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The considered issue refers to manufacturing in conditions of variable human resource needs. The aim of the paper was to develop the method for determining the structure of employment from the viewpoint of desired employee skills and qualifications, including multiskilling. The method was verified on the example of production data of the company manufacturing glass shielding systems in conditions of customized production.
Occupational health and safety is relevant to each size and kind of business. People need to work in the safe working environment. Health and safety in workplaces is a key organization responsibility matter that is important from a legal, social and economic point of view. In order to prevent occupational accidents and adverse health effects, employers have to carry out the risk assessment and decide if they take adequate and reasonable steps towards protecting workers against hazards. Risk assessment is the central point of a company’s occupational health and safety management system. It is about considering what could harm people at work and what precautions should be implemented. There are many methods that may be used in risk assessment. They differ in approaches, from qualitative or quantitative to a combination of both. Whichever method is chosen, the competences of members of risk assessment team will be absolutely crucial for obtained results and further benefits.
Zapewnienie pracownikom bezpiecznych i higienicznych warunków pracy jest konieczne w każdym przedsiębiorstwie, niezależnie od wielkości, rodzaju i zakresu prowadzonej działalności. Znaczenie odpowiedzialności pracodawcy za zdrowie i życie pracowników wynika ze względów społecznych, ekonomicznych oraz wymagań prawnych. W celu zapobiegania wypadkom przy pracy, chorobom zawodowym ora innym niekorzystnym następstwom istniejących zagrożeń w środowisku pracy należy systematycznie przeprowadzać ocenę ryzyka zawodowego na stanowiskach. Identyfikacja zagrożeń i ocena ryzyka zawodowego stanowią zasadniczy element systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem i higieną pracy. Zagrożenia dla zdrowia i życia pracowników istnieją na każdym stanowisku, a bezpieczeństwo jest możliwe tylko wówczas, jeśli zostaną one rozpoznane oraz podjęte zostaną działania na rzecz ich wyeliminowania bądź zabezpieczenia się przed nimi. Istnieje wiele metod oceny ryzyka zawodowego, które najogólniej można podzielić na ilościowe i jakościowe bądź mieszane. Właściwy dobór metody, a przede wszystkim kompetencje zespołu dokonującego oceny ryzyka, mają duże znaczenie dla poprawy warunków bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w przedsiębiorstwie.
In many enterprises the re-designed work organization is common in use. Job enlargement, job rotation and job enrichment are examples of non-financial ways of motivating people towards better performance. Motivating is here based on modifying or changing the content of the job in order to give employees more satisfaction with their work. Particularly, job enrichment increases the depth of a job and al-lows job-holders to have more autonomy and more control over their work. In consequence, it gives workers the opportunity to satisfy some of the higher needs as identified by Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories. Re-designed jobs need higher competencies that is why employees with additional tasks and functions expect higher level of salary. It is important from the viewpoint of maintaining the proper and close relationship between payment and job’s requirements. Impact of changes in job con-tent on job’s position in job grade structure resulting from job evaluation, and subsequently, on payment level is presented in this paper.
W wielu przedsiębiorstwach funkcjonują takie formy organizacji pracy jak rozszerzanie, rotacja czy wzbogacanie pracy. Właściwie zaprojektowane i wdrożone mogą przyczynić się nie tylko do minimalizowania negatywnych skutków monotonii pracy, ale przede wszystkim być .źródłem wewnętrznej motywacji pracowników, zwłaszcza dotyczy to wzbogacania pracy, które pozwala na zaspokojenie potrzeb usytuowanych na wyższych poziomach w hierarchii potrzeb Maslow’a oraz w teorii Herzberg’a. Choć wynagrodzenie, w świetle teorii Herzberg’a, nie stanowi czynnika motywacyjnego, należy jednak do czynników higieny. Zatem należy stwierdzić, iż racjonalne i obiektywne różnicowanie stawek płac to podstawa budowy systemów motywacyjnych, gdyż bez właściwie zaprojektowanego systemu różnicowania wynagrodzeń inne formy motywowania pozafinansowego mogą nie spełnić swojej roli, gdyż wciąż będzie istniało niezadowolenie pracowników. W niniejszym artykule zasygnalizowano wpływ zmian w treści pracy na wynik wartościowania pracy i pozycję stanowiska w taryfikatorze zaszeregowania stanowisk, który jest w dalszej kolejności podstawą różnicowania stawek płac zasadniczych.
Human resource planning (in other word: workforce planning) is the fundamental process for optimization of human resources in every company. The main purpose of this process is to identify future human needs form the viewpoint of future company’s goals. Briefly, human resource planning aims especially at providing a company with the right people in the right place and at the right time, and next, motivating them to better and better performance. In unit and small batch production systems, where changes in production program and production profile are much more frequent than in large batch and mass production ones, the demand for particular number of employees and their competencies varies over time. So, in such environment, workers are desired to be flexible and able to do different jobs in different workplaces. Worker’s flexibility depends on his or her knowledge, skills and behaviour, for example a worker is highly qualified, motivated and willing to take new jobs and to keep expected efficiency. Present production systems want flexible and agile workers, who can be shifted dynamically to various range of jobs due to the current need of a company. From the financial point of view, it is a question if the functional flexibility is really effective for the company. It is obvious that polyfunctional operators are more costly because higher competencies should be adequately compensated by higher payment, but on the other hand, they allow a company to reduce the number of employees and make production planning process easier and smoother. That is way the rational staff competency level is a key for a company to realize production programs and stay competitive in the market. In optimization of human resource quantity and quality the simulation technique is useful for analyzing, assessing and comparing employment alternatives different from the viewpoint of number of employees and their competency level. Particular variants of quantitative and qualitative employment are connected with different levels of labour cost and cause various lead times. The simulation enables to anticipate changes in labour cost due to considered company’s course of action, e.g. due to changes in quantity and/or quality of employment, due to different times of order completion. Job evaluation system is the basis to make simulation of the labour cost because it is a foundation to develop the rational structure of basic pay rates, and among many components composing the labour cost, wages and salaries are the greatest and most important part of it.
Planowanie zatrudnienia to podstawa racjonalizacji działań związanych z zarządzaniem kadrami w każdym przedsiębiorstwie. Określa ono zapotrzebowanie na pracowników w aspekcie ilościowym (ilu pracowników potrzeba), jakościowym (jakie kompetencje powinni mieć pracownicy), a także czasowym (w jakim czasie należy zapewnić potrzeby kadrowe). Uwarunkowania produkcji jednostkowej i małoseryjnej związane ze zróżnicowanym asortymentem produkcji, większą zmiennością programu produkcyjnego powodują, iż zapotrzebowanie na określoną wielkość oraz kwalifikacje pracowników zmienia się dynamicznie. Dlatego też w takich warunkach pożądane jest, by pracownicy byli elastyczni funkcjonalnie, potrafili szybko i sprawnie dostosować się do nowych zadań pracy, potrafili zastępować współpracowników na różnych stanowiskach. O uniwersalności pracownika decydują jego kompetencje, czyli wiedza, zdobyte umiejętności, postawy i zachowanie, jak np. gotowość podejmowania się nowych zadań, szybkość adaptacji na innym stanowisku, utrzymanie wysokiej wydajności pracy. Elastyczność funkcjonalna pracowników ułatwia planowanie przebiegu procesu produkcji, powoduje, że stanowiska pracy są równomiernie obciążone, praca jest bardziej rytmiczna, bez przestojów i kosztownych godzin nadliczbowych. Znaczącym parametrem oceny wykonalności programu produkcyjnego oraz spełnienia wymagań czasowych zleceń jest odpowiedni wskaźnik kompetencji załogi. Z drugiej strony jednak, im wyższy poziom kompetencji załogi, tym wyższe koszty wynagrodzeń oraz koszty pracy, a w efekcie koszty produkcji. Wyzwaniem zatem staje się poszukiwanie optymalnej wielkości i jakości zasobów ludzkich, która będzie podstawą utrzymania konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Analiza różnych wariantów ilościowo-jakościowego zatrudnienia wraz z oceną skutków czasowych oraz kosztowych poszczególnych wariantów jest możliwa przy wykorzystaniu metody symulacji. Symulacja pozwala na śledzenie zmian w kosztach pracy w zależności od przyjętych strategii działania przedsiębiorstwa, zmian w wielkości zatrudnienia, stanie kompetencji załogi, terminach wykonania zleceń itp. Podstawą przeprowadzenia symulacji kosztów pracy bezpośrednio produkcyjnej jest wdrożenie systemu wartościowania stanowisk pracy i różnicowania stawek płac. Systemy wynagrodzeń oparte na właściwie przeprowadzonym wartościowaniu pracy zapewniają przejrzystość struktury płacowej, zwiększają motywacyjną funkcję płac oraz pozwalają na przewidywanie kształtowania się kosztów pracy.
Content available remote Określanie kosztów pracy na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjnego
In present changeable environment of running the company, the planning process including especially cost planning has a special meaning. No company may allow to improvise that's way a rational system of cost planning should be developed. To offer the competitive prices the company must be able to determine precisely a products cost. For the cost planning system labour costs play an important role. They include all expenses covered by an employer and concerned with people involved in business activity. Developed Structure of the labour cost consists of different elements, such as wages and salaries, costs of insurance rates, social charges, training and personnel development costs, costs of ensuring work hygiene and safety and others. The knowledge of the labour costs is important for their rationalisation and optimisation from viewpoint of quantitative and qualitative employment Structure due to company's development strategy. The account and analysis of the labour costs provide the basis for making many managerial decisions. The study of the labour cost aims at providing the managers with the detailed data about expenses carried on labour and making appropriate decision on better and effective use of human resources. The major part of the labour costs is compensation, which consists of many components. Among them the more important is the basic pay. To be motivating and objective it should be determinant of the job content; that means job's requirements. All this is taken into account during the process of job evaluation. The basic pay is usually supported by variable payment components such as bonuses or rewards, which should be implemented to the company's remuneration system in proper way. The properly designed bonus system should be concerned with results obtained by company as a whole, next with results obtained by particular departments or teams and finally with achievements of particular employees. Rationalization of labour costs Structure aims at seeking the rational links between expenditure for labour and results of work within workplace, group of workplaces, department as well as whole organisation. To compare labour costs on particular workplaces and to forecast changes in labour costs, the knowledge about basic rates, other remuneration components and material environment is needed. This knowledge is provided by well prepared, implemented and maintained job evaluation and pay differentiation system. From viewpoint of production process planning and control it's very important to know how many and what kind of employees are required in a given period. Knowing the ąuantity and quality of needed resources we can estimate the time of order completion as well as the labour costs related to employees involved in the manufacturing processes. The problem of human resources planning is complex because human factor is the most unforeseeable. It is very difficult to foresee future human behaviour, absenteeism. Additionally, the labour law introduces many limitations related to way and time of human resources use.
In the manufacturing planning process one of the main question is how many and what kind of employees we need to complete successfully orders and jobs. The best use of human resources at the shop floor level is one of the key issues. The problem is complex especially in unit and small batch production systems, where the changes in production program and production profile are much more frequent than in large batch and mass production ones, so it needs the computer support. This paper is focused on human resources planning at operational level, which deals with day-to-day work. The paper shows how different methods of scheduling influence human resource requirements.
For the company's success the most important are employees - their competencies, skills, motivation and involvement. Personnel management is a key area in the company management. It is composed of many tasks leading to the most effective usage of humans' knowledge and skills in order to achieve company's objectives. In these activities the important role is played by the motivation system including the remuneration system based on clear, logic and fair rules. The meaning of remuneration is included in many motivation theories, especially in Maslow's human needs theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory and Adam's equity theory. For mostly employees, remuneration (or in other words: compensation, payment) is the most important element of their motivation for work. Remuneration may be determined both as a whole both as a sum of different components (including non-financial ones), which are related to different aspects of work. The design of remuneration systems in modern production enterprises requires the rational foundations for the process of basic pay rate differentiation. The basic pay is a major part of employee's compensation and that is why it essentially influences his (her) motivation and work results. To be motivating and objective the basic pay should be a determinant of all major aspects of the work, that means it should consider required knowledge and skills, responsibility level, effort put in work, material work environment etc. All those are taken into account in job evaluation process. The basic pay is usually supported by variable payment components such as bonuses or rewards, which should be implemented to the company's remuneration system in proper way. The properly designed bonus system should be concerned with results obtained by company as a whole, next with results obtained by particular departments or teams and finally with achievements of particular employees. For example if a team's results are not satisfied, the team shouldn't participate in the bonus fund sharing. The rules for individual bonus include definition of the proper bonus criteria. These criteria are related to employees rating process and should be adequate to the worker's situation. The bonus dependent on quantity of work may be used when a worker can influence on it and is usually related to productivity (work standards) degree. The bonus dependent on quality of work is designed to improve carefulness and accuracy of work as well as to minimize the amount of defective products. The bonus dependent on rational use of equipment is aimed at the optimal use of machines and plants, especially when they are very expensive. The crucial here is to use the machine's work-time in the most efficient way and to avoid failures and minimize shutdown time. This kind of bonuses may be suitable to support the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) philosophy and practice in a company. The bonus dependent on rational use may concern also the production factors such as materials, tools, energy and others. The bonus dependent on safety of work may be an element of the company's health and safety policy. It is aimed at supporting proper behaviors at work oriented to wearing of personal protection means, following the safety procedures etc. Pay decisions should be based on systematic approach, that means they should result from developed and accepted within a company rules and procedures. It makes the company's policy clear and logical. Pay differentiation based on job evaluation as well as on defined bonus criteria enables to avoid some casual and incoherent decisions and actions.
The problem of right pay for a given job has existed form many years. It is still alive and actual because the pay is the most essential element in the motivation system. The right pay for a work should take into account the most relevant requirements and hazards connected with the work, that means required knowledge and skills, responsibility, effort and work environment. The foundation of pay differentiation system is job evaluation and employees appraisal integrated together. The job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the content of jobs, in order to place them in an acceptable rank order. It provides a disciplined framework for managerial pay decision and expresses the concept of "equal pay for work of equal worth". It is important that during the job evaluation only the job is evaluated; not the person doing it. Therefore the employees appraisal system is also needed because, in turn, it enables to differentiate the pay according to personal values, as for example performance, service time for a company, professional qualifications. In unit and small batch production the product range and production program are changeable. This situation causes the required quantity and quality of staff is changeable, too. That is why in these conditions the flexible workers who are able to do different jobs, to cope with different tasks due to current company's program are demanded. For that reason the aim of modern enterprises is to have high-qualified and flexible workers. It is advantageous for the company because the more skilled staff the easier to introduce changes in products, machines, manufacturing techniques and in consequence the better satisfaction of a clients needs. It is also advantageous for a manual, because the multi-skilled worker is more useful for the company and more competitive on the labour market. Than, the company should motivate workers toward up-to-dating their knowledge and enlarging their skills, The way of solution the problem is to develop the pay differentiation system so that the individual basic rate is dependent on the worker's multi-occupational level. To this effect the process of pay differentiation involves the following stages: - job evaluation for developing the hierarchical relation-ships of one jobs to another in order to differentiate basic pay in relation to job content (this is called here as the vertical pay differentiation), - employee appraisal for assessing multi-occupational level of a worker in order to assign him/her the appropriate personal category and next, the sailable basic rate (this is the horizontal pay differentiation), - determination of the rules for compensating by the basic rate considering both job category and personal category. Properly developed rules in the pay differentiation system are very helpful in the personnel management area because having them the company is able to plan and control of the labour costs. It may define and forecast the effects of different pay strategies. The useful tool for that is model ling and simulation, which makes possible to follow how the labour cost would change due to changes in quantity and quality of staff.
In modern company's management a main role is played by employees. Their knowledge, skills, behavior are determinant of the company's success. The result of human resources management are reflected by labour costs. The labour cost is one of the most important element in the system of production costs determination therefore it should be an object of studies and rationalization in the company. In the work there has been described the model of determining the labour costs in unit and small batch production conditions. To illustrate the problem there has been shown a brief analytical sample for the simulation of wage costs relatively to multi-occupational level of directly productive workers.
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