The paper discusses the results of stationary limnimetric observations conducted since 2003 for three springs located in Pieniny Czorsztyńskie within the Pieniny National Park. Current knowledge on the hydrogeological regime of the examined springs, and especially their response to precipitation, meltwater supply and type of discharge recession during periods with no water supply indicated that all the springs drained small local groundwater reservoirs characterized by rapid water exchange. One of the springs was ofperiodic nature. Relatively short (14 years) observational series on spring discharge were used to identify the periods of low flow and hydrogeological drought. In order to achieve this goal, total precipitation and snow cover thickness were analyzed in individual hydrological years. Low flow periods were defined as those when the spring discharge dropped below an average value calculated on the minimum annual spring discharge for the observation period. Identification of the hydrological drought was based on the interpretation of moving average values, which allowed for the elimination of changes in spring discharge due to seasonal fluctuations and random deviations. The basis for the determination of hydrogeological droughts were the deviations ofmoving average values from the mean value over the entire observation period. The methodology was similar to the ways of determining hydrogeological drought described by other authors in mountainous areas of Poland. Periods of the most severe hydrogeological drought in the Pieniny occurred in the 2003-2004, at the turn of 2005 and 2006, in 2012, and in the 2015-2016. Specific dates of drought occurrence for different springs were variable and depended on the morphological location of the spring and local hydrogeological conditions.
The paper presents spatial analysis and numerical methods to describe the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical conditions in a groundwater system. The research was conducted in the northern part of the Białystok High Plane, eastern Poland, within a Quaternary multi-aquifer system. Spatial analysis was used for imaging the quasi-continuous structure of the system based on a discrete set of hydrogeological data. A high-resolution regional flow model was used to identify the groundwater discharge and discharge zones of the individual aquifers. Calculations have shown a marked asymmetry of the flow system. Deeply incised river valleys in the Niemen River basin more strongly affect the groundwater than the discharge zones in the valleys of the Vistula River basin. As a result, the underground watershed in deeper aquifers is clearly shifted westward in relation to the morphological watershed. The hydrodynamic conditions of the system determined by numerical methods were used to identify the points along the groundwater flow-path for the hydrochemical study. It was the basis for the identification of points located along the groundwater flow direction, which were used in the hydrochemical study. Computational schemes of water solution models were calculated for the quasi-equilibrium state of chemical reactions between the solution and the solid and gaseous phases. Presentation of the chemical reactions allowed determining the origin of changes in the concentrations of individual components dissolved in groundwater. It was found that kaolinitization, i.e. chemical weathering of feldspars and plagioclases is the basic process that most affects the groundwater chemistry.
The paper presents the 12-years discharge variations of the three springs located within the Pieniny National Park. The background was the observations of the water table variation in the springs and seasonal measurements of the springs discharge, which made the possibility of calculation of the rating curves. Generally, the Pieniny springs are characterized by low discharge. The mean discharge of the springs studied for the period 2003–2014 was as follows: spring of the Potok pod Wysoki Dział – 1.66 dm3s‒1, spring of the Kotłowy Potok – 0.26 dm3s‒1, seasonal spring of the Kirowy Potok – 0.10 dm3s‒1. Variations of the springs discharge are different due to the fact that particular spring drain separate, and relatively small groundwater reservoir. First of all, the influence of the many-years variation in the sum of atmospheric precipitation as well as the amount of infiltrating meltwater can be observed. Observations with monthly distribution showed the characteristic shift between maximum discharge of the spring and the sum of atmospheric precipitation (about 1 month shift) as well as the thawing period (1–3 months shift). Presumably, during dry seasons the springs have mainly the thawing regime, in the normal (balanced) seasons – the thawing-precipitation regime is dominant, and during the wet season – the precipitation-thawing regime prevails. In the years 2012 and 2013 the sudden decrease of discharge of the Kotłowy Potok and Kirowy Potok springs have been observed which is in well agreement with the hydrogeological drought identified in Poland.
W artykule przedstawiono reakcję na zasilanie roztopowe trzech źródeł usytuowanych na obszarze Pienińskiego Parku Narodowego, w których od 2003 r. Są prowadzone obserwacje stacjonarne przy użyciu automatycznych limnimetrów z ciągłą rejestracją danych. Przeanalizowano elementy meteorologiczne, wywierające bezpośredni wpływ na dynamikę zmian infiltracji i retencji zbiorników wód podziemnych zasilających badane źródła w okresie zimowym i wczesnowiosennym, w tym w szczególności temperaturę powietrza, czas utrzymywania się, maksymalną i średnią grubość pokrywy śnieżnej oraz terminy roztopów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że na przebieg zasilania roztopowego źródeł pienińskich wpływ ma cały szereg czynników meteorologicznych, geologicznych oraz hydrogeologicznych. Do najważniejszych można zaliczyć: warunki meteorologiczne zimy, usytuowanie morfologiczne źródła, głębokość dróg krążenia wód podziemnych drenowanych przez źródło oraz ewentualną złożoność systemów ich zasilania.
The stationary monitoring of selected springs in the area of the Pieniny National Park has been conducted since 2003. This paper presents the reaction of spring discharge on the snow cover thawing. The discharge has been monitored by means of the automatic limnimeters with continuous data logging. The study concerned meteorological factors (i.e. Air temperature, snow cover thickness and duration, time of thawing) affecting directly the infiltration and retention dynamic of waters recharging springs in winter and early-spring period. The duration and course of the spring recharge caused by thawing depends on many interrelated meteorological, geological and hydrogeological factors. The most important are the winter meteorological conditions, morphological position of the spring, the depth of groundwater flow paths drained by the spring, and eventual relationship among recharging systems of particular springs.
W artykule omówiono wyniki obserwacji stacjonarnych źródła Pod Wysokim Działem, zlokalizowanego w trudno dostępnym terenie górskim Pienin Właściwych. Dziewięcioletnie, stacjonarne obserwacje stanów wód podziemnych, prowadzone przy użyciu limnimetru z automatyczną rejestracją danych oraz wykonywane okresowo pomiary wydajności, umożliwiły szczegółową analizę zmian wydatku źródła, przede wszystkim w okresach, kiedy charakteryzowało się ono reżimem własnym, niezależnym od chwilowego zasilania opadami atmosferycznymi lub topnieniem pokrywy śnieżnej i drenowało wyłącznie wody zmagazynowane wcześniej w zbiorniku wód podziemnych. Po analizie przebiegu wydatku źródła na tle dobowych sum opadów atmosferycznych wybrano 20 okresów recesji o długości od 7 do 64 dni. Do matematycznego opisania krzywych recesji wykorzystano najprostsze i najczęściej stosowane w obliczeniach hydrogeologicznych równanie Mailleta. Każdorazowo obliczono współczynnik regresji α, potencjał zasobności źródła oraz czas przebywania wody w systemie wodonośnym. Uzyskane wartości współczynników regresji α (rzędu 0,005–0,01 d–1), na ogół niższe od podawanego w literaturze podręcznikowej zakresu (0,04–0,7), najprawdopodobniej świadczą o słabej przepuszczalności zwietrzelin ilastych, które utrudniają dopływ wód podziemnych w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie źródła. Z kolei niskie potencjały zasobności (<50 tys. m3) oraz krótkie czasy przebywania wody w systemie wodonośnym ( do kilku miesięcy) świadczą o tym, że źródło drenuje niewielki zbiornik wód o charakterze lokalnym.
The paper describes the results of 9-year stationary monitoring of the spring Pod Wysokim Działem, located in the Pieniny Mts. The monitoring of water level with application of automatic limnimeters and periodically measured spring discharge allowed recording detailed variations of the discharge especially in the periods of its own regime independent of temporary recharging events, like snowmelt or rainfall. It drained only its own groundwater reservoir. Based on the analysis of spring discharge and daily sum of precipitation, 20 periods of discharge recession of 7 to 64 days-long each were selected. The Maillet equation, widely used in hydrogeology, was applied to mathematical description of the recession curves of the spring. Each time, the recession coefficient α, as well as the storage capacity of the spring and residence time of water in the system, were calculated. The obtained values of recession coefficient α from 0.005 to 0.01 d–1 are generally lower than those known from literature, namely: 0.04–0.7. It probably suggests the low permeability of illitic weathering, which hampers the groundwater inflow to the spring. On the other hand, low values of the storage capacity (<50 000 m3) and short residence time of water in the system (in a range of a few months) suggest that the spring rather drains a small local groundwater reservoir.
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The paper presents selected results of hydrogeological research carried out in the Pieniny National Park and adjacent areas during the period of 1995-2004. The objectives of the studies were to explore the geological environment and conditions of groundwater occurrence, its circulation and drainage system, as well as the physico-chemical properties of groundwaters. An important part of the research were rock fissuring measurements in natural outcrops which made it possible to determine the fissures spatial orientation, the fissuring parameters, and the fissure permeability coefficient. Investigations of rock matrix hydrogeological parameters in selected lithostratigraphic complexes of the Pieniny Klippen Belt were also carried out. Groundwater occurrence conditions in alluvial and weathering cover deposits are characterized as well.
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The paper presents data obtained from continuous limnimetric observations of the Tatra vaucluse type springs carried out in the interval 1999-2000. The comparison of 24-hour changes of the water level for particular vaucluse springs and the characteristic levels indicate a distinct correlation of the spring reaction to atmospheric changes, which is confirmed by comparison of correlation coefficients. Analysis of hydrograms from particular vaucluse springs during spring thawing, and their distinct bipartition, allows the determination of the filling times of local groundwater basins (over 7 days). Interpretation of changes in water levels for the vaucluse springs during a rainfall episode that caused the maximum filling of the massif, reveals 6-8 hours as the time of rainfall/water level reaction for the Tatra vaucluse type springs.
The analysis of the drying up curves is essential for the recognition of hydroregime in the Tatra karst areas. The most of big springs and karst springs are characterized by the drying up curves having two parts with the completely different slope of the curve. The steep section represents, according to this interpretation, a local groundwater basin, and the section with mild slope represents a regional water basin. For the karst springs selected the calculations of the average underground outflow have been made using various methods. The basic outflow, average "drying up" coefficient and QRO from Mangin formula have been estimated as well.
W artykule poddano analizie wyniki dwudziestoletnich obserwacji stacjonarnych wydajności pięciu największych wywierzysk krasowych Tatr Polskich. Interpretacja krzywych wysychania, przy zbliżonych wartościach współczynnika regresji, pozwoliła wysnuć wnioski o zbliżonym reżimie hydrologicznym wszystkich wywierzysk tatrzańskich. Stwierdzoną wyraźna dwudzielność krzywych można interpretować jako istnienie odrębnych, lecz pozostających ze sobą w kontakcie hydraulicznym, zbiorników wód podziemnych: lokalnego i regionalnego. Zastosowanie formuły Mangina pozwoliło na oszczacowanie objętości wód zmagazynowanych w zbiornikach lokalnych i regionalnym, w odniesieniu do poszczególnych wywierzysk. Wyznaczono również kilkoma metodami wielkość wydatków granicznych poszczególnych wywierzysk, przy których kończy się drenowanie zbiorników lokalnych i regionalnego, a rozpoczyna drenaż wyłącznie zbiornika regionalnego. Stwierdzono niewielką prędkość sczerpywania zasobów wód podziemnych w odniesieniu do wspólnego zbiornika regionalnego.
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