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The scientific issues that are the subject of this article are related to the assessment of the vibration damping efficiency of an aircraft engine installed on a test stand for the type of vibration isolator used. For this purpose, appropriate empirical tests were carried out on an aircraft internal combustion piston engine of the Rotax 912 type, under conditions of variable engine speed, for selected mounting locations of vibration transducers on the engine and its frame. The effectiveness of vibration isolation of vibrations generated by inertia forces was assessed, based on the proposed mathematical equations and the determination of the values of discrete impulse and energy measures describing them for accelerations, velocities and vibration displacements in various directions. Thanks to this, it became possible to perform a diagnostic assessment of the generation and propagation of vibrations and their isolation from the perspective of operational vibration loads on the object and its supporting structure, as well as in the context of the research reliability of the signal for a given type of damping of forces and moments of inertia.
The paper presents the course of research and analysis on the possibility of using time-frequency methods of acoustic signal processing to determine the speed of moving rail vehicles. An experiment was conducted in the form of a trackside pass-by test of the acoustic pressure emitted by passing trams representing the rolling stock of the Municipal Transport Company in Poznan. The recorded signal was then processed using the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), resulting in a scalogram that is a variation of the time-frequency characteristics. This made it possible to identify in the signal the travel time of individual bogies and their wheelsets, as well as the most sensitive value of the scale parameter. The waveform of the scalogram fragment for the selected value of the scale parameter was processed using the RMS envelope, and then the peak values were identified. Juxtaposing the obtained results with the knowledge of the structural dimensions of the tested vehicle, it was possible to determine its moving speed. To validate the results of the experiment, photocells located on both sides of the measurement track were used, which generated voltage when the test vehicle passed between them, allowing the determination of its average moving speed. The result of the study was the formulation of a method that can be used to determine the speed of a vehicle based on the time elapsed between the identification in the signal of the components corresponding to the passage of successive sets of wheels.
This paper proposes the use of vibroacoustic signal parameters to estimate the fuel consumption of a miniature GTM-400 engine. The method for testing engine vibrations is presented, followed by an analysis of the results obtained. Two vibration point measures were selected to build a fuel consumption model. The models obtained were verified, after which those that best describe the real fuel consumption of the engine were selected. The paper proves that the vibration signal, in addition to its applications in jet engine diagnostics, can be used to determine engine performance, which can contribute to reducing the complexity of construction and increasing the economics of engine operation.
The paper presents the course of investigations and the analysis of the possibility of applying selected methods of time frequency processing of non-stationary acoustic signals in the assessment of the technical condition of tram drive components, as well as a new combined method proposed by the authors. An experiment was performed in the form of a pass-by test of the acoustic pressure generated by a Solaris Tramino S105p tram. A comparative analysis has been carried out for an efficient case and a case with damage to the traction gear of the third bogie in the form of broken gear teeth. The recorded signal was analyzed using short-time Fourier transform (STFT) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). It was found that the gear failure causes an increase in the sound level generated by a given bogie for frequencies within the range of characteristic frequencies of the tested device. Due to the limitations associated with the fixed window resolution in STFT and the inability to directly translate scales to frequencies in CWT, it was found that these methods can be helpful in determining suspected damage, but are too imprecise and prone to errors when the parameters of both transforms are poorly chosen. A new CWT-Cepstrum method was proposed as a solution, using the wavelet transform as a pre-filter before cepstrum signal processing. With a sampling rate of 8192 Hz, a db6 mother wavelet, and a scale range of 1:200, the new method was found to infer the occurrence of damage in an interpretation-free manner. The results were validated on an independent pair of trams of the same model with identical damage and as a reference on a pair of undamaged trams demonstrating that the method can be successfully replicated for different vehicles.
The analysis of dynamic parameters finds effective application in processes related to the assessment of the technical condition of machines. Mass transport vehicles are particularly sensitive to maintaining an appropriate level of traffic safety through relevant design and diagnostics. The combination of numerical and experimental methods increases the efficiency of modal properties investigations, which can be used as diagnostic parameters. During the research, the authors performed a numerical model of a system composed of a rim and an inner disc of a wheel fitted in a Konstal 105Na tram, widely used in many polish cities and frequently subjected to repair and renovation processes. The Time Response analysis in SOLIDWORKS (also called Modal Time History) was then conducted, resulting in obtaining information about object vibration response in time domain to the impulsive excitation at given points. These signals were then processed in MATLAB aiming at determining the frequencies of natural vibration and damping ratios. The processing parameters in MATLAB were corresponding to the analysis settings of the experimental measurement, carried out within the BK Connect environment, with an impact modal hammer and piezoelectric transducers. When analyzing the experimental measurements, the authors applied Fast Fourier Transformation, Frequency Response Function and Complex Mode Indicator Function (the theoretical basis of which and practical sense of application were also presented in the paper). Finally, the results of the experiment were compared with simulation outcomes. This comparison allowed the obtainment of frequency characteristics of the vibration response to the impact and the determination of the dynamic parameters of the actual object. Six frequencies of natural vibrations were determined in the frequency range of 0 to 3000 Hz, as well as their damping ratios and autocorrelation indicators between modes. Similarities and potential sources of differences between the numerical and the experimental results were identified and explained, followed by conclusions on the practical application of the presented research methodology in the industry.
The study of the system composed of the inner disc and wheel rim of the 105Na type railway wheel, used in Polish Konstal streetcars, was aimed at determining the dynamic parameters of the object, such as the form and frequency of natural vibrations, and at evaluating the effectiveness of the method at given analysis settings. The experiment was conducted using triaxial piezoelectric transducers and a modal hammer with an aluminum head. A multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) testing approach was used because of the multiple excitation points and vibration measurements. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the measurements was performed in BK Connect software and the frequency response function (FRF) value waveforms were determined. The Rational Fraction Polynomial-Z method was used to extract modes from the frequency spectrum. In addition, the Complex Mode Indicator Function method was used, which resulted in the decomposition of the principal components of the FRF value matrix, allowing the identification of individual modes. The selection of the natural frequencies was performed on the basis of the obtained FRF and CMIF characteristics of the vibroacoustic response. Visualization of the form of the natural vibration was also performed. The result of the experiment was a set of comprehensive information on the modal properties of the studied object, which allowed to confirm the effectiveness of the selected method of analysis.
Contemporary operation-related requirements for combustion engines force the necessity of ongoing assessment of their in operation technical condition (e.g. marine engines). The engine efficiency and durability depend on a variety of parameters. One of them is valve clearance. As has been proven in the paper, the assessment of the valve clearance can be based on vibration signals, which is not a problem in terms of signal measurement and processing and is not invasive into the engine structure. The authors described the experimental research aiming at providing information necessary to develop and validate the proposed method. Active experiments were used with the task of valve clearance and registration of vibrations using a three-axis transducer placed on the engine cylinder head. The tests were carried out during various operating conditions of the engine set by 5 rotational speeds and 5 load conditions. In order to extract the training examples, fragments of the signal related to the closing of individual valves were divided into 11 shorter portions. From each of them, an effective value of the signal was determined. Obtained total 32054 training vectors for each valve related to 4 classes of valve clearance including very sensitive clearance above 0.8 mm associated with high dynamic interactions in cylinder head. In the paper, the authors propose to use a convolutional network CNN to assess the correct engine valve clearance. The obtained results were compared with other methods of machine learning (pattern recognition network, random forest). Finally, using CNN the valve clearance class identification error was less than 1% for the intake valve and less than 3.5% for the exhaust valve. Developed method replaces the existing standard methods based on FFT and STFT combined with regression calculation where approximation error is up to 10%. Such results are more useful for further studies related not only to classification, but also to the prediction of the valve clearance condition in real engine operations.
The article presents the research process and a feasibility analysis of using acoustic pressure as a diagnostic parameter in technical condition assessment of elements made of composite materials. An experiment was carried out in the form of a pulse test using a modal hammer to induce the system's vibroacoustic response. Large internal defects in the structure have been shown to cause changes in the characteristics of the Frequency Response Function (FRF) in the band below 8 kHz. The conducted analysis was used to prove that acoustic pressure can be effectively used in the diagnosis of elements made of composite materials.
W artykule zaprezentowano przebieg badań oraz analizę dotyczącą możliwości wykorzystania ciśnienia akustycznego jako parametru diagnostycznego w ocenie stanu technicznego elementów wykonanych z materiałów kompozytowych. Przeprowadzono eksperyment w postaci testu impulsowego z wykorzystaniem młotka modalnego jako wzbudnika odpowiedzi wibroakustycznej układu. Wykazano, że duże wewnętrzne ubytki w strukturze powodują zmiany charakterystyki funkcji odpowiedzi częstotliwościowej (Frequency Response Function, FRF) w paśmie poniżej 8 kHz. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy udowodniono, że ciśnienie akustyczne może być skutecznie wykorzystywane w diagnozie elementów wykonanych z materiałów kompozytowych.
The article presents the issues of interpretation of non-stationary vibroacoustic diagnostic signals. The reasons of the incomplete usefulness of the traditional analysis solely in the field of time or frequency for such cases are explained. The use of time-frequency methods is presented as the proposed solution. The literature was reviewed in aspect of the methods currently used or on which the research is carried out. Older applications, such as the short-time Fourier transform and more complex and contemporary applications such as the Hilbert-Huang transform, are mentioned. Further development directions were also assessed, taking into account the combination of methods and the use of artificial neural networks, assessing the latter as giving the greatest potential in aspect of the evolution of signal processing methods.
W artykule zaprezentowano problematykę interpretacji niestacjonarnych wibroakustycznych sygnałów diagnostycznych. Wyjaśniono przyczyny niepełnej przydatności tradycyjnej analizy wyłącznie w dziedzinie czasu lub częstotliwości dla takich przypadków. Jako proponowane rozwiązanie przedstawiono wykorzystanie metod czasowo-częstotliwościowych. Dokonano przeglądu literatury w aspekcie metod obecnie wykorzystywanych lub nad którymi prowadzone są badania. Wymieniono zarówno zastosowania starsze jak krótkoczasowa transformata Fouriera oraz bardziej złożone i współczesne jak transformata Hilberta-Huanga. Dokonano również oceny dalszych kierunków rozwoju z uwzględnieniem kombinacji metod oraz wykorzystania sztucznych sieci neuronowych oceniając te ostatnie jako dające największy potencjał w aspekcie ewolucji metod przetwarzania sygnałów.
The article presents the issues of collisions between wild animals and approaching trains. The reasons for the presence of animals on the tracks are explained and the potential threats to the environment and the safety of railway traffic are described. In order to reduce the chance of an accident involving animals, the various solutions are used: infrastructure (making animals difficult to enter the tracks) and stimulus (warning against the approaching train) and supporting methods that may increase the effectiveness of other measures. The analysis of the results of research carried out in various ecosystems around the world allowed to assess the effectiveness of the most popular methods of protecting fauna against the collision with a vehicle and the innovative solutions, taking into account the psychology of animals. Their use will allow to reach a compromise between the development of transport networks, traffic safety and reduction of the impact on the natural environment.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zderzeń dzikich zwierząt z nadjeżdżającymi pociągami. Wyjaśniono przyczyny obecności zwierząt na torowiskach i opisano potencjalne zagrożenia dla środowiska, jak i dla bezpieczeństwa ruchu kolejowego. W celu zmniejszenia zagrożenia wypadkiem z udziałem zwierząt stosuje się różne rozwiązania: infrastrukturalne (utrudniające wstęp zwierząt na tory) i bodźcowe (ostrzegające przed zbliżającym się pociągiem) oraz metody wspomagające, które mogą zwiększy skuteczność działania innych środków. Analiza wyników badań przeprowadzanych w różnych ekosystemach na całym świecie pozwoliła ocenić efektywność najpopularniejszych sposobów ochrony fauny przed zderzeniem z pojazdem oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązań, uwzględniających psychologię zwierząt. Zastosowanie ich pozwoli na osiągnięcie kompromisu pomiędzy rozwojem sieci transportowych, bezpieczeństwem ruchu i redukcją oddziaływania na środowisko naturalne.
The paper presents the method of assessment of the technical condition of the leading edge of the horizontal stabilizer of an F-16 Block C aircraft made from composite materials. The described method was an experimental measurement of the acoustic pressures generated by the technically operational element and the element with the distorted structural continuity and then a comparison of these pressures in the curves of time and frequency in order to assess how the damage impacts the parameters of the acoustic wave. The test was performed in a dual-channel system, the pressure was induced through impacts on the investigated element with an impact hammer and then, based on the measured induction parameters and the generated acoustic wave, the function of frequency response was calculated, based on which the authors assessed how the structural damage influenced the curve characteristics of the acoustic pressure in the domain of frequency. The described method may be used as an efficient method of non-destructive diagnostics of the airframe elements of an aircraft.
Artykuł przedstawia metodę oceny stanu technicznego krawędzi natarcia statecznika poziomego statku powietrznego F-16 Block C wykonanej z materiałów kompozytowych. Opisywaną metodę stanowił eksperymentalny pomiar ciśnienia akustycznego emitowanego przez element sprawny technicznie oraz element z naruszoną ciągłością struktury, a następnie porównanie ich przebiegu w domenie czasu oraz częstotliwości celem ustalenia w jaki sposób uszkodzenia wpływają na parametry emitowanej fali akustycznej. Badanie dokonywane było dwukanałowo, ciśnienie akustyczne wzbudzane było za pomocą uderzeń w badany element za pomocą młotka modalnego, następnie na podstawie zmierzonych parametrów wzbudzania oraz wywołanego nim fali akustycznej obliczono funkcję odpowiedzi częstotliwości, na podstawie której określono jak uszkodzenie struktury wpływa na przebieg charakterystyki ciśnienia akustycznego w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Opisywana metoda może służyć za skuteczną metodę diagnostyki nieniszczącej elementów płatowca statku powietrznego.
The paper presents the effects of the application of an experimental impulse test as a method of diagnosis of the technical condition of an SO-3 engine turbine blade fitted in a TS-11 Iskra aircraft. The aim of the test was to investigate the frequency characteristics of the blades and discuss differences between the frequency spectrum of the investigated component before and after its damage. The acoustic response measurements were performed to the signal generated by an impact hammer on the fully functional and intentionally damaged blades. The recorded signals were converted from the domain of time to the domain of frequency using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The results of the FFT were the Frequency Response Functions (FRF) of the sound of the blades, based on which the statistical analysis of the resonance frequencies was carried out. The influence of the mechanical damage of the blade on the shape and characteristics of the frequency spectrum was confirmed, which substantiated the effectiveness of the impulse test in the diagnostic assessment of jet engine components.
The occuring vibrations during the transport of fruit and vegetables contributes to damage and accelerates their deterioration. In order to protect transported products against negative changes caused by vibrations during transport, it is necessary to know the values of these vibrations. The article presents the identified characteristic parameters of the vibration signal during transport of fruit and vegetables. The experimental investigations of the actual mechanical loads were carried out on various roads during transport by selected vehicles. Vibration spectra that represented the relation between the acceleration amplitudes and the vibration frequencies were obtained and analyzed. The vibration spectral analysis identified characteristic repetitive values of vibration signal parameters.
A dynamic advancement of the design of combustion engines generates a necessity of introduction of strategies of operation based on the information related to their technical condition. The paper analyzes problems related to vibration based diagnostics of valve clearance of a piston combustion engine, significant in terms of its efficiency and durability. Methods of classification have been proposed for the assessment of the valve clearance. Experiments have been performed and described that aimed at providing information necessary to develop and validate the proposed methods. In the performed investigations, the vibration signals were obtained from a triaxial accelerometer located in the engine cylinder head. A parameterization of the obtained vibration signal has been carried out for the engine operating under different engine loads, rotation speeds and valve clearance settings. The parameterization pertained to the specific features of the vibration signals, the derivative of the vibration signal as a function of time as well as the envelope of this derivative. In the first approach, the authors developed a classifier in the form of a set of binary trees that additionally allowed distinguishing the features significant in terms of the identification of adopted classes. For comparison, the authors also developed classifiers in the form of a neural network as well as a k-nearest neighbors algorithm using the Euclidean metric. Based on the performed investigations and analyses a method of valve clearance assessment has been proposed.
Dynamiczny rozwój konstrukcji silników spalinowych generuje potrzebę wprowadzenia strategii eksploatacji jednostek napędowych, opartej na znajomości ich stanu technicznego. W artykule poddano analizie zagadnienia, związane z drganiową diagnostyką luzu zaworów tłokowego silnika spalinowego, istotnego ze względu na efektywność pracy silnika i jego trwałość. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie metod klasyfikacji do oceny poprawności luzu zaworowego. Przeprowadzono i opisano eksperymenty, które miały na celu dostarczenie informacji koniecznych do zbudowania i zweryfikowania zaproponowanych metod. W przeprowadzonych badaniach pozyskano sygnały drganiowe z trójosiowego czujnika przyspieszeń drgań zlokalizowanego na głowicy silnika. Dokonano parametryzacji uzyskanych przebiegów czasowych sygnału drganiowego dla silnika pracującego pod różnym obciążeniem, z różnymi prędkościami obrotowymi oraz z różnymi luzami zaworowymi. Parametryzacja dotyczyła zarówno cech sygnału przyspieszeń drgań, pochodnej przyspieszeń drgań względem czasu jak i obwiedni tej pochodnej. W pierwszym podejściu zbudowano klasyfikator w postaci zbioru drzew binarnych, który przy okazji pozwolił na wyodrębnienie istotnych, ze względu na przyjęte klasy, cech. Dla porównania zbudowano także klasyfikatory w postaci sieci neuronowej jak i algorytmu k – najbliższych sąsiadów z metryką euklidesową. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań i analiz zaproponowano metodę oceny luzu zaworowego.
The dynamic development of internal combustion engine design and requirements for high reliability generates the need to apply a strategy of their operation based on the current technical condition. The paper concerns vibration diagnostics of automatic compensators of valve lash of a combustion engine. It presents the course of an active experiment conducted in order to develop a methodology for identifying the state of compensators based on measures of vibration signals measured at the engine head. Based on the results of the experiment, a classifier was developed in the form of a decision tree, which with high accuracy identified the technical condition of the compensators. The set of simple rules obtained thanks to the built up trees allows for easy implementation of the diagnostic system in practice.
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