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In the present study, we address an important and increasingly relevant topic in mining safety and efficiency, namely the stability of open-pit bench slopes subjected to daily heavy truck cyclic loading. Specifically, we focus on the stability of Zhahanur open-pit slope (Inner Mongolia
region, China) and investigate the potential role of daily heavy truck cyclic loading in bench slope instability. To this end, we incorporate a stress corrosion model into the particle flow code to develop a time-dependent deformation model of the rock. With the established model, we quantitatively analyse the effect of heavy truck cyclic loading on the bench slope stability. Our results support the hypothesis that daily heavy truck loading can cause gradual downward deformation of a rock mass, leading to slope instability. To validate our numerical modelling results, we compare and analyse them with in situ monitoring data. Our study demonstrates the significant impact of daily heavy vehicles on bench slope stability in open-pit mines and provides a practical tool for assessing the long-term stability of open-pit bench slopes and optimising mining operations.
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