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Climate fluctuations and related crucial environmental changes in the Late Glacial and Holocene in the southern Baltic Sea area can be reconstructed by mollusc analyses. Lacustrine sediments host an association of molluscs and other fossils, including freshwater species such as: Armiger crista f. cristatus, Gyraulus laevis, Lymnaea peregra, Pisidium casertanum, Pisidium casertanum f. ponderosa, Pisidium milium, Pisidium nitidum, Pisidium obtusale f. lapponicum, Valvata cristata and Pisidium conventus, which indicate cold climate. Deposition in freshwater reservoirs continued during the Early Holocene. at that time, species characteristic of cold freshwater environments were accompanied by freshwater mollusc species that require higher temperatures: Bithynia tentaculata, Physa fontinalis and Pisidium amnicum. This suggests climate warming in the Preboreal period. These lacustrine sediments were partly destroyed and covered by marine sands during the Middle and Late Holocene. Good indicators of changing environmental conditions from freshwater to marine are the following marine species found in the sediments: Hydrobia ulvae, Hydrobia ventrosa, Cerastoderma glaucum, Mytilus edulis and Macoma balthica.
Zmiany klimatyczne, a za tym daleko idące zmiany środowiska w późnym glacjale i holocenie na obszarze południowego Bałtyku mogą być wyjaśniane także przez badania fauny mięczaków. Na obszarze południowego Bałtyku w okresie późnego glacjału występowały gatunki słodkowodne wskazujące na klimat zimny, takie jak: Armiger crista f. cristatus, Gyraulus laevis, Lymnaea peregra, Pisidium casertanum, Pisidium casertanum f. ponderosa, Pisidium milium, Pisidium nitidum, Pisidium obtusale f. lapponicum, Valvata cristata, Pisidium conventus. Akumulacja jeziorna w słodkowodnych zbiornikach strefy przybrzeżnej kontynuowała się w okresie wczesnego holocenu. W tym czasie oprócz gatunków słodkowodnych, zimnolubnych pojawiły się gatunki mięczaków i małżoraczków słodkowodnych, o wyższych wymogach termicznych (Bithynia tentaculata, Physa fontinalis, Pisidium amnicum). Świadczy to o ociepleniu się klimatu w okresie preborealnym. Zrastanie przybrzeżnych zbiorników rozpoczęło się w okresie borealnym i trwało również w okresie atlantyckim. W tym czasie miały miejsce wlewy wód morskich do zbiorników. Wskaźnikiem tego jest liczne występowanie morskich gatunków takich jak: Hydrobia ulvae, Hydrobia ventrosa, Cerastoderma glaucum, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica. W osadach piaszczystych w okresie subborealnym i subatlantyckim zdecydowanie przeważała fauna morska.
The Baltic Sea is not typically considered as an area affected by tsunamis. However, during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene several tsunami events have been interpreted from the sedimentary record, mainly in Sweden and Estonia. Furthermore, on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, there are historical accounts of catastrophical marine floodings called “der Seebär” (“the Sea Bear”). Their descriptions reveal many features typical for tsunami, but their genesis remained unknown and sedimentary evidence for such events has not been found. Here we provide evidence of sandy event layers from the area of Rogowo, NW Poland – the area of historical catastrophic storms as well as “der Seebär” events. The study area is a low-lying coastal plain with an average elevation of –0.5 to +0.5 m a.s.l., protected from the open sea by beach and coastal dune systems up to 5 m high. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and geochemical analyses along with AMS 14C dating were applied to sedimentary successions seen in 5 major trenches and 198 sediment cores up to 1.5 m long. Two sandy layers were identified in the peat deposits that developed on the plain during the last ~2000 years. They reveal a number of typical features of tsunami deposits (significant lateral extent and thickness, rip-up clasts, chemical and micropalaeontological evidence of marine origin), however, 14C dating along with the historical accounts revealed that the major layer, extending at least 1.2 km from the modern coasts, was probably deposited by arguably the largest storm surge during the last 2000 years, which took place in 1497 AD. These storm deposits were likely formed during inundation of the low-lying coastal plain after major breaching of coastal dunes resulting in tsunami – like flow pattern and thus similar sedimentological effects. A discontinuous sand layer of younger age (18th century) and sharing similar properties to the previous one may be related to “der Seebär” event or another storm surge. The study revealed that the southern Baltic Sea coast may be affected by much greater coastal flooding than known from more recent accounts and observations. Thus, the presented geological record should be taken as an example of a worst-case scenario in coastal zone risk assessment from natural hazards. These events left sedimentary deposits that resemble tsunami deposits. It is likely that, in similar settings where storm surges cause unidirectional inundation of a coastal plain, it may not be possible to establish whether the resulting deposits were laid down from storms or tsunamis.
The climate changes and related crucial environmental changes in the Late Glacial and Holocene in the Southern Baltic area can be investigated by mollusc and ostracod analyses. It is well known that accumulation of mineral and biogenic sediments in the Southern Baltic area began in the Late Glacial. The process took place in cold tundra lakes and mires. The presence of lake basins is confirmed by seismoacoustic investigations and the resulting 3D spatial model. Lacustrine sediments contain an assemblage of molluscs and ostracod fauna represented by freshwater species indicating cold climate, such as: Armiger crista f. cristatus, Gyraulus laevis, Lymnaea peregra, Pisidium casertanum, Pisidium casertanum f. ponderosa, Pisidium milium, Pisidium nitidum, Pisidium obtusale f. lapponicum, Valvata cristata, Pisidium conventus, Candona candida, Candona neglecta, Cytherissa lacustris, Darwinula stevensoni and Cypridopsis vidua. The accumulation in freshwater reservoirs was continued during the Early Holocene. Besides cold freshwater species, sediments of that age also contain freshwater species of molluscs and ostracods that required higher temperature: Bithynia tentaculata, Physa fontinalis, Pisidium amnicum, Candona compressa and Metacypris cordata. It indicates a climate warming in the Preboreal period. These lake sediments were partly destroyed and covered by marine sands during the Middle and Upper Holocene. Good indicators of changing from a freshwater to marine environment are the following marine species found in the sediments: Hydrobia ulvae, Hydrobia ventrosa, Cerastoderma glaucum, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica, Cyprideis torosa and Cytheromorpha fuscata.
The paper presents the results of new studies of Quaternary deposits filling the Kleszczów Graben in the Szczerców outcrop, Bełchatów Lignite Opencast Mine. Sedimentary successions were profiled in the fieldwork. Moreover, the borehole data were studied. Laboratory studies included: grain size analyses, analyses of shape and morphology of quartz grain (morphoscopy), analyses of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), palynological, malacological and ostracodological studies, as well as geochronometric (C14) and geochemical (δ18O/δ16O) measurements. The studies were carried out in 2009–2013 and resulted in discovering of some sedimentary formations as well as arranging geological cross-sections and synthetic lithostratigraphic profile. The following sedimantary formations have been distinguished: Folwark, Kuców, Czyżów, Ławki, Rogowiec, Aleksandrów, Piaski and Widawka, arranged into two structural units: the lower one – deformed, and the upper one – undeformed.
The paper presents the results of sedimentological and biostratigraphical analyses from the Resko Przymorskie Lake spit (NW Poland), supported by radiocarbon datings. The study has aimed to recognize the geological structure of the spit and its base and to recognize the palaeoenivronmental changes. Nine sedimentary series composing the Resko Przymorskie Lake spit have been distinguished (I–IX). The oldest sediments are the Vistulian Glaciation till (series I) and fluvioglacial sand and gravel (series II). In the Early Holocene, in the study area there was a river valley (series III) followed by a shallow water basin (series IV), which was replaced by a peat bog (series V). In the Atlantic (7.4 ka cal BP), the water level rose (Littorina transgression) and accumulation of lagoonal sediments started (series VI). Biostratigraphic analysis of deposits in series VI indicates a marine influence. In the Atlantic and Subboreal, the spit moved southwards and fine sand (series VII) was deposited on lagoonal gyttja and silt (series VI). In the western part of the study area, peat accumulated (series VIII), dated at 6.7 ka cal BP (Late Atlantic). The youngest series IX is composed of aeolian fine sand in white dunes that formed in the last 400 years.
To reconstruct environmental changes in water hydrology and salinity in the Late Glacial to Holocene of the Polish part of the southern Baltic Sea, the distribution of ostracod valves was studied in 85 sediment cores collected from both the open sea and the coastal zone. The studied sequences yielded 30 species, of which six appeared new to the Quaternary Baltic deposits of Poland. The most common species were non-marine Candona neglecta (present in 52 cores), C. candida (31 cores) and Cytherissa lacustris (30 cores) as well as holeuryhaline Cyprideis torosa (52 cores). Initial Late Glacial–early Holocene palaeoassemblages dominated by inhabitants of the profundal/sub-littoral zones of modern oligo-mesotrophic lakes (C. lacustris, C. neglecta, C. candida) or species typical of the lacustrine littoral (Darwinula stevensoni, Limnocythere inopinata, Ilyocypris decipiens) were replaced in middle and late Holocene by the assemblages dominated by brackishwater species (Cyprideis torosa, Cytheromorpha fuscata). The revealed successional transitions indicate the fundamental environmental change in the history of the Baltic, when marine waters entered the Baltic Basin and caused the major hydrological shift from the freshwater system into the brackish-marine Littorina Sea. The present results consolidate inferences based on previously published ostracod data on the environmental transformation in the southern Baltic Sea.
Wcelu odtworzenia zmian środowiskowych w późnym glacjale i w holocenie na terenie polskiej części południowego Bałtyku zbadano rozmieszczenie małżoraczków w osadach 85 rdzeni pochodzących zarówno z obszarów otwartego morza, jak również ze strefy przybrzeżnej. W badanych osadach znaleziono łącznie 30 gatunków, z których sześć okazało się nowymi dla czwartorzędu polskiej części Bałtyku. Najczęstszymi były gatunki słodkowodne: Candona neglecta (występująca aż w 52 rdzeniach), C. candida (w 31 rdzeniach) i Cytherissa lacustris (w 30 rdzeniach), a także gatunek holeuryhalinowy Cyprideis torosa (w 52 rdzeniach). Pierwotne zgrupowania późnego glacjału i wczesnego holocenu, zdominowane przez gatunki strefy profundalu/ sublitoralu jezior oligo-mezotroficznych (C. lacustris, C. neglecta, C. candida) lub gatunki charakterystyczne dla litoralu jezior (Darwinula stevensoni, Limnocythere inopinata, Ilyocypris decipiens), w środkowym i późnym holocenie zostały zastąpione zgrupowaniami zdominowanymi przez gatunki słonawowodne–morskie (Cyprideis torosa, Cytheromorpha fuscata). Odnotowane prawidłowości sukcesyjne fauny małżoraczków wskazują na fundamentalne zmiany środowiskowe Morza Bałtyckiego, kiedy to wody morskie wdarły się do basenu bałtyckiego, powodując przekształcenie zbiornika słodkowodnego w słonawowodne Morze Litorynowe. Uzyskane wyniki poszerzyły wnioski zawarte w opublikowanych danych dotyczących małżoraczków i przemian środowiskowych południowego Bałtyku.
Celem przeprowadzonego doświadczenia było porównanie antagonistycznego oddziaływania grzybów z rodzaju Trichoderma oraz grzybów drożdżoidalnych na patogeny z rodzaju Fusarium w warunkach in vitro. W badaniach wykorzystano dwa gatunki grzybów z rodzaju Trichoderma: T. viride i T. harzianum, dwa gatunki grzybów drożdżoidalnych: Candida albicans i Trichosporon pullulans oraz pięć gatunków patogenów z rodzaju Fusarium: F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. poae, F. oxysporum oraz F. avenaceum. Testowane grzyby wyszczepiano parami na pożywkę PDA. Doświadczenie wykonane zostało w dwóch seriach różniących się temperaturą inkubacji grzybów (20ºC i 26ºC). Pomiary prowadzono mierząc średnicę kolonii grzybów. Stwierdzono, że antagonistami o najsilniejszym działaniu na patogeny były T. harzianum oraz T. viride. Najsłabsze oddziaływanie na rozwój Fusarium spp. wykazał T. pullulans. Temperatura nie wpłynęła istotnie na działanie grzybów z rodzaju Trichoderma spp., natomiast C. albicans wykazał większą aktywność antagonistyczną w wyższej temperaturze. Wśród patogenów najbardziej wrażliwe na działanie antagonistów były F. graminearum, F. avenaceum oraz F. oxysporum.
The aim of the study was to compare an antagonistic activity of Trichoderma spp. and yeasts on pathogenic Fusarium spp. in in vitro conditions. Two Trichoderma species (T. viride and T. harzianum), two yeast species (Candida albicans and Trichosporon pullulans) and five Fusarium species (F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. poae, F. oxysporum and F. avenaceum ) were tested. Fungi were inoculated in pairs on PDA plates and incubated in two temperatures: 20ºC and 26ºC. The fungi diameter was measured. T. harzianum and T. viride affected the pathogens the most and T. pullulans the least. Incubation temperature did not affect Trichoderma spp. C. albicans was more active in the higher temperature. Among pathogens the most vulnerable were F. graminearum, F. avenaceum and F. oxysporum.
W artykule opisano bazę zasobową powiatu nidzickiego i obszaru pogranicznego z powiatem olsztyńskim zawartą na czterech arkuszach Mapy geologiczno-gospodarczej Polski w skali 1: 50 000, Nidzica, Muszaki, Narzym i Janowo. Obecnie na omawianym terenie formalnie eksploatowane jest jedno złoże piasków i żwirów "Kanigowo II". Pozostałe złoża nie są eksploatowane. Zapotrzebowanie odbiorców indywidualnych i firm związane z budową tras szybkiego ruchu przyczyniło się do wzrostu zainteresowania możliwością rozpoznania złóż nowych i odnowienia koncesji dla złóż dotychczasowych. Potencjalny konflikt pomiędzy możliwością udokumentowania złóż nowych lub uzyskania koncesji dla złóż już udokumentowanych wynika z obecności Obszarów Chronionego Krajobrazu.
The aim of this paper is presentation the mineral resources base of Nidzica district and neighboring area, comprising in four sheets of Geological - economical map of Poland in scale 1:50 000; Nidzica, Muszaki, Narzym and Janowo. In mentioned area only one deposit appearance has been exploitating at present time. The rest of them aren 't. Application of individual customers and establishments, connected with building the new highway has caused growing of interest of recognitions possibility of new deposits appearances and restanding concessions of appearances with evidenced status. Occurrence of Protected Landscape Areas has been creating potential conflict, concerning possibility of evidencing a new mineral deposits or obtaining concessions for deposits already evidenced.
The project aimed at creating a digital archive of species documented from the Quarternary deposits of the Southern Baltic Sea. The records are ordered and supplemented with diagnostic descriptions. Users interested in micro- and malacofauna can use the data in various applications (e.g., GIS). Besides, the database is also compatible with zoological specimen collections for museums, using a standard catalogue registry. The database was created in MS Visual FoxPro format. Access to the database (including browsing, searching and sorting options) is possible via a custom- made user interface application. The database is distributed on CD-ROM including also the necessary software. Because of its "open" character, the database will be systematically updated with new results of research on the Southern Baltic. The new faunistic database is designed as compatible with an already existing geological data base (Neptun) in the Marine Geology Branch of the Polish Geological Institute. Such cooperation will allow users to get additional information (lithology, petrography, etc.) concerning the studied samples of the Quaternary faunal remains.
Within a small (2.5 x 2.5 km) test field, located in the eastern part of the Pomeranian Bay, the geological structure was investigated in detail using seismoacoustic profiling and coring. In the cores, mineral grain size and micro- and macrofauna were analysed. Basing on seismoacoustic records, three main seismostratigraphic units were distinguished. The lowest unit is built of sand and muddy sand. Higher up lies the unit of sandy mud, in some places -of clay. Fauna assemblages indicate cold climate conditions, and clearly point to an existence of lacustrine reservoir of oligotrophic character. Analysis of cores shows that sedimentation began in bog conditions. The lakes in the area existed till the Atlantic period, when due to sea transgression they became filled with sandy sediments. The third unit is built mainly of fine sand, locally medium sand, even with addition of gravel. Basing on the presence of marine fauna, this unit is classified as marine sand.
Content available remote Nowe dane o profilu osadów interglacjału mazowieckiego w Cząstkowie
Celem artykułu jest omówienie i dyskusja wyników nowych badań unikalnego profilu osadów interglacjału mazowieckiego w Cząstkowie. Osady jeziorne poddano badaniom mikrofaunistycznym oraz datowano metodą uranowo-torową. Analiza małżoraczków wniosła istotne dane do analizy przebiegu akumulacji osadów na tle zmian klimatycznych. W badanych osadach występowały małżoraczki zimno-stenotermiczne, nie stwierdzono natomiast obecności gatunków małżoraczków ciepłolubnych, wskaźnikowych dla osadów interglacjału mazowieckiego, takich jak: Scottia browniana (Jones). Natomiast daty U-Th, określone wartościami: <110 (ka) i <130 (ka) nie potwierdziły wieku interglacjału mazowieckiego.
The principal aim of this paper is to discuss the new results derived from investigations of a unique profile of Mazovian Interglacial deposits at Cząstkowo. Lake deposits were studied microfaunistically and dated using a U-Th method. The analysis of ostracods gives important data on the deposition course versus the climatic changes. The sediments examined contain cold stenothermal ostracods; no warm stenothermal species characteristic for Mazovian Interglacial deposits, such as: Scottia browniana (Jones) occur. The U-Th datings revealed 110 ka and 130 ka, not confirming Mazovian Interglacial age.
Content available remote Zespoły mięczaków w osadach czwartorzędowych południowego Bałtyku
Celem badań było prześledzenie zmienności składu gatunkowego mięczaków w osadach późnego glacjału i holocenu z obszaru południowego Bałtyku. Analizie malakologicznej poddano 465 próbek ze 119 rdzeni. Oznaczono 23 gatunki mięczaków słodkowodnych i 13 gatunków mięczaków morskich. Przedstawiono rozwój fauny mięczaków południowego Bałtyku na tle głównych jednostek podziału stratygraficznego czwartorzędu.
The main goal of the investigations was an analysis of variability of species molluscs composition in Late Glacial and Holocene sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea area. On the basis of analysis 465 samples taken from 119 cores, 23 freshwater species as well as 13 marine species of molluscs were determined. It is presented, the developement of mollusc fauna in the southern Baltic Sea in correlation with the main stratygraphic units of Quaternary.
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