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Content available remote A Domain View of Timed Behaviors
The intention of this paper is to introduce a timed extension of transition systems with independence, and to study its categorical interrelations with other time-sensitive models. In particular, we show the existence of a chain of coreflections leading from a category of the model of timed
transition systems with independence to a category of a specially defined model of marked Scott domains. As an intermediate semantics we use a timed extension of occurrence transition systems with independence, able to properly capture causality and independence relations which arise in the presence of time delays.
Content available remote Unifying Equivalences for Higher Dimensional Automata
The intention of the paper is to show how several categorical (open morphisms, path mor- phisms and coalgebraic morphisms based) approaches to an abstract characterization of bisimulation relate to each other and to behavioral bisimulations, in the setting of higher dimensional automata. Such
a relating makes it possible to develop a metatheory designed for unified definition and study of equivalences in true concurrency semantics.
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