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There is often a need to join billets being extruded in the forward extrusion processes in order to preserve the continuity of manufacturing of products. The primary problem connected with joining while extruding is to ensure the required state of stress, deformation and temperature assuring a good weld quality. The paper contains numerical analyses of the transverse joining processes of billets in the course of forward extruding. The impact of the friction between welded objects on the material flow in vicinity of the joints is analyzed. A numerical method for determination of the weld length at the longitudinal section, by assuming the homogeneity of the strain rate at both sides of the joined elements contact line, is proposed. Three cases of the forward extruding are analyzed. Two friction shear factors equal to m = 0.4 and m = 0.9 at the billets interface are modelled for each case and weld the lengths at the longitudinal sections are presented. In addition, distributions of the flowing material velocities and effective strains in the weld vicinity are added for all tested processes.
The main aim of the paper is an evaluation of the real impact of a container surface roughness on metal plastic flow in the forward microextrusion process. For the purposes of experiment a specially designed and constructed by authors toolkit was used. Analyzed material was an annealed aluminium wire with 1,7 mm in diameter, with a stress-strain curve defined. Toolkit contains two experimental models of containers and rectangular dies with the same dimensions, differing only in the containers roughness degree. In order to determine the degree of the containers top layers asperities a roughness profiles with using laser microscope were made for each. Punch pressures have been calculated while forward extruding. In the next step the deflection of parallel lines marked at the samples longitudinal sections were analyzed. The extruded samples were submitted to the microhardness testing. Numerical analyses of analogous microextrusion processes have been also conducted. Container surface roughness was modelled as a rigid triangular wave with a zero friction factor at the interface m =0. Punch pressures and shapes of extruded samples flow nets were determined. Conducted investigations revealed the possibility of receiving products with different mechanical properties obtained by the container roughness assorting.
Celem badań było określenie rzeczywistego wpływu stopnia chropowatości powierzchni pojemnika na plastyczne płynięcie metalu w procesie współbieżnego mikrowyciskania pręta metalowego. Do badań użyto zestawu narzędziowego autorskiego projektu oraz wyżarzonego, aluminiowego drutu o średnicy 1.7 mm, dla którego wyznaczono charakterystykę materiałową. Zestaw składa się z dwóch modeli pojemników na wsad i prostokątnych matryc o tych samych wymiarach, różniących się stopniem chropowatości. W celu wyznaczenia stopnia chropowatości warstw wierzchnich pojemników na wsady dla każdego z nich wyznaczono profile z użyciem mikroskopu laserowego. W trakcie przeprowadzania prób współbieżnego wyciskania wyznaczono przebiegi ciśnień na stemplu dla poszczególnych próbek a następnie zarejestrowano deformacje linii równoległych naniesionych na przekrojach wzdłużnych wyciśniętych elementów. Otrzymane próbki poddano testom mikrotwardości. Następnie wykonano numeryczną analizę analogicznych procesów mikrowyciskania. Chropowatość pojemników zamodelowano w formie sztywnej trójkątnej fali z zerowym współczynnikiem tarcia na kontakcie m = 0. Wyznaczono kształty siatek de- formacyjnych wyciśniętego materiału oraz ciśnienia na stemplach. Przeprowadzone badania ujawniły możliwość wytwarzania wyrobów o różnych właściwościach mechanicznych, uzyskiwanych poprzez dobór określonej chropowatości narzędzia.
Ze względu na opłacalność stosowania turbin wiatrowych o pionowej osi obrotu dla potrzeb indywidualnego odbiorcy, powstało zapotrzebowanie na dokładne ustalenie ich parametrów wymiarowo-geometrycznych oraz opracowanie metodyki określania najkorzystniejszych lokalizacji terenowych. Z myślą realizacji tego zadania, zaprojektowano i wykonano stanowisko badawcze w postaci mobilnej turbiny o geometrii kształtu wirnika typu Savoniusa. Stanowisko to umożliwia odtworzenie rzeczywistej pracy rotora oraz identyfikację jego optymalnych wielkości geometrycznych w obranych warunkach terenowych. W pracy przedstawiono wpływ tych wielkości na parametry pracy urządzenia w funkcji prędkości wiatru.
Due to the cost-effectiveness of the vertical axis wind turbines use for the individual customer's needs, there is a demand to optimize its geometrical parameters and to determine the most favorable location fields. With a view to the implementation of this task, the test stand in the form of a mobile windmill with the Savonius-type rotor shape geometry was designed and manufactured. This stand allows to reproduce the real rotor work and to identify its optimal geometrical parameters in the selected field conditions. In paper, the influence of these parameters on the device performance as a function of wind speed are shown.
Content available The experimental tool for micro-extrusion of metals
In paper the technological tools requirements, used for micro-extrusion of metals in cold and warm conditions are presented. The constructive principles for the micro-tools are also described. The influence of the size effect in a workpiece and a tool top layers roughness form on extrusion processes in microscale are showed. The tool, designed to an experimental verification of the size effect influence, in a tool roughness form, on the metal rod forward extrusion are presented. This tool is made in the form of two halves, joined together by the pegs and screws. It has bored two dies profiles with the same dimensions, the only difference is a degree of the containers roughness. That solution gives a possibility to specify the influence of the tool roughness degree on the extrusion forces, deformation process and a product quality. Described tool was designed in such a way to manufacture it with using conventional machining equipment.
There is often need to use welding methods in the aluminium alloys extrusion processes. Welding methods while extruding are divided in to transverse and longitudinal one. In paper the energy criterions for transverse and longitudinal joining during extrusion of aluminium alloys in warm conditions are showed. Numerical simulation results for two cylindrical billets transverse joining, during forward extruding with using the flat punch are presented. Irregularity in the billets material flow and presence of a void are proved. In order to equalization the flowing billets volumes streams, the numerical model for forward extrusion of cylindrical billets, with using the punch with a toe and initially formed upper billet is proposed. The application of this method causes both transverse and longitudinal welding schemes appearing. Combination of two welding schemas gives the product, which has a core made of material from the upper billet and external layers of the lower billet.
Content available remote The friction influence on stress in micro extrusion
Manufacturing of metallic parts by forming methods is industrially widespread due to high production rate, high accuracy, dimension’s and shape’s repeatability and good surface quality. The application of metal extrusion methods for the production of micro parts is possible, but there are some technological problems caused by small dimensions. Size effect is appearing. One of size effect symptom in micro extrusion, is a significant influence of rough contact between workpiece and tool while processing. In the case of rough contact without friction, material flows in the vicinity of the die surface. In order to explain more accurately a friction distribution in this area, the plastic wave friction model is proposed. This paper analyses specifications of a metal extrusion in micro scale. Using the friction model, a substitute friction shear factor mz and its influence on extrusion loading curves is determined in relationship to size of asperities.
Content available remote The friction in rod forward and backward micro extrusion
Micro parts are increasingly applied in industry because of the trend to miniaturization every day devices. Microforming is a method of manufacturing metal micro elements using a plastic treatment. This kind of production ensures high productivity, shapes and dimensions repeatability and good surface quality. Size effect connected with small dimensions affects changes in treatment processes of micro parts. While forming in micro scale, surface roughness is size independent and does not decrease with decreasing detail dimensions. The article presents schemas for forward and backward extrusion of metal rods. Using FEM, tool’s roughness as a triangle wave has been assumed, taking into account thereby size effect. Influence of roughness on extrusion forces by comparison with traditional flat tools and constant friction shear factor m has been specified. Impact of roughness caused growth of extrusion forces while forward extruding. On the contrary, backward extrusion ensured stable required forces, regardless of a surface structure.
Content available remote Deformations in micro extrusion of metals
Production technologies of small dimensions metallic elements are known for a long time. They are produced by machining methods: turning, milling, polishing. Recently, methods for manufacturing small details by forming are developed – microforming. This process is characterized by the high dimensions accuracy and the surface smoothness of received items and the high production rate. When a forming process is scaled down to micro dimensions, the microstructure of the workpiece, the surface topology of the workpiece and that of the tooling remain unchanged. Size effect is appearing. This paper analyses specifications of a metal extrusion in micro scale. To determine the impact of the tool surface roughness on deformation process the numerical model of roughness as triangle wave were developed. In paper the influence of the wave presence on the material flow is described. Impact of the forming conditions on extrusion forces there is also characterized.
Mikroforming (wyciskanie metali w mikro-skali) jest alternatywną, do obróbek skrawaniem, metodą wytwarzania mikro-przedmiotów. Ma ona nad nimi tę przewagę, że jest bardziej efektywna oraz zapewnia powtarzalność kształtów i wymiarów. Wymaga jednak zastosowania narzędzi, których budowa pozwoli na redukcję wpływu efektu skali na proces odkształcania. W pracy zaprezentowano wybrane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne mikro-maszyn zaprojektowanych do celów obróbki plastycznej metali.
Mikroforming is an alternative to machining, production method of micro-parts. Its advantage is to being more effective and assuring dimensions' and shapes' repeatability. However, using this method, its required to apply tools, with construction complied size effects. In this paper selected constructional micro-machines solutions, designed for plastic deformation are described.
W pracy zaprezentowano stanowisko do badania parametrów i wskaźników pracy wirników turbin wiatrowych o poziomej osi obrotu. Przedstawiono budowę i specyfikację techniczną oraz omówiono możliwości badawcze tego stanowiska. Zamieszczono przykładowe badania trójłopatowego wirnika typu Clark-Y. Wirnik przebadano pod kątem parametrów i wskaźników pracy w funkcji zmiennego kąta natarcia łopat. Celem eksperymentu była optymalizacja danych nastawczych urządzenia dla efektywnego wykorzystania energii wiatru w obszarze badanej lokalizacji.
This paper presents an experimental setup for research of parameters and work indicators of horizontal axis wind turbine. Moreover, it shows structure, specification and setup's investigative possibilities. There are presented samples of researches for three - blades Clark-Y rotor. The rotor has been investigated due to check parameters and indicators in function of variable angle of attack. The aim of this investigation was to optimize rotor's adjusting data for effective wind energy use in examination area.
Wytwarzanie metalowych części metodami obróbki plastycznej jest w przemyśle szeroko rozpowszechnione z powodu dużej wydajności produkcji, wysokiej dokładności, powtarzalności kształtów i wymiarów oraz dobrej jakości powierzchni. Zastosowanie metod wyciskania metali do wytwarzania mikro - części jest możliwe, jednakże małe wymiary przedmiotów nastręczają wiele trudności technologicznych, wynikających z pojawienia się tzw. efektu skali. W pracy przedstawiono specyfikację problematyki wyciskania metali w mikro - skali. Omówiono zjawiska związane z pojawieniem się efektu skali, wywołane czynnikami fizycznymi i strukturalnymi oraz ich wpływ na proces obróbki.
Manufacturing of metallic parts by forming methods is industrially widespread due to high production rate, high accuracy, dimensions' and shapes' repeatability and good surface quality. The application of metal extrusion methods for the production of mikroparts is possible, but there are some technological problems caused by small dimensions. Size effect is appearing. This paper analyses specifications of a metal extrusion in micro - scale. Scale effect phenomenon, caused by physical and structural factors, and their influence on a processing are described.
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