsilon. Kryterium optymalizacyjnym jest maksymalizacja mocy i sprawności netto bloku.
In steam power plants condensers, the condensation heat of the steam is removed to the environment. The geometry (heat transfer surface area, tube diameter) and the operating conditions of the steam condensers influence the power plant performance (power and efficiency). As the diameter of the steam condenser tube changes, the heat transfer conditions and the cooling water flow resistance change, which translates into the pressure of condensing steam, the power generated by the turbine, the power needed to drive the cooling water pump and the power plant efficiency. Due to the extension of the operating time of 200 MW class power units and their greater flexibility of operation in the power system, the article verifies the selection of the diameter of the steam condenser tube in order to investigate the possibilities of improving performance. The 200 MW unit model was created in the Ebsilon program. The optimization criterion is to maximize the power and net efficiency of the unit.
Zajęcia dydaktyczne prowadzone są w salach wykładowych zwykle dostosowanych od strony technicznej do prezentowanych treści. Zainstalowane są systemy audiowizualne i nagłaśniające. Niestety w wielu przypadkach sale lekcyjne projektuje się pod kątem klimatyzacji i wentylacji, podobnie jak pomieszczenia biurowe. W efekcie, podczas zajęć, nawet w pomieszczeniach z klimatyzacją, warunki zmieniają się na tyle niekorzystnie, że zarówno nauczyciel, jak i uczniowie odczuwają dyskomfort. W pracy przeanalizowano zmiany temperatury, stężenia CO2, stężenia PM2,5 i wilgotności względnej w pomieszczeniu, w którym zyski ciepła od ludzi i urządzeń oraz zyski wilgoci przekraczają wartości projektowe. W pracy wykorzystano bezkanałowy rekuperator Respireco o pracy cyklicznej. Najpierw sprawdzono właściwości termodynamiczne samego rekuperatora, a następnie przetestowano go w wybranej polskiej szkole podstawowej. Wyniki pokazują, że tego typu rekuperatory są w stanie zapewnić prawidłowe warunki klimatyczne w salach wykładowych. Zastosowanie wentylacji mechanicznej z wykorzystaniem rekuperatora z ceramicznym odzyskiem ciepła spowodowało, że podczas zajęć stężenie CO2 w pomieszczeniu spadło o 50%. Stężenie PM2,5 utrzymywało się na poziomie trzykrotnie niższym niż w pomieszczeniu bez wentylacji mechanicznej. Należy zatem stwierdzić, że zastosowanie wentylacji mechanicznej z rekuperacją nie tylko obniża koszty ogrzewania, ale także znacząco poprawia jakość powietrza.
Classes are conducted in lecture rooms usually technically adapted to the content presented. Audio-visual and sound systems are installed. Unfortunately, in many cases, classrooms are designed for air conditioning and ventilation, just like offices. As a result, during classes, even in air-conditioned rooms, the conditions change so badly that both the teacher and the students feel discomfort. The study analyzed changes in temperature, CO2 concentration, PM2.5 concentration and relative humidity in a room where heat gains from people and devices as well as moisture gains exceed the design values. The work uses a channelless Respireco recuperator with cyclical operation. First, the thermodynamic properties of the recuperator itself were checked, and then it was tested in a selected Polish primary school. The results show that this type of recuperator is able to provide proper climatic conditions in lecture halls. The use of mechanical ventilation with the use of a recuperator with ceramic heat recovery resulted in the reduction of CO2 concentration in the room by 50% during the classes. The concentration of PM2.5 remained three times lower than in the room without mechanical ventilation. Therefore, it should be stated that the use of mechanical ventilation with recuperation not only reduces heating costs, but also significantly improves air quality.
Powłoki antykondensacyjne znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w chłodnictwie, klimatyzacji czy chociażby technologii okrętowej. Coraz częściej są stosowane także do zabezpieczania konstrukcji betonowych czy też ceramicznych. Potrafią zmagazynować określoną ilość wody we własnej objętości, a następnie zwrócić ją w sprzyjających warunkach. Powłoki antykondensacyjne stosowane są również do ochrony konstrukcji stalowych przed wilgocią. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wymiany ciepła i masy w powłoce antykondensacyjnej w warunkach konwekcji naturalnej i wymuszonej. Wyniki eksperymentalne uzyskano dla płyt poziomych i nachylonych.
Anti-condensation coatings are widely used in refrigeration, air conditioning or even ship technology. More and more often they are also used to protect concrete or ceramic structures. They can store a certain amount of water in their own volume and then return it under favorable conditions. Anti-condensation coatings are also used to protect steel structures against moisture. The paper presents the results of experimental research on heat and mass transfer in an anti-condensation coating under natural and forced convection conditions. Experimental results were obtained for horizontal and inclined slabs.
Pozyskiwanie energii (energii elektrycznej czy ciepła) z wykorzystaniem szkła kojarzy się głownie z fotowoltaiką i kolektorami słonecznymi. Natomiast wiele szklanych biurowców boryka się z problemem naporu wiatru na powierzchnie. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań eksperymentalnych rozwiązania, które pozwala na odzyskanie części energii wynikającej właśnie z tego naporu. Ilość uzyskanej energii jest nieporównywalnie mniejsza niż w przypadku zastosowania fotowoltaiki, czy chociażby turbin wiatrowych dlatego mówi się raczej o mikrogeneracji czy mikropozyskaniu. Nie mniej jednak artykuł pokazuje, że istnieje potencjał wykorzystania fasad szklanych do generacji energii elektrycznej w inny sposób niż wykorzystując zjawiska fotowolticzne.
Energy generation (electricity or heat) using glass is mainly connected with photovoltaics and solar collectors. On the other hand, many glass office buildings struggle with the problem of wind pressure on the surfaces. The article presents the results of experimental research on a solution that allows to recover some of the energy resulting from this pressure. The amount of energy obtained is incomparably smaller than in the case of the use of photovoltaics or even wind turbines, therefore it is rather referred to as microgeneration or micro-acquisition. Nevertheless, the article shows that there is a potential for using glass facades to generate electricity in a different way than using photovoltaic phenomena.
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The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of external fins on heat transfer in the evaporator. The scope in which the analysis was performed is to check how the capacity of the exchanger is affected by the change of individual elements of the fin geometry. The introduction describes the current state of knowledge about evaporators. One of the subchapters is entirely devoted to the phenomenon of frosting evaporators, which is unfavourable from the point of view of heat transfer. The subsection also describes how to minimize the occurrence of this phenomenon. The next chapter presents mathematical models of heat transfer coefficients during boiling of inorganic refrigerants in horizontal pipes and during the flow of a bundle of smooth and air-fined pipes. On the basis of correlations and mathematical dependencies contained in this chapter, analyses of the influence of individual factors on heat transfer in the evaporator were performed. The next chapter contains the analysis methodology, it contains drawings of modeled heat exchangers. The penultimate chapter contains the results of the analyses with graphs and descriptions, detailing the most important differences between the individual evaporator geometries. The last chapter is a summary and conclusions about the effect of fins on heat transfer in the evaporator.
This paper presents the possibility of using a high-efficiency trigeneration system to generate electricity, heat and cold for the needs of a large health care facility. The hospital building is an average of several buildings of the same class. It is a typical Polish object built in the second half of the twentieth century and subjected to thermal modernization consisting in insulation of external walls and roof and replacement of windows and external doors. Thermal modernization led the building to a condition that meets the technical requirements for year 2017. Therefore, the conclusions resulting from the work can be applied to the entire group of health care institutions. The demand for electricity was obtained as fifteen-minute periods, while the demand for heat and cold was calculated using the hourly method. The calculations were made on the basis of meteorological data for the Warszawa-Okęcie station. The choice of the most cost-effective option was determined by economic analysis. The considered variants were compared to the basic variant, which is the most typical solution, i.e. a compressor chiller. For the analyzed options, benefits compared to the baseline option were estimated. NPV indicators were calculated, which clearly stated the best scenario, for which electricity and gas prices was then performed.
In this paper, the possibility of use of a DEC type air conditioning system, using solar energy, in Polish climatic conditions Polish, as an alternative to traditional systems based on compressor refrigeration equipment, was analyzed. At the beginning of the work, attention was paid to how important it is for users to maintain thermal comfort conditions and how these conditions can be determined. It also shows why the DEC system can be a good solution for the cases under consideration. In the next part of the paper, the analyzed system is described, presenting the individual processes of humid air transformation taking place in it, in which devices these processes can take place and how they were modeled in further calculations. Modeling the operation of the DEC system was based mainly on determining the efficiency of individual devices, i.e. the effectiveness of the processes taking place in them and the use of a psychometric graph. Similarly, the method of calculating the useful heat that can be obtained from solar collectors under known conditions is presented. For this purpose, meteorological data and the theory of similarity in heat transfer were used. In the next part of the work, an example of a calculation cycle was presented, along with the next steps of applying to the psychometric graph points corresponding to the states of moist air at individual points of the DEC system. On the basis of such calculation cycles, performed for different values of outdoor air parameters, the relationships of the obtained cooling power, the power supplied for adsorber regeneration, EER, temperature and relative humidity of the supply air to rooms, from the temperature and relative humidity of the outside air. Next, the calculation process for determining the useful heat obtained from solar collectors is presented. On the basis of several such processes, the average conditions of heat collection from the collector were determined, on the basis of which the amount of energy obtained from solar radiation was determined on the scale of the entire summer period. On the basis of this analysis, surpluses and shortages of energy obtained from collectors on individual days of the considered period were determined. In conclusion, it was stated that despite the fairly good cooperation of the system with solar collectors and its simple construction, the DEC system cannot be an alternative to compressor refrigeration equipment. This is mainly due to the unfavorable level of relative humidity in Polish climatic conditions, which does not allow the device to achieve the appropriate temperature of the air supplied to the rooms.
Following the entry into force of the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006, the scope of refrigerants, which have so far been commonly used is very limited. All preferred refrigerants are mostly flammable and explosive, and they include R32, R1234yf, R1234ze, R290 (propane), R600a (isobutane), R717 (ammonia). However, it should be noted that refrigerants such as R32, R1234yf, R1234ze are classified as mildly flammable and has been created for them, in accordance with ISO 817 standard, special group called A2L. It is also worth noting that the new classification moved ammonia to the group B2L - that means is toxic and mildly flammable. The article focuses on defining the conditions in which there is possible to build safely split installation in which the propane is a refrigerant. It turns out that small splits are devices which can be used safely with R290 in most cases.
In recent years, the dynamic development of the LNG industry has been observed. This is largely due to the transition of many countries from coal-based energy to greener energy. Natural gas is regarded as an intermediate fuel. Natural gas can be transported by pipeline, but in many cases it is more economical to transport it in a liquefied form. The liquefaction process is very energy-consuming, which is why many researchers are focused on optimizing this process. This work is an attempt to optimize the operation of the basic cascade natural gas liquefaction system. The proposed modifications contribute to a significant reduction in the costs of the liquefaction process.
Ferrofluids most often consist of three components, they are: solid particles, the liquid in which they are dissolved and a substance that is supposed to prevent sedimentation - called surfacant. The biggest problem with ferrofluids is their stability. Mixtures in which one of the phases is a solid phase have a natural tendency to sedimentation. As a result, physical properties change during the use of such materials. As part of the research, it was decided to check which ferrofluid composition would be most resistant to continuous evaporation and condensation processes. Three different mixtures were analyzed. As a result of the experiment it was found that the best behavior was mixture of: iron-oxide with n-heptane and fatty acid as surfacant.
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