Purpose: Problems related to the aging of the population have not only social but also economic consequences. It is therefore important to draw the attention of governments and social organizations to undertaking initiatives aimed at activating elderly people and, if possible, keeping them on the labor market. The idea of U3A is rich, widespread and firmly rooted in the educational system of many countries. Universities of the Third Age (UTW), established in the world since 1973, and in Poland since 1975, play a special role in solving social problems related to counteracting social exclusion and activation of the elderly. Methodology: A trend model for the increase in the number of seniors was determined. In order to assess the phenomenon of the development of universities of the third age, dynamic indicators were used and the average rate of change of the phenomenon was determined. Findings: The aim of the article was to present the development of UTAs in Poland in dynamic and spatial terms. The conducted analysis shows that U3A enjoy great interest in Poland. The offer of universities was regionally diversified both in terms of the number of operating universities, organizational and legal form and the number of people interested in classes offered by the U3A.
Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate Polish farmers’ interest in running a care farm, which could allow them to obtain additional funding. The main purpose of the study was to diagnose the knowledge and ideas of farmers about care farms. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis used secondary data from the Central Statistical Office and reports. A CATI survey was also conducted on a group of 500 farmers. Findings: Few respondents (12.8%) were interested in running a care farm, and only 30% of those who declared a willingness to expand their core business have rooms that they could allocate for the additional services. Over half of the respondents were inclined to allocate up to 20,000 PLN towards adjusting their facilities to the needs of elderly visitors. These farmers believed that seniors should be offered a range of activities, from walks to light farm labour. In addition, the respondents recognised the need to provide the elderly with medical consultations and rehabilitation services. Research limitations/implications: A small percentage of respondents interested in running a care farm may lack the knowledge about the new business. It is recommended to conduct research in a deliberately selected group of farmers – participants of workshops on care farms. Social implications: Economic activation through managing the non-agricultural functions of rural areas is a contemporary challenge for rural and agricultural development. Originality/value: This article presents research on social innovation in rural areas related to the development of standards of operation and management of the care farm model.
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