The study aimed to identify difficulties in choosing the correct concept of the main building process. The use of a proper BIM design may help the user avoid mistakes and make the building process faster as well as less financial resource intensive. The authors focused on literature review, analysing the difficulties of the BIM design software technology in construction project planning. The biggest flaws in BIM design are inherent in three building process stages: 1) the preparation of a building investment project, and the analysis of the existing situation; 2) the preparation of the building execution technology project; 3) the existing standard processing and information collection in building exploitation period. The analysis shows a persistent need for a deeper BIM design research, to improve information interchange formats that would ensure as much design information saved as possible with ensured feedback. As well as in BIM design, the software packages must be improved by supplementing them with deficient tools or programme codes. After the research of BIM design software, it was determined that architectural, constructional and MEP programs work best interdependently and get analysed the most. These programs work best as they make the least number of mistakes when the model is created in one setting and has many tools. This type of design software data is kept internally, and they are converted into IFC or other information interchange format. Without changing the format, the data is not lost, and this is the reason behind fluent information interchange.
W dobie znacznego rozwoju technologii informatycznych oraz szeroko pojętej telekomunikacji, w budownictwie pojawiła się naturalna konieczność opracowania i wdrożenia jednolitego systemu modelowania informacji cyfrowej. Szybki rozwój technologii projektowania w dziedzinie architektury, inżynierii i budownictwa stale dostosowywał aparat pojęciowy dotyczący modelowania informacji o budynku i budowlach (BIM). Technologia BIM przyjmuje nową definicję jako uniwersalne narzędzie opisu poszczególnych elementów inteligentnego, wirtualnego modelu 3D obiektu budowlanego, łącząc w sobie szereg kolejnych etapów związanych z procesem inwestycyjnym, takich jak optymalizacja i spełnienie wymagań projektowanie, budowa, eksploatacja i rozbiórka. W artykule autorzy dokonują przeglądu poszczególnych etapów i trendów rozwoju koncepcji BIM na przykładzie czterech studiów przypadków rzeczywistych przedsięwzięć budowlanych, w których elementy technologii BIM zostały zaadoptowane przez uczestników przedsięwzięcia. W artykule przedstawiono zarówno korzyści, jak i problemy wynikające w praktycznej realizacji BIM, wskazując jednocześnie rekomendacje dla przyszłych użytkowników.
In the era of great development of information technologies and the wider telecommunications, appeared a natural need to develop and implement a unified system of digital building information modeling. The rapid development of design technology in the field of architecture, engineering and construction, continuously adapt the conceptual apparatus for building information modeling and buildings (BIM). BIM Technology adopts a new definition, as a universal tool for describing various elements of intelligent virtual 3D model of a building combining a series of sequential steps related to the investment, such as requirements of design, construction, operation and demolition optimizations and preparations. In the article, the authors review the different stages and trends in the development of BIM concept based on the example of the four case studies of real estate projects in which BIM elements have been adopted by the participants of the project. The article presents both benefits and problems arising in the practical implementation of BIM, indicating the recommendations for future users
The aim of this article is to analyze BIM technologies need to the design companies. Increased effectiveness of design companies using BIM was assessed. Article discusses BIM design challenges, barriers, problems and solutions. In order to assess the need of BIM technologies for design companies right, 10 BIM programs using companies designers were interviewed. Also there were identified factors which influence design firms to implement BIM programs. According to the respondents the greatest influence of BIM software installation for their company had calculations of 3D construction. Furthermore, there was assessed the increased effectiveness of the design services using BIM. The paper discusses the BIM technologies need for the design companies. There was estimated demand for BIM technologies for micro company which carries out design work in Lithuania. When project ordering demand is moderate, company in not willing to expand and economical situation in the country stays the same, it is not profitable to implement BIM for ,,micro” company when it is not making complex projects.
Как правило общепризнанна эксклюзивная сила и стоимость технологии по отношению к бизнесу и экономики страны из-за возможности создать высокую добавленную стоимость. Для учреждений, выполняющих НИЭР (научные исследования и экспериментальные разработки), необходимо средство для развития технологических решений на основе определенной целесообразности на стадии коммерциализации для избежания непродуктивных инвестиций, т. е. необходимо средство для оценки коммерческого потенциала технологии. В научной литературе при оценке коммерческого потенциала не были приняты во внимание особенности высоких технологий, поэтому научные исследования оценки коммерческого потенциала технологии являются актуальными в науке управления. Цель статьи: на основании экспертных оценок определить значимость факторов коммерческого потенциала высоких и традиционных технологий. Для достижения поставленной цели были сформулированы следующие задачи: (1) с помощью методов и моделей для проведения критического сравнительного анализа коммерческого потенциала определить факторы и составлящие факторов коммерческого потенциала технологий; (2) проанализировав литературу по маркетингу высоких технологий, выявить факторы и составлящие факторов, определяющие коммерческий потенциал этих технологий; (3) провести экспертное исследование направленное на сбор информации о значимости факторов высоких и традиционных технологий; (4) используя методы математической статистики, оценить степень согласованности мнений экспертов и рассчитать веса факторов и их составляющих.
It is widely accepted that the primary value of technology in relation to business and the national economy consists in the ability to generate high added value. R&D institutions are in need of a decision-making mechanism basing on a particular set of goals that will help avoid unproductive investments in the technology commercialization process. In other words, they need a tool for the assessment of the commercial potential of technologies. Specific characteristics of high technologies has not been taken into account in the scientific literature so fat. Therefore, research on the assessment of the commercial potential of technologies should be regarded as relevant in contemporary management sciences. The aim of the paper is to determine – on the basis of experts’ assessment – the significance of the factors influencing the commercial potential of high and traditional technologies. In order to achieve that goal the following research tasks have been formulated: (1) to determine the factors (and their constituents) influencing the commercial potential of technologies by applying the methods and models of critical comparative analysis; (2) to reveal the factors (and their constituents) determining the commercial potential of technologies through the analysis of the scientific literature on the high technologies marketing; (3) to conduct the expert study aiming at the gathering of information on the significance of the high and traditional technologies factors; (4) to evaluate the level of unanimity of experts’ opinions using statistical methods, to calculate the weights of factors and the constituents thereof.
Wyzwaniem dla nauki jest interdyscyplinarność, będąca częścią paradygmatu badawczego we wszystkich jej dziedzinach. Przejawia się ona w różnorodności podejmowanych zagadnień badawczych i stosowanych podejść badawczych, umiejętności dostrzegania problemów naukowych, uzasadnionych potrzebami gospodarczymi, jak i przekraczaniu granic pomiędzy dziedzinami nauk technicznych i społecznych oraz umiejętności identyfikowania problemów i poszukiwania rozwiązań z pogranicza dyscyplin naukowych. Wyraża się także w przełamywaniu stereotypowego sposobu myślenia w procesie rozwiązywania aktualnych i antycypowania przyszłych problemów. Dorobek naukowy Profesora Joanicjusza Nazarko jest przykładem właśnie tak szeroko rozumianej interdyscyplinarności w nauce. Artykuł, przygotowany z okazji 60 urodzin Profesora Joanicjusza Nazarko, został opracowany przez członków Rady Naukowej czasopisma „Ekonomia i Zarządzanie”, której przewodniczy Jubilat.
Interdisciplinarity, which is a part of the research paradigm in all fields of science constitutes a real challenge in research. It manifests itself particularly in the diversity of the undertaken research topics, in the variety of the adopted research approaches (theoretical, methodological, normative, empirical-descriptive), and in the flexibility and the ability to see both the scientific problems as well as the economic and social needs. The ability to cross the boundaries between the fields of technical and social sciences, to identify problems and to seek solutions at the frontiers of scientific disciplines, the eagerness to work in research teams diverse in terms of competence, age, skills, creating conditions for both the personal development and that of individual team members, breaking the stereotypical ways of thinking in the process of solving problems and anticipating future events are all features of an academic culture nurtured by Professor Joanicjusz Nazarko. His profile, which is an extraordinary example of the successfully implemented interdisciplinarity principle in research and teaching, is presented in this article at the occasion of his 60th birthday. The paper highlights the research of Professor Joanicjusz Nazarko, presents a review of his extensive scientific work and lists some of his publications.
В реальном мире существует множество различных задач принятия решений. Многие нормативные методы предлагались ранее как универсальное средство решения всех задач. Теперь настало время подробных классификаций как проблем, так и методов. Статья знакомит читателя с общей идеологией подхода вербального анализа решений (ВАР): представляет краткий обзор существующих численных методов принятия решений и показывает основные отличия от них методов группы ВАР.
In the real world there are many different tasks of decision-making. Many normative methods were previously offered as a panacea for solving all problems. Now is the time for detailed classifications of both problems and methods. The article introduces the reader to the concept of verbal decision analysis approach (VAR) provides a brief overview of the existing numerical methods for decision-making and shows the main differences between these methods and VAR.
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