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Content available Usage of IoT edge approach for road quality analysis
In the paper, the authors present the analysis of implementation of IoT system for road quality analysis. The proposed system was prepared for edge processing, on device. It allows to reduce the amount of data sent to cloud computing aggregation subsystem, sending only 2.5% of the original data. Several algorithms for road quality analysis were implemented on a real device and tested under real conditions. The system was compared with the state-of-the-art offline processing approach and showed the same accuracy on a set of known road artefacts, while detecting 92% of the artefacts recognized by the original cloud computing processing system.
The article addresses the challenge of reconstructing 2D broken pictorial objects by automating the search for matching elements, which is particularly relevant in fields like archaeology and forensic science. The authors propose a method to match such elements and streamline the search process by detecting and filtering out low quality matches. The study delves into optimizing the search process in terms of duration and assembly quality. It examines factors like comparison window length, Levenshtein measure margin, and number of variants to check, using theoretical calculations and experiments on synthetic elements. The experimental results demonstrate enhanced method effectiveness, yielding more useful solutions and significantly reducing the complexity of element comparisons by up to 100 times in extreme cases.
In the paper, the authors are presenting the outcome of web scraping software allowing for the automated classification of source code. The software system was prepared for a discussion forum for software developers to find fragments of source code that were published without marking them as code snippets. The analyzer software is using a Machine Learning binary classification model for differentiating between a programming language source code and highly technical text about software. The analyzer model was prepared using the AutoML subsystem without human intervention and fine-tuning and its accuracy in a described problem exceeds 95%. The analyzer based on the automatically generated model has been deployed and after the first year of continuous operation, its False Positive Rate is less than 3%. The similar process may be introduced in document management in software development process, where automatic tagging and search for code or pseudo-code may be useful for archiving purposes.
The paper presents an approach to solving the problem of assembling broken, flat elements using a letter notation of the elements’ contours and checking their matching using linguistic methods. Previous studies with the use of exhaustive search have shown effectiveness in finding possible connections, but they are burdened with a large number of calculations and the time needed to carry them out. In order to accelerate the process of searching for solutions, the possibility of using a fail-fast method of fuzzy assessment of potential combinations of elements was checked, as well as the method of cutting off potential, but not effective connections. The numerical experiment carried out showed a significant reduction in the number of trials and total computation time while maintaining the quality of the potential solutions found.
Content available Porównanie wydajności protokołu WebSocket i HTTP
The purpose of the author of this article is to compare the performance of the WebSocket and HTTP protocols. For this purpose, LAN equipment and a self-made testing application were used. It was used to measure the time of sending and downloading/receiving 100-character texts in a specified number of copies, considering the speed of laptops and web browsers. The conducted research shows that when transmitting more than 100 copies of data using the WebSocket protocol (compared to HTTP), performance can be increased by several hundred percent. In addition, it has been proven that adding excess overhead to HTTP requests can slow it down considerably. In contrast, TLS encryption has little effect on the speed of both protocols. It was concluded that the WebSocket protocol is good for sending hundreds or thousands of small serving of data per second, because for a smaller number of them, a simple HTTP polling is absolutely enough.
Celem autora tego artykułu jest porównanie wydajności protokołu WebSocket i HTTP. W tym celu wykorzystano sprzęt pracujący w sieci LAN oraz samodzielnie wykonaną aplikację testującą. Za jej pomocą zmierzono czas wysyłania oraz pobierania/odbierania 100-znakowych tekstów w określonej liczbie kopii z uwzględnieniem szybkości laptopów i przeglądarek WWW. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że przy transmisji powyżej 100 kopii danych za pomocą protokołu WebSocket (w porównaniu do HTTP) można uzyskać wzrost wydajności o kilkaset procent. Ponadto udowodniono, że dodawanie nadmiarowych narzutów do żądań HTTP może go bardzo spowalniać. Natomiast szyfrowanie TLS ma znikomy wpływ na szybkość obu protokołów. Wywnioskowano, że protokół WebSocket dobrze sprawdzi się w przesyłaniu setek lub tysięcy małych porcji danych na sekundę, gdyż w przypadku mniejszej ich liczby w zupełności wystarczy zwykłe odpytywanie HTTP.
Ten artykuł jest poświęcony porównaniu szybkości kompilowania kodów preprocesorów SCSS oraz LESS. Każdy preprocesor ma swoją składnię, która w ciągu dalszym tworzenia strony webowej jest transpilowana do składni języka arkuszy stylów CSS. Technologie te służą temu samemu celowi – uproszczeniu i przyśpieszeniu pisania widoków stron, ale bazują się na różnych językach programowania – języku Ruby (SCSS) oraz JavaScript (LESS). W ramach przepro-wadzonych badań dokonano pomiarów czasów kompilacji kodów w formacie SCSS i LESS o rozmiarach 10, 50, 100 i 200 kB, otrzymane wyniki jednoznacznie pokazały, że szybszym narzędziem do przetwarzania kodu na składnię CSS okazał się LESS. W analizach pod uwagę również wzięto wielkość kodu wynikowego CSS.
This article compares the compilation speed of the SCSS and LESS preprocessor codes. Each preprocessor has its own syntax, which is transpiled into the CSS stylesheet language in the further development of the web page. These technol-ogies serve the same purpose - to simplify and speed up the writing of page views, but are based on different program-ming languages - Ruby (SCSS) and JavaScript (LESS). As part of the research, the compilation times of the codes in the SCSS and LESS format with sizes of 10, 50, 100 and 200 kB were measured, the obtained results clearly showed that LESS turned out to be a faster tool for processing the code into CSS syntax. The size of the CSS result code was also taken into account in the analyzes.
W ramach pracy nad artykułem stworzone zostały dwie gry 2D - jedna przy użyciu środowiska Unity oraz druga przy użyciu LibGDX. Szczególną uwagę w pracy poświęcono porównaniu wydajności obu gier. W tym celu przeprowadzo-no badania, które miały na celu określenie, która z gier ma lepszy wpływ na zużycie zasobów procesora oraz pamięci RAM. Poświęcono również uwagę wsparciu społeczności dla obu narzędzi oraz komfortowi programisty podczas pracy w obu wspomnianych narzędziach. Wyniki badań wydajności sugerują, że LibGDX może być lepszym wyborem do tworzenia niewielkich projektów, których priorytetem jest wydajność. Na korzyść Unity przemawia jednak wsparcie społeczności oraz komfort korzystania z tego środowiska i brak konieczności korzystania z programów zewnętrznych.
As part of the work on the article, two 2D games were created – one based on the Unity environment and the other based on LibGDX. Main focus in the work was to compare the performance of both games. For this purpose, research was carried out to determine which game has a better impact on the usage of CPU and RAM resources. Attention was also paid to community support for both tools and the programmer’s comfort during the work in both of these tools. The results of the performance studies suggest that LibGDX may be a better choice for creating small projects where performance is a priority. However, the support of the community and the comfort of working with the environment and the lack of need to use external programs speak in favor of Unity.
The paper describes the process of analyzing the data of the Polish community on the streaming platform. A description of the platforms and tools used to research the data was presented. The research was conducted on the basis of three issues. Data on the number of live broadcasts and the number of recipients were analyzed. Separate charts have been generated for each of them. The code used to create the charts was written in the R language. Conclusions were drawn on the basis of the generated charts.
W pracy został opisany proces analizowania danych polskiej społeczności na platformie streamingowej Przedstawiony został opis platform oraz narzędzi wykorzystanych do badania danych. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w oparciu o trzy zagadnienia. Analizie poddane zostały dane dotyczące ilości nadawanych transmisji na żywo oraz liczby odbiorców. Do każdego z nich zostały oddzielne wygenerowane wykresy. Kod służący do stworzenia wykresów został napisany w języku R. Na podstawie wygenerowanych wykresów wyciągnięte zostały wnioski.
Content available Crowdsourced Driving Comfort Monitoring
In this paper, the authors are showing a calculation of the road quality index called Simple Road Quality Index (SRQI) using the weight provided by the amateur drivers to best possibly rate their comfort on driving on that road. The index is calculated from acceleration data acquired by the smartphone application and is aggregated in a crowdsourcing system for the classification of road quality using the fuzzy membership function. The paper shows that the proposed index correctly shows road quality changes over time and may be used as a way to mark roads to be avoided or needs to be repaired. The numerical experiment was based on the same street in Lublin, Poland, in 2015-2021 and is correctly showing that the quality of analyzed roads deteriorated over time, especially in the winter season.
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