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An atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the most common congenital heart defects in children and the most frequent congenital defect found in adults. Currently, several types of kits are available for percutaneous closure of ASD. The design of these implants is based on the Nitinol alloy. Despite the good biocompatibility of Nitinol alloys, the use of these materials for long-term implantation is questionable due to the high nickel content and the risk of releasing nickel ions as a result of corrosion in the body’s environment. A way to improve the hemocompatibility of Nitinol alloys is to modify their surface. As part of this work, the conditions for the production of SiO2 surface layers using the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method and laser surface modification with three different laser cutting speeds were developed to improve biocompatibility. This allowed us for the comparison of different surface modifications (ALD and laser modification) in terms of their impact on cell-material interactions. The general analysis concerning biocompatibility confirmed the biological usability of the designed ALD deposited coatings. Surface nanostructuring had a positive effect on the natural biological layer formation. The analysis performed indicated the appropriate behaviour of the natural biological layer, known in the literature as pseudointima, in contact with blood. It was evident that platelet activation on the surface was reduced.
Due to a lack of organs, cardiac support systems are being implanted in patients with severe congestive heart failure. One of the solutions to overcome complications such as infow obstruction or pump thrombosis, which may occur in the case of ventricular assist devices, is to modify the surface of cannulas for the controlled blood clotting process. The results obtained up till now for developed surface coatings clearly show the influence of topographical and mechanical parameters of the coatings on cell viability and protein adsorption mechanism. The new coatings should enable the controlled growth of scar tissue, resulting in the limitation of thromboembolic events, and the reduction of cystic tissue growth into the fow lumen. The aim of this study is to evaluate the correlation between surface topography parameters on the susceptibility of cells to grow and adhere to the substrate as a solution with potential for use in MCS (mechanical circulatory support) devices. Research on surfaces used in MCS devices and on inflow cannulas has been carried out for many years, while the novelty of the present solution makes it a milestone within that type of application simultaneously allowing for appropriate selection of process parameters. Surface modifcation of titanium alloy Ti6Al7Nb was carried out using vacuum powder sintering of CP-Ti (commercially pure titanium) powder with two morphologies (regular spheres and irregular grains). The characterization of coatings obtained with the proposed method and the influence of measured topographic parameters (applying scanning electron microscopy, contact angle measurement and contact proflometry) on the cytotoxicity and susceptibility to protein adsorption were presented. Advanced albumin adsorption studies have fully confrmed the dependence of surface complexity on protein adsorption. The obtained results show a high potential of the produced coatings toward enabling permanent integration at the implant with the soft tissue.
The present paper covers simulation of blood flow in a roughness impact-R test model to anticipate the hemodynamic conditions of adhesion of blood elements to the modified surface. It was performed using numerical modelling of this process. The aim of these simulations was to create a surface morphology that stimulates the adhesion of blood elements to the surface of base plate of impact-R test. Methods: The morphology of base plate of impact-R test was developed using a vacuum powder sintering of commercial purity titanium powder (CP-Ti) on Ti6Al7Nb substrate. The finite volume method (FVM) and disperse particle method (DPM) were applied to develop the target model of a roughness impact-R test. The morphology of modified surfaces was documented with digital microscope and SEM (scanning electron microscopy). Results: The impact-R test developed using the two-phase blood model performed on regularly structured base plate resulted in shear stress values higher than the analogous for the model lacking such modification. The most significant reduction in maximum values of shear stress occurred in case of the DPM model and especially in the model with regular structures. Conclusions: The proposed models are very effective in modeling of the analysis of blood flow in roughness impact-R test.
The goal of the present study was the development of discrete phase model to simulate the phenomenon of backfilling a morphologically complex surface by red blood cells (RBCs) in a flow microchannel and to anticipate the conditions of forming a pseudointima. The objective of the experimental studies that inspired the development of the simulation was to create a surface that stimulates the formation of the pseudointima layer. Methods: The finite volume method (FVM) and discrete particle method (DPM) were applied to develop the target model. In addition, a mixture model and a roughness model of bottom layer were tested in the present study to show their influence on simulation the phenomenon of backfilling a morphologically complex surface by RBCs in a flow microchannel. Results: Numerical models were developed including: a) FVM models to compare the effect of applying boundary conditions with/without roughness and cubes, as well as the analysis of their influence on blood velocity and shear stress; b) mixture models to compare the effect of applying different boundary conditions and cubes on computed results; c) DPM models to compare the effect of applying and not applying roughness as a boundary condition; d) DPM models with a morphologically complex surface and RBCs collisions to present RBCs concentration, velocity and time distributions during flow in a channel. Conclusions: The analysis carried out for the developed numerical models indicates that DPM model with cubes computes the best results. It also shows the backfilling of a morphologically complex surface of the bottom microchannel with RBCs.
The study addresses the results concerning the laser welding technology of the titanium circulatory support blood pump Religa Heart ROT. Pulse laser welding parameters were determined and selected. The influence of the pulse welding parameters and other conditions of welding process on the magnetic induction distribution of the mechanical circulatory support blood pump was investigated.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań procesu spawania laserowego tytanowego wirnika pompy wspomagania serca Religa Heart ROT. Określono parametry spawania laserowego w trybie impulsowym zapewniające uzyskanie odpowiedniego wtopienia oraz ich wpływ na zmiany indukcyjności magnesów neodymowych znajdujących się wewnątrz wirnika pompy. Opracowano parametry technologiczne spawania laserowego zapewniające brak zmian indukcyjności wirnika pompy po spawaniu.
Nowadays, the Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) within the Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD) appears to be a reliable and effective solution for patients with advanced heart failure (HF). After many years of work, extracorporeal pulsatile VADs have been replaced by new generations of implantable continuous flow (CF) pumps. Clinical experience has shown that present-day pump constructions still need to be improved to minimize the risk of complications during heart assistance. One of the complications is the pump inflow obstruction caused by the ingrowth of tissue into the blood inflow path and pump thrombosis. The main goal is to develop a coating for the external surface of the inflow cannula to provide controlled tissue ingrowth. The smooth surface of the cannula external wall results in the tissue overgrowth into the pump inflow orifice, and may be a source of emboli. The paper presents external surface modifications of the inflow cannula performed by different VAD manufacturers within the topography characterization. The inflow cannulas used in CF VADs are mainly made of titanium alloy due to its mechanical properties and high biocompatibility. In general, the discussed surface coatings were characterized by the roughness of about ≈ Ra = 15 μm, high porosity and good wettability Φ ≈ 60°. The surface was covered with titanium microspheres or titanium mesh. The developed surfaces and clinical experience confirm the ability to control the tissue ingrowth along the external surfaces of the inflow cannula at the tissue-implant interface.
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