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Purpose: The main objective of the research conducted was to evaluate the image of the military as an employer in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The authors have identified shortcomings in the research results pertaining to the image of public organisations as employers. They have particularly noted the inadequacy of reports on the quality of the armed forces' image as an employer. In light of these observations, the authors have conducted a new research study to explore this issue in greater depth. With the use of the CATI and CAWI techniques, it was possible to identify the co-occurrence of psychological, economic and functional benefits resulting from possible entry into professional service, as well as to indicate the level of trust towards the military. Findings: The survey revealed that the military enjoys a generally positive image in Poland and a positive image as an employer. This translates into considering the military as an attractive employer and a trustworthy institution. From a social perspective, the attractiveness of the military is fuelled primarily by the military's vital role in the state in terms of maintaining the security of citizens, the certainty of employment and the attractiveness of the pension system. The possibility of early retirement is especially appreciated by those who perceive the situation in the local labour market as difficult. Research limitations/implications: The research was conducted among Pols, what means that only external image of the army as an employer was analysed. In the future studies it is worth to conduct research among employees, what gives an opportunity to compare those two perceptions (internal and external). Practical implications: Revealing the results of the research connected with the image of a public employer – the image of the army, gives a possibility to plan and organize activities toward shaping the better image of the army, implement changes in the employer branding process, as well as understanding the opinion of the generations on the labor market. Originality/value: The paper reveals the image of the army as an employer in the public opinion of Poles.
Istotnym czynnikiem determinującym wybór pracodawcy, mającym również wpływ na motywację pracowników, jest poziom oferowanego wynagrodzenia. Nie każdy pracownik za wykonywaną pracę w Polsce otrzymuje oczekiwane wynagrodzenie, przy czym oczekiwania te podyktowane mogą być wieloma różnymi czynnikami. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie oczekiwań finansowych pracowników w Polsce, weryfikacja ich zgodności ze stawkami rynkowymi oraz identyfikacja zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi pracowników w Polsce a zmiennymi niezależnymi, takimi jak płeć, pokolenie, wykształcenie, województwo, branża oraz miejsce zamieszkania. Cel osiągnięto poprzez analizę raportów GUS w zakresie wynagrodzeń oferowanych w Polsce oraz przeprowadzenie badań empirycznych, które umożliwiły pozyskanie danych w zakresie oczekiwań finansowych pracowników. Badania z zastosowaniem metody sondażu diagnostycznego i techniki CAWI na próbie 384 mieszkańców Polski zrealizowano w grudniu 2020 r. Następnie przeprowadzono analizy statystyczne z wykorzystaniem testu χ2. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że nie wszyscy pracownicy w Polsce mają szansę na zaspokojenie oczekiwań finansowych, co związane jest z różnorodnością wynagrodzeń w poszczególnych województwach. Dodatkowo w ramach badań ujawniono istnienie zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi Polaków a wykształceniem, branżą, w której funkcjonują, i miejscem zamieszkania – wielkością miejscowości/miasta. Nie wykryto natomiast zależności pomiędzy oczekiwaniami finansowymi a płcią badanych, przynależnością pokoleniową oraz województwem, w którym mieszkali respondenci.
An important factor determining the choice of an employer, which also influences the motivation of employees, is the remuneration offered. Not every employee receives the expected remuneration for the work performed in Poland, and these expectations may result from a number of different factors. The aim of the article is to present the financial expectations of employees in Poland. The author wanted to verify the compliance of expectations with market rates and to identify the relationship between the financial expectations of employees in Poland and independent variables such as gender, generation, education, voivodeship, industry, and place of residence. The goal was achieved by analyzing Statistics Poland’s reports on salaries and conducting empirical research that identified the financial expectations of Polish employees. Research using the diagnostic survey method using the CAWI technique on a sample of 384 Polish residents was carried out in December 2020. Then, statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test. The conducted research shows that not all employees in Poland have a chance to meet their financial expectations, which is related to the diversity of salaries in individual voivodeships. In addition, the research revealed a relationship between the financial expectations of Poles and the level of education, the industry in which employees operate, and the place of residence – the size of the town/city. However, no correlation was found between financial expectations and the sex of the respondents, generation affiliation, and the voivodeship in which the respondents lived.
Shaping the image of uniformed services is related to many conditions, including historical ones, stereotypes, or the opinion of circles that have often come into conflict with, for example, the Police. Thus, it is more difficult for uniformed services than for enterprises to influence their image in the eyes of society, the more so as the media often create specific messages through their reports. The image of each organization is a component of intellectual capital, which is a consolidated intangible resource. Managing this comprehensive intangible resource will result in, among other things, higher efficiency, increased innovation and creativity, greater involvement of staff, and the desire to self-improve, which will lead to shaping a better and better image. The study aims to present results of research on the image as an intangible resource as an intellectual capital element, and preliminary research on perceiving the image of the Police and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. They were carried out on a selected sample of young people.
Kształtowanie wizerunku służb mundurowych powiązane jest z wieloma uwarunkowaniami, także historycznymi, ze stereotypami, czy opinią środowisk, które niejednokrotnie popadały w konflikt np. z Policją. Z tego też względu służbom mundurowym trudniej niż przedsiębiorstwom wpływać na własny wizerunek w oczach społeczeństwa, tym bardziej, że niejednokrotnie media poprzez swoje reportaże kreują konkretne przekazy. Wizerunek każdej organizacji stanowi element składowy kapitału intelektualnego, który jest skonsolidowanym zasobem niematerialnym. Zarządzanie tym kompleksowym zasobem niematerialnym będzie w efekcie powodować między innymi większą sprawność działania, wzrost innowacyjności i kreatywności, większe zaangażowanie kadry i chęć do samodoskonalenia, co będzie skutkować kształtowaniem coraz lepszego wizerunku. Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badań dotyczących wizerunku jako zasobu niematerialnego, jako elementu kapitału intelektualnego oraz przedstawienie badań wstępnych w zakresie postrzegania wizerunku Policji i Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zrealizowanych na wybranej próbie młodych ludzi.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to show the course of the process of selecting candidates for police officers, along with the indication of the conditions of this process and the possible reasons for the current difficulties in obtaining the desired number of candidates for service in the Police forces. The main research problem took the form of a question: How does the process of selecting candidates for service in the Police proceed and what are the conditions of selection – reasons for difficulties in obtaining candidates for officers meeting specific competence requirements? Design/methodology/approach: This article has been prepared on the basis of the analysis of legal acts regulating the process of selecting candidates for officers, data presented by the Central Statistical Office, the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union of Police Officers, information provided on the websites of the Central Police Headquarters, Voivodeship Departments and press articles published on regional and nationwide web portals. Findings:. The results of the conducted studies allowed to identify the process of recruiting candidates for service as well as the conditions of selection - reasons for difficulties in obtaining candidates for officers meeting specific competence requirements. The process of recruiting candidates for service, consisting of different stages of the recruitment process, has been constructed in such a way that it is possible to verify both the physical and mental predispositions of future officers. Such a procedure allows eliminating those candidates who have competence gaps regarding the established competency profile of the police officer. Originality/value: The results of the conducting studies allowed the author to identify the reasons for difficulties in obtaining candidates for officers.
This article focuses on presenting the opinion of Generation Z, in terms of attributes of uniformed services as employers on the Polish labour market. The article was prepared on the basis of the results of empirical research carried out by means of a diagnostic survey method using the questionnaire technique, and was conducted in January 2019 on a sample of 100 people.
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