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Content available Necessity of disinfecting water for crop irrigation
The purpose of that article was to show the significance of water as the source of plant pathogens, and need of it effective disinfection methods in modern agriculture and horticulture. The increase in the cost of agricultural water use for crop irrigation and the necessity of using the same water several times, as well as the changing climatic conditions, including prolonged shortage of atmospheric precipitation and often extreme temperatures during the summer, necessitate the selection of an effective, easy to apply and economical method of disinfecting recirculated water to eliminate or minimize the occurrence of the most serious plant pathogens inhabiting various water sources. Among them, microorganisms of the genera Phytophthora, Pythium and Fusarium, and the species Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium dahliae and some pathogenic bacteria pose the most serious threat. Some of them can be found in rivers, streams, ponds and water reservoirs, others are soil-borne pathogens that cause root and stem base rot of many plant species. The available literature describes at least a dozen methods of water disinfection, among them slow filtration through sand or lava filters, chlorination and heating. The literature data indicates that the use of sand filters is the most effective, safe and cheapest method of water disinfection.
Effectiveness of electron beam irradiation was evaluated against Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae, the causal agent of stem base and root rot of tomato. In laboratory trials, irradiation of 7-day-old Phytophthora cultures growing on potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) medium with 1 kGy resulted in the disintegration of the pathogen’s hyphae. Increasing the irradiation dose to 3 kGy caused decay of the hyphae. Irradiation of infested stonewool with 5 kGy caused decrease of the pathogen population about 5 times. Application of 20 kGy completely eliminated the pathogen from stonewool. Irradiation of substratum resulted in significant increase of tomato seedlings healthiness, especially when the dose 20 kGy was applied.
Celem badań było wykrywanie Phytophthora spp. w wodzie w rejonach sadowniczych oraz ocena chorobotwórczości wybranych izolatów dla roślin. Do izolacji gatunków Phytophthora z wody użyto liści pułapkowych różanecznika 'Nova Zembla'. Przynależność gatunkową określano na podstawie cech morfologicznych oraz stosując metody molekularne. W rzekach i stawach stwierdzono 4 gatunki Phytophthora, z dominacją P. lacustris. Występował on we wszystkich analizowanych źródłach wody, niezależnie od terminu detekcji. P. plurivora, jeden z najczęściej występujących gatunków tego rodzaju, wyizolowano z wody i osadów dennych rzeki Jeziorka. Z kolei P. citrophthora stwierdzono w stawach w Kozietułach i Cielądzu, oprócz P. gonapodyides, gatunku uznawanego za saprotrofa. Inokulacja 2 izolatami P. lacustris pędów i korzeni wierzby powodowała rozwój nekrozy (ok. 3 mm) na dobę. Zarówno P. lacustris, jak i P. citrophthora kolonizowały pędy badanych odmian jabłoni i gruszy, ale nekroza rozwijała się ok. 3-krotnie wolniej niż na organach wierzby.
Isolation of Phytophthora species from water in orchard areas and pathogenicity of selected isolates toward plants was the purpose of our studies. Four Phytophthora species were isolated from rivers and ponds with P. lacustris being the dominant one. The species was found in all analysed water bodies irrespective of the detection period. P. plurivora known as the most frequent species was found only in the Jeziorka River. P. citrophthora was found in ponds near Kozietuły and Cielądz together with P. gonapodyides, known as a saprotrophic species. Inoculation of stems and roots of Salix spp. with two isolates of P. lacustris resulted in the development of necrosis which spread at a rate of about 3 mm/24 hrs. Both P. lacustris and P. citrophthora colonised shoots of analysed cultivars of apple and pear trees but necrosis spread about 3 times slower than on willow plants.
Celem badań było określenie współzależności między stanem zdrowotnym roślin uprawianych pod osłonami i w szkółkach pojemnikowych, a występowaniem Phytophthora spp. w zbiornikach wodnych, z których pobierana jest woda do podlewania. Badania prowadzono przez cały rok w 4 obiektach pod osłonami i w 6 szkółkach pojemnikowych. Do wykrywania gatunków tego rodzaju użyto liści pułapkowych różanecznika (Rhododendron sp.) 'Nova Zembla'. W zbiornikach wodnych w szklarniach wykryto P. plurivora, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. tropicalis i P. lacustris, podczas gdy w szkółkach dodatkowo P. cambivora i P. cinnamomi. Mimo występowania P. cactorum, P. capsici i P. nicotianae var. nicotianae na porażonych roślinach, w zbiornikach wodnych nie stwierdzono tych gatunków. W wodzie w szklarniach najczęściej wykrywano P. plurivora, a w szkółkach tenże gatunek oraz P. cinnamomi i P. citrophthora.
The aim of this study was to find the relationship between health status of crop plants grown in greenhouses and in nurseries and the presence of Phytophthora spp in water reservoirs used for plant watering. Studies were carried out during a year in 4 greenhouse objects and in 6 nurseries. Trap leaves of Rhododendron sp. 'Nova Zembla' were used to detect the study species. P. plurivora, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. tropicalis and P. lacustris were found in greenhouse reservoirs, while P. cambivora and P. cinnamomi were additionally noted in nurseries. Despite the occurrence of P. cactorum, P. capsici and P. nicotianae var. nicotianae on infested plants, these species were not found in water reservoirs. P. plurivora was noted most frequently in greenhouse reservoirs and the same species together with P. cinnamomi and P. citrophthora - in nurseries.
Effectiveness of electron beam irradiation was evaluated against Rhizoctonia solani, which is one of the most dangerous soil-borne pathogen, causing stem base and root rot of many horticultural plants. Treatment of in vitro cultures with 0.5 kGy significantly inhibited the pathogen's growth and the spread of necrosis on chrysanthemum leaf blades inoculated with the irradiated cultures. Application of e-beam irradiation for peat disinfection resulted in a two-fold decrease rot development in chrysanthemum stem at a dose of 5 kGy and complete inhibition at 10 kGy. For the elimination of R. solani from composted pine bark and its mixture with peat, irradiation of both substrates with 15 kGy was necessary.
Przedmiotem niniejszych badań było występowanie Phytophthora spp. w rzece, kanale szkółkarskim, zbiorniku wodnym w szkółce oraz chorobotwórczość izolatów 4 gatunków tego rodzaju dla olszy i różanecznika. W 3 źródłach wody wykryto 7 gatunków Phytophthora oraz taxon Salixsoil. W rzece wykryto 5 gatunków, w tym P. cinnamomi i taxon Salixsoil, w kanale - 5, w zbiorniku wodnym - 4, w tym P. cambivora, nie notowanego w innych źródłach. Mniej gatunków wykrywano w I i IV kwartale, ale zawsze izolowano P. citricola. Wszystkie izolaty P. citricola i P. citrophthora kolonizowały liście olszy niezależnie od źródła wody i okresu ich detekcji. Spośród 3 gatunków, użytych do inokulacji liści różanecznika, istotnie najszybszym kolonizatorem okazał się P. cinnamomi.
The subject of this study was the occurrence of Phytophthora spp. in a river, canal and water reservoir in forest nursery and the pathogenicity of 4 isolates of this genus to alder tree and rhododendron. Seven species of Phytophthora and the Salixsoil taxon were found in 3 water sources. There were 5 species in the river, including P. cinnamomi and the taxon Salixsoil, 5 species in the canal and 4 in the pond including P. cambivora not noted in other water sources. Less species were noted in the first and fourth quarter of a year but P. cambivora was always isolated. All isolates of P. citricola and P. citrophthora colonized alder leaves irrespective of water source and period of detection. From among 3 species used to inoculate rhododendron leaves, P. cinnamomi appeared the significantly fastest colonizer.
Electron beam (EB) irradiation was tested against Botrytis cinerea, Pythium ultimum and Phytophthora citricola the most dangerous pathogens causing stem and root rot of seedlings, cuttings and older plants. In the laboratory trials cultures of 3 species were irradiated with doses 0 (control), 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 kGy whereas peat was treated with 10,15 and 25 kGy. P. citricola was the most sensitive species for irradiation. In greenhouse trials 15 kGy irradiation of peat protected chrysanthemum cuttings against B. cinerea and P. ultimum as well as rhododendron young plants against P. citricola. Irradiation of peat did not influence the growth and development of the tested plants.
Phytophthora spp. were detected from 3 rivers, 2 nursery canals and 2 reservoirs during all year. Number of Phytophthora necrotic spots on rhododendron leaves, used as baits, in March, July and October indicated on the lack of significant differences in that group of pathogens in relation to water sources, their location as well as during observation period. Only in one water reservoir Phytophthora density was about 2–3 times higher than in 6 other sources. In vitro trials showed different reaction of P. cinnamomi, P. citricola and P. citrophthora, often detected in water, on fenamidon and metalaxyl. P. cinnamomi was the most sensitive whereas P. citrophthora the most resistant. Amendment of river water contaminated with P. cinnamomi with metalaxyl at dose 1.6 g/cm3 reduced at least twice pathogen density in water. In case of fenamidon such effect was obtained when water was amendment with 8 g of that compound /cm3.
Stosując wierzchołkowe liście różanecznika odm. Nova Zembla, wykrywano Phytophthora spp. przez cały rok w 3 rzekach, 2 kanałach i 2 zbiornikach wodnych. Liczba nekrotycznych plam, stwierdzanych na liściach pułapkowych w marcu, lipcu i październiku wykazała brak znaczących różnic w liczebności tej grupy patogenów w badanych źródłach wody niezależnie od miejsca ich usytuowania, zagospodarowania oraz czasu detekcji. Tylko w jednym zbiorniku wodnym w szkółce liczebność Phytophthora spp. była około 3-krotnie wyższa aniżeli w pozostałych 6 źródłach wody. Doświadczenie in vitro wykazało zróżnicowaną reakcję P. cinnamomi, P. citricola i P. citrophthora na fenamidon i metalaksyl. Gatunek P. cinnamomi okazał się najwrażliwszy na te środki, podczas gdy najodporniejszym. okazał się P. citrophthora. Wprowadzenie metalaksylu w stężeniu 1,6 g/cm3 do wody rzecznej, skażonej przez P. cinnamomi, spowodowało redukcję liczebności patogenu na liściach pułapkowych co najmniej dwukrotnie. W przypadku fenamidonu taki efekt uzyskano, gdy środek dodano do wody w stężeniu 8 g/cm3.
Electron beam irradiation was tested against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi (Fod) a pathogen causing Fusarium wilt of carnation. Efficiency of the different radiation doses on in vitro survival and development of Fod culture on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) medium was tested. A dose of 6 kGy completely inhibited the pathogen growth. Application of radiation for microbiological decontamination of four substrates used for carnation production demonstrated that, depending on the type of substrate, doses of 10 or 25 kGy were effective in Fod elimination. All carnation plants cultivated on radiation decontaminated substrates were healthy.
Occurrence of Phytophthora species in water of 4 rivers and pathogenicity of P. citricola toward alder, rhododendron and thuja were the objective of this study. P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi, P. citricola, P. citrophthora, P. cryptogea, P. ramorum and some non-identified isolates were found with domination of P. citricola. Differences between propagule number in water in relation to surveying time and river were observed. Four isolates of P. citricola caused necrotic spots on alder and rhododendron leaves. On thuja regularly sprinkled with water, yellowing and browning of plant tips spread were fast. Eight days after noticing of first symptoms, the disease occurred on at least 30 % of observed thujas. P. citricola was isolated both from irrigation water and diseased shoots.
Przedmiotem badań było występowanie gatunków rodzaju Phytophthora w 4 rzekach oraz chorobotwórczość izolatów P. citricola dla olszy, różanecznika i żywotnika. P. cambivora. P. cinnamomi, P. citricola. P. citrophthora. P. cryptogea. P. ramorum i niezidentyfikowane jeszcze izolaty stwierdzono w 4 rzekach z dominacją P. citricola. Stwierdzono różnice w liczebności jednostek propagacyjnych w wodzie w zależności od rzeki i czasu prowadzenia badań. Cztery izolaty P. citricola powodowały rozwój nekrotycznych plam na liściach olszy i różanecznika. Na żywotniku regularnie deszczowanym wodą pochodzącą ze zbiornika w szkółce, żółknięcie i brązowienie wierzchołków rozwijało się bardzo szybko. Po 8 dniach od zauważenia pierwszych symptomów, choroba wystąpiła na ok. 30 % badanych żywotników. P. citricola izolowano zarówno z wody, jak i porażonych pędów.
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