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Celem prac było zbadanie możliwości zastosowania włókien kolagenowych pozyskanych z odpadów skórzanych w technologii wytwarzania materiałów skóropodobnych spełniających wymagania normy PN-EN 15618+A1. Eksperymenty prowadzono w oparciu o przetestowane zgodnie z normą dwa rodzaje nośników tekstylnych powleczonych poliuretanem imitującym lico skóry naturalnej oraz pięć rodzajów zróżnicowanych środków wiążących. Wytworzono dziesięć eksperymentalnych materiałów, które oceniono organoleptycznie oraz pod względem trwałości połączenia włókien kolagenowych z podłożem. Wynikiem realizacji prac są wymierne efekty naukowe w postaci potwierdzonych możliwości wytwarzania satysfakcjonujących rozwiązań – stosunkowo łatwego zintegrowania materiałów skóropodobnych z włóknem kolagenowym pozyskanym z odpadów skórzanych oraz opracowania uproszczonego schematu postępowania przy wytwarzaniu takich materiałów. Badania wymagają kontynuacji w celu optymalizacji procesu ich produkcji pod kątem wdrożenia w zakładach produkujących tapicerki meblowe.
The aim of the work was to investigate the possibility of applying collagen fibers obtained from leather waste in leather-like materials manufacturing technology which meets the requirements of standards PN-EN 15618+A1. The experiments were carried out on the basis of two types of polyurethane-coated textile surfaces checked for standard compliance and 5 different types of binders. Ten experimental materials were prepared and evaluated organoleptically and in terms of durability of the collagen fiber connection to the substrate. The results of the work are measurable scientific results in the form of confirmed possibilities of producing satisfactory solutions – it is relatively easy to integrate leather-like materials with collagen fibers obtained from leather waste and to develop a simplified procedure for the manufacture of such materials. Research needs to be continued in order to optimize their production process for implementation in furniture upholstery factories.
Content available remote Nanopigmenty barierowe chroniące skóry przed promieniowaniem nadfioletowym
W celu poprawienia funkcjonalności i walorów estetycznych wyrobów skórzanych zastosowano eksperymentalną formę rozjaśniacza optycznego, stanowiącą środek o silnej błękitnej fluorescencji i właściwościach bielących, pochłaniający promieniowanie z zakresu UV-A i UV-B. Zastosowany środek jest wodną dyspersją neutralnego mikropigmentu o rozdrobnieniu 0,3-0,5 μm oraz bardzo wysokiej fluorescencyjnej bieli WI = 165 (wg CIE) i może być wprowadzany bez ograniczeń do kompozycji wykończalniczych na podłoża o różnym charakterze, do których nie musi wykazywać własnego powinowactwa fizykochemicznego. Przy użyciu spektroreflektometru z kulą całkującą przeprowadzono ocenę barwometryczną dyspersji nanopigmentu. Wstępne badania wykazały, że nowy produkt daje dobre efekty wizualne w wykończeniach powierzchni skór naturalnych białych, nie powodując pogorszenia ich właściwości fizykomechanicznych. Zdobyte doświadczenie jest podstawą do kontynuacji prac w kierunku poprawy jakości, funkcjonalności oraz walorów estetycznych białych lub jasnych wykończeń materiałów przemysłu lekkiego za pomocą kompozycji zawierających wielofunkcyjne substancje o rozdrobnieniu nanostrukturalnym.
Ten white and light cow hide samples were finished with a fluorescent brighthening agent-contg. nanopigment (0.3-0.5 μm) and studied for resistance against UV irradn. 2,5-Thiophenodiylbis(5-tert-butyl)-1,3-benzoxazole was prepd. according to Z. Hu at al. (2008) and used as the agent.
The publication presents investigation results and statistical analysis showing that by varying the chemical structure of optical brighteners from the derivative group of stilbene used for fabrics of artificial cellulose fibre modification, resulting in a different manufacturing process, it is possible to predict the level of the UPF value of the index of such modified fabric. In addition, statistically it was confirmed by results from early research that both the fibre finish (in this case, roughening the pigment TiO2 ) used for fabric manufacture as well as the FBA concentration used for fabric modification influence their UPF index value. Fabric UV -barrier studies also showed that despite a partial decrease in UPF values for such finished fabrics, the dependence of such an index on subtle differences in the chemical structure of the FBAs is maintained. Primarily the possibility and range of improving textile barriers against UV radiation through the use of the UV-absorption abilities of optical brighteners with subtle differences in their chemical structure was recognised, creating a premise to elaborate a mathematical control concept to steer a textile UV-barrier.
W publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań i analiz statystycznych, świadczące o tym, że poprzez różnicowanie budowy chemicznej rozjaśniaczy optycznych z grupy pochodnych związków stilbenu, zastosowanych do modyfikacji tkanin ze sztucznych włókien celulozowych, powstałych w różnym procesie wytwórczym, możliwe jest przewidywanie poziomu wartości wskaźnika UPF tak zmodyfikowanych tkanin. Ponadto statystycznie potwierdzono wyniki wcześniej prowadzonych badań, świadczące o tym, że zarówno wykończenie włókien (w tym przypadku zmatowienie pigmentem TiO2) użytych do produkcji tkanin, jak i stężenie FBAs, użytych do modyfikacji tkanin, wpływa na badaną dla nich wartość wskaźnika UPF. W badaniach trwałości UV-barierowych tkanin wykazano także, że mimo częściowego spadku wartości UPF tak wykończonych tkanin, utrzymuje się zależność tego wskaźnika od subtelnych różnic w budowie chemicznej FBAs. Wstępnie rozpoznana możliwość i zakres poprawy barierowości tekstyliów wobec promieniowania UV poprzez wykorzystanie zdolności UV-absorbcyjnych rozjaśniaczy optycznych o subtelnych różnicach w budowie chemicznej, stwarza przesłankę do opracowania matematycznej koncepcji kontrolowanego sterowania UV-barierowością tekstyliów.
Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą trzech znormalizowanych dynamicznych metod badawczych stosowanych do oceny odporności obuwia na wodę, zgodnych z trzema normami: PN-EN 13073, PN-O-91123 oraz PN-EN ISO 20344. Celem było zwrócenie uwagi na możliwości i ograniczenia każdej z tych metod, wynikające z zasady prowadzenia badań, zaangażowania ludzi lub konstrukcji oprzyrządowania. Stwierdzono, że konsekwencją dużych różnic w metodach, wynikających z powyższych czynników są zróżnicowane możliwości i ograniczenia dotyczące np. potrzeby zaangażowania osoby testującej w badanie, powierzchni wymaganej do przeprowadzenia badań, bezpieczeństwa i wygody prowadzenia badań, dokładności odczytu pomiaru lub typu badanego obuwia. Te ograniczenia w drodze doskonalenia metod, można i powinno się eliminować. Bez względu na wyniki analiz, wszystkie te metody z powodzeniem mogą być stosowane do prowadzenia testów obuwia pod względem odporności na wodę, jednak wyniki uzyskane z tych metod dla tego samego rodzaju obuwia mogą się różnić. Dla weryfikacji tej tezy konieczne jest przeprowadzenie badań porównawczych tego samego obuwia przy użyciu trzech analizowanych metod.
A comparative analysis of three standard dynamic test methods used to evaluate water resistance of footwear was carried out, compliant with three standards: PN-EN 13073, PN-O-91123, PN-EN ISO 20344. The aim of study was to draw attention to the possibilities and limitations of each of these methods, resulting from the principle of measurements, people involvement or equipment design. It was found that the consequence of large differences between methods, resulting from above factors led to diverse possibilities and restrictions such as: the need to involve testers, the area required for testing, the safety and comfort for testing, accuracy of measurement readings as well as the range of tested shoe types. These limitations can and should be eliminated by means of improvement methods. Regardless of the results of the analysis, all of these methods can be successfully used for water resistance testing of footwear; however the results of these methods, for the same type of footwear may vary. For verification of this thesis it is necessary to conduct comparative studies of the same footwear using the three analysed methods.
The article presents the results of the model textile layered systems, with different applied adhesive medium, in terms of hygienic properties and meeting the requirements of „HEALTHY FOOT – Footwear protecting the proper development and functioning of the child’s feet” mark. The systems were built of cotton fibers textile materials, connected by six kinds of adhesives used in light industry. Comparative studies of hygienic properties were carried out according to standardized test methods, taking into account the change in mass of the surface. The optimal parameters from the footwear hygiene point of view involving textile layer systems, was found in samples with pure forms of the adhesive media – powders, films, and nonwovens, while the worst results were obtained in samples with a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The differences in the results of the study indicate a relationshipbetween the adhesive medium connecting textile materials in layered systems and their hygienic parameters, i.e. water vapor permeability (WVP), water vapor absorption (WVA) and water vapor coefficient. This fact constitutes a premise for further research and detailed analysis in order to confirm the statistical strength of the correlation.
The existing trend in modernization of natural leathers tanning procedures requires elimination of chrome tanning agents. Previous studies have shown that the use of chromium-free technology allows to obtain the high-quality leathers, which can be used in the shoe and upholstery sectors. This article presents the test results of new assortments of natural calf and bovine leathers tanned with modified chrome-vegetable tanning technologies for the purpose to evaluate their applicability in manufacturing of footwear. Organoleptic assessment as well results of laboratory tests, such as physical and chemical parameters, hygiene properties and hazardous substances (chromium VI, formaldehyde, aromatic amines and heavy metals) new ranges of leather, have shown the full compliance with the requirements for the shoe upper leather, ensuring high comfort and durability of shoes manufactured of these leathers. The best results were achieved by vegatable-synthane retanned leathers that exhibited hygienic properties which were exceptionally beneficial to the health. The tested leathers boast proper processing parameters as well as properties ensuring comfortable footwear. Leathers can successfully be applied to other products of light industry.
In recent years, there is an increase in the market share for synthetic leather upholstered furniture, which is competing with furniture upholstered with natural leather. The cost of production of such materials allows the manufacturer to demonstrate flexibility in relation to the rapidly changing trends, but it must meet a series of quality requirements. There are available general requirements for plastics-coated fabrics, it was necessary to update and supplement them with the quality requirements for synthetic leather upholstered furniture. In the article there are presented functional properties of leatherlike materials, and test results for the commercially available materials of that sort, categorized in terms of backing and finish coat. These results as well as analysis of standardized documents, allowed establishing a set of new requirements for coated fabrics upholstered furniture.
In recent years, there is an increase in the market share for synthetic leather upholstered furniture, which is competing with furniture upholstered with natural leather. The cost of production of such materials allows the manufacturer to demonstrate flexibility in relation to the rapidly changing trends, but it must meet a series of quality requirements. There are available general requirements for plastics-coated fabrics, it was necessary to update and supplement them with the quality requirements for synthetic leather upholstered furniture. In the article there are presented functional properties of leatherlike materials, and test results for the commercially available materials of that sort, categorized in terms of backing and finish coat. These results as well as analysis of standardized documents, allowed establishing a set of new requirements for coated fabrics upholstered furniture.
The Institute of Leather Industry in Krakow has been testing and evaluating materials designed for special footwear. Such shoes are mainly the interest of the elder who often face the limitation of mobility due to sensible feet, people with temporary limitations of the lower limbs (after various treatments and surgical operations), as well as people with diabetic foot syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. The analysis of the research allowed selecting as well as to work out new material configurations, that meets the high requirements of such footwear, taking into account the optimal utility and hygienic properties as well as it settles the requirements for physic-mechanical parameters, hygienic parameters and the limits of selected chemical substances for special footwear materials intended for people suffering from limited feet efficiency.
The Institute of Leather Industry in Krakow has been testing and evaluating materials designed for special footwear. Such shoes are mainly the interest of the elder who often face the limitation of mobility due to sensible feet, people with temporary limitations of the lower limbs (after various treatments and surgical operations), as well as people with diabetic foot syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. The analysis of the research allowed selecting as well as to work out new material configurations, that meets the high requirements of such footwear, taking into account the optimal utility and hygienic properties as well as it settles the requirements for physic-mechanical parameters, hygienic parameters and the limits of selected chemical substances for special footwear materials intended for people suffering from limited feet efficiency.
The Institute of Leather Industry in Krakow has been testing and evaluating materials designed for special footwear. Such shoes are mainly the interest of the elder who often face the limitation of mobility due to sensible feet, people with temporary limitations of the lower limbs (after various treatments and surgical operations), as well as people with diabetic foot syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. The analysis of the research allowed selecting as well as to work out new material configurations, that meets the high requirements of such footwear, taking into account the optimal utility and hygienic properties as well as it settles the requirements for physic-mechanical parameters, hygienic parameters and the limits of selected chemical substances for special footwear materials intended for people suffering from limited feet efficiency.
This paper presents research into the influence of UV radiation on the molecular and supermolecular structure of first-, second-, and third-generation manmade cellulose fibres, differing from each other in their initial structures and containing dulling agents.
For many years, individuals around the world have relied on sunscreen alone as their primary form of protection against ultraviolet rays. Australia has shown that a multi-tactical approach to skin cancer prevention, combining sun-protective clothing with sun-screen, can be both highly effective and widely accepted by the general public. Sun-protective clothing, manufactured in such a way by various concerns and awarded by the Seal of Recommendation by The Skin Cancer Foundation, offers the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of lives and is an essential step in eliminating skin cancer in our world.
The barrier properties of model fabrics as a protection against UV radiation have been examined by measuring the UV absorbing capacity of polymers of selected fibres containing dulling agents and optical brightening agents.
Content available remote Surface strain during homoepitaxy : growth and ion ablation of CdTe
Oscillations of the surface lattice parameter were observed by RHEED during the homoepitaxial growth of (001) CdTe by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and atomic layer epitaxy (ALE). The oscillations are associated to a deformation, induced by the surface reconstruction, at the free edges of the small 2D islands formed during the growth. In the same way, a lateral relaxation is measured during the layer by layer "de-growth" of (001) CdTe. Experiments using a CCD X-ray sensitive camera combined with the very bright X-ray beam offered by the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility allowed us to investigate the two layers behaviour of the CdTe surface in real time during the ablation by ion sputtering. The results show a relaxation mechanism, which is effective only whem islands are presented on the surface. A correlation has been found between the size the islands, their distribution, and the surface reconstruction. Particularly, a long-distance correlation between islands along the [1-10] direction has been observed.
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