Uzyskanie materiału szkółkarskiego o wysokiej jakości możliwe jest na glebach o korzystnych właściwościach fizyczno-biologicznych i zasobnych w składniki pokarmowe. Ze względu na niedostateczne ilości opadów i nierównomierny ich rozkład jednym z najważniejszych zabiegów melioracyjnych w szkółkach leśnych jest nawadnianie, które umożliwia systematyczne uzupełnianie wody dawkami optymalnymi dla młodych roślin. Ekonomicznym rozwiązaniem jest zastosowanie systemu nawadniania kroplowego, dzięki któremu woda dostarczana jest bezpośrednio do strefy korzeniowej roślin. Ważnym wskaźnikiem biologicznej jakości gleby pod plantacjami leśnymi jest aktywność enzymatyczna. W pracy badano wpływ nawadniania kroplowego na wybrane parametry wzrostu roślin sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) poddanej zabiegowi mikoryzacji oraz aktywność enzymów glebowych: dehydrogenaz i katalazy. Badania przeprowadzono w latach 2013-2016 na gruncie porolnym przeznaczonym pod zalesienie zlokalizowanym w Kruszynie Krajeńskim (53°04´53˝N, 17°51´52˝E) koło Bydgoszczy (województwo kujawsko-pomorskie – centralna Polska), zakwalifikowanym do V-VI klasy bonitacyjnej (czarna ziemia zdegradowana zaliczana do kompleksu żytniego słabego i żytniego bardzo słabego). Doświadczenie polowe założono i przeprowadzono jako jednoczynnikowe. Badanym czynnikiem, stanowiącym źródło zmienności było nawadnianie zastosowane w dwóch wariantach: 0 – bez nawadniania (kontrola), K – nawadnianie kroplowe. Eksperyment obejmował łącznie 8 poletek (2 x 4). Do nawodnień kroplowych używano linii kroplującej ‘Euro Drip’ z emiterami rozmieszczonymi co 20 cm. W badaniu wykorzystano 1 roczne sadzonki sosny z zakrytym systemem korzeniowym (produkcja kontenerowa). Sadzonki w trakcie produkcji były poddane połączonej mikoryzacji standardowej z zastosowaniem grzyba Hebeloma crustuliniforme oraz ściółkowaniu ektopróchnicą leśną. Mikoryzowane sadzonki sosny w czteroletnim okresie badań (2013-2016) charakteryzowały się 100% przeżywalnością zarówno na obiekcie nawadnianym kroplowo jak i kontrolnym (bez nawadniania). Nawadnianie kroplowe roślin sosny zwyczajnej istotnie zwiększyło wysokość części nadziemnej, średnicę pędu oraz długość pędu bocznego. Na podstawie pomiarów wykonanych w 2016 roku stwierdzono, iż nawadniane kroplowo sadzonki sosny były o 102% wyższe w porównaniu z kontrolą. Ponadto rośliny sosny uprawiane w warunkach nawadniania miały o 95% większą średnicę pędu od rosnących w warunkach naturalnego uwilgotnienia. Stwierdzono również wyższy o 58% średni przyrost pędu bocznego na ostatnim okółku. Doświadczenie wykazało, że nawadnianie wpływa na oksydreduktazy glebowe i stymuluje ich aktywność, zwłaszcza w głębszych warstwach profilu glebowego. Biorąc pod uwagę deficyt wody w obszarach leśnych Polski, poziom nawadniania przetestowany w tym badaniu jest wystarczający, aby utrzymać zarówno aktywność enzymatyczną gleb, jak i odpowiednią produkcję biomasy przez drzewa sosny zwyczajnej.
High quality forest nursery material is obtained on soils with favorable physico-biological and nutrient-rich properties. Due to insufficient rainfall and uneven distribution, one of the most important melioration treatments in forest nurseries is irrigation, which makes it possible to systematically supplement water with optimum doses for young plants. The economical solution is to use a drip irrigation system, whereby water is delivered directly to the root zone of the plant. An important indicator of the biological quality of soil under forest plantations is enzymatic activity. The effect of drip irrigation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on growth parameters of undergoing mycorrhizal treatment and the activity of soil enzymes dehydrogenases and catalase were evaluated. The research was conducted 2013-2016 on the former land intended for afforestation located in Kruszyn Krajeński (53°04'53˝N, 17°51'52˝E) near Bydgoszcz (Kuyavian-Pomeranian Province, Central Poland), on the soil classified into a quality class V-VI (black-soil-type degraded belonging to very weak and weak-rye-soil-complexes). Irrigation was used in the two variants: 0 – without irrigation (control) and K – drip irrigation.The experiment included a total of 8 plots (2 x 4). Irrigation was done with the drip line “Euro Drip” where the distance between the dripers was 20 cm. In the research 1-year old Scots pine seedlings with covered root system (container production) was used. Seedlings during production were subjected to a standard combined with mycorrhiza fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme mycorrhization and bedding based ectohumus forest. The Scots pine seedlings subjected to mycorrhizal colonization were characterized by 100% survival in the four-year study period (2013-2016). The drip irrigation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) significantly increased the height of the above ground part, the diameter of the shoot, and the lateral shoot length. Also, drip irrigated plants were 102% higher compared to the control in 2016 years. Also, pine plants growing under irrigation conditions were 95% larger in shoot diameter than those grown under natural humidity. Drip irrigation resulted in the significant increase of a lateral shoot on the last circle by 58%. Experience shows that irrigation affects soil oxidase and stimulates their activity especially in the deeper layers of the soil profile. The level of irrigation tested in this study is sufficient to maintain both the enzymatic activity of soils and the appropriate production of biomass by pine trees.
Bird cherry (Padus avium Mill.) is a medicinal and ornamental plant. Its flowers, fruits and bark are used in herbal medicine. Bird cherry is planted in parks, along roads and also used in the landscape and reclamation plantations. The first three years after planting determines the seedling survival rate of introduced plants. During this period, the plants should have adequate soil moisture, which can be provided by the properly designed and operated irrigation system. The aim of the research was to assess the bird cherry water needs during the first three years after planting. As a measure of water requirements, the potential evapotranspiration (Etp) of the plants was applied. The modified for Polish conditions by Żakowicz (2010) Blaney-Criddle’s formula using the adjusted crop coefficients was applied. It was assumed that the growing season of plants starts on April 1 and ends on October 31. The estimates were carried out for five agro-climatic regions of Poland during the years 1981-2010. The rainfall deficiency (or excess) in the period from April to October was calculated based on the difference between the plants water needs (showed as Etp) and the precipitation totals. The average water requirements of bird cherry in all studied regions during the period of the highest water needs (July-August) were 233 mm. The highest water requirements (around 242 mm) in the period July-August occurred in the central-north-western and central-eastern regions. The lowest water requirements (227 mm) were noted in the north-eastern and south-eastern regions. In each decade of the long-term, a significant rising tendency of water needs in the period July-August by 5 mm was noted. During the years 1981-2010, the rainfall deficiency in the period July-August occurred in 29 years in the north-eastern and central-eastern regions, in 28 years in the central-north-western region, in 27 years in the south-western region and in 25 years in the south-eastern region. In all studied regions during the long-term, the increasing tendency of bird cherry water requirements during the growing season was noted. The temporal variability of bird cherry water needs, with the exception of the central-north-western region, was important for each region.
Czeremcha zwyczajna (Padus avium Mill.), nazywana również czeremchą pospolitą, jest rośliną leczniczą i ozdobną. Jej kwiaty, owoce i kora są wykorzystywane w ziołolecznictwie. Bywa sadzona w parkach i przy drogach, a także stosowana w zadrzewieniach krajobrazowych i rekultywacyjnych. Decydującym o wysokiej udatności nasadzeń jest zwłaszcza okres pierwszych trzech lat po nasadzeniu roślin wprowadzanych na dany teren. Wymaga to zapewnienia wystarczającej ilości wody poprzez dobrze zaprogramowane nawodnienia. Celem podjętych badań była próba oszacowania potrzeb wodnych czeremchy zwyczajnej w pierwszych trzech latach po nasadzeniu. Jako miarę zapotrzebowania wody przez rośliny przyjęto ewapotranspirację potencjalną. Wykorzystano do tego celu, zmodyfikowany dla warunków Polski przez Żakowicza (2010), wzór Blaney-Criddle’a, z użyciem dostosowanych do niego współczynników roślinnych. Przyjęto, że sezon wegetacyjny czeremchy zwyczajnej rozpoczyna się 1 kwietnia a kończy 31 października. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla różnych regionów agro-klimatycznych Polski w latach 1981-2010. Niedobory (lub nadmiary) opadów w okresie kwiecień-październik obliczono z różnicy pomiędzy potrzebami wodnymi czeremchy, wyrażonymi, jako Etp dla tego okresu, a sumą opadów atmosferycznych. Potrzeby wodne czeremchy w okresie jej największego zapotrzebowania na wodę (lipiec-sierpień) w 5 regionach Polski wyniosły 233 mm. Największe potrzeby wodne w lipcu i w sierpniu, wystąpiły w dwóch regionach Polaki: środkowo-północno-zachodnim i środkowo-wschodnim (około 242 mm). Najmniejsze potrzeby wodne (średnio 227 mm), stwierdzono w północno-wschodnim i południowo-wschodnim regionie Polski. W każdej dekadzie analizowanego wielolecia zaznaczyła się istotna tendencja wzrostu zapotrzebowania na wodę o 5 mm w okresie lipca i sierpnia. W badanym trzydziestoleciu, niedobory opadów w okresie lipiec-sierpień wystąpiły w 29 latach w regionach północno-wschodnim i środkowo-wschodnim, w regionie środkowo-północno-zachodnim w 28 latach, w południowo-zachodnim w 27 latach, a w południowo-wschodnim niedobory opadów wystąpiły w 25 latach. We wszystkich badanych regionach rozpatrywanego trzydziestolecia, zaznaczyła się tendencja do zwiększenia się potrzeb wodnych czeremchy w okresie wegetacji. Trend zmienności czasowej potrzeb wodnych był, z wyjątkiem regionu środkowo-północno-zachodniego, istotny w przypadku każdego regionu.
The study of drip fertigation of winter squash ‘Gomez’ was conducted on the very light soil on the experimental field in Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz in the years 2007 and 2008. The research was established as one-factorial, using the method of drawn blocks, in four replications. Drip fertigation (DF) as the liquid fertilization supplied nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to the plants three times during growing season. As the control (DP), the drip irrigation combined with broadcast application was used. The potassium and phosphorus fertilization of control plots was applied before seed sawing. The nitrogen fertilization of control plots was provided in three single doses during vegetation. The liquid and powder fertilizations were performed at the same time. The complex fertilizer ‚Universol Blue’ (N:P:K = 18:11:18) was used. The dose of fertilizer was 3:2:3 (187.5:125:187.5 kg of NPK per ha). The irrigation was conducted using the drip line ‚T-Tape’. The liquid fertilizer was mixed by the ‚Dosatron’ dispenser. The irrigation started when the soil water pressure, measured with the tensiometers, was near - 0.04 MPa. In comparison to the control (powder fertilization), the drip fertigation (liquid fertilization) significantly increased marketable fruit yield, single fruit weight and fruit number. Most of the tested chemical components of ‘Gomez’ fruits (vitamin C, total sugar, monosaccharides, saccharose, total carotenoids and ß-carotin) were not significantly influenced by drip fertigation. However, the level of dry weight of winter squash ‘Gomez’ fruits was reduced by drip fertigation.
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of drip irrigation on yielding of summer squash ‘White Bush’ grown under conditions of two localities: Lipnik near Stargard Szczeciński (soil of quality class IVb, and of good-rye-soil-complex) and Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz (soil of quality class V, and of weak-rye-soil-complex). The study was designed as one-factorial trial: drip irrigation as the experimental factor was considered. Drip irrigation was conducted according to soil tensiometer indications (-0.04 MPa). Both, in Lipnik as well as in Kruszyn Krajeński, drip irrigation significantly increased marketable yield of summer squash ‘White Bush’. A higher rise in yields due to irrigation was obtained in Kruszyn Krajeński than in Lipnik. Mean marketable yield of summer squash fruits in Lipnik was higher than that obtained in Kruszyn Krajeński. Drip irrigation significantly increased the single fruit weight in relation to the control, in both crop localities. The system of drip irrigation significantly affected the number of fruits per plant. Summer squash plants grown in Lipnik produced higher number of fruits, than in Kruszyn Krajeński. In addition, essential influence of drip irrigation was affirmed on chemical composition of fruits, i.e. dry matter, vitamin C, monosaccharides, saccharose, content of total sugars and sum of carotenoids and ß-carotin.
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of drip irrigation on the nutritive value of winter squash ‘Rouge vif d’Etampes’ fruits analyzed directly after the harvest and after the storage. The plants were grown on the very light soil in the region of decreased rainfall amounts during the vegetation period. The field experiment was conducted in 2007-2008 at Kruszyn Krajeński near Bydgoszcz on the soil of quality class V-VI (very weak and weak-rye-soil-complex). The field water capacity in the soil layer 0-50 cm was 57.5 mm, while the effective useful retention amounted 29.3 mm. The experiment was designed as one-factorial trial in four replications; drip irrigation as the experiment factor was applied. As the control the plots without irrigation were considered. The single plot area was 11.2 m2. The drip irrigation was conducted according to the soil tensiometer indications (-0.04 MPa). The research material was the eatable parts of fresh fruits that were analyzed directly after the harvest and after the storage for six months at the temperature 10°C and the relative air humidity 75%. The drip irrigation performed during the cultivation of winter squash increased the content of vitamin C, total carotenoids including ß-carotene, as well sugars in the fruits, both after the harvest and after the storage. After six months of the storage the rise of the content of dry matter, total carotenoids including ß-carotene, as well monosaccharides was noted, while the level of vitamin C, total sugar, and saccharose have been reduced.
This study examined the effect of fertilisation with compost prepared from hygienised sludge with an addition of pine-tree bark and mulching with fresh forest ectohumus on selected growth parameters in two – and three-year seedlings of common beech and the occurrence of mites (Acari) in soil. The experiment was carried out in 2009-2010 in the Białe Błota forest nursery (Bydgoszcz Forest District) on proper rusty soil. The entire area of the experiment was irrigated with a stationary sprinkler. The beech seedlings on the plots where compost had been used as fertiliser were significantly taller than those growing on the plots where mineral fertilisers had been applied. Mulching increased the height of the seedlings significantly only in the last, third year of the study. The tallest three-year-old seedlings were found on the plots in which both of the tested procedures had been carried out. Neither of the factors under study had a significant effect on the diameter of the root neck in the second year of the nursery cultivation, but they increased it significantly in the third year. Fertilisation with compost with an addition of pine-tree bark increased the number of leaves per plant and the leaf area in two – and three-year-old seedlings. A beneficial and significant effect of mulching on these parameters was found in the third year of cultivation. A significantly positive effect of mulching on the mite gathering density was recorded in the second year of the nursery cultivation. However, both of the experimental factors had a positive effect on the occurrence of those arthropods in the third year of the study. Oribatid mites were the most numerous mite order and they were found in the greatest density on plots where mulching had been applied. Fertilisation and mulching increased the Oribatida/Actinedida ratio, which may indicate an improvement of the biological balance in the soil environment.
This study examined the effect of fertilisation with compost prepared from hygienised sludge with an addition of pine-tree bark and mulching with fresh forest ectohumus on selected growth parameters for two - and three-year-old Scots pine trees and on the incidence of mites (Acari) in the soil. The experiment was carried out in 2009-2010 in the Białe Błota forest nursery (Bydgoszcz Forest District) on proper rusty soil. The entire area of the experiment was irrigated with a stationary sprinkler. Organic fertilisation with compost prepared from hygienised sludge with an addition of pine-tree bark resulted in a significant increase in the plant height and the diameter of the root neck in two-year-old pine trees. The effect of mulching on these parameters was not significant. The synergistic effect of the factors on the plant height and the diameter of the root neck was not significant. Organic fertilisation significantly increased the height of 3-year-old pine trees, whereas it did not have a significant effect on the root neck diameter. Mulching increased the plant height significantly, but no statistical effect on the diameter of the root neck was demonstrated. Although no significant interaction of either experimental factors in their effect on the plant height and the diameter in the root neck was observed, the parameters tended to increase in the experimental option, which included organic fertilisation and mulching. Mulching had a significant effect on the presence of soil mites, especially oribatid mites (Oribatida). Their density increased greatly after the procedure. This growth, as well as an increase in the ratio of Oribatida to Actinedida could be a sign of improvement of the biological balance of the soils under study and their biological activity.
A field experiment was carried out in two vegetation seasons in the years 2012 and 2013 on very light soil at Kruszyn Krajeński, in the vicinity of Bydgoszcz, Poland. The aim of the study was to characterize morphological achenes and determine the fertility potential and real of cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) plants derived from micropropagation grown under irrigation. Low fertility real of cap plant resulted from the participation of infertile fruit-achenes it means devoid of the seeds. Due to the fact that this plant is entered on the list of invasive species, this property may be desirable during plantation establishment. As a result, the plant will not be so easy to penetrate into the ecosystem and will not pose a threat to native biodiversity.
The plant material were plants of sandy everlasting (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench) collected from natural locations in October 2012. Initial explants were apical buds enfolded into two leaves. Isolated explants were chemically sterilized. Reproducted shoots were divided and put into three types of mediums: medium MS (control) containing 37 mg P·dm-3, medium MS without additive of P (0,0 mg P·dm-3), medium MS with additional amound of P (74 mg P·dm-3). The aim of research was to specify the influence of phosphorus content in medium for choosen growth parameters and accumulation of assimilatory pigments: chlorophyll a, b, chlorophyll a+b, carotenoids. Analysis of these compounds were done spectrophotometrically. The made research, proved, that the richest in mentioned substances were microseedlings growing on the medium with increased amount of phosphorus. Phosphorus deficiency in medium MS had a statistically essential effect on changes in growth modifications of microseedlings of sandy everlasting (Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench). Additional amount of phosphorus in the medium had a statistically essential effect on increasing of chlorophyll a+b in comparison with plants growing on the medium MS with optimal phosphorus amount or without this element by accordinglly 36% and 23%. Moreover, it caused a growth of content of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids by accordinglly 18%, 32%, 20% in comparison with variant, where the medium MS without phosphorus was applied.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prezentujące wpływ wyboru funkcji sąsiedztwa (neighborhood function - NF) w sieciach Kohonena na jakość procesu uczenia się tych sieci. Celem badań jest określenie, która NF może być najefektywniej zrealizowana sprzętowo, a jednocześnie nie pogarsza jakości procesu uczenia się samoorganizujących się sieci neuronowych. Zbadano efektywność uczenia sieci Kohonena, korzystając z miary błędu kwantyzacji oraz błędu topograficznego. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych wyników dla czterech typów funkcji sąsiedztwa oraz trzech topologii warstwy wyjściowej sieci.
The paper presents an influence of the type of the neighborhood function (NF) on the learning process of the Kohonen neural networks. Four different NF and three topology have been compared. The objective was to determine which NF is the most efficient looking both from the transistor level implementation and the learning quality points of view. The effectiveness of the learning process of SOMs was assessed using two criteria: the quantization error and the topographic error.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prezentujące wpływ wyboru funkcji sąsiedztwa (neighborhood function - NF) w sieciach Kohonena na jakość procesu uczenia się tych sieci. Celem badań jest określenie, która NF może być najefektywniej zrealizowana sprzętowo, a jednocześnie nie pogarsza jakości procesu uczenia się samoorganizujących się sieci neuronowych. Zbadano efektywność uczenia sieci Kohonena, korzystając z miary błędu kwantyzacji oraz błędu topograficznego. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych wyników dla czterech typów funkcji sąsiedztwa oraz trzech topologii warstwy wyjściowej sieci.
The paper presents influence of a type of the neighborhood function (NF) on the learning process of the Kohonen neural networks. Four different NF and three topology were compared. The objective was to determine which NF is the most efficient looking both from the transistor level implementation and learning quality points of view. The effectiveness of the learning process of SOMs was assessed using two criteria: the quantization and topographic errors.
Celem pracy było podjęcie próby mikrorozmnażania rożnika przerośniętego w kulturach in vitro. W doświadczeniu zbadano zdolność kilku wybranych eksplantatów (fragmenty liścieni, ogonka liściowego, wierzchołki pędu) do regeneracji. Badane eksplantaty wykładano na pożywkę MS z dodatkiem regulatorów wzrostu: NAA (kwas naftylooctowy - auksyna) i BAP (6-benzyloami-nopuryna - cytokinina) w różnych kombinacjach stężeń. Najwięcej pędów bocznych rozwijało się z eksplantatów wierzchołkowych pędu na pożywce zawierającej 5 mg l -1BAP i 1mg l-1 NAA.
Cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) is a perennial herb belongs to Asteraceae family, and it is native only to middle and eastern part of USA and Canada. Cup plant was brought to Europe in the 18th century for its ornamental value. Nowadays, interest of this plant grows up because of its useful utilitarian traits. Cup plant may be cultivated as a medical plant, energetic plant, ornamental plant, melliferous plant and reclamation plant. At present, there is no enough seed of cup plants in Poland. The aim of present paper was in vitro micropropagation of cup plant, the regeneration ability of some explants of cup plant (cotyledon fragments, petiole fragments and shoot tips) was studied. Explants were cultured on Murashige i Skoog'a (MS) (1962) [17] medium with different concentration of NAA (1-naphthaleneacetic acid- auxin) and BAP (6-benzyloaminopurine - cytokinin). The lateral shoots were obtained from shoot tips explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 5 mgdm-3 BAP and l mg drrr3 NAA.
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