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Accurate reproduction of colors requires methods of calibrating a digital camera. In case of a camera which employs filters with spectral characteristics deduced from the color matching functions, a set of reference calibration colors must be used to obtain a conversion matrix between raw
data from imaging sensor and colorimetric tristimulus values XYZ, from which the output signal is formed. The XYZ camera used for testing of the presented calibration me thod is capable of acquiring colors accurately in the whole vision gamut due to its filters. However, the well-established color references, like the Macbeth Chart or other similar color checkers, are not entirely sufficient for the calibration due to their enclosure in smaller color gamut (HDTV - High Definition Television) than the whole vision gamut. The presented method is based on choosing the calibration colors by their spectral distributions, which are related with the spectral characteristics of the filters. The obtained result was found to be ?E=1.57 for the designed colors.
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