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Underground laboratories provide a unique environment for various industries and are the perfect place for developing new technologies for mining, geophysical surveys, radiation detection as well as many other studies and measurements. Unfortunately working in underground excavations is
associated with exposure to many hazards not encountered in the laboratories located on the surface. Water inflow, gas burst, roof fall and even seismic hazards translate into high accident rates in the underground mining industry across the globe. Therefore, to minimise the risk of serious accidents, a lot of research investigations related to the development of effective risk assessment procedures are being carried out. One of the initiatives aimed at improving the work safety in underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea Innovation Network project implemented under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. This study presents the process of compiling a database on hazards within underground laboratories. Finally, a proposal of unification of the procedure for risk assessment, including methods for determining the likelihood and potential impact of unwanted events has been developed.
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