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Theory decision under uncertainty applies different methods to predict future events, physical measurements, which are already unknown. The paper shows one of the decision-making methods in conditions of severe uncertainty in application to a problem. Some aspects of the robustness and opportuneness functions of Info-Gap Theory are presented and used to evaluate the example of efficient fuel allocation. A general outline of decision analysis is presented, including its orientation and models.
The fuzzy numbers arise in decision making, control theory, fuzzy systems and approximate reasoning problems. The operations on them are becoming more and more popular. The aim of this paper is to present the fuzzy arithmetic operations on fuzzy numbers in a new way, using the horizontal membership functions (HMFs). The horizontal membership functions enable to introduce uncertain, interval or fuzzy variable-values together with crisp values in arithmetic operations without using Zadeh's extension principle. Thus, a relatively easy aggregation of crisp and uncertain knowledge has become possible. The numerical example of this developed method is also provided.
Content available remote Multi-attribute decision making method used in an acquisition of real estate
The real estate market is constantly changing and there are more and more factors to be taken into account. Hence it is often necessary to seek new tools of analysis. The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the possible use of multi-attribute decision making method in the study of complex phenomena connected with an acquisition of real estate. A general outline of decision analysis is presented, including its orientation and model, as well as general characteristics of the method – ELECTRE III. The author believes that this paper is a good basement to lead the further researches showing an assessment of this method applicability and of possible domains where can be of use.
Rynek nieruchomości ciągle się zmienia i pojawia się coraz więcej czynników, które należy brać pod uwagę, dlatego konieczne jest poszukiwanie nowych narzędzi do analizy. Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na możliwość wykorzystania wieloatrybutowej metody podejmowania decyzji w badaniu złożonego procesu związanego z zakupem nieruchomości. W artykule przedstawiono ogólny zarys procesu decyzyjnego, w tym model decyzyjny, a także charakterystykę użytej metody – ELECTRE III. Autorka uważa, że artykuł ten może być dobrą podstawą do prowadzenia dalszych badań, pokazując użyteczność tej metody i wskazując możliwe kierunki wykorzystania.
Decision-making is an integral part of technical problem-solving. In this study, two decision theories, which are capable to deal with uncertain information – Info-Gap Theory and RDM (Relative-Distance-Measure) interval arithmetic, are presented. The paper shows some aspects of the robustness function and uses each approach to evaluate the example of charging car battery. The comparison of Info-Gap Theory and RDMarithmetic not only improves understanding of these methods, it also suggests some broader insights into robustness understanding.
Podejmowanie decyzji jest nieodłączną częścią rozwiązywania technicznych problemów. W artykule zaprezentowano dwie metody, które rozwiązują problemy z niepewnymi danymi – Teoria Luk Informacyjnych i arytmetyka interwałowa RDM (Relative-Distance-Measure). Przedstawiono działanie każdej z metod na przykładzie ładowania akumulatora samochodowego. Porównanie Teorii Luk Informacyjnych i arytmetyki RDM nie tylko umożliwia głębsze poznanie tych metod, ale również sugeruje pewne szersze spojrzenie na rozwiązywanie problemów w warunkach niepewności.
The problem of finding an appropriate transportation plan for a transport company collaborating with a window manufacturer to reduce transport costs by minimizing the total distance travelled and to provide a minimum car fleet has been presented. The problem involves 3 major manufacturing bases and 15 local storehouses located in all the remaining Polish provincial capitals. Taking into account the fact that some of the parameters of the model may not be accurate due to uncertainty, fuzzy coefficients are used. Using this fuzzy model, optimistic, semi-pessimistic and pessimistic approaches are considered.
The paper presents results of floristic investigation conducted within the territory of waste dumps in Lower Silesia: landfill of municipal waste Wrocław-Maślice, post-metallurgic waste heap in Siechnice, serpentine dumping grounds in Grochów and slag heaps in Bielawa. The investigated flora was analyzed with regard to species composition, participation of geographical-historical groups, live forms (according to classification by Raunkiaer), as well as selected ecological factors: light indicator (L), thermal indicator (T), soil moisture (W), trophic indicator (Tr), soil reaction (pH), value of resistance to increased heavy metals content (M). On 4 waste dumps there were found 269 species of vascular plants, belonging to 51 families. Only 5 species occurred on 4 sites, which provides for 2% of all plants recorded. The most numerous families are Asteraceae, Poaceae and Fabaceae. Apophytes dominate in waste dumps flora Hemicryptophytes are the most numerous group. Analysis of the floras (selected ecological factors) of investigated objects has shown general similarities, but also apparent differences. The most significant differences concerned two parameters: trophism (Tr) and resistance to increased heavy metals content (M).
Eksploatacja kopalin, rozwój przemysłu i urbanizacji powodują znaczną degradację powierzchni Ziemi, przez składowanie różnego typu odpadów. Zdegradowane przez przemysł obszary, w postaci zwałów, hałd, czy zwałowisk, stały się interesującymi obiektami badań roślinności siedlisk antropogenicznych [7, 8, 14, 28]. Tereny te przedstawiają także dużą wartość przyrodniczą, ze względu na możliwość dokumentowania faktów i zjawisk geologicznych oraz specyficznych fitocenoz [6, 8, 16, 20]. Zwały i wyrobiska to także swoiste „poletka doświadczalne”, miejsca służące do obserwacji procesów zachodzących podczas spontanicznej sukcesji, związanych z wkraczaniem gatunków pionierskich, czy też mechanizmów rozwoju zespołów roślinnych [2, 6, 8, 16, 20 27]. Podejmowane do tej pory badania dotyczyły głównie obiektów o podobnej genezie. Niniejsza praca prezentuje natomiast wyniki florystycznych obserwacji prowadzonych na obszarze 4 zwałowisk, zdecydowanie różniących się pochodzeniem i składowanym materiałem. Celem opracowania jest porównanie roślinności zasiedlającej wybrane obiekty.
The paper presents a new method of decision-making in conditions of severe uncertainty in application to a problem. The method has not been introduced in Poland yet and is still in the early development stage in Europe. Because the method is difficult to understand it was illustrated by the example of its application to evaluation of the project duration time. The paper also presents a proposal of decoupling a hypothesis relating to an outcome from the outcome itself in form of the incompatibility function of the hypothesis.
Badaniom poddano fragment torfowisk niskich koło Byczyny. Na omawianym terenie można wyróżnić trzy różne części: doły potorfowe, stara betonowa droga dojazdowa i otwarta część torfowiska. Ogółem rozpoznano 34 gatunki roślin należące do 7 klas fitosocjologicznych. Wydobywanie torfu w widoczny sposób wpłynęło na roślinność torfowiska. Na otwartej części rozwinął się głównie zespół Caricetum paniculatae charakterystyczny dla zmineralizowanego podłoża organicznego. O zachodzącym procesie mineralizacji świadczy także obecność gatunku Urtica dioica. Analiza stratygraficzna wykazała, że proces torfotwórczy rozpoczął się w bardzo płytkim zagłębieniu o zmiennym poziomie wody. W trakcie rozwoju torfowiska wielokrotnie miały miejsce pożary. W warstwie torfu do 50 cm występują wyraźne cechy procesu murszenia, a w wierzchniej 15 cm warstwie torfu zaznacza się obecność nasion, Urtica dioica, co potwierdza zmiany degeneracyjne zachodzące na powierzchni torfowiska.
The subject of investigations was the fragment of fen peatland located near Byczyna. On this site there are three different parts: cut-over bogs, old-paved-driveway and opened part of the fen peatland. There were 34 species of plants recognized belonging to the 7 phytosociological classes. The Mine of peat visibly affected on the plant vegetation of peatland. The plant communities of species belonging to Caricetum paniculatae developed mainly in the open part of investigated area and is characteristic for mineralized organic substrate. The occurrence of the process of mineralization is also presence of the species Urtica dioica. The stratigraphy analysis showed that the peat forming process started in a very shallow depression characterized by variable water level. During peatland developing the fires occured in this area repeatedly. The clear features of moorshing process appear in a peat layer reaching to 50 cm of depth. The presence of seeds such as Urtica dioica, in the 15-cm-layer of peat, confirms the occurrence of degeneration on the surface of fen peatland.
The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the possible use of Info-gap theory. This theory assists a decision maker to develop preferences, assess risks and opportunities, or choose sources of information under severe uncertainty. In this paper the characteristic of Info-gap theory is presented and main models are characterized and described. One of the medical decision problem and its alternative development scenarios are presented and solved using Infogap theory. Finally, conclusions and further research directions are presented.
A prospective brown coal mine "Legnica" is to be responsible for forming a depression funnel which can cover "Ścinawskie Swamps" where 26 herbaceous plant species forming 7 communities were recognized, among others: Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum gracilis and Acoretum calami. Investigated wetland characterizes changeable level of water which brings about the presence of as many as 30.77% species connected with Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. The half of taxa belongs to synantropic species, while 50% are non - synantropic ones. The area of "Ścinawskie Swamps" can be assessed as featuring moderately high nature values and, therefore worth further protection as ecological areas.
Planowana kopalnia węgla brunatnego "Legnica" ma być odpowiedzialna za powstanie leja depresyjnego, w obrębie którego mogą znaleźć się "Bagna Ścinawskie". Rozpoznano na nich 26 gatunków roślin zielnych tworzących 7 zespołów m. in.: Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum gracilis, Acoretum calami. Omawiane mokradło charakteryzuje się zmiennym poziomem wody, co powoduje występowanie aż 30,77% gatunków związanych z klasą Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Spośród taksonów występujących na badanym obszarze połowę stanowią gatunki synantropijne, pozostałe to gatunki nie synantropijne. Obszar "Bagien Ścinawskich" można uznać jako obszar o umiarkowanie dużych walorach przyrodniczych, czyli w pełni zasługujący na dalszą ochronę jako użytek ekologiczny.
The subject of investigations was the fragment of low peatland complex located close to Miękinia, about 30 km from Wrocław. Within the range of the examined area of peat bog complex there can be distinguished three parts differing in their utilization and composition of species, namely: 1/ the area degraded by the attempt to afforest it with alder trees Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner, 2/ occasionally used bog hay meadow and 3/ typical peat forming phytocenosis. Total number of determined species, belonging to 11 phytosociological classes, ranged 77, out of which more than a half constitute representatives of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. As far as a non-afforested area was concerned, there were determined 5 phytocenosis, including 4 classified as peat forming ones and one typical for post-bog meadows (Alopecuretum pratensis). The afforested area featured herbaceous plant composition which indicated that the area with Alopecuretum pratensis phytocenosis had been degraded. Analysis of environmental requirements, done with the use of ecological numbers, proved that prevailing number of species characterize similar requirements. It was mainly afforested part to feature taxons of broader ecological scale, e.g. Polygonum bistora L., Carex hirta L. and Plantago lanceolata L. The afforested area was purchased by a private person, therefore it can be assumed that the reason for such a way of peatlands utilization was obtaining EU subsidies at minimum work effort. A higher financial profit, however, would have been made by the owner if he had maintained a bog area as an extensive meadow.
One of the functions of roadside tree planting is biodiversity protection. The analysis often alleys from Lower Silesia region confirmed their floristic wealth. Nineteen tree species and five shrub species were recognized. Planted species forming alleys are predominant among sites was different, but two alleys attract an attention with their compositional arrangement: chestnut lane in Staroscin ended with a group of old, monumental oaks surrounding a historic figure, and two-part lane in Biestrzykowice. The cherry alley in Dąbrowa Namysłowska should be covered by a special care since there are less and less alleys of this type. Floristic diversity may be seen especially clearly in the case of roadside herbaceous plants. In all analysed sites 123 species of herbaceous plant belonging to 32 families were recognised. The number of individuals from particular families was varied. The most abundant were aster family (Asteraceae), blue grass family (Poaceae) and pea family (Fabaceae). High diversity is also confirmed by the fact that only two species were present in all ten alleys, while as much as 49% of species were observed once only. Among recognized species, the predominant are those characteristic for roadsides, however also another ones from neighbouring areas may be found. The alleys may also be a place of protected species occurrence bear's-garlic ( Allium ursinum) or ones characteristic for quite other kinds of sites triangle pink (Dianthus deltoides).
Zmiany florystyczne, zachodzące na ulegających degradacji obszarach bagiennych i pobagiennych, mogą znaleźć odbicie w zestawie makroszczątków. Wyraźnie powinno się to zaznaczyć w obrębie stropowej warstwy złoża. Badaniom stratygraficznym poddano fragmenty 3 profili torfowych, z których dwa pochodziły z Dolnego Śląska [Góry Izerskie i Milicz], a jeden z Pojezierza Zachodniopomorskiego [okolice Gryfina]. Analizowano odcinki profili ok. 50 cm, które obejmowały także niezdegradowaną część złoża. Badania wykazały, że zestaw makroszczątków umożliwia oddzielenie warstwy torfu poddanego procesowi murszenia od niezmienionej części złoża. Zaznaczyły się pewne różnice - w odniesieniu do Milicza i Czarnowa wystarczająco jasny obraz dała analiza materiału karpologicznego, natomiast w Górach Izerskich jedynie obecność korzeni trzcinnika owłosionego (Calamagrostis villosa (Chaix) J. F. Gmel) sygnalizowała rozpoczęcie fazy decesji. Nasiona gatunków takich, jak sit rozpierzchły [Juncus effusus L.], sit skupiony [Juncus conglomeratus L.], jaskier ostry [Ranunculus acris L.], wąkrota zwyczajna [Hydrocotyle vulgaris L.] czy koniczyna biała [Trifolium repens L.], mogą być traktowane jako swoiste wskaźniki, wyznaczające zasięg warstwy murszu.
Floristic changes characteristic for the degradation of wetlands may be reflected by plant macroremains found in peat. The changes should be particularly distinct in the superficial muck layers. In this study three peat profiles were examined: two from Lower Silesia [the Izera Mountains and the town of Milicz] and one from West Pomerania [Czarnowo near Gryfino]. Analysed sections were 50 cm deep, i.e. they included the non-degraded part of peat deposit. The study showed that characteristic set of plant macro-remains may help distinguishing peat layer that was subject to mucking from non-degraded part of peat deposit. Some differences were observed: the analysis of seeds and fruit plants in Milicz and Czarnowo gave sufficiently clear picture, while in the Izera Mountains the beginning of the decession phase was only signalled by the presence of Calamagrostis villosa roots. The seeds of e.g. Juncus effusus, Juncus conglomeratus, Ranunculus acris, Hydrocotyle vulgaris and Trifolium repens may be treated as specific indicators showing the muck layer range.
Thermal degradation of the low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP) and the municipal waste plastics was investigated. The thermo-catalytic degradation of LDPE and PP was studied in the presence of the following catalysts: four different types of montmorillonite: K5, K10, K20, K30 and – for comparison – zeolites (natural – clinoptilolite, Y Na+ and YH+). Thermal analyses TG-DTA-MS of polymers and polymercatalyst mixtures were carried out in an argon flow atmosphere in isothermal and dynamic conditions. The following order was found: in lowering the reaction temperature for LDPE degradation YH+> mK5 > mK20 = mK30 >mK10 > NZ > YNa+; for PP degradation: mK20 > mK5 = mK30 >mK10 > YH+> NZ >YNa+. The activity tests were carried out in a stainless steel batch reactor under atmospheric pressure in a wide temperature range of up to 410°C, and using the atmosphere of argon flow. The liquid products were analysed by the GC-MS method. The hydrocarbons in the liquid products from thermal degradation of polymers were broadly distributed in the carbon fractions of C8 to C26 – for LDPE and C6 to C31for PP.
Thermo-catalytic degradation of low density polyethylene (PE-LD) was studied in the presence of the natural zeolite - clinoptilolite. The effect of carbon deposition on the catalyst activity was also investigated. It was observed that the PE-LD degradation process over clinoptilolite proceeded at shorter time and lower temperature. The catalyst activity tests were carried out in argon in a stainless steel batch reactor at temperature, up to 410 ° C at ambient pressure. The decomposition products were classified into three groups: gases, liquids and solid-like residues. The liquid products were analysed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry GC/MS method. A shift towards lower molecular mass products was observed in reactions with fresh clinoptilolite. The application of this catalyst in thermal degradation of PE-LD leads to lower alkane to alkene ratios and inhibits the formation of cyclohydrocarbons. The presence of carbon deposit on the surface of re-used clinoptilolite leads to higher ratio of saturated to unsaturated hydrocarbons, but neither did it significantly change reaction temperature nor the phase composition of the reaction products.
Przeprowadzono badania dotyczące zastosowanie naturalnego zeolitu - klinoptylolitu jako katalizatora reakcji rozkładu termicznego polietylenu małej gęstości (PE-LD), a także wpływu depozytu węglowego na powierzchni tego katalizatora na jego aktywność w badanej reakcji. Stwierdzono, że klinoptylolit jest bardzo efektywnym katalizatorem termokatalitycznej degradacji PE-LD umożliwiającym obniżenie temperatury reakcji, skrócenie czasu jej trwania jak i zwiększenie selektywności reakcji w kierunku produktów ciekłych. Testy katalityczne prowadzone były w reaktorze ze stali nierdzewnej w atmosferze przepływającego argonu, pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym do temperatury 410 ° C. Otrzymane produkty reakcji termokatalitycznej degradacji PE-LD podzielono na trzy grupy: gazowe, ciekłe i stałe. Ciekłe produkty analizowane były za pomocą chromatografu gazowego sprzężonego ze spektrometrem mas (GC/MS). Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie "świeżego" klinoptylolitu w badanej reakcji sprzyja otrzymywaniu lżejszych węglowodorów, zmniejsza stosunek ilościowy alkanów do alkenów i niemalże eliminuje cykloalkany z produktów ciekłych. Kilkakrotne zastosowanie tej samej próbki katalizatora w reakcji rozkładu PE-LD skutkuje zwiększeniem stosunku ilościowego węglowodorów nasyconych do nienasyconych w produktach degradacji oraz niewielkim wzrostem zawartości węglowodorów cyklicznych, ale nie wpływa znacząco na czas i temperaturę prowadzenia procesu, a także na skład fazowy otrzymanych produktów.
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Motorization development causes that more and more modern roads are being built. One can say that they often occupy the space of previous interesting types of old roads like f.e. those cobbled with fieldstones or with irregular granite flagstones, often with so called shoulde (wide sandy part along the road). They are usually copsed with trees, and create beautiful lanes. Their charm is sometimes appreciated and are covered by a legal protection, like in the case "Warcianka road" (between Murzynowo and two other villages: Warcin and Debin in Lubuskie wo-jwodshaft. There are also old roads-streets or small and narrow streets in the big cites. Some of them disappear (according authorities' decisions or by nature), other are carefully preserved f.e. Wysoka Street in Poznań.
The physicochemical properties of cobalt dispersed catalysts (10-30 wt.% of Co) on supports (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3) for Fischer - Tropsch synthesis have been investigated. The supported metal catalysts were prepared by the wet impregnation method. Catalysts and their precursors were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometer (TG-DTA-MS), BET and TPR methods. It was found that specific surface area of Co3O4 supported on different supports SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3 decreased for all catalysts in function of increasing metal loading. The decomposition of catalysts precursor Co(NO3)2/support takes place according to three step process: dehydration, oxidative decomposition of cobalt(II) nitrate to Co3O4 and high temperature reductive decomposition of Co3O4 to CoO. Two-step hydrogen reduction of supported cobalt oxide phase occurs in the following sequence: Co3O4 → CoO → Co.
A lot of beautiful lanes can be found in Lubin commune in Lower Silesia. Six of them, selected in the way that enables showing the trees differentiation resulting from localization, species composition and age, were analyzed. Quercus petrea, Populus x canadensis, Quercus rubra, Acer platanoides, Aesculus hippocastaneum, Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos, Salix alba, Prunus avium and Alnus glutinosa were used for planting. Trees were set in one-species alleys, multi-species alleys with mixed individuals of particular species, and also in a more decorative manner, so that each of the species created a separate espalier. The most interesting one in respect of the arrangement and adaptation for performer function was a three-part lane in Liściec, regarding its decorative values - two-species (chestnut-maple) stand densely situated along the road from Chojnów to Karczowiska. Just there Acer platanoides and Aesculus hippocastaneum create separate espaliers on both sides of the road. The preservation state of plants is not the same. Cherry (in Chróstnik) and willow (in Bukowno) lines are slowly disappearing from the agricultural landscape, which is most upsetting. Well-kept lanes, where all gaps caused by falling trees are refilled up-to-date, are met relatively rare; the trees planted along the estate road to a palace in Krzeczyn Mały are such a praiseworthy exception. Not the health status of trees, but the fact that they are growing too close to roadways is the reason for anxiety as to the future of some lanes. Trees were planted along the roads which looked different than nowadays, and fitted for different road traffic. Old trees are especially amazing. For that reason, many trees that reached dimensions qualifying them as nature monuments can be found there. It is worth trying to give them legal protection, and especially care about those species that are more and more seldom found by the roads, such as cherry and willow.
Park in Dłużek, established at a turn of XVIII and XIX century, was inscribed into monuments register in 1977. Unfortunately it is not under a proper care, elements of a spatial composition are being fading away and it is more and more transforming into wood-park. In such a situation, not only trees, but herb plants as well are decorative elements. A definite majority of trees in the park are representatives of a national flora. Thirty three species of threes and bushes were found in total, including only 3 species of gymnosperm. Park in Dłużek should be included into moderately rich ones from the point of view of dendroflora. It is an old premise, so as many as 20 trees (from 4 species) could be covered with a protection as nature monuments. Relief of the ground where the park had been established is diversified. Herb plants have a huge influence on the appearance, not only in woodland part, but on clearings, in streams and ponds as well. A hundred species belonged to 34 families were fund, including some very decorative ones, like snowdrop Galanthus nivalis, wood anemone Anemone nemorosa, wood violet Viola reichenbachiana, Water Forget- -me-not Myosotis palustris, Narrow Leaf Cattail Typha angustifolia, common reed Phragmites australis. There are 4 species under a legal protection in the park, that definitely increases a natural value. The lack of funds for a restoration to an old splendour is a problem of numerous old premises. However, nothing stands on the way to design composition elements increasing decorative values.
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