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This paper presents a new original method of selection of main engines for hopper suction dredgers with regard to probabilistic models. It was proposed to use the normal distribution to describe the operational loads of the main receivers. The principles for determination of parameters of load distribution and design power of the main engines were formulated. Lastly, the principles of selection of the size and number of main engines has been proposed.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę możliwości i celowości wykorzystania ciepła odpadowego silników głównych na pogłębiarkach ssących nasiębiernych. Skoncentrowano się na cieple w spalinach wylotowych i w wodzie chłodzącej silnik. Wykorzystując wyniki własnych badań eksploatacyjnych pogłębiarek, określono zapotrzebowania na energię cieplną oraz na wodę słodką dla 6 hipotetycznych pogłębiarek ssących nasiębiernych o różnych wielkościach, określono dla których wielkości pogłębiarek kotły utylizacyjne i wyparowniki będą w stanie pokrywać całe zapotrzebowanie. Przeanalizowano wyniki porównując je z rzeczywistością projektową i eksploatacyjną pogłębiarek ssących nasiębiernych.
This paper presents the notion of operational power efficiency and compares it with the classical definition of power efficiency. There are presented also calculation results of power efficiency for a selected suction hopper dredger and also influence of power system type of suction hopper dredger on magnitude of power efficiency of its power plant has been highlighted.
Content available remote Efektywność energetyczna oczyszczalni ścieków
Powstający w procesie beztlenowej stabilizacji osadów ściekowych biogaz może być wykorzystywany do produkcji ciepła, energii elektrycznej i energii mechanicznej. Nie zawsze udaje się wykorzystać energetycznie cały wyprodukowany biogaz. Często w wyniku awarii, bądź źle realizowanej gospodarki osadowej, część gazu fermentacyjnego spalana jest w pochodni. W praktyce osiąga się najczęściej od 90 do 100% pokrycie zapotrzebowania na ciepło oraz do 60% zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną. Prawidłowo prowadzoną gospodarkę osadami z produkcją biogazu w procesie fermentacji przedstawiono na przykładzie oczyszczalni Guben-Gubin. Jest to jedna z nielicznych w Polsce instalacji, w której od 2015 r. do procesów fermentacji kierowane są ścieki przemysłowe z zawartością glikolu. Dodatek tych ścieków spowodował wzrost ilości produkowanego biogazu o 10%. Sporządzony bilans energetyczny wykazuje, że w oczyszczalni produkcja energii własnej pokrywa w 60% całkowite zapotrzebowanie energetyczne oczyszczalni. Uzyskanie koncesji OZE oraz wybudowanie w 2016 r. instalacji fotowoltaicznej przyczynia się do istotnej poprawy bilansu energetycznego oczyszczalni.
Formed in the process of anaerobic stabilization of sewage sludge biogas can be used to produce heat, electricity and mechanical energy. Produced biogas is not always fully utilized energetically. Often due to accidents or wrong realized sludge management, part of the fermentation gas is burned in a torch. In practice, it achieved usually from 90 to 100% coverage of heat demand and 60% of electricity demand. Properly conducted sludge management with the production of biogas in fermentation process are shown in the example of the waste water treatment plant Guben-Gubin. It is one of the few in Poland installation where from 2015 to the fermentation processes are directed industrial waste with the glycol content. The addition of glycol caused increase of the biogas production by 10%. Prepared energy balance shows that treatment plant energy production covers 60% of the total energy needs of the plant. Obtaining a license renewable energy and building in 2016 photovoltaic system contributes to a significant improvement in the energy balance of the plant.
This paper presents results of investigations dealing with influence of parameters characterizing size of trailing suction hopper dredger as well as type of power system on magnitude of total output of combustion engines installed in dredger power plant.
Content available Selection of drive engines for dredge pumps
This paper presents the principles of selecting drive engines for dredge pumps, formulated by this author. In order to formulate them influence of drive engines on dredge pump characteristics and dredger effectiveness, have been analyzed. Also, an analysis of results of the author’s operational investigations concerning energy consumption and parameters of excavated soil transport on board dredgers has been performed.
This paper presents an analysis of changeability of operational loads of main engines and power consumers on dredgers of three basic types. The principles of processing measurement results, which should be used for statistical analysis of operational loads of dredger main engines and power consumers, have been formulated.
This paper presents an analysis of possibility and purposefulness of application of waste-heat boilers to trailing suction hopper dredgers. Using results of own operational research on dredgers this author determined thermal power demand for six hypothetical trailing suction hopper dredgers of various size, at accounting for a type of power system and kind of fuel combusted by dredger’s power plant. By means of basic indices of economical analysis it was determined under which conditions the application of waste-heat boilers to suction hopper dredgers is economically justified.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych dotyczących jednego z najważniejszych odbiorników energii mechanicznej na pogłębiarkach: śrub napędowych. Badania eksploatacyjne obejmowały pomiary parametrów charakteryzujących obciążenia śrub napędowych pogłębiarek w dwóch podstawowych stanach ich eksploatacji: robotach pogłębiarskich i pływaniu swobodnym. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki obejmują 10 pogłębiarek, w tym 8 pogłębiarek ssących nasiębiernych i 2 pogłębiarki wieloczerpakowe. Scharakteryzowano rozkłady obciążeń śrub napędowych, biorąc pod uwagę wartości średnie, odchylenie standardowe i współczynniki zmienności rozkładu obciążeń. Przedstawiono przykładowe histogramy obciążeń śrub na wybranych pogłębiarkach w badanych okresach czasu. Sformułowano wnioski odnośnie wartości średnich obciążeń śrub oraz współczynników zmienności rozkładu obciążeń. Wyniki przedstawione w pracy będą wy-korzystane przy tworzeniu modeli losowych opisujących rzeczywiste warunki eksploatacji elementów układów energetycznych pogłębiarek.
The article presents results of operation investigations regarding one of the most important receivers of mechanical energy on dredgers: propellers. Operation investigations covered measurements of characteristic parameters of loading propellers on dredgers in two basic conditions of their work: dredging works and sailing at sea. Presented results are based on 10 dredgers (8 trailing suction hopper dredgers and 2 bucket dredgers). In the paper characteristics of spread of propellers loading, i.e. average value, standard deviation and coefficients of variations of loading spred are presented. Examples of load distribution propellers on chosen dredgers during some period of time are shown as well. Conclusions are formulated regarding average value of propellers loading and coefficients of variations of loading spred. Results presented in the paper will be used as a base for creation of random models describing real conditions of operation of dredgers’ power plants.
Krajowe rezerwy energii pierwotnej przy zużyciu rocznym wynoszącym 6 EJ wystarczą prawdopodobnie na 100 lat, a zasoby światowe przy zużyciu 500 EJ/rok mogą wystarczyć na ponad 80 lat. Wynika stąd pilna potrzeba poszukiwania nowych źródeł energii.
This paper presents proposal of a method for determining operational load parameters of dredge pumps, one of the crucial mechanical energy consumers on dredgers. The method based on results of the author’s operational investigations, deals with two main service states of dredge pumps on dredgers, namely: the state of loading the solid into soil hold (of dredger or hopper barge) and the state of pumping ashore.
Referat przedstawia opis, przeznaczenie i zakres możliwych do wykonania badań na nowym stanowisku doświadczalnym wybudowanym w Laboratorium Siłowni Okrętowych Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiej.
The paper presents the description, purpose and range of investigations on new test set in laboratory of Ship Power Plant Department of Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of Technical University of Gdańsk.
The paper concerns problems of preliminary designing of bucket dredgers’ power plants. This paper presents results of investigations of six bucket dredgers in service. The operational investigations consisted in measuring the parameters which characterize working conditions of two main receivers of mechanical energy: bucket chains and swing winches. In the paper characteristics of disposition of loading of bucket chains and swing winches are presented. They covered average value, standard deviation and coefficient of variance of loading disposition mutability. Examples of load distributions of chains’ and group of swing winches on chosen dredgers during some period of time were given. Conclusions in view to average values of main receivers of mechanical energy and coefficients of variance of loadings spred were formulated. Results of investigations of dependence of average loadings of main receivers on their nominal power were presented. The results of work will be used in creation of random models describing real conditions of operation of power plant elements of dredgers.
This paper presents results of operational investigations dealing with dredge pumps, one of the most important mechanical energy consumers installed on dredgers. The investigations covered measurements of parameters which characterize the loads of dredge pumps in their two basic service states, namely during loading the spoil into a soil hold – hopper (of a dredger or hopper barge) and during transferring the spoil ashore.
This paper presents results of operational investigations of eight trailing suction hopper dredgers. The investigations covered measurements of parameters which characterize service conditions of two main elements of dredger power systems, i.e. main and auxiliary engines.
This paper presents results of investigations of six bucket dredgers in service. The operational investigations consisted in measuring the parameters which characterize working conditions of power systems of the dredgers: operational loads of main engines as well as loads of electric generators which cover power demand from the side of auxiliary consumers.
This paper presents a concept of diesel- electric power plant of a two-segment passenger ship intended for operating on inland waterways. The conceptual design was elaborated in the frame of the EUREKA InCoWaTrans E!3065 project which concerns a new generation of environment-friendly ships for inland waterways and coastal service on east-west routes of Polish waterways system.
This paper presents two most probable design solutions of power plant for a two-segment passenger ship intended for operating on inland waterways of Poland, Germany and Russia. Preliminary designs of the main power plant to be installed on the pusher are presented, as well as requirements for the auxiliary power plant to be placed on the barge are outlined.
This paper contains an economical analysis of three selected variants of power plant for inland waterways passenger ship intended for operating on Berlin-Kaliningrad route. Purchase cost of elements of the ship’s energy system and fuel consumption cost were assumed as the assessment criterion for the analyzed variants of the ship’s power plant. The economical indices : Average Annual Cost (AAC) and Net Present Value (NPV) were taken into consideration.
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