The article presents the history of construction of the armored carrier MT-LB designed in 1960s in Kharkiv Tank Factory in the USSR. The serial production of the carrier in Poland and the involvement of Polish scientific and research centers in the preparation of its specialized versions is discussed. The individual versions of the carrier are characterized, streaming them according to: vehicles produced in Poland, prototype vehicles constructed in Polish scientific and research centers and vehicles obtained for the Polish Armed Forces under import. Furthermore, the article outlines the utilization of the MT-LB armored carrier and anti-aircraft missile launchers, engineering vehicles, armored recovery and command-staff vehicles built on its basis by the Polish Armed Forces’ units, drawing the attention to their role in process of technical modernization of the land forces.
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Współcześnie w wielu państwach głównym komponentem sił zbrojnych są wojska specjalne. Ich rolę i znaczenie uświadomiono sobie zwłaszcza wtedy, gdy na większą skalę pojawiły się konflikty asymetryczne i międzynarodowy terroryzm. Nietypowy charakter zagrożeń wymagał podjęcia niekonwencjonalnych metod działania, do stosowania takich zaś najlepiej były przygotowane jednostki wojsk specjalnych. Polska miała stosunkowo nieliczne siły specjalne, a ich wykorzystanie ze względu na brak jednolitych koncepcji rodziło wiele problemów. Z czasem wojska te zaczęły odgrywać coraz większą rolę, co wiązało się z ich uczestnictwem w misjach o podwyższonym ryzyku. Po przystąpieniu do NATO Polska zadeklarowała, że wojska specjalne będą jej narodową specjalnością w ramach Sojuszu. Zapoczątkowało to dynamiczny rozwój tych wojsk, a w rezultacie ich coraz większe zaangażowanie w operacje utrzymania bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Autor omawia udział polskich wojsk specjalnych w operacjach pokojowych na Bałkanach, operacjach stabilizacyjnych w Afganistanie i Iraku, a także w operacjach utrzymania pokoju, humanitarnych i szkoleniowo-doradczych w różnych rejonach świata.
Today, in many countries, the main component of the armed forces are special forces. Their role and significance was realized specifically when asymmetrical conflicts and international terrorism came up. This unusual nature of threats required unconventional methods, and these were the specialty of special forces. Poland had rather limited special forces, and due to the lack of unified concepts, the use of them caused many problems. In time, these forces would become more significant, mainly as a result of their participation in the high-risk missions. After Poland joined NATO, it declared that special forces would be its national specialty within the Alliance. This ignited a dynamic growth of these forces, and as a result, their increasing engagement in the international security-keeping operations. The author discusses the participation of the Polish special forces in peace operations in the Balkans, stabilization missions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in peacekeeping, humanitarian, and advisory and training operations in different world regions.
The paper presents the history of designing the armoured personnel carrier SKOT and the cooperation between Poland and Czechoslovakia related to their participation in its production. The serial production of this vehicle is discussed as well as the extent of related involvement of the Polish defence industry. The article outlines the characteristics of respective variants of the personnel carrier, grouped into: basic, fighting, command and staff, and fire support vehicles. The paper describes the use of the vehicle by the Polish Armed Forces, with a special emphasis on its influence on the process of modernising the Land Forces and their adaptation to operations involving weapons of mass destruction.
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Do połowy lat siedemdziesiątych XX wieku polskie wojska specjalne były intensywnie rozbudowywane w związku z planowanym ich użyciem w ewentualnej operacji zaczepnej Frontu Polskiego w ramach Zjednoczonych Sił Zbrojnych Układu Warszawskiego. Pododdziały tych wojsk ciągle udoskonalano pod względem organizacyjnym i szkoleniowym. Do ich uzbrojenia i wyposażenia wprowadzano broń najnowszego typu i nowoczesny sprzęt wojskowy. Wypracowywano efektywne formy ich wykorzystania w działaniach operacyjnych zarówno na skalę taktyczną, jak i operacyjno-strategiczną. Zakładano, że będą one prowadzić głównie działania z zakresu rozpoznania specjalnego. Przygotowywano je również do działań dywersyjno-sabotażowych, terrorystycznych i antyterrorystycznych, a także propagandowo-psychologicznych.
The author discusses the activity of the Polish Special Forces in the years 1951-1993. They were intensively developed to the middle of the 1970s, in connection with the plan to use them in the possible offensive operation of the Polish front within the Unified Armed Forces of the Warsaw Treaty Organization. Special Forces subunits were constantly perfected as regards their organization and training. They were armed with state-of-the-art weapons and provided with advanced military equipment. Effective forms of using the forces to carry out both tactical and operational/strategic tasks were developed. It was assumed that they would mainly undertake special reconnaissance activities. They were also prepared to carry out diversion/sabotage, terrorist and anti-terrorist, as well as persuasive/psychological activities.
W artykule zaprezentowano proces przemian społeczno-politycznych w Afganistanie związanych z interwencją wojskową ZSRR. Pierwsza część obejmuje okres od chwili powstania samodzielnego państwa w 1921 roku do momentu przejęcia władzy przez Hafizullaha Amina we wrześniu 1979 roku. W drugiej części przedstawiono wpływ interwencji radzieckiej na proces stopniowego rozkładu struktur społecznych. W części trzeciej omówiono skutki interwencji, których końcowym rezultatem było utworzenie Islamskiego Emiratu Afganistanu.
The paper presents political and historical changes in Afghanistan related to the Soviet military intervention. The first part describes the period from the establishment of an independent statein 1921 to the seizing of power by Amin Hafizullah in September 1979. The second part deals with the influence of the Soviet aggression on the process of the gradual disintegration of social structures. The third part explains the effects of the intervention, the final result of which was the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
W referacie zaprezentowano główne założenia strategii bezpieczeństwa militarnego Polski po zakończeniu II wojny światowej. Wyszczególniono trzy okresy: I - lata 1945-1955, II - lata 1955-1991 i III - lata 1991-1999. Pierwszy okres obejmuje omówienie procesu kształtowania własnych koncepcji bezpieczeństwa w pierwszych latach powojennych. W drugim okresie ukazano warunkowania uczestnictwa Polski w systemie bezpieczeństwa zbiorowego, jakim był Układ Warszawski. Ostatni okres, obejmujący lata dziewięćdziesiąte XX w., to przedstawienie założeń strategii bezpieczeństwa Polski w warunkach wymuszonej samodzielności obronnej.
The article presents the main concepts of the Polish military security strategy after WW2. Three main periods have been identified: the first one in the years of 1945-1955, the second one in the years of 1955-1991 and the third one in the years of 1991-1999. The first period includes the development of domestic security concepts during the post-war period. In the second period the participation of Poland in the Warsaw Pact as a collective security system has been elaborated. The last one, the end of the 20th century, describes the concepts of the Polish national security under the conditions of forced military self-reliance.
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The article discusses organisational changes in the Land Forces of the Polish Armed Forces’ (PAF) in the West carried out after World War II. In the introduction the author presents the Land Forces’ combat strength at the end of the war and the plans of development prepared by the Supreme Commander and the scope of their accomplishment. Then there are shown organisational structures of the main brigades, divisions and units of respective branches. The final part of the article focuses on the Polish Armed Forces’ in the West disbandment within overall demobilisation of the allied armed forces. The material is complemented with charts and organisational diagrams.
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The article presents the role and place of territorial defence forces in Poland's internal security system in 1959-1989. The basic premises of creating this kind of land forces and the tasks they were to fulfill on the territory of our country in case of an armed conflict are described. Then basing on the plans conducted in 1962-1989 of Polish Armed Forces' development and intentions resulting from them, the author describes the organizational development of two basic kinds of territorial defence of the state forces which included internal defence troops and territorial defence troops. The article is complemented with comparative data of the land forces' territorial defence of the state forces' strength in 1970-1985.
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The article deals with the role of Polish operational forces in the system of the state security in 1955 - 1975. The first two parts present the place of these forces in the military security system and their basic tasks in various kinds of military operations. Then the changes of operational forces' combat content was shown, with special attention drawn to their different dynamics. The last part of the article presents plans of these forces' operational use in case of war, within the Warsaw Pact offensive strategic operation, and the concepts of their use for direct defence of the country, which made up the assumptions of regular strategic-operational and operational exercises carried out by the General Staff of the Polish Army. The whole article is complemented with charts and maps.
Wprowadzone w latach 1945-1970 zmiany organizacyjne jednostek pancernych i zmechanizowanych Wojska Polskiego zostały ukierunkowane na dostosowanie ich etatów do postępującego utechnicznienia oddziałów i pododdziałów oraz wypracowania takiego składu ogniw organizacyjnych, który miał zapewnić optymalne wykorzystanie posiadanych sił i środków. Zmianom tym towarzyszyło ujednolicenie struktur większości oddziałów, w tym głównie wchodzących w ich skład pododdziałów zabezpieczenia bojowego i logistycznych. W pododdziałach bojowych stopniowo wprowadzono wyższy stopień ukompletowania w sprzęt bojowy oraz wyższe stany etatowe żołnierzy. Takie rozwiązanie ułatwiało osiąganie gotowości bojowej w znacznie krótszym czasie, co miało szczególne znaczenie w realizacji przyjętych założeń doktrynalnych i wynikających z nich koncepcji użycia sił zbrojnych w ewentualnym konflikcie zbrojnym.
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In the article the results of the second stage of researches on education of scientific research methodology of the National Defense University are presented. The second part shows the results of researches among the students of the last year of studies, who expressed their opinions on the basic issues of methodological education at the University. They consisted of: assessment of the level of knowledge and practical skills from scientific research methodology, the level of interest in methodology classes, assessment of their level of difficulty and the quality of didactical materials. The results of empirical researches of the second stage were compared with the first stage, revealing in conclusions and generalizations existing relationships and differences. The final part of the article was devoted to the methodical assumptions of education in scientific research methodology, taking into consideration rules, forms and methods of education.
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Metodologia badań naukowych jest istotnym elementem procesu kształcenia w Akademii Obrony Narodowej. Realizacja tego przedmiotu napotyka jednak szereg istotnych barier wynikających głownie z różnorodnego podejścia metodycznego, preferowania określonych działów wiedzy metodologicznej oraz wytypowanej literatury przedmiotu. Powoduje to powstanie swoistych „szkół metodologicznych” wprowadzających zróżnicowane podejście do problematyki badań w naukach wojskowych już na poziomie założeń ogólnometodologicznych. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi prezentację wyników II etapu badań przeprowadzonych w 2006 roku wśród kadry dydaktyczno-naukowej i studentów w ramach pracy naukowo-badawczej na temat: Uwarunkowania efektywnego kształcenia w zakresie metodologii badań naukowych w AON.
The article is an attempt to present the results of the second phase with regards to research concerning education methodology within the National Defence University. The first part of the article presented methodological assumptions, as well as the concrete data of the faculty survey. The survey focused on: a readiness and capability to conduct scientific research, students’ knowledge of methodology and, finally the faculty’s capability to prepare scientific papers. The research concluded with proposals which could be implemented on daily basis.
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The use of the Polish Army units to suppress the protests in Poznań was a surprise not only for the society but for the soldiers as well. The residents of Poznań had not anticipated that the authorities would use military units equipped with heavy armour. Therefore the appearance of a large number of tanks and armoured personnel carriers in the streets caused that the demonstration was quelled and the fighting areas were isolated. Apart from few groups of protesters, the resistance was quickly crushed due to the increasing advantage of the law enforcement forces. Military troops were not appropriately prepared to conduct this kind of tasks. Tackling groups of protesters, liquidating points of fire in buildings, dispersing crowds were not included in the training programmes. It was fully confirmed during the first hours of the events when expected successes were not reached. Later effective methods were applied that allowed dispersing the crowds and swift finish of the fire exchange. Systematic increase of the number of military units directed to Poznań resulted mainly from the fear that the protest and armed groups would spread outside the city. According to the military command, it was confirmed in attacks on police stations after which the protesters gained a lot of guns and ammunition. It was also essential to liquidate the points of fire which not only posed a threat to the troops but to the residents themselves who were the victims of random shoot-out. The introduction of the Polish Army troops against civilians had a precedence character which in future served the Polish People’s Republic authorities to copy these checked solutions. It was confirmed by the events in December 1970 and later by martial law in 1982, the final although late effect of which was the collapse of the totalitarian power and the democratisation of social-political life in Poland.
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The article presents the results of research on education process conditions of research methodology at National Defence University (AON). The considerations are based on the evaluation of this subject teaching in the academic year 2004/2005. The presented results of survey conducted among Master's graduates show their attitude towards such issues as the preparation to research, elaborating qualification papers, the level of interest in methodology classes, opinions on the need to run such classes, reference to their level of difficulty and quality of didactic materials. The considerations finish with general conclusions from the course of the research that were the basis for developing proposals of educational standards in research methodology.
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The article deals with changes in organizational structures of armoured and mechanized battalions of the Polish Armed Forces in 1945-1975. The author presents them on the background of three post-war armed forces’ development periods, i.e. passing into peacetime in 1945-1948, reconstruction in the time of growing tension on the international arena in 1949-1975 and reorganization and technical modernization of forces in order to adapt them to operations in conditions of using nuclear weapon in 1955-1975. This allows defining existing conditions of performed transformations and showing their specific character. The article is completed with organizational figures and a table which contains comparison of armoured and mechanized battalions’ forces and assets in the period under discussion.
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Autor scharakteryzował wojska inżynieryjne i chemiczne, które ze względu na rozwój sztuki wojennej i techniki uzbrojenia były w okresie powojennym intensywnie rozbudowywane i unowocześniane.
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The war in Afghanistan, due to its specific character, had a great influence on the development of the modern art of war. During its course numerous new methods of fighting were developed, mainly in airmobile, special, guerrilla and antiguerrilla operations. The author discusses their evolution on the background of subsequent war phases showing conditions that result from the character of the war theatre, introduction of modern types of weapons and military equipment and taking advantage of earlier local conflicts by the fighting sides. The author pays special attention to a close co-operation of armed forces’ branches and particular kinds of troops in conducting war operations and high effectiveness of irregular methods of fighting even towards the opponent that has a superior advantage in basic means of fighting.
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