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Content available Tourist maps - definition, types and contents
Tourist maps are one of the most common groups of cartographic documents. Their variety in terms of content, subject matter and publication titles is a result of growing popularity of diverse forms of tourism activity. The aim of the authors of this article is to demonstrate issues related to tourist maps, including their variety in relation to contemporary forms of tourism. As tourist maps are constantly developing, the authors decided to propose a classification of tourist maps which is adequate from the point of view of the types of maps we currently distinguish. Taking into consideration the aim and type of tourism, the maps were divided into the following sub-groups: maps for sightseeing tourism, qualified tourism, and other tourism, as well as tourist city maps, and maps prepared for promotion and advertising of tourism. The first there categories were further divided into more detailed sub-categories and each of them was described briefly in terms of its content. The classification of maps based on their scales and form of content presentation was also included. The authors attempted also to define the concept of “tourist map” itself. The authors defined it as a geographic representation of an area presented on a plane, in accordance with specific mathematical rules, which should include topographic contents, information about tourist attractions of a given area, its tourist and complementary infrastructure, presented with the help of conventional signs, in a matter appropriate for the scale of the map and its intended use. Contributing to the discussion on the place of tourist map in the general classification of maps, the article distinguishes not only general-geographic maps and thematic maps, but also orientation and navigation maps. This terms covered tourist maps, road maps, and navigation maps: sailing, sea, aerial and city maps. They consist a group of maps in which the functions they play determine their informational content and their form of cartographic presentation. However, unlike on thematic maps, where the general geographic content is merely a background for presentation of the theme-related phenomena, the geographic content is essential in case of tourist maps. It is precisely the general geographic content which is primarily responsible for communicating information which is meant to be used for orientation and navigation purposes.
Praca zawiera opis grupy Starościńskich Skał w północnej części Rudaw Janowickich, która stanowi jedyny w polskich Sudetach przykład granitowego „skalnego miasta”. Starościńskie Skały to złożona forma ostańcowa, składająca się z szeregu skałek usytuowanych na granitowym cokole o cechach wzgórza wyspowego. Wyniki kartowania terenowego zostały przedstawione na szczegółowej mapie geomorfologicznej, zawierającej 30 wydzieleń. Głównym czynnikiem odpowiedzialnym za rzeźbę skałek jest zróżnicowany system spękań (koncentryczny i prostokątny), do którego nawiązuje dwudzielność kompleksu skalnego. Cechą charakterystyczną tej grupy skalnej jest występowanie bogatej mikrorzeźby, która świadczy o jej stabilności i długim rozwoju powierzchniowym. Niektóre elementy mikrorzeźby – nisze kloszowe – dowodzą jednak tego, że w pierwszym etapie rozwoju skałki były kształtowane podpowierzchniowo, przy istotnym udziale wietrzenia chemicznego.
The paper presents a description of the Starościńskie Skały tor group located in the northern part of the Rudawy Janowickie which is the only example of a granite rock city in the Polish Sudetes. Starościńskie Skały is a specific complex landform composed of various tors situated on a dome-like pedestal. The results of detailed field landform mapping are presented on geomorphological map, which contains 30 elements. The major factor influencing morphology of the Starościńskie Skały is a complex system of joints (sheeting and orthogonal joints) which control the shape of the residual and are responsible for morphological duality of the rock city. A characteristic feature of this tor group is the presence of varied microrelief, which indicates surface stability and protracted development at the surface. However, certain components of microrelief – flared slopes – are an evidence of subsurface chemical weathering of Starościńskie Skały tor group in the first stage of their development.
The paper focuses on a large relict landslide complex in the northeastern part of the Kamienne Mts. (Sudetes, SW Poland) developed on Carboniferous and Permian volcanic and clastic sedimentary rocks. Whilst the presence of mass movements around Mt. Rogowiec has long been known, no attempts have yet been made to offer a comprehensive analysis. This study is based on recognition of geomorphic features from LiDAR-derived DTM, geomorphometric analysis, field geomorphological mapping, joint measurements at representative exposures, and electrical resistivity tomography. The total area affected by gravitational slope deformation exceeds 40 ha and consists of a few smaller units that show distinctive patterns of displacement. The eastern slopes of the Mt. Rogowiec ridge have been reshaped by large slides involving rigid blocks of trachyandesite in the upper part and deformed sedimentary successions in the middle and lower part. The central part of the area has experienced lateral spreading which resulted in complete disintegration of the volcanic cap. Fresh-looking ridge-top trenches indicate that this process is ongoing. Subsequent movements included flows into pre-existing valleys and rock wall collapses to produce spectacular block streams. The scale and variety of deformation structures at Mt. Rogowiec make this locality unique in the Sudetes.
The east-central part of the Kamienne Mountains in the Sudetes has long been known as an area where landslides occur in abundance. Their extent was shown on first detailed geological maps from the early 20th century and later on Polish geological maps published in the 1970 and 1990. The total landslide area mapped was about 100 ha. The availability of LiDAR data allowed to build digital elevation models of very high resolution and to attempt landslide mapping using diagnostic landform assemblages as guidelines. 30 separate landslides have been mapped, including complex landslide areas involving overlapping landslide bodies oflikely different origin. The total landslide area is at least300 ha, while the largest complexes cover 40-50 ha. LiDAR-based models proved extremely useful in landslide mapping, espe- cially in forested areas.
W artykule przedstawiono przykład zastosowania oprogramowania ArcInfo do redagowania mapy. Przybliżono problematykę wyboru i sposobu wykorzystania danych źródłowych, prezentacji rzeźby terenu w trakcie opracowania średnioskalowej mapy topograficznej przeznaczonej do wydruku.
In 2010 an expedition to the massif of Belukha in the Altai (4506 m a.s.l.) in Kazakhstan was organized. A topographic map in the scale of 1:100,000 had been prepared for the expedition. Ali the editorial works were performed in the environment of GIS ArcInfo package, which had been considered the most advanced in applied cartographic tools. The first version of the map had been verified in Altai and in 2011 a new version was elaborated, which mainly improved relief by addi-tion of rock drawing and modified shading. The map was prepared in 'WGS-84' coordinate system and UTM projection basing on Soviet topographic maps in '1942' coordinate system (downloaded from the Internet) and satellite images from LandsatTM and ETM+. Satellite images were used to update buildings, forests, roads, water-beds and main forms of high-mountain rock relief. ASTER GDEM and SRTM digital terrain models were also used, but their quality was not satisfactory. As a result an original terrain model in 25 m resolution was prepared, basing on vectorized contourlines and other necessary relief elements extracted from topographic maps using ANUDEM algorithm. All the elements of map contents mentioned above were prepared in ArcInfo, with input data not organized into one common database, but rather placed in a layer structure (*lyr files). Rock drawings could not be executed in ArcInfo package (ArcMap module), therefore they were done manually using satellite images. Rock drawings were adjusted to the location of mountain ridges determined basing on topographic maps. The drawing was then scanned, processed graphically in Adobe Photoshop, geo-referred and added to the map. Shading was generated from the original terrain model, detailed to follow the contourlines, modified and retouched in Photoshop, adapting the details to rock drawings and contourlines' location. The presented process of preparation of a middle-scale topographic map shows that the newest version of ArcInfo package (9.3.1) has a lot of potential for map editing, starting from data preparation to the final map. However, for particular features and forms of relief, manual involvement using other vector and raster graphic editors is necessary.
Górna część zlewni Buchtarmy znajduje się w obrębie najwyższych partii Wysokiego Ałtaju. Buchtarma, prawy dopływ Irtyszu, charakteryzuje się reżimem glacjalnym kształtowanym głównie przez liczne lodowce masywu Biełuchy (4506 m n.p.m.). W ciągu ostatnich stu lat obserwuje się wyraźne ocieplenie tej części Azji Centralnej, co wpływa na szybkie tempo recesji lodowców. Celem prowadzonych badań jest przedstawienie współczesnej dynamiki wybranych procesów rzeźbotwórczych zachodzących w górnej części zlewni Buchtarmy. W trakcie prac terenowych wykonano kartowanie geomorfologiczne oraz pobrano materiał w celu wykonania laboratoryjnych analiz sedymentologicznych i dendrochronologicznych. Do badań szczegółowych wyznaczono dwa obszary: dolinę Buchtarmy pomiędzy miejscowościami Berel a Dżambuł oraz górny odcinek doliny Białej Bereli. Dna dolin oraz przyległe zbocza pokrywają poligenetyczne osady pylasto-piaszczyste. Ich występowanie związane jest z plejstoceńskimi zmianami klimatycznymi na obszarze Wschodniego Kazachstanu, które przejawiały się wzmożoną działalnością synchronicznie przebiegających procesów eolicznych i stokowych. Pylasta pokrywa stanowi tutaj stropową część plejstoceńskiej sekwencji glacigenicznej. Poniżej powszechnie występują osady fluwioglacjalne. Są one w wielu miejscach porozcinane przez młode formy erozyjne, powstałe w rezultacie kolektywizacji rolnictwa w drugiej połowieXXw. Współczesne procesy morfogenetyczne w najwyższej części Ałtaju są generowane głównie przez intensywne topnienie lodowców. Analiza dendrochronologiczna i geomorfologiczna form glacjalnych i fluwioglacjalnych w masywie Biełuchy potwierdza bardzo szybką deglacjację tego obszaru w ciągu ostatnich stu lat. Świadczą o tym świeże moreny czołowe oraz liczne, włożone terasy fluwioglacjalne. Materiał mineralny transportowany przez rzeki glacjalne w postaci zawiesiny jest akumulowany w górnych odcinkach dolin, a następnie może podlegać deflacji i depozycji eolicznej. Rezultaty rekonesansowych badań w Ałtaju Wysokim wskazują na duże zróżnicowanie procesów rzeźbotwórczych i form. Wynikają one z krótkiego czasu reakcji na zmiany wysokogórskich geosystemów Azji Centralnej na współczesne zmiany klimatyczne, potęgowane lokalnie ingerencją człowieka.
The upper part of the Bukhtarma River basin is located in the High Altai Mountains. The river, right tributary ofthe Irtysh River, has glacial regime shaped mainly by the glaciers of the Belukha massif (4506 m a.s.l.). Scientific research show that the glaciers in the Altai Mountains are melting rapidly. This process is connected with significant climate warming, which is observed over this part of the Central Asia.The aim of the research is to present contemporary dynamics of selected geomorphic processes in the upper part of the Bukhtarma catchment. Two research areas were selected for detailed study: 1) the Bukhtarma River valley between Dzambul and Berel villages, and 2) the upper part of the White Berel River catchment. Geomorphological mapping and mineral and plant samples collection were carried out during field research. Laboratory works included sedimentological and dendrochronological analysis. Common occurrence of silty covers on these areas is connected with Pleistocene climate changes. These features are related to Aeolian and fluvial activity in high mountain environment. In the vicinity of villages the young gully forms are also observed. The present development of erosion processes is linked to collectivization during the Soviet Union time. The dendrochronologicaland geomorphological analysis of glacial and fluvioglacial land forms confirmed rapid glaciers retreat in the Belukha massif. Mineral sediment transported in suspension in the glacial rivers is deposited in the upper parts of the valleys. This fluvial silty material can be winnowed, transported and redeposited in the lower parts of the main Altai Mountains valleys.
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