The paper addresses the problem of weighting in an analysis that supports the selection of a categorical data set according to user needs. Using the Relative Change (RC) of the Compound Correspondence Index (CCI), it is shown that weights have a significant impact on user choice – reaching extreme values in both urbanized and forested areas. Decreasing the weights from 0.25 to 0.17 in forested and built-up areas resulted in the maximum variations that were seen in the hot spot maps, with cold areas generally corresponding to builtup regions and hot areas to forested areas. The analysis covers seven counties that are located in different regions of Poland: Pomerania, Podlasie, Mazovia, Greater Poland and the Beskidy Mountains.
The article presents a complete methodology to determine terrain passability as well as its application based on various configurations of input data. The methodology was developed with the use of the methods that had been created by the authors in their previous research projects. The determination of terrain passability consists of two stages: The first stage involves conducting the analysis of micro-relief with the aim to identify impassable spots in the area, while the second stage consists in determining the route for a specific vehicle that will avoid the existing obstacles formed by the micro-relief. Both these analyses generate results based only on a detailed digital terrain model (with a resolution of 1 m) and the traction parameters of the vehicles for which terrain passability is determined. One of the processes that are part of this methodology is the generalisation of the digital terrain model, which significantly improves the efficiency of the performed calculations. Test results demonstrated that the presented methodology enables successful automated generation of passability maps for specific vehicles and the creation of routes for such vehicles. The routes differ depending on the type of vehicle, which results directly from the fact that vehicles have different traction parameters. Nevertheless, the test results were satisfactory and demonstrated that the developed methodology may be applied by bodies that are responsible for planning military operations or crisis management activities.
W artykule zaprezentowano całościową metodykę wyznaczania przejezdności terenu, a także jej zastosowanie w oparciu o różne konfiguracje danych wejściowych. Do przygotowania metodyki wykorzystano metody, które zostały opracowane przez autorów we wcześniejszych badaniach. Wyznaczanie przejezdności terenu składa się z dwóch etapów: przeprowadzenie analizy mikrorzeźby, której celem jest wskazanie w terenie miejsc nieprzejezdnych, a także wyznaczenie trasy dla konkretnego pojazdu, która omijać będzie występujące w terenie przeszkody związane z mikrorzeźbą. Obie analizy do generowania wyników wykorzystują jedynie szczegółowy numeryczny model terenu (o rozdzielczości 1 m) oraz parametry trakcyjne pojazdów, dla których wyznaczana jest przejezdność terenu. Jednym z procesów wchodzących w skład metodyki jest uogólnienie numerycznego modelu terenu, które znacznie zwiększa wydajność prowadzonych obliczeń. Wyniki badań pokazały, że opracowana metodyka z powodzeniem automatycznie opracowuje mapy przejezdności dla konkretnych pojazdów, a także wyznacza dla nich trasy przejazdu. Są one inne dla różnych pojazdów, co wynika bezpośrednio z faktu, że posiadają one odmienne parametry trakcyjne. Niemniej jednak, zadowalające wyniki badań pokazały, że opracowana metodyka może być stosowana przez organy odpowiedzialne za planowanie operacji wojskowych czy zarządzania kryzysowego.
The purpose of this article was to provide the user with information about the number of buildings in the analyzed OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset in the form of data completeness indicators, namely the standard OSM building areal completeness index (C Index), the numerical completeness index (COUNT Index) and OSM building location accuracy index (TP Index). The official Polish vector database BDOT10k (Database of Topographic Objects) was designated as the reference dataset. Analyses were carried out for Piaseczno County in Poland, differentiated by land cover structure and urbanization level. The results were presented in the form of a bivariate choropleth map with an individually selected class interval suitable for the statistical distribution of the analyzed data. The results confirm that the completeness of OSM buildings close to 100% was obtained mainly in built-up areas. Areas with a commission of OSM buildings were distinguished in terms of area and number of buildings. Lower values of completeness rates were observed in less urbanized areas. The developed methodology for assessing the quality of OSM building data and visualizing the quality results to assist the user in selecting a dataset is universal and can be applied to any OSM polygon features, as well as for peer review of other spatial datasets of comparable thematic scope and detail.
Artykuł przedstawia stworzenie portalu internetowego zapewniającego dostęp do polskich danych z Globalnego Systemu Nawigacji Satelitarnej (GNSS). Opracowane rozwiązanie jest jednym z elementów Centrum Infrastruktury Badawczej, zbudowanego w ramach polskiej odpowiedzi na program European Plate Observing System. W ramach projektu EPOS-PL utworzono Repozytorium Danych GNSS oraz Centrum Analiz Danych GNSS. Dostęp do danych i wyników ich przetwarzania zapewnia dedykowany geoportal. Prace obejmowały trzy etapy cyklu życia rozwoju systemu: projektowanie, implementację i testowanie. Portal ma za zadanie wspierać pracę zarządców infrastruktury GNSS, a przede wszystkim zaspokajać potrzeby środowiska naukowego zajmującego się badaniami stałej Ziemi.
The paper presents the development of a web portal providing access to Polish Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data. Developed solution is one of the Center of Research Infrastructure, built within the Polish response to the European Plate Observing System program. Within the EPOS-PL project, the GNSS Data Repository and GNSS Data Analysis Centre were created. Access to data and results of their processing is provided by a dedicated geoportal. The work included the following stages of the system development life cycle: design, implementation and testing. The portal is designed to support the work of GNSS infrastructu1re managers and, above all, to meet the needs of the scientific community involved in solid Earth research.
The classification of terrain in terms of passability plays a significant role in the process of military terrain assessment. It involves classifying selected terrain to specific classes (GO, SLOW-GO, NO-GO). In presented project, the problem of terrain classification to the respective category of passability was solved (among others) by applying artificial neural networks to generate (calculate) Index of Passability (IOP).
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